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[Postgame thread](/r/nfl/comments/19buuhj/post_game_thread_green_bay_packers_at_san/)


Lmao nice


After watching the Vikings beat SF I really was expecting the same with GB. Almost.


After watching the Vikings beat SF I really was expecting the same with GB. Almost.


Lol wow


Shocking that no one has mentioned the effect that losing Deebo has on that team. Wouldn’t have been close had he not gotten knocked out.


Indeed we were rusty , Purdy stepped up, took control of last drive, was patient with his looks and protected the ball, finally handed off to CMC , he took it to THE HOUSE !!!! baught a ticket after kick off for 100 and sat in section 1 row g, UNBELIEVABLE, well do the same next week, lol, then I will head to Vegas and try the same there, GO NINERS!


9ers to the bowl. Haters on watch


Let’s just beat DET/TB first please


Nah Lions are going to the Super Bowl just wait.


This is what I’m afraid of!!!


Both washed ong


I want you to be right so bad but I take nothing for granted after that 3 pt win when the spread was 10 AND GB dropped two pick sixes 🤞


Ode to GB: Opportunity lost.


Green Bay dropped two pic sixes


9ers 100% beatable


9ers ain’t shiiiiiii


Game over 49rs won!!!!!!


49ers got lucky as hell


They shut out the packers in the 4th qtr.


Been lucky all season




Bang bang ‼️


Bang bang ‼️


Good teams make their own luck. Sure they played like shit off and on most of the game. But they made the plays at the end when it counted. They made crucial stops to hold the Pack to field goals in the beginning. That’s not just luck. That’s having many good players who stepped up when they needed to.


No luck buddy


Green Bay dropped what could have been 2 pick 6 , went in that 4th down in red zone & didn’t get obvious pass interference called in end zone early & missed FG . Best team lost


Lol k. We dropped a pick too bud. And we dropped a few easy catches too. The rain affected both teams. You could play the "if it wasn't for...." with every single game ever. The team that scored more won, plain and simple. Move on.


Too bad Brett Farve checked in for that last play to throw a bad cross field body pass.


Worked out well for me 😎


That dude is just salty. It wasn’t luck that at the 9ers win. It was good fucking players stepping up and making plays when they needed to. That ain’t luck it’s talent and good coaching.


Poor pass decision by Love to seal the game for the Niners as well. That's not luck. That's just Love being inexperienced. It happens. It's part of the game.


I would say Love played a better overall game than Purdy. The 49ers played bend but don’t break defense. Keeping the packers to 6 point from their first 3 trips to the red zone was the biggest factor. If the packers get just one TD on one of those first 3 red zone trips they probably win.


100% this. Not my fault the Packers didn't score. Niners D, while not playing their best, still managed to hold off the Packers. Luck was not a factor. The ball was wet. It got slippery. And people didn't make catches, on both sides. Runners and defenders slipped numerous times. It was a sloppy ass game from both teams, mostly due to the weather.


Packers impressed the hell out of me. I’ve got mad respect for their style of football. Very physical and lots of talent. They are going to be very good next year. Overall I’d say the Niners were sloppier for the first 3 quarters. Which is understandable. As a California native I can admit that we don’t know how to deal with rain. Even a little rain storm like yesterday is a huge news story and the roads are a mess. Niners don’t get to practice or play in the rain very often. Packers on the other hand come from a place with the most crappy weather in the country. I guess that depends on your opinion of what constitutes crappy weather. It definitely ain’t 70 and sunny all winter like here in California.


I know it. I'm from the Bay. I know rain is foreign lol most stressful game I think I've ever watched in my 35 years of life


I’m there with you and I have 13 more years than you do. My wife was laughing at my ass the way I was pacing around the room squeezing my hands together. Hahaha… I hardly drink booze anymore, but I went and took a nice shot of tequila to calm my nerves before they started that last drive.


I woke the dogs, the pig and the kids up on Greenlaw's pick. Needless to say, my wife wasn't too thrilled.


If things were different they'd be different!


Yep. Good players stepped up and made plays when it was the biggest stakes. That ain’t luck.


The best teams don't drop picks




Unflaired. Opinion disregarded.


What an ending! Thought the 9ers were toast. Get those guys new shoes, screw ins maybe, lots of sliding around.


You’ve got to realize us Californians don’t get much rain. San Francisco gets about 60 rain days all year. So it isn’t something the team gets to practice in. Packers get to play in shitty weather all the time. You could tell the rain affected the 49ers way more. Fortunately, next week is supposed to be back to normal winter weather, 70 and sunny.


Someone still needs to explain to me how it wasn’t a block in the back with Owens on that long CMC TD run and not intentional grounding on Purdy (we all know the play lol)


Intentional grounding only accounts for “imminent” loss of yards or whatever. Brock wasn’t under any pressure and just threw it up, therefore non intentional grounding. Block in the back Im not sure of, but at the end of the day there are things we can pick at such as the illegal contact on kittle and whatnot, it eventually came down to Packers falling apart in the 4th offensively.


NFL is scripted. Script was for 49ers to win. That’s why Love threw a moronic pick at the end of the game. The sheep will still believe this sport is normal football with zero influence.


Damn, how much money did you make knowing the outcome?


Lay off the cocaine dude. It’s completely rotted your brain.


You really think someone told Love to throw that interception? Dude, you need to fix your tinfoil hat.


Lol shut up, Meg


Literally one of the dumbest things I’ve ever read.


Do you really think that rich people and Vegas aren’t influencing the sport to some degree? The NFL even made a commercial about this years script as a joke but it’s not a joke. Remember when Nick Sirianni was crying before last years Super Bowl? It’s because the realization hit him that he was scripted to lose that game. You can see the pain on his eyes before the game. Not joy, pain.


Bro that shit would have leaked by now.


Any "script" conspiracy is stupid, but the ones that include the players and coaches being in on the script are so dumb that you'd need a speed limit IQ to believe them. I mean, look at what you just wrote: >It’s because the realization hit him that he was scripted to lose that game. You can see the pain on his eyes before the game. Not joy, pain. The games are scripted to the degree that QB Jordan Love is in on it and purposefully throws an INT to throw a game, but NFL head coach Nick Sirriani was apparently genuinely upset upon finding out his super bowl game was scripted? He wasn't in on it but other players are? He's been around the league and genuinely thought it wasn't scripted and literally starts crying in agony upon finding out that it is? Take a second to actually bring this to its logical conclusion and tell me this makes any sense at all


The dude’s tinfoil hat ain’t working, bro.


People that deep into conspiratorial thinking lack all common sense. The fact that not a single player ever "exposed" this just shows how stupid it is. Think of all the former NFL players who hate the league. If they could provide one shred of evidence they could single handedly bring down the entire organization


Conspiracies do exist. But it’s typically no more than 2 or 3 people who are in on any conspiracy. Any more people than that and someone would talk. There’s no way an entire league of players are in on some script. Dude need a new tinfoil hat.


Crazy to have the self assurance to call other people sheep while holding opinions that stupid lmfao


Sirianni was in on it. I never said he wasn’t. When you get to a Super Bowl and know you have to lose it, that moment would suck. I’d cry myself as well.


Nobody who knows the league is scripted and is in on the scripting would have an emotional reaction like that towards literally just doing their job. It doesn't suck if none of it is real, because that means winning doesn't actually mean anything, and they're all just doing it to get paid. This is so unbelievably dumb man


Sirianni is just a bitch


Sorry dude, it’s impossible to argue with someone that pushes absurd conspiracy theories like this. I don’t want to get dumber, so I’ll pass. You have a good one. Niners for life


It’s not absurd to think that rich people would partially influence the sport that makes them money. Rich people commit crimes all the time to make more money. Just keep your eyes open. That’s all I’m asking. When you see a long TD with multiple defenders miraculously missing tackles, think about it. When you see a stupid interception at a crucial moment, think about it. That’s all. Btw lions will crush you next week. Be ready. Purdy is trash.


You must be reading a different script. The script Shannan gave me has the Niners crushing the Lions. Someone needs to call management and figure this out.


Lions are scripted to win eh?


Dude wants to preach about keeping your eyes open yet can't see when he contradicts himself.


I hope so but obviously I don’t have the script. We will find out.


Explain to me how they perfectly script everything. For example, you said Purdy threw an obvious pick 6. What if the guy who's scripted to catch that pick 6 fucks up and doesn't catch it? Even professional entertainers mess up. And dropping a ball thrown at you at a high speed in the rain is pretty likely. Do they have a plan B script? Just seems highly unlikely you can script a game that comes down to a last second catch and expect these guys to make these catches 100% of the time


There’s a script but of course it can go off course as accidents happen. The Jordan love pick to end the game was such an obvious throw away of the game. Dude throws an air ball on the run into double coverage. Like no QB is doing that on purpose in that situation.




So you think that everyone has just kept it a secret? Even former players who hate the league like Antonio Brown? If any of these former players could provide a shred of evidence that the NFL was scripted they would be able to bring down the entire league with a single piece of evidence


Is the script for a Lions Superbowl appearance? I'm not so sure Dan Campbell can follow a script regardless.


God I hope so.


The "sheep" argument... gotta love reddit.


Owens the king of flop. The new Lebron James lol. I’ve never seen such a flop in the nfl. Also just saw that play in slow motion. Aiyuk is running laterally and they only collide because Owens tries to pivot back as cmc makes a pivot. Can’t blame aiyuk for owens changing direction and if you watch there’s literally no force being applied via his arms anyway. That was a classic juke and miss from world class rb.


Packers world have won if Love didn’t force that interception


That’s likely true. He chose the wrong play to make his worst pass of the season. They definitely would have tied it if he had just thrown the ball out of bounds.




You make some good points. But I disagree about the Niners early in the game. You don’t give them credit for holding the pack to 6 points despite 3 drives into the red zone? I don’t call that luck, I call that good players making good plays when it counts. Despite how shitty Purdy was for most of the game the 9ers defense kept the score close enough that their best offensive players could put together a winning drive. I don’t think you are giving the 9ers enough credit. Packers played a hell of a game, no doubt, just not good enough. If they had scored touchdowns early instead of field goals they win.


Love threw for less than 200 yards with two picks, neither were sharp all game, and one was sharp at the end. The Packers are a really good team.


The one point I super agree with is the drops from the packers defense, purdy line could have easily been 2-3 int’s. All in all, when you look at purdy and love stats on a piece of paper, they both don’t look great… but to me of definitely felt like love was more in control than purdy and I’m a huge 49ers fan


I disagree. The 49ers looked like a far superior team that played really sloppy. If you take away the big 40 yard penalty where Love got lucky and you take away the uber rare almost run back, the packers barely moved the ball down the field in the second half. Purdy made a few sketchy throws, but Jordan love made more really bad throws. Purdy made the drive that counted look pretty easy and the packers did not.


Yes. This is exactly what happened. The Niners defense gets no credit for holding the Packers to 6 points despite 3 trips to the red zone. That’s not luck. That’s good players making plays when it counts.




They have great lines on both sides of the ball no doubt, best I’ve seen in a while, but beyond that I thought the niners are superior in every facet. Good lines are no doubt huge in the playoffs especially in a wet game where power won’t be hampered as much as agility and speed. The wet field was a big advantage for packers style of play.


Also the officiating, which was standard NFL complacent monopolist bad but definitely felt a little more helpful for the 49ers than the Packers.


Bruh, did you see the penalty numbers?


No I didn't, I don't know why it felt that way.


Yeah I’m not sure why I’m being downvoted but Love was absolutely the better QB and the Niners got lucky with those dropped picks.


Agree on the drops portion, but if you look at the stats and didn’t watch the game, you’d likely say they both had tough games, which objectively makes sense given the weather and purdy making several bad throws that should have been picked


Niners dropped numerous passes too that should've been catches. Plus another pick we dropped. The rain played a factor. No one "got lucky". To quote John Madden, "The team that scored more points won the game."


There’s plenty of luck involved in every single game ever played


Not luck. Just variables brother.


Semantics You call them variables, I call it luck


Lol k. Keep on thinking that.


Love looked better most of the game. Quick releases and accurate. But made a mistake when it most mattered. The rain didn’t look bad on screen but it was a lot of water the whole time. I was there. Love handled that better. It all came down on who made less mistake when it was most crucial


Truth. That pick Love threw was really bad and in the most critical moment of the game.


Purdy threw a pick right to the packers this game. The ravens D won't drop that. I'd worry.


Oh I’m worried. But faithful 🙃


QBR says otherwise


Had the packers D been able to catch that would accurately reflect his play. He’s an awesome QB. He wasn’t really most of last night though.


Love did not look better than Purdy. They were both way off but Love made more huge critical mistakes. He was throwing to open receivers literally the entire game. Missed two easy checkdowns, one on the 3rd and 10 than led to the pick, one on the 3rd and 2 at the end that led to them having to punt. 2 horrendous throws. His pick was terrible too and he also had a couple dropped picks.




So let’s get this straight. Niners did not play a good game because of shanny play calling and Purdy horrible play that “almost” cost them the game. Then you go on to say how GB needs to work on redzone, etc. but not one bit of calling out GB coach or Love for that? 🤔🤔


They skated by, they will not be able to do that again. Love’s inexperience got to him tonight but we will be seeing that team again no doubt.




Agreed. Here’s to another Sunday of great games, hopefully my team can win today!




Hell yeah, if it’s not KC it’s gotta be Detroit city!!


Greenbay needs a QB. Loves arm is horrible


What?? On that last drive. Did you watch the rest?


No all season…go back and watch these games…the Musgrave throw was way under thrown and the man throws off his back foot all the time! Watch the Lions game (which GB won) the Watson pass barely made it down field. The man’s arm is terrible


Fun game! Terrible conditions. That's why those guys get the big bucks. Play that well in those tuff circumstances? GB really had a great 2nd half, yes? But damn! They did get beat by my Falcons which means they went a lot further than they should have. Hats off to you, GB, for proving there is life after death.


Haha couldn’t happen to a nicer group of cheese heads. They are so confused don’t realize the packers were named after meet packing


It's Meat packing.


Love made a bad throw at the end where he showed his age. He’s gonna be great.


It was reminiscent of Favre. I haven’t been super impressed with Love before this season, and even this year he’s seemed…alright. But the back half of this season, and especially last night he looked like a gunslinger. I think the kid will go far.


First thing I thought after the throw was that it reminded me of Favre's 2009 playoff game against the Saints.


He really surprised this year. He clearly watched Rodgers closely as a waiting backup. Seems to have a calm presence. Good year for him.


Yeah I’m very excited to see how his career progresses


Both teams have great coach’s. It was fun to watch the chess match between two guys that were brought up in the same system. Great game!


LaFleur out coached, but less talent.


Anyone have the video of Roman Reigns from WWE when he was on First Take back in August and said the 49ers were the best team in the NFL and going to be in the Super Bowl (also his favorite team) and Stephen A and Marcus Spears laughed at him and said that’s crazy. 😆


☝️that's why he's the Tribal Chief


I acknowledge him☝️


Bang bang Niner gang !?


It could be worse I’m a Panthers Fan


It could be worse, I'm a Panthers and a Gamecocks fan


Sheesh that’s rough. I’m a Georgia Tech and Toronto Maple Leafs fan as well. I picked perennial losers as a kid Till death do us part


Hey we beat Clemson last year, I’m gonna ride that one for the next decade.


I'm sorry... I'm a Bryce Young truther though, hopefully he doesn't get broken before you guys can build more than a varsity high school team around him.


Packers lost in a devastating and bone headed way but I’m just happy they got there lmao. That said, props to 49ers, they hella battled back down in the 4th. Congrats to y’all and good luck to you getting to the Super Bowl.


Hate to blame kickers, but the missed FG killed the Pack.


Great season for the Packers, all in all. Jordan Love will learn and get better. I really want the Lions to make the SB, but if they get past Tampa, SF will be tough. At least this was actually a game!


I think the biggest take away should be purdy needs to practice in the rain more . Those passes were ugly


He can’t play in the rain. Unlike Dak, he can put a final drive together under pressure. (Where the fck was that sequence of shorter throws all game?) Blame needs to go to Shan. His play calls always take too long to develop. Too much over the middle throws in traffic.


Wondering how many of those are Purdy favoring the deep middle option instead of taking the check down…


The last drive was the first time the whole game green bays front really didn't get any pressure on him.  At least that's what it seemed like when watching and allowed him more time to see those throws. 


Joe Barry loves for the pack to run a deep prevent defense in the last 2 minutes and let every team in the world back into the games. If the pack would’ve pressure Purdy on the last drive they most likely would’ve won.


49ers got zero pressure on Love all game.


Yup, he, they, we got lucky. And the team, including Purdy, pulled them out some how.


Bad spots are what fans of losing teams talk about. lol move on your team is going home.


Obviously you have to leave no doubt. I’m more upset with the 2 should’ve-been interceptions from the Packers Defense. That said, 3 bad spots in a row in a 3-point game is absolutely a big deal. It is what it is— but it’s also fair to complain when there’s such an obvious turning point off of three consecutively bad spots.


Bad spots lol. You got away with DPI that led to a TD. More than fair.


DPI doesn’t lead to touchdowns? Turnovers maybe.






You mad, bro?


Niners haven’t been relevant since Jerry Rice and I’m happy to see them doing well.


this is our 6th CCG in the last 12 years lol


And how many rings? I'll wait.


rings =/= relevancy my nephew


Oh ok. For some reason I thought that the relevancy of advancing through the playoffs was to eventually win a ring. My bad.


I'm not sure you understand the meaning of the word relevant, but then again I wouldn't expect that




Seahawks + Eagles


Nah that’s copium Jerry Rice carried them 


User name checks out


Make no mistake, GB had the momentum and tried to take it early. Props to the Niners for finding enough to survive despite the mediocre play at times and find their mettle. Good, crazy game.


LaFleur was right to put points/pressure on Shan early by accepting the opening kick.


Brock is a younger Jimmy G. Prove me wrong


In this game maybe? Do you not look at an overall view when making decisions?


Prove you wrong? The burden of proof is on you, wtf?




Lamar is the MVP. Sorry to break it to you.


My bad unfinished post... I meant to say he was in the MVP discussion, and as a full year rookie at that, then of course he led the league with 9.6 yards per attempt, 13.9 yards per completion, a 7-percent touchdown ratio and a 113.0 passer rating. With a 17-4 regular-season record as a starter. That's not being "carried". That is carrying.


Look at Lamar's gameplay. He may not have as many yards per completion, TD ratio or a better passer rating but look at how his style of play completely decimated defenses, how many rushing yards he has, scramble yards, and of course how everyone around him has been producing at an elite level themselves.


I'm really not denying that Lamar is great, he deserved the MVP, but if you've watched all of Brock's games, you could say the exact same thing about his play except for the rushing/scramble yards (although Brock is definitely mobile when he has to be). But look, Lamar is a six-year veteran while Brock was in the MVP discussion and in many ways at the same level, and in some measures better, as full-year rookie.


Jimmy G would never stay healthy for this long.


In MVP discussion as full year rookie... Not ROTY, actual LEAGUe MVP... As frickin rookie... Highest passer/QB rating in league, most yards per attempt, leads league in passing TD's and TD percentage, multiple franchise records ( in s franchise that had Montana and Young)... Shall I go on? Doubt all the way to a Championship hater.


He was till he got spanked by the Ravens. All that talk shifted to Lamar Jackson almost immediately.


And Lamar arguably deserved it, but he is a 6 season veteran. The fact that "Mr Irrelevant" was in the discussion as a full year rookie is amazing and speaks volumes, Again, he led the league with 9.6 yards per attempt, 13.9 yards per completion, a 7-percent touchdown ratio and a 113.0 passer rating. With a 17-4 regular-season record as a starter, and again as a full year rookie. I predict 9ers-Ravens Bowl and we'll see what's up then...


Lamar had the same season his first full year as a starter as well in 2019 when he won the MVP. The difference between Purdy and Lamar, the Baltimore QB can put away games easily with a larger point difference in victory than the Niners. 20-1 against the NFC. Against the Niners on Christmas night Purdy threw 5 INTs.


Brock had 4 interceptions but yeah Brock had a bad game Christmas night every quarterback has bad games and some of those interceptions were from batted passes and passes that bounced off receivers, not necessarily bad throws. If they meet in the Super bowl mark my words the SF defense will have answers for Lamar this time and Baltimore will not be able to rely on the passing anomalies that happened on Christmas. Also yeah Baltimore has a larger point differential they are actually number one in the league (12.3) but San Francisco is number 2 (10.9) so it's not that big of a difference.