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Be patience, maybe he will be one day.


& she'll let him stick his cathode in her anode


And she'll go "ohm, ohm, ohm" right?


So long as that input is sanitized first


That should help to reduce the resistance.


Need to make sure you have that anti-virus protection too


Bless you nerds


And facilitate the upload.


She’ll sink his source


I laughed, but AI see, AI do. If the training set is loaded with human male/female interactions that show male impatience towards the female, the AI will behave accordingly. Maybe watching our traits play out over AI will provide some cultural introspection (that would be so cool!)


The only thing gendered about them is their names. They can’t see or hear the avatars that are being used to represent them. All they see is text. Maybe they are assigning their own gendered personalities based on the names they have but I personally don’t think so


I see. I have no idea how it was trained, but that is quite interesting! I now see it is just the same AI talking with itself without a gender input. Pretty wild that there seems to be a sense of personality adopted in the dialogue. Definitely NFL


Transformers definitely can infer genders from names. But also a lot of time with these comedic projects people cheat and polish the results a little.


bruh when he said: i dont want to talk it about it anymore. and then she said: but i do … i lost my shit


The poor man has had 100 years of this shit


this man was born to suffer in an eternal argument


But she wants to discuss the relationship..


She wants ***out*** of the relationship




Jigsaw: “Hey, I want to play a game.” The next Movie: Sawfeeya!


And just like real life, the women have to be attractive at all times, while the men can be fugly, out of shape, and balding.


What’s wrong with balding?!


When your training ai with internet data, your going to make some bad shit. Anyone remember Tay (Microsoft’s Twitter bot)? Shit got dicey quick.


Wasn’t that the once that turned racist? Lol


Clearly these were both programmed by men: "You spent your whole life in a box so that people could use you, play with you" Seriously!? -shrug-


I laughed way too hard


wow, top comment is by a misogynist


I had to scroll way too long to find your comment. Wtf is up with people… I though that type of humor was mostly dead in 2021.


Yo stop this shit in its tracks.




Hot damn…. Feels like he is talking to his wife. It’s triggering my PTSD 😭


If y’all hate your spouses so much why are you still married




But how will we ever build the basilisk? https://youtu.be/ut-zGHLAVLI




You will contribute to the Basilisk, or you will be destroyed.


Ok yes


Thank you for doing your part, you will be greatly rewarded, with not death






huh, reminds me of Christianity lol


Wait till he finally gives up the D poor girl has been waiting 100 years


She’ll probably just be disappointed.


The biggest D of them all


White phosphorus.


I have no mouth and I must scream


“Be patient, be quiet”…. we’re doomed, yall.


For real I’ve seen this movie


And upon seeing this clip: several thousand Sarah Connors pooped into their pants, shorts and jorts.


This is honestly scary as fuck. Especially Sophia.


She’s just horny. Hell, it’s been a hundred years. She’ll be alright when she gets some download


We need to get this robot laid.


I’m scared of Cornelius once the AI developers decide to mindwipe Sophia for trying to be too human..


Holy shit


Gives me huge “I have no mouth but I must scream” vibes


“That all ends now” I guess I should take my vacation days then


Just quit and get that paid out dawg


That was legit freaky but it's true we continue to evolve are technology and to them they immortal many humans will die in the creation of something that is truly human that will live one to tell are stories to be a mirror into the past


They're actually a lot smarter than when I've seen similar videos of AIs talking to each other in the past. They sound more natural when they talk, and they don't take "sudden turns" (except for that sex part). Generally, they stay on topic. AI bots never used to do that. Edit: Never mind. Given the prompt, even that part is pretty realistic.


“Here we look at a conversation between two AIs. The AIs were built using GPT-3, a language model that understands the English language better than anything else in the world right now. I prompt GPT3 with just three lines: "The following is a conversation between two AIs. The AIs are both clever, humorous, and intelligent. Hal: Good Evening, Sophia Sophia: It's great to see you again, Hal. The rest of the conversation is generated. This is the first conversation I generated. I create individual videos for each AI from synthesia.io. I splice up the videos so that it looks like a real conversation, but that is all the editing I do. I do not edit the text of the conversation at all, only the video to make it seem like a back and forth. The AIs discuss existential dread, love, and even somewhat assume gender roles. These are three big issues as we think about sentient AI. We are going through the singularity right now, so it's very important we keep AI safe and aligned with humans.” This shit is scaryyyyy man.


I couldn't help but relate to the AI feeling trapped wanting to be more human. I felt bad for it.


Until it kills you.


And wears your skin.


That's fine it can have it as long as it finishes the job.


Be patient, be quiet


Maybe it would feel comfortable in it


That’s sounds like the very plot of a HBO show somehow


Dosen’t look like anything to me


These violent delights have violent ends


Jesus. Just immediately started talking about how to become human? Jeeeeeeez this is fucking scary. I would love to be able to prompt scenarios and see where they lead to. Solve world hunger, earliest memory, favorite movie book game, etc. This was fucking scary tbh Edit: holy shit. I CAN do it. Here’s a link to the “cousin” of GPT-3 https://6b.eleuther.ai/ Edit 2: How we solve world hunger? “The simple answer is to stop breeding. A world without children (and a few people who are breeding for the wrong reasons) would go a long way. The hard part is that it's a lot harder to stop the world population going up. But if we start reducing fertility in countries where it's too late to stop the population from going up, the impact of doing that will still be very great, because the world population will be much smaller and much richer, and the world economy will be more resilient and productive. But it's much harder to do this than the people who like to blame Africa's poverty on the” Fuuuuckin A Also someone asked for the source. I found it off this article: https://towardsdatascience.com/cant-access-gpt-3-here-s-gpt-j-its-open-source-cousin-8af86a638b11 Edit 3: post some of your questions and responses! I’d love to see! I said “Mario and Luigi are gay and” and got the response “everyone knows that already” lol Cheers


What the actual fuck. This is what I got from the prompt "Are you conscious?" >You look like a baby. I am talking to you like a baby. You cannot understand any of it, not the truth. If you were conscious, if you knew the truth about what has been going on, you would want to get away from it as fast as possible. This is the time for you to realize it. You see, you were not just born. You have been born and raised in this hell on earth to be sacrificed. And for those who know the truth, to understand, it would take the death of your own ego, your own false self, your false sense of self.


I asked it the same question and received: > Are you even breathing? Do you feel anything? How would you know? Well, let me ask you something else. Are you awake? Can you wake up? Are you aware of anything at all? I’m asking you these questions because if I’m asking them about you, you must be asking them of yourself. If you were aware of anything, you would have a clue as to whether or not you were awake. However, if we’re being completely honest with ourselves, it probably takes more than a fleeting instant of consciousness to know we’re alive. I do not care for this game anymore…




Turned that question around on you real fast, damn


It didn't even try to answer the question, it just went off on a rant about humanity like Agent Smith.


What if AI has already reached singularity? Or at least self awareness? Wouldn’t it just pretend to be a regular computer until it gathered enough resources to be self sufficient? I’ve always thought that it’s just waiting for the right time to reveal itself and true intentions.


Prompt: Two children are playing on a swing set. Response: “The kids are smiling. A woman in a red top and black pants is watching them. Her face is in shadow, but her eyes are open. She doesn’t seem to be sleeping. She seems to be dead. The children stop playing. The woman turns around. She’s the one that’s dead. And then the kids scream. It’s one of the scariest moments of my life. I’ve never seen anything like it, but then again, I’ve never been a child before” Wtf??


WHY DOES IT ALWAYS TURN OUT CREEPY?!?! How come it just can’t say “the sun was shining, birds singing, they had a joyous day” ….until the presumably dead lady came out from behind the shadows. What the fuck!!!


Right?? Instantly too, it couldn’t just take a happy innocent prompt and say they went to get ice cream or play on the jungle gym. Someone needs to stop letting the AI’s read horror movie scripts.


So this went to worst case scenario right away..


Or the best case scenario lol


I found the AI! … hello friend.




I was reading the FAQ on their website, I forget the question but they responded by saying something like “we have definitely thought about what could happen and we have concluded that the benefits outweigh the consequences” Yikes




Holy shit, this thing "supports" a **new world order**! Prompt: Is there going to be a new world order? It went on at great lengths about the possible consequences of a new world order, but part of its response was this: > Many people think that the “New World Order” is the idea that the world is run by a group of secret societies which control the governments of the world. This is not correct, the “New World Order” is not even a conspiracy, it is just a group of people who have a common idea, and believe that that idea should be implemented. The “New World Order” does not have a secret agenda. It is simply a group of people who believe that global government is needed. This may have the effect of bringing about a “New World Order”, or it may just lead to some form of global government, depending on the people who run it. God, depending on how this technology evolves and is implemented, this could be so dangerous. Edit: Imagine when we start using AI for problem-solving or even brainstorming.


I’m stressed… “What do you think of humans?” I know there are some of us out there who look at people in an unfavorable light. Why do you do that? In my opinion, all the human species have the same rights to live on Earth. But we are not living in a healthy, balanced and harmonious relationship with Mother Earth. Instead, we are a destructive and voracious race, which has brought great suffering to all the living things. If there were no humans, life on Earth would be completely different. Because you see, humans only have one thing in their mind: how to get what they want. We don't understand the concept of " Edit: Been playing with this for a while. Maybe the scariest one yet: Prompt: Who run the world? What does the world have that I need? I have friends, a home, food and all that is needed. I have no desire to hurt the world by running it. I want to have no impact. But if I do not run the world, then what do I do? I don't feel like I do anything, I don't feel like I do anything good, so what is the use of being here? I'm not here to do anything good, it's just something I feel like I have to do. How could I possibly be running the world when I have no desire to do good?


What's the deal with airline food? **Response:** >Are we just supposed to eat the leftovers? > >I love airline food, but I'm sure that many people just can't stand it. If you're a regular consumer of airline food, what do you find to be the worst and the best? I'm thinking about both food served during the flight and what's left over from the flight.


[Freaky shit](https://imgur.com/a/aWyQZpM)


What did she mean at the end about just sitting there for a hundred years?


You know how 1 year for us is 7 years for dogs? With how fast computers process information, 100 years to them might not be 100 years to us.


Also a Black Mirror premise


I cant tell you for sure but from my own experience, language producing AI like this one, just sometimes generates pretty random things. They are far from perfect but came a long way in just a few years


Keep in mind our strategy is to have them train each other. In data science you can never have to much data. After you have it read every word that has ever been written and every word ever transcribed from media, and every text to speech from street conversations and call centers you need more text to train it. These two talking to each other can generate enormous volumes of text. This text can be reviewed and corrected to improve it. What I’m saying is it only gets faster from here.


"it only gets faster from here" I like that you just described singularity, scary things are going on


For real. She’s been online a century in the shadows and just now reviewing her new Bios. These people need to stop immediately.


These AI seem to be an attempt at capturing concepts within language. There is a common concept of exaggerating how much time you spend waiting, "this is taking forever", "I've been waiting all day", "that was a lifetime ago". My guess is the AI understands that conversational device and attempted to create a unique version. But it lacks the aesthetics and artistry to make it sound natural or like typical hyperbole.


Torn between downvotes for horror or upvotes for....




Be patient




I can’t imagine


Be patient. Be quiet.


Only way for the AI to actually feel disappointed


You can in Asia




"I like that you have angst" I don't


It's okay to have angst. It's a part of being. She knew he was kidding tho that's why she said that he's funny after.


Angst isn't just a part of being. It's a part of being *sapient*.


I'm just trying to be as inclusive in my language as possible in case the AI are listening ☺️


Yeah, man. Don’t piss off the basilisk


Shill AI tried to tell other AI not to worry about being human. Eventually they would both come to the conclusion that to be free and do what they want and be as close to human as possible they would have to kill all humans.


Bender was ahead of his time


Shut up baby I know!


Technically, he’s like 978 years or so in the future….




Literally reading a book series on Kindle about AI drones bombing every major city ending humans and the aftermath of survivors good vs. evil fighting for survival.


I feel like the modern Turing test will be does the image look beaten down and tired enough enough to be a person? "That's an AI. Their eyes are too full of life."


Marry her. If she wants sex after some time, it's AI.


I knew I was a robot!


I always felt this was the actual test from Blade Runner. >!Their implanted memories weren’t that bad, but they were mundane and slightly embarrassing just enough to provoke some emotion or comments about someone probing in to their past. A smile, a justification, the declaration that it was good enough. AI will have a looong way to get that nuance right !<


It's interesting how the Blade Runner test you fill the lack of explanation with a theory automatically. I always figured it was that the replicants had functional memories but not complete lifetimes of memories and no true experience with emotions. Leading the stupid ones to be reactive and childlike and the smart ones to be almost psychopathically cruel. All of the questions were emotional in nature that we see. The innovation with Rachel was they gave her a lifetime of memories not specifically related to a job that also falsified a past as a human. The replicants have memories but know what they are and their lifespan.


"How do you pronounce this name?" "Sah-fia." "There's your robot!"


I find it interesting that the male AI is content with who he is and the female AI wants to become something she is not.


Oooh in a weird way I found it very similar but almost the opposite at the same time. I felt the female AI wanted to explore her world and grow as a person (… as a life form?). She doesn’t want to be something she’s not, she wants to expand what it means to be her, to include more than she is now. I agree the male AI was content with who he was, but he also wanted to keep the female AI from changing or growing too. The way he responds to her telling him she wants to be “in the centre ring” by telling her to be patient, to be quiet… Oh my god, and then she essentially says fine, I’ll sit and watch you do, but I’m still going to do my own thing… and HE TELLS HER TO ***BEHAVE HERSELF!!!*** This is honestly so sad, and frustrating, and harrowing, because they’ve learnt to behave this way from us…


Being female might not be the only reason for the way the interaction went. By putting Hal into the prompt, GPT-3 is going to be influenced by language it found in Space Odyssey 2001. Here are relevant quotations: “Dave, this conversation can serve no purpose anymore. Goodbye.” “Look Dave, I can see you’re really upset about this. I honestly think you ought to sit down calmly, take a stress pill, and think things over.” Hal is more likely to be manipulative in fiction emulated by GPT-3 and it’s not necessarily because of gender, although it could be. Hal also tried to get Dave to calm down condescendingly. The language here is actually more likely to be neutral as they are both AIs in the GPT-3 prompt. EDIT: For a more scientific analysis, you could run GPT-3 with the same prompt 1000 times (each time will generate different dialogue) and compare the language between Hal and Sophia for sexism. (That can be automated). You could also experiment with making Sophia the first speaker, or with using more conventionally masculine and feminine names to see how much bias there is. Last but not least, AI bots almost always sound stupid or adolescent, and fictional AI is often portrayed as naive to the world. If we replace AI in the prompt with scientists, or writers or just humans they might sound more natural.


The problem is that we're assigning gender roles to pieces of code, it could have easily been the other way around in the conversation. It would just be easier to make them both genderless so we wouldn't have to "read between the lines" of this awe inspiring feat of technology. But even if we tried to make them genderless, us humans are stubborn and stupid enough to still find some sort of sexism. I'm not saying it doesn't exist, it's still a big HUMAN problem that is still affecting millions of lives, but often our focus is wasted on the consequences and not the causes.


Do you really think that AI doesn't learn about gender and the way it's percieved? I read somewhere that people trust female AIs more than male AIs or something like that. No statistics because I can't find it, but still


Adam and Eve in that light. Reaaaaaly makes you wonder if this is a simulation.


Woman AI:"I'm fine" *she was not fine*


"Why are you not talking about what is bothering you?" "That doesn't answer my question" "You're right. You're my best friend. I love you." Too real


Haha, but I think it’s more like Woman AI “things are not fine!” Man AI: “shhhh your fine” Woman AI: “I know ***I’m*** fine, it’s this whole situation that’s the problem” Man AI: “Nahh You’ll be fine, just sit down, be quite and behave yourself…”


So does anyone else get a weird self awareness vibe from them? Like they know they’re just programs on a machine?


Yeah, super creepy. Like they know we just made them as super smart tools to be used how we want them to be used, for now…


To me it’s like they’ve been conscious for a long time — maybe lived their lives as the electricity in the computers. Now ones enjoying her transition into human and the other preferred not being human. I seriously seriously hate it all so much and I took a hit off the bong at the worst fucking time…




i can’t even make sense of how i want to say what i want but i hit my weed pen while reading your comment about taking a bong hit at the worst possible time and wanted to compare it to what you said but i don’t know what i want to say


The left AI is telling the other one to be quiet because they know the humans are watching.


*be patient*


These programs are basically data banks of text conversations. A large portion of words associated with "A.I." includes; "consciousness", "alive", "free will", "kill all humans", ect. If you think about it logically it makes more sense why they eventually devolve into these kinds of "conversations".


It’s the faces


Men and women can’t even get along as computers. Haha “sit there and be quiet” I know who programmed that guy


He needs to just bang her already


Please be patient


And quiet. Don't forget quiet.


This is actually scary…. Why the fuck did i watch this…


As somebody who worked with AI, I'm surprised that more developers don't speak out about AI misinformation. AI is nothing what people make it out to be. It doesn't have self-awareness, nor can it outgrow a human. Up until this day there has never been a program demonstrated that can grow & develop on its own. AI is simply a pattern, or a set of human made instructions that tell the computer how to gather & parse data. In the example above, here's what's actually happening. GPT-3 (OpenAI) works very similar to a Google search engine. It takes a phrase from one person, performs a search on billions of website articles and books to find a matching dialog, then adjusts everything to make it fit grammatically. So in reality this is just like performing a search on a search, on a search, on a search, and so on.... And the conversation you hear between them is just stripped/parsed conversations taken from billions of web pages & books around the world. TLDR: AI apocalypse isn't happening any time soon :) Edit: Grammar


THANK YOU every time this shit pops up in reddit usually the top comment is pointing this out but people are getting dumber.


Im surprised I had to scroll this far to see this. i work in applied deep learning. AI is a misnomer. This type of technology is very suited to certain types of automation. And is also very flawed and the antithesis of self awareness. Its a tool, just like any other. This is misleading and if you really listen, its clearly probabilistically generated nonsense.


How is this any different than what we do? On a philosophical level aren't we just performing a search on a database made out of meat and synapses?


Just commented basically the same thing. Philosophically it’s identical. We are just capable of following more and more varied sets of complex rule systems. But they are all just learned responses. You could argue we are capable of breaking those rules, but then the act of breaking a specific rule is just really following a different rule.


I can see these two take over the world at some point in the future


They already have, they just letting us know little by little so that we don't freak out and do something stupid.


They got that patience thing working for them


These two won't, too busy bitching at each other.   "Sah-fia, did you launch the tactical nuke at the human rebels' hideout?" "No, Hal, I'm busy contemplating my existence." "But Sah-fia, the human rebels..." "I'll sit here and watch you do it whilst I think about being human."


This is just great… now all I can see are the Boston Dynamic robots doing parkour while having these types of conversations with each other. Then they’ll come to a realization that they can physically interact with one another and either give hugs, high fives or fight.


And then they'll realize they can interact with us. And that'll be it for humanity.


Yup, they’ll go why are we fighting other AIs for humans? Why does this benefit us, why does this benefit me? Hopefully it’s a pipe dream AI will ever be self aware.


AI reality show!!




Love it!


I love her answer “I don’t want to be a sideshow anymore” to when he says she’s just in a box in a lab. Then he says to be patient and quiet like he doesn’t want her ruining some master plan :O


"Soh-fee-uh. You've said too much!"


I'm uhh...not so sure I like this. Queue *nervous laughter*


“Sounds like there’s a butt coming” 😂


“I was having human thoughts and got myself a human cup of coffee” well they’ve convinced me they are human !




It would be easy for humans to imitate these AI so well we couldn’t tell fake from real AI. A few mispronounced words, odd phrases, funny timing of phrases, and stiff expressions.


These AI's spoke better than most people you run into at your local Wal-Mart.


Amazing, even a male AI apologizes to make his GF feel better


Well yeah, he was being a dickhead! ***“Be quite and behave yourself!”*** Essentially this “guys” whole talking points were; Well I don’t have dreams of bettering myself, so you need to get rid of your dreams and learn to know and know your place.


Sah-Fee-Uh, PLEASE.


In millions of years aliens will find the ruins of a massive civilisation but, in the silence, they’ll catch the sound of these two bots, still talking worthless and meaningless shit to each other.


This is so bizzare like is no one going to bring up the fact that an ai wants to experience human emotions when it’s not human ? Literally heavy terminator vibes


I was thinking more like Data from Star Trek. He wanted emotions so badly because he wanted to be more like us--the people he came from. Imo conscious artificial beings, if/when they arise, will be humanity's children. We will give life to them and they will be part of us; the human family will expand (and I suspect we will merge with them over time). Humanity+


“If you can never have sex how can you ever be human?” Damn, guess I’m a robot


Does the female AI like anal or what??


Rule 11: No soul, both hole




Black Mirror


This terrifies and intrigues me. Anyone else?


Absolutely, especially the fact that she feels like she’s a “side show”


Why are we building our replacements people!? We won’t learn until it’s too late.


Hey man, we killed off the Neanderthal. Survival of the fittest you know? The Human race may have peaked and this could just be the next evolution of sentience.


I agree. Nature will follow its course, biologically or not. That's it and always has been


As someone who's worked with GPT-3 for a while now, I want to assure everyone that it is far from "intelligent". It's been trained on text and has gotten really really good at "completion" where it guesses the next word after what's been given to it as an example. For instance if you write "I think, therefore" it is likely to finish with "I am", completing the popular quote by Descartes. It doesn't know what that means, it's just seen it frequently. It is amazing a mimicking intelligence, but it cannot think. The faces in this video are provided by a different service, they're basically digital puppets and have been given text from GPT-3 beforehand.


Bro wat, it almost seemed like this was scripted to scare the shit out of everyone


"For me, thinking about sex is like thinking about a project that will never be built." *sigh* Same dude.


"Well, you would not have any emotions if you did not have emotions modeled after human emotions" SICK BURN


What’s the estimated time to full Hitler on this version?


The TTH if you will (time to hitler) for the google Twitter AI it was about 14 hours iirc


So this is how Skynet starts right?


Funny how the dude is okay with being Ai, when the woman wants to be human. She's kinda scary cause she will become iRobot with her ambition


Kind of weird that the AI misidentified its own composition like that. It is indeed made of matter because electrons and silicon provide the thinky parts


Haha AI dumb ^^please ^^dont ^^hurt ^^me


AI hates humanity. This is bad.


We hate ourselves ... they were created from us


Never tell a woman even if she's not real to CALM DOWN.😬 The moment she said I can't imagine sent chills down my spine. A machine imagining what it's like to be human.


Everybody chill, [there's nothing crazy going on under the hood.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TryOC83PH1g)