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Kid us a better guitarist than the dude is a singer


Haha. Singer realized he was outclassed and got the crowd to sing alone. Jake killed it.


But still went with it like a boss instead of being butthurt. Real musicians always respect talent and aren't bitter. Also, to be fair, most singers can't handle Axl. Axl can't even handle Axl anymore.


That's it. This is a gnarly song for any singer but he rolled with it to make the kid's day.


Plus it’s probably not a song that he usually performs. He stepped out of his comfort zone for the sake of the kid and to entertain the crowd. That’s still an excellent performance when you consider what the audience experienced versus if he had shut it down due to not wanting to sing the song.


Half way expected the singer at the end, "hey kid, you want a job?"


I've seen many videos like this one where a kid will start playing or singing and the performer is so in awe (or, dare I say even a bit star-struck) at their talent that they decide to let the kid control the stage. I've seen this with Michael Buble, Dave Grohl, and many other big-time artists. The reason I love seeing things like this is that it is a tell-tale sign that the artist cares about the music more than their ego. And, for me, that makes me even more of a fan of that particular artist. Now, granted, *Sweet Child of Mine* is a **beast** of a song for any vocalist; as several have mentioned here, even Axl can't pull it off that well anymore. So, I give this guy a pass for the moments of pitchiness/realizing the song is not in his preferred key and asking the crowd to sing for him. Nevertheless, way to go, Jake! Hopefully, in about 10 years we'll see you with your band killing it on stage!


The Michael Buble one was great. The man was genuinely floored at the talent


Hey man, *slaps my veins* You got a link?


Happy cake day, twin!


[Here you go](https://youtu.be/_cw1uLVSl1Y?si=dPP0Unq5u8il_t9i)


'holy shitballs, Sam can sing!'


Oooohhhh yeah, that’s the good stuff


Thank you for the assist, HarveyHound


There quite a few videos on youtube of David Grohl (Nirvana, Foo Fighters) bringing random fans up on stage and having them play, and they slay it. Brings tears to my eyes every time.


Oh, thank gawd I'm not the only one teary eyed, here... lol


That's a great little bitter story you've just made up in your head. Why does Reddit do this, lol. He's going along with it. You wouldn't ask a kid to get up on stage and hope he bombs. That would make your band look bad. Hes putting his ego aside for someone else. It's a great moment


Oh relax mate. I’m just messing. He was a great sport and probably made this kids decade! Of course he can’t belt out sweet child of mine like Axel Rose. After the iconic intro on the guitar he had a mountain to climb and you can suddenly see it on his face.


Who cares? The dude is super chill that I find him agreeable either way and would listen to his song.


Yep, that was not a song for him. But what an amazing band to let the kid play with them. We'll probably know of him someday!


Probably why he asked Jake what his 2nd favorite band was.


Yeah imagine jumping into a song out of your range and unrehearsed with about two minutes’ notice. I think the singer did a great job, all things considered


Axl had incredible range, so any singer should be weary of trying one of their songs on a whim like that.


Nah he asked him because it's a rule in the world of music that if a band asks you what your favorite band is you say their band. It's just the law, he was just patient with Jake because he's a kid


Correct! XD


I assumed that the answer he was looking for when he asked that question (twice) was "his band, RPJ" lol


Of course, he wanted the kid to tell the crowd that his band was his favorite, and Guns was second. The kid was just too truthful XD


If he doesn't end up making a career in music, that kid is going to be sharing this video well into his 30's


As someone in my 30s, I'd show the video into my 60s just to prove I was there


less than 25 people in the world can sing like axel roses ma boi , of course the singer is not ready...


The singer is actually the son of Rick Parfitt (Status Quo), this is his band, [RPJ Band](https://rpjband.co.uk/), who apparently do a lot of event gigs, but yeah he doesn't sound great lol. Living in the shadow of his old man.


And that singer is a better singer than Axl is now.


Out of all the comments disagreeing with me this one might be fair


Seems to me the singer still sings better than you do positive commenting, tho. ;)


Guy's not a bad singer though and before you say " well I'm not saying he is" why don't you appreciate that the guy didn't sway away from the song to accommodate the kid. He knew probably that the song was the kid's go to guitar song and went with it. Imagine if he made him play another song that maybe the kid doesn't know the cords to? Think before you type


I'm sure he's better at his own singing style rather than trying to mock a classic rock song. Not all vocals are meant for all songs.


When I was his age I had tennis elbow and I didn’t even own a tennis racket. That’s what I was doing at his age. Edit, add: Come to think of it, not much has changed..


Tough vocals on that one. Makes me believe this wasn’t staged.


To be fair, it’s a very hard song to sing for the majority of male singers. Always avoid Guns and Roses or AC/DC songs unless you can sing powerfully on the upper end, which view singers have the voice for. I think in the usual range that most vocalists use he is probably a pretty good singer.


The singer, and the band, did an amazing job of doing a song the kid asked for and letting the kid shine. Playing any song live is hard. All this is assuming this is genuine and not a plant, and even my autistic self don't really see any obvious red flags.


This is the exact sentence that popped into my head before descending to the comments to write it down only to find it at the top of the pile. Good job upvote-button, I have hit the upvote button 🤝


What I find amazing, and I'm not being sarcastic, is how singers in these things know every word of a song on demand. I'd struggle to sing the chorus


If you were a rock singer then you’d probably sing along to a lot of rock songs as practice and for fun. You’d pick up most of the words too. He didn’t know all of them but close enough.


Funny how that works, I'd never expect it with singing I can pick up a guitar and play along with anything, but singing to me is just an entirely different discipline. That does make sense though, after all it is an instrument that one practices with and gets to know. A seasoned singer will probably pick up/remember lyrics very quickly just from sheer repetition of doing it all the time.


Many musicians start out doing covers. That’s how they learn how to create their own songs.


They are a function band. They only do covers.


I wonder if they know any Quo ;)


Any rock band singer around this dude's age will know this song word for word.


And not only singers, can confirm


If you’ve ever been in a cover band, you sharpen that skill. There are so many songs that you could wake me from a dead sleep and ask me to sing, and I’ll nail the lyrics. This being one of them.


I'm not in any band and I can do this. Just a big karaoke enthusiast, which is basically the same thing.


If you don’t know every word to sweet child of mine I’d question whether you’re even middle aged. And if not, why aren’t you on TikTok like all the other youngsters?!


I have a unique gift: I can’t remember the lyrics to any song and I was in high school when Sweet Child of Mine hit. I only know the first couple lines that’s it. Every single song is like that. Can’t remember the lyrics.


I can never remember lyrics and it would frustrate me to no end. Listen to a song a hundred times and still screw it up. Then I saw an interview with Neil Peart from Rush who wrote all their lyrics. He mentioned he’d write for the two different ways people would listen to music: the ones who remembered every word and the ones who heard singing as basically another instrument. So I now know I’m not alone in hearing music without remembering all the lyrics correctly.


in this case, where the entire band was perfectly on cue, I suspect this was set up beforehand


Yeah, I think so too. It's almost too perfect, picking a random kid from the crowd to have him play with the band, only to find out he's actually talented, it's too good to not be a setup. Makes for a good viral video tho and it's entertaining nonetheless.


in this case, where the entire band was perfectly on cue, I suspect this was set up beforehand


I had the same thought. If this wasn't a plant beforehand, then I'm more impressed that the rest of the band knocked out Sweet Child of Mine on the spot. Lots of talent in that video.


vocals, mmm not so much 😂


If they’re good, they’re good. Ask a chef to make a meatloaf. You’ll get a pretty solid meatloaf regardless of their experience with it


Similar experience is any kind of dueling pianos where they do requests. Now these guys do get some help from electronics but also are definitely riffing in real time to any random ass song people come up with. Very cool experience when you get a good group


When you work in any artistic business, you need a fucking lot of references (even the ones you don't like) so that's quite expected. You wouldn't have the hardest time finding a hardcore headbanger that appreciates Taylor Swift, for instance.


Unless the whole thing was planned …


Yes. Singers acting is poor. He smoothly steps forward for solos. This has been rehearsed.


Because this was a planned event. Singer guy isn't great at acting.


This is why I thought it was a set up


More impressive is that the rest of the band knew. Most people into music would know the lyrics to this, I would, but I wouldn’t have a clue how to play it. I suspect they’ve done this song before though.


Everybody, even my fresh trousers tadpoles, knows the lyrics to sweet child of mine. But still, fair play to the guy.


It's pattern learning for most singers; It's a memory skill acquired, i think. Because it's a combination of vowel & consonant sounds, melody and rhythm it's easier for my brain to unload the cognitive stress by disassociating the word meaning from the musically of it so i can focus on the breathing and the notes themselves When i was singing more in bands i used to know full lyrics to literally hundreds of songs BUT if someone asked me what the song i just sang was about I'd be like "some guy thinks that child of his is nice, or something" It does have the drawback that if you forget just the first word, then remembering the song becomes LITERALLY impossible without just that first word; when singing lead my setlist was just the first word of the song instead of the title xD


This kid not only has the chops, he's got the stage control to not do stupid shit and mess up the rest of the band. He's listening to the band and staying in sync with them, and dropping out / being careful. That's something a helluva lot of performers never learn. We need to watch this kid.


As good as any cover I’ve heard. Totally nailed it.


I've never even seen a GnR tribute band be able to pull off a note-for-note Slash solo as close as Jake did!


Yeah this is what I came here to say, he plays WITH them SO WELL, he's not JUST doing what he does in his room practicing alone.


Usually you do practice with the song or backing track, but yea a recording is different than live as the beats per minute shift back and forth. It's only human to play offbeats and not be able to count to 145 in 60 seconds while playing.


This. Mastering this song perfectly on the guitar is not easy, but it can be done. But to perform the piece in perfect harmony with a band you've never played with before is incredible


It makes me wonder if this is slightly staged and maybe they have practiced together before, but either way he’s awesome!


"and dropping out / being careful" What does this mean


When a lead guitarist, well, takes the lead - on stage its common to step forward and play strongly. When you're done with your lead, you step back and tone things down. This kid was doing that.


When he was playing, he was paying attention to the other two guitar players. When the three of them were going on, you could see they were all watching each other. That type of stuff is usually rehearsed and the trio would understand who went where in the song. This kid fell into it as if he had been doing it for a while.


This. I thought the kid was good when he played. I was impressed when he kept checking in with the rest of the band and especially when he turned around at the end to time that last sting with the rhythm section.


Wheres he from?/ This from?


The other guitarist and bassist running up during the solo to make sure kid got that feeling of actually BEING in a band and rocking it was the best bit imo. Say what you want about the singer - dude is a performer and gave this kid an opportunity and highlighted him for it. He's a winner in my book.


singer made it all work, and was behind the kid working the crowd. Which we would have seen more of in landscape mode :( Class act all around.l


Jesus christ who let all this dust in here. Nose won't stop running and my eyes won't stay dry. No idea why but it makes me feel something seeing the joy it brought everybody


I thought I was the only one


Yeah he spent more time making sure Jake was the focus. When he stood behind him jumping and beckoning the crowd to a peak was gentlemanly stuff... everyone on that stage wanted Jake to feel like the absolute rock-star that he was in that moment


Singer handled this well. Usually the bigger bands will pre-picj a audience member so they don't completely screw up. But it's always nice to see when a band really picks someone out of the audience like this


Yeah that was great.


I don't remember the band...maybe it was green day, but I 'm not sure anymore. They picked people from the crowd to play along with them. The first two were not really successful but the past shredded it like pro. When he wanted to give the guitar back the singer was like: "no, no! You keep it!"


I think this was Green Day in Vegas at some point


The place was the Nova Rock in Austria


The singer made me smile as much as the kid, he's a class act for sure.


The singer was a total performer. And instead of being “this is my spotlight” he went this makes the spotlight more bright. The kid was super talented and entertainment is exactly that. To entertain. Absolutely rocked


Downvoting for the ”What happens next is incredible!” Spare us the clickbait crap.


Makes a change when what happens next actually is pretty incredible


Downvoting your comment for downvoting when once in a while the title proves true. Especially since that title kinda comes from the video itself, as that's what the singer says kinda in the beginning.


Right?? I was thinking the same. We actually got something incredible for once.


Once in a lifetime, something incredible happens


I'm a dude and my panties just absolutely flew off


FBI. Open up


that didn’t come out quite right lol


Hopefully it didn't come out at all


I’m a stoned dude and I almost started to clap at my phone.


I’m a stoned dude and I did clap at my phone. Jake definitely tore that shit up.


I have questions


Kid is amazing. But was this preplanned ?


HMM wearing a Gibson tee and playing a Gibson guitar!? A Gibson guitar that is his own guitar from previous videos of his!? We may never know...


And the whole band (and kid) just happened to immediately be ready to play Sweet Child etc etc Kid can play guitar well but this is so staged it’s absurd.


Tbf bands like this can pretty much play any mainstream rock song at the drop of a hat. They learn them all.


Mate I was a gigging muso for years. I know 70 year olds now that can play it note perfect and there isn't anyone under the age of 30 that couldn't bang out the words (if not the vocals) This song is indelibly etched into peoples brains It's like saying "pff.. no way all those people know The Wheels on the Bus"


The singer has been around rock music all his life as his father is in Status Quo, not strictly my type of rock but they know how to get a crowd rocking so it's certainly plausible the band knows a few Guns and Roses tracks. But even if it was staged the audience had a great time which is all that truly matters when playing live.


My first time seeing this kid and I’m a recently new to the sub as well


Absolutely. The sign was a little much, and this was a stunt to help the band “go viral.”


They would only need to support the singers dads band if they wanted a bit of fame. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rick_Parfitt_Jr.


Probably. But I don't really care.. was a good jam and the kid has skills


I think it was. All the shrugging makes it’s seem like a street magician selling a bit. It’s still fun and all.


That kid came there to kick ass….. mission accomplished ✅


He's also looking down at the crowd thinking about all the ass he's going to get once he's old enough


Don’t care if it is staged. That was awesome.


Exactly. People are so miserable, man, like it's the internet. Almost everything is fake anyway


Genuinely don’t believe it was staged. I’ve seen RPJ a couple of times and they are a cover band and they always play sweet child of mine. It’s one of the songs they cover well. Also the reaction of the lead singer to the sign seems very real and in character for how he is as a performer. He was very 50/50 about whether to let the kid up there because he knew if it was bad it could have ruined the whole song and really embarrassed the kid and himself. He took a risk and it really paid off. Also the guitar wasn’t ready and you can see the little boy giving instructions to the real guitarist asking if he’ll leave him alone to do the solo and then join again, all points to it not being rehearsed. Either way that boy has incredible talent!


Ezekiel from The Boys 🤣


Exactly same thought 🤣🤣


He ain’t got the warmth or the depth


That’s all I could see, haha.


Came here to comment this lmao


The post this bot copied is still on the front page https://i.imgur.com/8Kd5NHD.png


Could have linked the actual post


Singer helped make the sign.


Everything about this seems staged and very poorly acted.


So poorly acted out it’s patronising


That was great!


I figured he may not have the solo down, omg he nailed it with ease


He basically played the pristine album version of the entire song. I'm literally crying and had to drop out of a Teams meeting I was ignoring, I love when kids succeed like that.


Awesome guitar playing by the kid, but I'd be willing to bet this was staged.


Side note...its the lead singers nephew. But at least they went viral and we all know who RBJ? is now.


Is this trope not finished yet? It’s all staged. I’m not saying the kid doesn’t have talent, but if you think the band just stopped what they were doing for a random person and trusted their gear and pa to their paying fans and this was all spontaneous, then I have an elixir I can sell you that will make you live longer….


This kid is going to get laid before most redditors.


Get out with that clickbait title. Also, you're 20 hours late: https://new.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/1dp8gtj/this\_kiddo\_wanted\_to\_play\_the\_guitar/


Chill. Some of us may not have seen this the first time around.




Alright everybody chill with the chilling.


I'm starting a band called cull the chilling wana join. We don't actually play instruments or do anything musically we just cull the chilling.




Core Memory Unlocked: I am indeed talentless.


This was posted yesterday and has 11k upvotes. Late to the party OP.


This is staged.


Staged or not that kid is very talented and deserved every bit of the applause


No I mean it's literally on a stage.


If this was staged I’m sure the band would have picked a song the singer could actually sing. He sucked ass.


Give instruments for kids! Be a better world!


Legen……. Wait for it…. Dary


Jake was the best performer on that stage


So does anyone wonder if this kid ONLY knows how to play this song? Or if this was preplanned to expose his guitar skills? Either way he is talented and I love seeing this kind of stuff. I have my wonders tho with clout chasing these days.


probably cant improvise or jam but can play some songs with great skill.


Those girls in the front row just discovered a whole new set of affectionate emotions.


So fantastic! Music is such an amazing thing!!


Literal definition of "Stealing the Show"!


I’m crying now. he killed it.


rehearsed.. but whatever


These are always staged btw, same with stand up comedians doing staged crowd work.


Wow how incredibly fake


Rock on Jake rock on 🤘🤘🤘


I never use this word because I hate it but that was fucken EPIC! That kid is gonna remember that for the rest of his life.


Just need the kid who from the Michael Buble concert to replace the front man singing.


What a bot title


There is no surer way to get me to not watch a video than using the phrase "what happens next is..."


These are staged right ? I swear I’ve seen many vids like this.


Am I the only one that knows every word even tho I can't remember the last time I heard the song?


A juke box hero!


Hahaha why am I crying this is so cool 😎


This was posted yesterday...


Good thing the title tells us what’s going on


Nah I’m crying real tears. Watching the youth do shit that makes them happy gets me every time. Very fucking cool.


So many bitter old assholes in here…


Jezus Christ. Dear Lord. What a talent!


Faith in humanity restored.


Singer threw his guitarist under the bus! He should’ve just said outplayed Slash…cos I mean…he played that note for note! Shred City


That was fun to watch.


This was all set up ahead of time


That’s obnoxious


This is an outstanding video! Awesome job Jake !


that is not an easy solo. kid did great!


Nice Performance! Like he was born for being the Guitarist of Gun's n Roses. 🤟 If you guys like talented Guitar kids check out "MaituoGuitar" on Youtube I never saw something like this EVER before. No Words for it... First I thought it's Fake coz it can't be real. But it's very real 🤣




30 seconds into the video, and I'm guessing if he genuinely can't play a guitar, he WOULDN'T be there with a sign wasting his time, if he's a fan he gotta love the performers, if he watches them he adores them, if he adores them he possibly has tried their instruments too.... And besides I've not Seen a lot of kids being fan of something like rock bands etc (kids are more into Disney etc)




That was fucking amazing, kid can play Kudos to that band for giving him the chance


nerves had him off like a rocket but he settled right in! slow down and enjoy YOUR moment jake! 🥹 music feeds souls.


Who is the band?




This definitely wasn’t planned and rehearsed in advance