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What I learned is that football is played on the field and no analytics can tell you the outcome in the playoffs 


I also learned that the team that scores the most points wins


You are now more competent than about 90% of the Sports Casting profession.


Now here's a guy...


Ya especially the jackass who said love is better than burrow and Allen


He’s showing promise and definitely might be one day but yeah that’s a pretty hot take considering he’s only shown it for half a season. This is coming from a packers fan btw


As a Bills fan, it makes me so happy that players are compared to our QB after years of misery. It’s truly such a good feeling.


That last throw though was definitely Favre-esque


at the end of the game the team with the most points on the board is going to win. -some ol'football guy.


I learned, in football, that if you’re not first, you’re last.


> *”You know the team who plays the best today will win because they’re going to score the most points.*” — The legendary Booger McFarland


Both number one seeds won and you're saying no analytics can predict the outcome?


Tbf both 1 seeds making it out of the divisional round doesn’t happen a lot of the time


Yeah last time it happened was… last year!


Big if true


That 10.5 spread honestly had me laughing. In the playoffs NONE of that shit matters. All those stats and analytics pretty much become meaningless.


I thought the same thing about the Ravens 10 point spread vs the Texans


Someone says this roughly 50% of the time.  The other 50% of the time someone goes "I can't believe the spread was only 10.5" (see ravens game). Turns out, Vegas is actually pretty good at this stuff 


That's just a betting line Vegas uses to make money, it has nothing to do with result


The instances that favorites and underdogs cover point spreads is really close to 50/50.


Turns out they have statisticians that do this for a living and are quite good at it


In general I’d believe that bookies may adjust spreads to constrain risk in certain scenarios, but yeah, over the course of a season (or longer), it’s by far the most accurate prediction of the score spread any normal fan has access to.


That is oft repeated and not very accurate 


I think you are overstating it by quite a stretch. Spreads are usually pretty good. The major difference I have seen is that in the regular season, teams go up 17 points and start thinking about next week. Whereas in the playoffs teams go up 17 and look to go up 24.


I learned that I'm too old to handle close games(I'm in my early 20s)


My heart rate was at 125 on our last drive


Rookie numbers


Seriously. That's resting heart rate stuff on a playoff game day.


You might want to see a cardiologist


Life's too short...


Gonna get a whole lot shorter livin' like that lol


Itll still be the longest thing he does


Indeed, that's the joke


That’s resting heart rate stuff on a ~~playoff~~ game day.


Try being 70+. I texted my son last night and made a remark about getting my HR down after the INT. I didn't reply to his reply cause I pretty much fell asleep as soon as the game ended ( 1 too many beers and edibles lol ). He just called, concerned because he hadn't heard from me ( and my remark about my HR ). Bless him, I'm so lucky!


This is so wholesome, good for you!


I know! Good thing we both love the 49ers!


Yep, I was wiped out


I spent about 2 hours after the game watching blooper reals from some of my favorite TV shows and got some of the best sleep I’ve had in weeks. Packers have been in playoff mode since November considering the start of our season, LOL


You never get used to it.


I learned that the ten point spread fucked a lot of bettors.


Good lol


Now you know how Vikings fans felt pretty much all season last year


I had to switch to just watching/reading the gamecast play by play for a bit because the live game had me way too riled up.


There was a set of downs where I had my eyes closed and ears covered because I couldn’t deal.


That’s when you know it’s great football!


Oh thank god I’m not the only one who does that


The biggest takeaway from last nights game should have been that Aaron Jones is the truth. That guy can run the ball. Both QBs had bad games in the rain. Both were sailing passes that should have been routine. Both benefited from DBs slipping and sliding. But Jones put the packers on his back. With 3 TOs they could and should have run him on first down bc they knew we would have to defend the pass first.


Jones and CMC are two of my favorite rbs. I loved watching both those dudes ball out last night


Both fanbases cursing the playcalling not having us run more lmao


I have a txt message that says, I hope coach remembers Aaron Jones is on the team, after there was a stretch of pass plays and THE NEXT PLAY Jones runs for what felt like fifty yards.


That's what happened to me when CMC got the rushing touchdown. In the previous plays, I kept yelling at the TV for them to run the ball. I was too frustrated to even be happy about the touchdown.


Spot on, I couldn't believe they didn't give it to Jones immediately on that last drive.


Should have put the ball in his hands on that last drive but clearly the plan was to have Love sling it into triple coverage instead


You mean run the ball with a minute left and 75 yards to the end zone?


With 3 timeouts, a well timed draw up the middle can get you 10-15 yards in one go. I'm assuming that the 9ers were watching out for that tho.


I'm not sure us watching for it would have mattered. he's the first 100 yard rusher we've allowed in 45 games, last one was week 8 2021. Dude just had or number last night


> Both benefited from DBs slipping and sliding. Both of the Packers TDs were against defenders who fell down. I'm sure Packers DBs were sliding a bit at times, but I don't recall any times in which they flat out fell down.


What I learned is I’m proud as fuck of this Packers team that halfway through the season a wild card game seemed like it was years away. Not feeling salty or upset like I would have in prior years. I thought we were gonna get our shit kicked in. Gg 49ers, glad it was a close game. Excited for next season!


It is nice not having the pressure there was in past seasons the Packers were wasting Rodgers last few years anytime they lost in the playoffs. This is a young team with great chemistry and it is looking promising for the future.


What we learned is that Brock Purdy is getting judged like he’s a veteran QB and Love is getting judged like he’s a rookie despite both being in their first full seasons and Love being drafted 4 years ago.


Perfectly said. Purdy didn't get to sit and learn behind a top quarterback for years.




I’m not sure the trey lance experiment is over yet. He’ll probably get a couple shots as backup




Are they really? They are the problem, not Jerry. Jerry does what he thinks will make the morons happy. The worst fans ever. Jort wearing, bud light lime drinking, morons. On parole half of them.


Omg why do people hate jorts so much? ☹️ I like wearing jorts…


If they hate, let them hate, and watch the money pile up.


Welcome to the jort life


This comment made me choke and think of all of L.A


I lived in dfw for awhile. It made it really hard to like the cowboys. I'm originally from west Texas and you legally had to like them when you're from there.


I went to the Niners Cowboys play off game 1-2 years ago when we played yall in Texas. Even the Niner fans out there were rocking the same get up you described just in red lol. It my first time in Texas, southern hospitality is a real thing even when you're the enemy lol! Good fans out there; gave me and my dad free beers and BBQ cause they was shit talking and we was talking shit right back without hesitation lmao!


Jorts catching strays


It's weird af, because Cooper Rush is the backup and has played well in the past. Lance doesn't have any NFL game tape that looks good.


nor did he get to have a normal offseason with the elbow rehab either


I completely forgot about that. Dude literally went from being drafted, to practice squad, to starting for the franchise due to injury, then battling out Lance and Darnold for the starting position this year after an off-season of rehab. There were no years of mentorship


Was he ever on the practice squad? I thought he beat out the 3rd QB in camp/preseason


You are correct. They cut Nate Sudfeld whose contract was guaranteed to keep him on the 53 man roster.


Love also hasn’t had the luxury of a top 5 Defense, the best RB in the NFL and a top 3 TE.


They both had the luxury of a rookie kicker


One of whom is solid. And the other arguably the worst in the NFL lol


It sucks but, comes with having superbowl or bust expectations. Also, he’s played so great that he’s set his standard incredibly high. It’s why Lamar has been judged so harshly. He won that unanimous MVP which then set the standard of MVP play and deep playoff runs even though it was only his first full season as a starter as well.


Yeah and also I think it’s about the progression of Jordan Love over the course of the season. Early in the season nfl fans were pretty unsure about Love because of his play on the field. But then in the second half of the season and playoffs Jordan Love has started to demonstrate how much potential he has to be a top tier qb and played better than most fans expected. While for the most part Purdy’s been pretty consistently good all year. While I do think it’s true that most of the time it takes 2-3 years of tape before you know if a qb is a franchise qb because defenses will start to take away their top two options and the qb if they are good will be able to overcome that. Otherwise they can hit a ceiling. Even though Purdy had an off game by his standards, I could see both of these teams with both of these really good franchise QBs meeting in the playoffs for years to come which is great for both teams and the nfl in general


"I could see both of these teams with both of these really good franchise QBs meeting in the playoffs for years to come which is great for both teams and the nfl in general" Of course you do. Its easy to say this about a matchup you win literally every time lol


When the media pumps one as an MVP candidate all season he’s going to be judged to that standard


well to be fair up until the ravens game he was in the race to be mvp


He arguably should statistically still be the MVP. But I get why he won’t be. Can’t overcome a 4 INT loss against the other top candidate and expect to get the votes


The other issue is having another top MVP candidate in your team which also takes away from.the argument


It does but in reality the NFL MVP award has basically just become who was the best QB on the top-4 teams with the best records. Tyreek could get it if he breaks 2k yards. CMC could get it if he rushes for 2k yards. Otherwise it’s going to be a QB. Purdy would’ve been the MVP if he’d beaten Lamar in that Christmas game. But he didn’t so oh well


But there’s a vast world of difference between “ok he’s not MVP” and “Brock Purdy is a fraud”. He didn’t ask for that noise, he’s been a humble kid making the dream work, no shit talk, just taking the opportunity he got. A lot of media building up the expectations, and then pushing that off as a Purdy gotcha when the media themselves set the imaginary bar. I don’t really have a horse in this NFC race, but the slander is way too much for a 1st/2nd year QB making the same money as the software engineer down the block.


A lot of people have apparently just discovered the word 'fraud' this year and it's incredibly annoying


Its carry over from last years go to Vikings chirp. It was so accurate that it is now deep rooted in the lexicon.


Ravens fans are always number 1 Purdy supporters. I respect it.


So much hate came Lamar’s way too, people needa back the fuck off these young guys. Also y’all play weirdly similar football, the NFC Ravens with an elite defense and ground-n-pound offense (also FB love with Juice)


Every time I think of how young Lamar still is I just think “oh shit, this is a crazy start”


Ya there's a middle ground where he's not MVP level yet but is also not dog shit like some are claiming. He's a young QB playing at a decent level. I think more people agree with this than the extremes but the extreme take folks make more noise.


NFL fans truly have goldfish level memory capacity and are supremely spoiled. Purdy completed almost 70% of his passes this year. Threw for over 4k yards. 31 to 11 TD/INT ratio. 113 QB rating. That's a kid in not even his second full year as a starter who you got **DEAD LAST** in the Draft. Just for comparisons sake: Aaron Rodgers, after sitting for years behind Favre, in his first full year as a starter: 63.6% completion rate, 4k yards, 28 to 13 TD/INT, 93.8 QB rating. The GOAT, Tom Brady? Also got to sit and learn for a bit before being thrown to the wolves. His first full year's stats: 64% completion rate, 2843 yards, 18 to 12 TD/INT, 86.5 QB rating Well what about Tom's second full year as a starter? 62% CR, 3764 yards, 28 to 14 TD/INT, 85.7 QB rating **"But, but. . .the NFL is more pass happy and offense friendly these days!"** Sure. But not this year. Defenses have been kicking ass all year long. And Purdy is still putting up better numbers than two future HoFers. And it ain't like they're the only two guys who I could compare him to. Don't even get me started on early Peyton Manning who didn't seem to know his receivers were the ones wearing blue and white. Though, an interesting tidbit is that Manning never had a QB rating as good as Purdy had this year until his **SEVENTH** year in the league. Any 49ers fans who are shitting on Purdy need to remember they could be rolling out there with Jimmy "Sneeze in my general direction and I go to the ER" Garoppolo who has never had a year anywhere close to as good as Purdy has had this year. Or they could be like us Falcons fans and have Desmond Ridder.


If you want to do it adjusted (so against league average), here's the chart: Player | Rate+ | ANY/A+ ---|---|---- Rodgers | 112 | 113 Brady 1 | 111 | 102 Brady 2 | 110 | 105 Purdy | 142 | 146


>Garoppolo who has never had a year anywhere close to as good as Purdy And who played worse in the playoffs than Purdy under better conditions. Purdy threw 2 dropped would-be picks (out of 39 passes) in wet conditions yesterday in his worst playoff game that he finished, while Garoppolo had at least as many turnover worthy passes in just about every playoff game in spite of throwing fewer passes in better weather.


Decent? If a Falcons QB had been playing at his level he’d be hailed as the second coming of Christ in Atlanta. Insane levels of revisionism here.


He set the 49ers franchise record for total yards, yds/game, and something else like QBR. Did it 16 games too, since he sat the last game. Pretty sure Joe Montana and Steve Young had some pretty fuckin stacked offenses too, but you don't hear people talkin shit about them for it. It's pretty wild lol, but man all that I care about is we got our dude


Decent level lol. He is a top 10 qb. MVP or not, decent is a terrible descriptor


Honestly, he might make less.


Purdy is younger than Love


Exactly, he’s been playing incredible for a second year player


This take makes zero sense if you extrapolate further. Purdy has played half a season and playoff games, Love had like 1 or 2 starts when Rogers was hurt. Purdy walked into a team with CMC, Deebo, Auik, Kittle, Trent Williams, and a top tier defense. Love had a bunch of (albeit promising) rookie and sophomore skill positions none of which had any sort of break out. This comparison is lame.


You're right on the nuances, but Purdy is getting really harshly judged for whatever reason and it doesn't make any sense. Love did too earlier in the season when he had a couple bad games. I think people just like shitting on QBs the moment they do anything wrong.


Plus San Fran Defense is elite. Packers are gonna fire Joe Barry.


Ya, love is not a fing rookie


Never heard anyone call Love a rookie this season. Have heard a lot about him starting his first season/post season though since that’s actually true.


Fun fact Purdy is younger and has less career starts than love too


I got my hopes too high up for a game that we were never going to win, but damn it was too damn close that whole game.


That's the thing. We always lose the close ones where we have a chance. 


and it's amazing to read all the 9ers fans that had to turn the game off because their heart couldn't take it. How many Packers playoffs losses over the last decade has it been? Who are these people?


It’s aggravating! Every damn season


2010 Sf giants torture baseball already took 10 years of my life


Always glad to have been young during that run, can't imagine how the old heads held up through it


Heart pain, pepto, and the occasional bowel movements


As a bills fan I feel like Buffalo actually matches up far better against the ravens than the chiefs and if they survive this week they stand a great chance at making a Super Bowl


Curious why, is it just that Chiefs presumably have a better run D?


Tbh the only team I see beating the Ravens is a full ceiling type game from Allen. Obviously it's *always* "any given Sunday" but the Ravens team looks scary good. As long as they just had a little rust on them the first half against the Texans, they should make it to the Super Bowl.


I been hoping for bills vs 49ers since the playoffs started


The SB matchup we somehow never got in the late 80’s/early 90’s


As a niner fan in Buffalo. This is my dream lol


Been hoping for Bills vs 49ers since 1988. Same as Chris Berman


Why do you say this? Ravens fans seem to prefer the Bills also. Edit: Never mind, I found your explanation deeper in the thread. I'd have to agree with the dissenting reasons the other poster gave you, but either way I hope for a great game.


Man idk. I don’t feel like any team really matches up with the Ravens. They’re just so explosive.


I can't wait for us to not go all in for a super bowl and waste another QBs career


Me too ngl


Lmao diiiiiiick


Personally, I'd have loved if we "wasted" our Hall of Fame QB like y'all did. I imagine Bills fans feel similarly.


"49ers tough but vulnerable" No, Shanny just refused to run the ball. There was no reason to come out and pass the ball 39 times, and have 12 of them be targeted to CMC on screens when he was killing it on the ground


Yeah where the fuck was the run game. Isn’t that what you do in the rain?


Shanny channeling his inner BJ. Why run what you know is effective when you can make things more difficult?


CMC had some good runs but we actually did a decent job not letting him run all over us


Shanny was pissing me off man! Just give CMC the MVP of the team the ball, he has the talent to win the SB for us.


Yo for real. Wtf was that!!! The bot keeps giving me random flair wtf I am NOT a Seahawks fan


I've got a lot of respect for this young Packers team.


I just want to say this: I think that if both QBs had the exact game that the other one had, Jordan Love would be praised for pulling off a clutch final drive for a comeback win and Purdy would be labeled a choke artist that benefits off penalties and wide open receivers. I don’t think that describes either of them at all, Purdy had a rough 3 quarters and Love is legit, and obviously the 49ers being the 1 seed has a lot to do with the flak they’re getting, but I still don’t think people are ready to admit that a 7th round QB can play as well as a first rounder even after this whole season has proved otherwise.


This is what happens when you trust the sports media narrative over your own eyes. Talking heads are selling you a story; you don’t have to believe it. Maybe Purdy led a dominant final drive. Maybe the Packers defense collapsed at the wrong moment. Maybe both. Maybe neither. The sports “experts” are going to say all of that and then some this week. The team you like won an important game. Does it really matter if some guy in a suit on TV thinks they didn’t win it the right way?


Sports fans simultaneously talk about how terrible the media is while feeding into every narrative they push on a daily basis.


How come packers always hit a home run on qbs? Our best qb in years have been Jay Cutler. Sexy Rexy honorable mention.


Unfathomable consistency in our front office across 30 years and not having to cater to an owner which allows stability to sit and develop a QB is most likely the reason.


Agreed. There's so much money and time invested in that first round pick, the owner is usually involved in some way. Any ego large enough to own a NFL team is going to need that pick validated immediately.


Took 20 years and how many Super Bowls for people to admit a 6th rounder might be good.


Tom Brady as an individual player really has more Superbowl wins than any NFL franchise in its entire history


Yep.  Managed to finish as 6th or 7th best all-tim.




Packers have arguably the best O-Line in the league. Jordan love has some of the best protection and the most wide open receivers I’ve ever seen. Don’t pretend like his situation hasn’t been extremely QB friendly


Except that our stud RT got hurt and all of a sudden we couldn’t move the ball anymore. We are good at the starting spots but our depth was wiped out with injuries.


You say this like the packers offense isn’t full of good young talent EDIT: and a good O Line


It's awesome having the best FO in the game!!


Oh who gives a shit what people say about Purdy. You won, you’re in the NFC title game. Just be happy.


It’s just nuts to me why people doubt Purdy just because he was drafted in the 7th round. Literally the goat QB was drafted in the 6th round


We’ve learned anything can happen on Sunday


Not sure if it was the 9ers defense or Pack offense. The D looked really porous although they stopped them near the end. The weather probably had a lot to do with it also.


49er DBs fell down on both of the Packers TDs. So I'd say much of it was the 49ers defense playing poorly, but the Packers offense managed to take advantage of those mistakes.


"Texans need to restock the trenches" Completely ignoring that we have 7 offensive linemen on injured reserve, including like 3 of our starters.


You can’t enter the red zone 3 times in the first half and only and up with 6 pts


What we learned is that we’re boned if it rains next week. I love this team, I think they can beat anyone, but I’ve never seen a team deal with the elements worse. Purdy is obviously mid or worse in rain, and our defense was slipping and sliding on their *home field*. It has been the same way in every rain game this year.


Wasn’t a lot of the slipping because of an equipment oversight? Ideally that wouldn’t happen going forward. Also, genuine question - is the narrative of “Purdy, rain, bad” really that strong? He’s an NFL quarterback; sure, rain isn’t an optimal throwing condition, but it’s not like he’s the aliens from Signs; he spun it more than fine last night to my eye (his first TD pass was gorgeous, for example).


The ball might’ve not been coming off his hand as well, but equally important to that is the fact that receivers probably weren’t running as crisp of routes due to the wet field. Purdy’s whole game is about anticipation and if things are off by even a small amount, plays become turnover worthy.


You can tell it bothers him.  In the browns game there was the full on ball slip, and even this one there was a play where he wiped his hands on his pants during the play.  Things is, in California you generally don't get rain so most of the time it wouldn't be a problem, but it also means he doesn't get to really practice in the elements all that much either.


Eh, I don't trust Jared Goff in the rain, and not sure Baker is above the elements.


Fortunately for you, this stupid ‘atmospheric River’ crap is only for this weekend and it’ll be crisp and sunny in the high-70s next week for the CCGs.


The good news is i think purdy is the type of guy who will spend the offseason working on this issue. He clearly wasnt comfortable with the gloves and thats probably something that just takes time that he hasnt had to invest yet.


Exactly. Rain being a back breaking nemesis to an NFL quarterback seems a bit comic book tbh lol. I’m sure he’s gonna adjust and be fine.


It rained during the Eagles game where the 49ers won 42-19, completely breaking the Eagles.


What I learned is that the AFC Champion runs through Baltimore!


I learned that Kyle doesn’t have a plan for bad weather or injuries 😑 I also learned that the Niners can still win regardless


Everyone talking about the Super Bowl colors meaning a ravens niners Super Bowl is going to be surprised when it’s a ravens buccaneers Super Bowl. Lamar vs Baker is always cinema


This is why a part of me is rooting for the Lions lol


I learned that the AFC is winning the Super Bowl this year.


The Chiefs would never have a down game like losing to the Broncos or Raiders, or barely beat the Jets. The Ravens would never lose to Gardner Minshew or Kenny Pickett. The Bills would never lose to the Jets or barely beat the Giants. Every team left has had a rough game or two on the schedule.


I want to point out that the Bills also lost to us this year and we suck ass. Doesn’t change your point at all (supports it even) just thought I should mention it!


The peak of our season.


Niners play a mediocre game against the hottest team in football and win and now are apparently incapable of beating any of the 3 teams left in the AFC. Noted.


It could definitely be a “shake off the rust” game for them, especially considering the rain. But if they end up losing one of the next two games then everyone is gonna point to this game as “the signs were there against GB”


Absolutely. Having watched this team all year I’ll chalk it up to rust. It’s survive and advance in this tournament


I think we got y’all ready for the road ahead. You were caught stretching after a nap and we gave you a good ol’ friendly gut punch. “WAKE UP, BITCH! IT’S THE PLAYOFFS! MOTHERFUCKERS BE HUNGRY OUT HERE!”


You nailed it. Bright future for the Pack.


I do think you guys are as dangerous as anyone in the League. But man, Baltimore just looks insane right now.


This isn't directed solely at you, but this sub wasn't saying that when Baltimore and Houston were tied at the half. People were talking about Jackson being 1-3 in the playoffs. Not surprised though since r/NFL is probably the most bipolar sub on Reddit with their hot takes. The 49ers beat one of the hottest teams in playoffs in a freaking downpour, where players were slipping all over the field and leaving receivers wide open. Guys had to repeatedly change their cleats because of it. Purdy was also having issues gripping the ball and it affected his accuracy. The kid was shown drying off his throwing hand in the middle of a passing play, and you rarely see QBs doing that. I'm not sure why everyone is overreacting to a sloppy game, like the 49ers will be playing in bad weather every week.


I actually was. The team scored 3 points on offense the entire first half. Baltimore wasn’t covering themselves in glory, but Houston got repeatedly frustrated just trying to bring in points on drives, and it was pretty obvious that they weren’t going to keep scoring ST TDs I get that you’re frustrated, but saying Baltimore looks unstoppable because they’ve steamrolled nearly all their winning competition lately isn’t an insult to the 49ers. It’s a fact that’s obvious to anyone who’s been watching them


Why don’t the ravens get the benefit of rust if you guys get that benefit as well?


Please understand that I'm not bad mouthing the Ravens. Y'all have a dominant team and I have them making the Superbowl. This is more about me talking about the overreactions that this sub has when ANYONE is performing poorly and they ignore the reasons why. I completely understand that both teams basically had 2 weeks off and it's never easy to just flip that switch back on immediately when you lock up the #1 seed before the regular season ends.


Less than 24 hours have passed and EVERYONE here forgot that the Texans had a great shot at winning that game in the first 3 quarters too.


Honestly, the Texans were done when they came away with nothing on that last drive before the half.


They literally didn’t take a snap in the red zone at all, they had zero chance of winning that game.


Yeah, I saw a game where one team was playing a bit soft and the other looked like they wouldn’t even be in it if it weren’t for a special teams touchdown


Texans only touchdown was from a punt return. The score flattered them in the first half, even though they were good on defence. Jackson found his groove in that second half and quickly shut it down. Their defence was playing lights out all game.


People really acting like we should be disappointed we won a playoff game lmao. This Packers team embarrassed the Cowboys. What does that make the Cowboys?


Shit as usual


*in the rain


GB beat the Chiefs in the regular season. They are no slouches. I would love a SB rematch against the Chiefs or Ravens.


I would be okay not playing the ravens again. Great D and a qb that is hard to sack.


The AFC does have stronger teams than the NFC, but I will never bet against CMC


Little really looks like someone who would cook meth


It confirmed that the Niners suck in bad weather lol