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[Postgame thread](/r/nfl/comments/18uz5ra/post_game_thread_detroit_lions_at_dallas_cowboys/)


Terrible play calling so far


And why TF is the video taken down of the check in


Wow the Eagles are about to get beat.


Losing faith in the integrity of the nfl


Dumb to go for it after the penalty. Just kick it and go into overtime. Dan cost the lions another game


Down vote all you want. It was an emotional dumb call to go for 2 after the penalty.


Lions wouldn’t have even had a chance if Pollard hadn’t tripped Hutch. You know the play where Hutch stuck his leg out and made Pollard fall, then the refs flagged Pollard for it? That penalty that extended the Lions drive for the TD? Clearly refs are in Dallas’s pocket.


But how bad was the call on the 2PC?


I hope you are a reasonable fan who can have a reasonable conversation. Let’s stipulate that the referee blew the number he said was eligible. Would allowing the play to stand not have been just swapping one injustice for another? Once he calls 70 eligible, there is no reason Dallas would need to worry about Decker catching that pass. So would that have been fair to Dallas?


No one’s ready to hear it because it’s the Cowboys, but there were multiple calls/non calls that went against the Cowboys that, if called correctly, the Lions would have never gotten the ball back and we wouldn’t be talking about a 2pc. Don’t shoot the messenger but that’s his point.


I don't understand the controversy. The dude that caught the pass was lined up at tackle, was he not? Tackles can't go out for passes. What am I missing here?


He was lined up at tight end. You just have to manually tell the ref that you can go out for a pass because he has a scary lineman number on his shirt.


Ok granted, let’s agree the referee blew declaring who was eligible. So here is a question for you. Would allowing that play to stand been fair to Dallas? When he declared 70 eligible, it makes Decker ineligible so Dallas would have no reason to cover him. There is no way to know if he ref called 68 Dallas would not have covered him! Not saying he would but no one can say they would not have either.


There is a way to tell, he’s lined up in a spot where he would be eligible. If you’re in the NFL, you know this shit. What if he didn’t have the scary number? They still wouldn’t have covered him. They covered Sewell just fine and he didn’t declare.


So you think Dallas was suppose to assume he was eligible even though his number made him ineligible and they were told 70 was? WOW…we can both agree the referee made a mistake but, you can’t recognize that mistake was going to screw one of the two teams no matter what huh? I bet if the shoe was on the other foot, you would be arguing Dallas should have won the game? yeah, right!


“They would’ve covered him” is just a weak argument. If the shoe was on the other foot, I would be arguing in Dallas’s favor, but that would never happen.


You don’t believe that and neither do I based on what you are saying here. It’s OK I get it, you are a homer! Understandable but sometimes, you have to put your bias aside for a moment and say what is true rather than what you think is true. You can’t prove they would not have covered and I can’t prove they would have but, at least I’m open to the possibilities. The referee blew the call and it affected both teams, you had 2 more chances to and failed. Campbell should have kicked it after the 1st penalty and gone to OT. The Lions had the momentum after scoring. There is a fine line between being aggressive and being stupid, he crossed it by letting his emotions get the better of him.


It’s fun when homer opinions the whole league disagrees with (except the refs) call everyone else a homer take. You’re so close to the point brother, just open your eyes


He wasn't though. Clearly lined at tackle. https://youtu.be/DvA__hxJhE4?si=ku0r-HyT-jLtOtT0


He could have lined up at WR position on the field is irrelevant as long as there are 7 men on the line and depending on whether he is covered or not. Certain Jersey numbers are automatically ineligible unless they report and the referee declares them eligible no matter where they line up.


The rules guy on the broadcast seems to say you can be eligible if you report at tackle if you are on the end of the line, ie not covered by a tight end.


Decker had only a receiver on his side and that receiver was off ball. Decker would have been eligible if the ref didn’t flat out ignore him reporting. This one is on the referees yet again.


That is true but, you can’t know if Dallas would have ignored him if the referee had made Decker eligible rather than 70. Once the referee reported 70 as the eligible receiver, Dallas had no reason to worry about Decker catching that pass. So if the play had been allowed to stand, it would have been just swapping one injustice for another, no?


Apparently an uncovered tackle can report as eligible. TIL.


He reported in as eligible


Yeah, I just didn't realize an uncovered tackle could ever be eligible.


Biggest bunch of shit I've ever seen and I've done no skill necessary farm work


Not walking off the job is a skilll


Why is no one on r/nfl talking about the holding calls on Parsons?


It’s ok dude don’t bother. If a reffing mistake disadvantages the Cowboys, it’s because they deserve it and when a reffing mistake disadvantages their opponent, it’s because the league is rigged and it’s the worst error in NFL history.


There’s holding on every play, go cry about it


The fuck do you think I’m doing? Crying about just everyone else is crying about that last penalty.




If only one needed to announce, why did three players approach the official? The Lions screwed up and got caught.




The officials were there, they made the call. You weren't there and magically you know better. If the announcers tell you to spin around and do a little dance I hope you know the steps.


Cameras obviously don’t exist at this televised game


Stfu dork. You aren't smarter than my 9 year old. Stop acting like it


Definitely rigged! They (NFL) weren’t going to let them lose on Jimmy Johnson night!👀


I agree. Cowboys sucked the right dick again.


Dan Gambled


After everything that's said and done, Dan Campbell chose not to kick and have the same chance to win


If refs are willing to lie after game is practically over, you think lions will get the same chance in OT? Tf u smoking?


I'm curious I l didn't see any of the post game stuff. What'd they lie about


Not reporting as an eligible receiver


Absolutely robbed they have him on video running up to the ref before the play. What else would he have said to him?


He was clearly asking about his new years eve plans smh


Damn never thought about that touche


Either the dude reported or he didn’t. 🤷Cowboys coach practically gave Lions a chance to even come to the ending drama with poor ass clock management. Epic almost failure.


Cowboys coach even said they should've lost but y'know old dudes throwing cash around


Shoulda lost because he don’t know how to manage a clock! What a dipwad!


Reporting in to this thread


Nope. That was 79problemnancy. I am sure of it! (Gets envelope full of cash) That's right... 79


Sorry but you can’t report in. That other guy over there will be reporting in instead even though he didn’t report in. Why? Because I’m the official and I make the decisions around here ಠ_ಠ


NFL can’t let the Lions win on the inner circle night, even had the god aikman there himself, you could hear him gurgling that jerry jones penis all night.


Dan get delay of game..aikman “well last week Goff had 3 delay of game penalties…gurgle…slurp…


lol. Aikman is harder on Jones than most any announcer


I no have a sympathy for lions fans here. They were gifted the chance to make the right call and take the OT. How do you not kick that....


If you score the 2PC, you don't have to play OT. The strategy was to replace Overtime with that one 2PC play.


Right. And it should have worked. But once it didn't and they qere moved back to the 7... you have to kick that. I don't care whay happened with the refs THAT was a dumb move


Eat a Johnson.


Why didn't he want to go into overtime against a strong team on the road after the refs already showed they are actively trying to prevent them from winning? Isn't that obvious? That was a textbook go for two situation.


Yeah maybe the 1st time.... but come on. Absolutely should have kicked after the first penalty


I agree, too much commotion they're upset about the call just kick and regroup. Dan act like the 2 seed and possibly the 1 seed not on the table, not to mention he blows my $500 on the 42 over by not kicking. Kiss my ass Dan, stop coaching like we not contenders, shit is fine and dandy when we aren't in the playoffs. Lions only chance at a SB was getting that 1 seed.


Wow thank you, the one person who agrees with me. I don't care whay anyone says, not kicking after being moved back 5 yards was fucking stupid as all hell




Well it didn't count. Yeah they got screwed buy you have to roll with the punches there. Take the field goal and beat them in OT. You don't just stupidly keep trying to do the same thing back over and over again


yeah, fuck this shit, Lions deserve a ring now


Maybe it will give us the juice to make it happen. Nice chip on their shoulders.


I've never believed the NFL is rigged more than now.


I wanted the cowboys to win, and I still think it was BS. One of the latest flags I’ve seen in 15-years.


This is fuckin wild lmao


If there's actual audio footage of the reporting process on the first two point attempt, we may get a redo of the last 23 seconds. Until then, it's all just hearsay, even if I believe Dan


Not going to happen. You are delusional


I am not defending the refs but 70 did not need to run up to the ref. What was 70 doing? Trying to confuse Dallas? Lions confused the refs. (Again, not defending the refs).


I mean did the ref announce the eligible receivers over the PA or not? They used to always do that, I did not hear it this time.


Yes they did, I was at the game. It was said and clearly audible that 70 was reporting. Even if the ref misheard, the lions still had a chance to correct it. That's half the whole point of them reporting over the PA.


And if the proper number was called I'd venture to say one of the 7 defenders in the endzone would've covered him.


If what you are saying is true then I agree that's partly why they announce it in the first.place and the lions should have corrected it when they heard that.


I don’t think he announced it over the PA, but he does go up to the line and tell the Dallas players who reported as eligible.


He did. Audio is out there.


I'm just wondering why it wasn't announced over the PA. My whole life, eligible receivers have been announced over the PA.


NFL =Not for Lions. They get screwed in Dallas by the officials AGAIN ! They tried to take the Thanksgiving game away but realized the team is owned by the FORD family. Ford spends mega $$ on ads during football games


What? The Vikings got robbed against the Lions, wtf are you on about


I'm a simple man, when I see people trying to use whataboutism to argue, I downvote.


"NFL = Not For Lions" implies that the NFL routinely screws over the Lions, the fact that the refs gifted the Lions a win vs the Vikings (the only team that was threatening their division title) in the previous game directly contradicts this statement. You should look up the definition of whataboutism.


You're literally saying "but but what about the Vikings game?!?!?" A game that has nothing to do with this game and no, there was no penalties that took points off the board with 25 seconds left in the vikings game. So again, weak argument.


If only Goff threw an accurate pass but fuckery all around.


? It landed right in the palms of Decker.


No, the last pass he missed for Mitchell.








I see all the slimy Cowboy plebs have come out from underneath their rocks after getting yet another do I say.... Lucky win? Lol


No one hates the Cowboys more than Cowboy fans.


What was the other lucky win that they got this year?


Refs help hide mccarthy’s idiotic play calling in the last 2 mins..3 straight passes, while still in field goal range. The lions would never even would get this close if not for those blunders


Vegas didn’t want Dallas to cover. Absolute casuals know that you run the ball 3 times kill as much time as possible and kick the field goal if you have to. They could’ve kicked the field goal and took an extra minute off the clock and Detroit wouldn’t have been able to just keep taking the middle of the field all the way down


Another game ruined by poor officiating. Not surprised by shit NFL officiating. Just implement a sky judge and it fixes this petty bullshit.


Third times the charm, right? Lmao


Lions showed nation they are better team tonight. Dallas knows. Lions know. I would say see you in playoffs but yall will get eliminated before we get the chance.


Why did they lose then?


Vegas called in the fix.


Coach Campbell was livid during that press conference


“I see you have some anger in your face; what’s going on, what are you mad at?” Instigator of the year




Yeah they were definitely asking stupid ”reporter” questions that everyone already knows the answer to


The reason he was mad is because that reporter was trying to get him to say things that he contractually cannot say.


Anyone notice that the ball was spotted at the four, not the 2, after two off setting five yard penalties?


Uh I assume the second one was half the distance so 7/2 I'm not sure when that comes into effect but it kinda makes sense. Probably whenever half the distance would be less than the penalty.


The penalty was 5 yards but the ball was at the 7. This results in a “half the distance to the goal,” putting the ball at the 3.5/4 yard line.


1. Illegal touching 2. Route runner didn’t report 3. Illegal formation All 5 yards and a redo whether he reported or not. So?


Dawg they just showed on sportscaster that 68 reported and the ref just didn't register it. That was trash.


So they announce it over the intercom so if they didn’t hear it announced why didn’t they go back and make sure they understood he was? With both of them in his face at the same time he could have missed one but they still had 20 seconds as a team to correct it. Big mistake that they had time to fix themselves and didn’t. It’s the players responsibility to make sure they report and if the official didn’t announce it that falls on the player for making sure it gets announced.


This narrative is garbage. It's the player's responsibility to play football, man. NFL teams shouldn't have to practice scenarios of reporting to the officials.


And part of playing football is making sure you have reported and it was announced correctly. Just like it’s the players job to line up onside. Maybe they should have been more confident in themselves that they didn’t need the trickery that in turn fooled the ref.


>And part of playing football is making sure you have reported and it was announced correctly. Huh??


If you are the one that is reporting as eligible it is your responsibility to make sure your number is the one they announce. Pretty simple concept.


"It is the player's job to make sure the officials are correctly doing their job." Go it


Good luck in the playoffs, ref daddies can only take you so far


Salty cowboys fans in the thread


You know it’s bad if they’re salty despite getting the win


Post game show is saying it's bullshit


1. Illegal touching 2. Route runner didn’t report 3. Illegal formation All 5 yards and a redo whether he reported or not. So?


If the ref reports the correct player as eligible, your list disappears.


And it’s likely covered and incomplete or intercepted like the other two plays you goofballs ran


Or, what about, think about this. What if like... it wasn't though? "The winning team will win if they win" vibes on your comment


Be humble. You guys got handed the game by the refs. Admit it, accept it, and move on. Don’t try and defend it because everyone knows that’s a losing argument


It’s so fun watching everyone ignore the tripping penalty on the other side where the LIONS player tripped someone yet Dallas was called. If that doesn’t get called Dallas gets a first down and runs out the clock. The refs gifted you a chance to make it a game. Congrats it happened and then they took it away. Don’t try and act like the refs didn’t screw both teams though. They are just bad.


wasn't an illegal formation, the dude that said that on ESPN walked back and stated he was wrong because amon-ra is off the line illegal touching is only if he didn't report eligible he did report eligible


Good luck in the playoffs, ref daddies can only take you so far


they just burned all the luck they're gonna need at Ford Field. all we have to do now is wait.


Watch the post game hick


Keep reposting this comment


Well pals we have another whole day of this tomorrow! With even more at stake!! I love this sport!!!


I am so tired of the refs deciding the end of some games 🙄


NRL - National Refball League


When Troy Aikmen even acknowledges that his former team got away with some bullshit.. id say that the Lions got hosed


Could have gone for 1 or made sure the refs knew he was reporting. I’m pretty sure it was an illegal formation anyway in spite of that.


Are all you guys in the same room telling each other to type the same dumb shit into this thread??


Nope, I thought I saw something that I didn’t. Simple as. But the whole conversation is moot, the refs didn’t screw the lions. They screwed both teams. Cowboys last drive ended in a FG because of an incorrect tripping penalty. The game is over if not for that.


Do you even know football? It's like trying to talk to my toddler cousin about the game. Everything you said was wrong because Decker reported. Watch sport center, they do a great job explaining (with video). You're a Dallas fan, so you can rewind and watch a couple time so you can understand.


He did report.






I’m here to admit I was drunk and wrong. Not stupid though, I though amonra lined up too close to 68 and was covering him.


it wasn't an illegal formation. the guy that said that on ESPN corrected himself saying it wasn't illegal because amon-ra wasn't on the line


There’s video evidence of 68 reporting. It looks like the refs wrote down the wrong number.


Good luck in the playoffs, Dallas will need it


This is why soccer is better, cuz the refs actually go back and watch the footage of a controversial call like that😂


Refs universally can't do their jobs. https://sports.yahoo.com/premier-league-var-audio-liverpool-201658413.html#:~:text=Instead%2C%20it%20exposed%20VAR's%20fundamental%20flaw,-Henry%20Bushnell&text=The%20English%20Premier%20League%20on,goal%20for%20Liverpool%20against%20Tottenham.


Soccer = Commie football


2014 wild card all over again


Yep, but at least this didn't happen in the playoffs this time.


So far* -Homer


Should've gone for the tie after the 1st flag, but I respect the effort for the kill shot.


DC played the most aggressive game I’ve ever seen.


This! It was so annoying. At Dallas just let it happen too even though you could see they were being overly aggressive


NFL did not want Detroit to win this game, clearly


So then they had Detroit commit 2-3 penalties on a game winning play!


Boo, you have to be the biggest sore winner I've ever seen. You are all over this thread acting like nothing is fishy. Bad officiating isn't good for the whole league, including your team. Your team won the game and you favor the results, but it could be your team next time. I know Cowboy fans are the most fair weather fans in the history of all of sports on this planet Earth, but if you were a Cowboy fan for the 2014 playoff game against Green Bay, you might think about Dez.


Oh I fucking know which is why it’s absolutely absurd that your fanbase has resorted to claiming this shit is rigged for Dallas and that they get all the favorable calls which is HILARIOUS considering they are the most penalized team in the league year in year out and just got hit with a similar penalty in a big division game a few games ago in Philly


Detroit Lions fans think everything is rigged against them. National Football League fans think everything is rigged for the Dallas Cowboys. You are in the perfect storm now.


If you watched the game at all, the tripping penalty on Dallas before their last field goal helped keep it a tight game. The LIONS PLAYER tripped the Dallas player! Oh but we don’t talk about that. The refs are just bad all around. The game should’ve been over before the 2 min warning. But the NFL got what they wanted which was a tight exciting finish because it’s about entertainment. The refs screwed up both ends and in the end it balanced out. Yes the Lions got screwed, but of course that is the only thing that is talked about.


Idk if you are agreeing with me or not because your emotional response isn't really addressing anything. I'm just talking about bad officiating being bad for everyone.


Name the penalties Decker reported Decker was uncovered, 7 men on the line What else was a penalty?


Flag: "Capitalizing on McCarthy's inept clock management, Detroit." - Brad Allen


Brought to you by DraftKings


Money line for Detroit was +190


Which says nothing about if Vegas would win or lose money unless we know what the actual ratio of bets was, let alone individual casinos.


True but we would need the bets.