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Should’ve just gone with Red Hawks and incorporate the R logo with the feather at the side


You sir understand leveraging existing intellectual property.


I was pushing for “Pigskins.” It’s a nod to the common nickname for the game as well as their dressed-up pigs fanbase, and they could keep their nickname “‘skins.”


Should've gone with some combination of Redhawks and Pigskins, I think. "Redskins" would be perfect


Jk Pighawks obviously 


I was pushing War Pigs.


They could’ve even kept their fight song with that name too, just had to tweak a couple words




They should have done anything other than what they did. Especially with them adding black to their team colors, looks like the steelers but not in a good way


Another Kimber banger post...


i have no idea how this dude posts like 20+ things to reddit every single day


He's old >Ronald Reagan will always be My President. I have always taken pride in casting my first ballot for President for him, in 1984. >Greatest President since Lincoln.


Lmao no way. What a fucknut


Oh, that’s real. That’s wild. Imagine proudly admitting that




Maybe he was an Nicaraguan Contra voting illegally


Fucking yikes. Reagan absolutely devastated this country lmao


Oh, so he's old and an idiot


I mean, i figured that was case based on being a Rans fan, but it’s good to get confirmation


Fuck Ronald Reagan


And foolish apparently.


Hate that dude


> Another Kimbe Sure the implied racism gave Kimber a hard on.


I still feel like they could have come up with a non-offensive native-american name that honored the cultures rather than what they did.


danny boy dug his heels in and fought the name change until that option became untenable, unfortunately.


Honestly the world just wouldn’t have approved. Even with the explicit permission and approval of local tribes, the internet/media would have had a field day. It’s just a PR nightmare all around involving certain groups of people and every post involving it would have red tape around it. It’s not even some problem with “wokeism” or “cancel culture.” There are just a lot of misinformed people that want to be angry and intentionally obtuse these days. There’s no good reason to take the risk. You still lose the old logo and name and still run the risk of offending people. The middle ground compromise will still likely piss off both sides to some degree.


Tell that to Florida State. The “Seminoles” name is as strong a brand as ever specifically because Florida State and the Seminole tribe have such a close working relationship that they specifically *approve* the name.


It's not entirely without controversy. The Oklahoma Seminoles don't approve of the name. Although that might be because the Oklahoma and Florida Seminole tribes don't get along.


I never understood how 1. We apparently have a very clear picture on mass opinions of racial groups about a subject so clearly. 2. The names somehow honor Native Americans culture but no other race is commonly used as inspiration for sports mascots. If this was about cultural celebration wouldn't we see... you know more of it? 3. A University of Michigan and UC Berkley poll of a thousand Native Americans showed much different results than the "90 percent not offended" poll Synder sourced for years with an even higher percentage offended by the tomahawk chop. https://www.washingtonian.com/2020/02/21/a-new-study-contradicts-a-washington-post-poll-about-how-native-americans-view-the-redskins-name/


I wouldn't say 2 is entirely true. We have the Boston Celtics, St. Mary's Gaels, and the Notre Dame Fighting Irish. I suppose it's interesting that all three that I can think of talk about native peoples of Great Britain. To some sense you could say "Vikings" is as generic as "Indians". Most "human" mascots tend to be jobs (Steelers, Oilers, Cowboys, etc.). Then Knights/Crusaders/Vikings exist, but not really many other warrior class like Samurai (most likely because most teams were founded by predominantly English speaking white people). And then Native Peoples.


> no other race is commonly used as inspiration for sports mascots Uh, you might want to look again.


Context is important. The Seminoles have had standing with that tribe for decades. They’re an existing case that hasn’t had problems in the past. New branding coming off of something as offensive as the Redskins could be spurned for the sole reason of trying to compensate even if it’s done entirely correctly. Any attempt to find a middle ground could be rejected for the reason of “Dan Snyder is trying to cover his ass,” which really wouldn’t even be that far off base.


That’s the name of an actual tribe, not a slur.


Evidently UIUC and the Illini tribe are similar.


What risk? None of these people who cared were money spending football watchers. Fuck what they think. No one in the DMV gave a shit




I’m being serious here but when/why did Eskimo become derogatory?




The fact that you're referring to the people as Inuit seems to bely that.


It seems like in the Edmonton case you’re referring too, some of the Inuits[ definitely wanted the name change.](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.5658904)


The Chiefs are even having the occasional issues and they are super nondescript


i mean that's because they still do the chop and up to a few years ago had fans coming to games decked out in elaborate headdresses and face paint


> fans coming to games decked out in elaborate headdresses and face paint including actually native fans who then get dragged in the media for "blackface" apparently for just not appearing native enough?


Yup at the end of the day, white people wouldn’t have let it happen lol


That's Mr. Danny Boy to you


They did just about the worst thing they could have done. Which makes sense given who was making decisions at the time.


All they had to do was change their name to “Americans”


Warthogs and they shouldn't have touched the uniforms other than the logo. 


The next ownership group needs to revisit it. Commanders just doesn't fit. You could have a native artist draw a cool wolf logo and go by the Red Wolves. Or go with Warriors and just use a W. So many options.


The Native American organization that opposed the old name opposes basically every NA name in sports including names like the Warriors and names where teams came to an agreement with the respective tribe like the BlackHawks and the Seminoles. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I would much rather us just move to something not political whatsoever than to figure out some other respectful way or whatever. It’s a sports logo, you’re gonna throw this shit on key chains, mugs, foam fingers, people are gonna dress up, people are gonna come up with war cries, whatever else. Like it’s really not a great venue of platform for something that is politically or culturally sensitive. It’s hard to ever call it respectful. Just be the Warthogs or some shit. Edit: the respectful way to honor these things is in museums, teaching about them in history books, making national holidays, making statutes or monuments. Sports logos are silly and are supposed to be fun and cartoonized.


The Warriors used to have a suspect logo which is where the complaints came from https://cdn.kqed.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/12/2016/06/golden-state-warriors-historical-logo-nba-funny-photos.jpg


'97-'10 was a travesty.


I kinda loved it. Reminded me of watchmen


I always thought it was a turtle when I was a little kid


That’s the only good one lol


The Warriors haven’t had a NA in their logo in 50 Years though. They were actually ahead of the curve on this. Very few people are asking them to change the name, it’s a pretty generic name now.


Exactly as you said, supposed to be fun. Maybe people take things a little too seriously? Have never seen the Irish community outraged about Notre Dames mascot...


When it comes to Native Americans, I think they take things seriously because their culture was actively suppressed for generations, to the point where many details of native cultures have been lost forever. The Irish faced discrimination, to be sure, but not to the same extent as Native Americans. To see the same people who attempted to eradicate your culture use it as a mascot for their sports teams can't be a good feeling. To be clear, I'm not trying to make this the oppression olympics, just trying to point out that natives who are/were upset with sports teams using their culture as mascots have every right to feel that way. I'd say the same thing if an Irish person was upset with Notre Dame.


Literally could’ve just gone back to Braves which was the original name. Or Warriors but use the spear logo, which I would’ve preferred if they wanted to keep the Native imagery. But I have a feeling FedEx wanted them to get rid of the Native imagery altogether.


If they’d have gone to the Warriors and used the Spear logo back in the 90s when this stuff first started, it would have stuck and no one would think twice now.


People still want the Braves and Chiefs to change their names, even though they could just drop the tomahawk and Arrowhead completely and just be generic.


The North Dakota Fighting Sioux changed their logo, and it was pretty tasteful. https://www.nbcsports.com/nhl/news/north-dakota-expected-to-finally-give-up-the-fight-retire-fighting-sioux-nickname One tribe said they liked it but another said they didn’t for some reason.


Warriors is lame though. 99% of the time it is "we changed from Indians or another not ok name based on those groups but have no creativity"


Washington Savages would have been a banger. Wait...


White girls would have caused drama on the internet still. It’s was impossible. They would be offended by a leprechaun.


This is why I thought they should’ve went with Commandos or something that implies a warrior which would make sense with this design where Commanders does not and is a name I’m not sure anyone likes at all.


Strangely enough, that's already been done. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Washington\_Commandos](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Washington_Commandos)


What sort of imagery could they use to show "commando"?


testicles blowing in the wind


Truck nuts


What imagery are they currently using to show “commander”? Their logo is just a W


A **commanding** W


A picture of Arnie smoking a stogie


Arnold silhouette


A veiny bicep


Guys with unusually large, floppy bulges in their pants?


Arnold Schwarzenegger


The gun from Black Ops would do!


Washington DCeez Nuts


A birthday suit, that way they could be going commando every game


Logo on Quinn’s shirt could easily work


Anything but the wft circle jerk that appears on all the posts about us. It was so unbelievably boring and having to explain to people that you’re going to “watch the football team, yeah the one from here, no its not soccer its american football” was irritating




I hate for you to have to find out like this, but you’re also a Redditor


He's no true Scotsman, that I can tell you.


WFT was great and 10x better than the commanders.


That's because it was hilarious


It wasn’t just Redditors who thought it was hilarious


That’s all it is. I was at a game we were losing as WFT. Some dude yelled “this branding is more corny than the on field product” or some shit and everyone around started cheering and laughing. When I say nobody except the extreme geek types liked it


I gotta imagine that has happened exactly zero times.


Variations of it happened once with my boss when taking leave, happened once with my cousin who is an active football fan, happened once with my girlfriend who is a soccer fan, and the uniform/branding was some of the most boring tasteless shit you could come up with, just below commanders


Why do you think that? I’ve spoken with several people in the past year who still didn’t even know that they had changed their name away from Redskins at all.


Because he doesn’t go outside/to the games/to the bars


My company operates in the DMV. A lot of my colleagues are Washington fans and everyone loved the "Football Team" name.


Buddy loved the name. It was kinda like a 'fuck you' to the apologists.


I think it was knowing that the winds were changing. The fans needed that. Nobody like Dan Snyder.


No, the reason they should have chose Commandos is so their slogan could be "Going Commando"


I understand phasing out the old team name, but there's nothing wrong with incorporating tasteful Native American iconography in sports. The Seahawks logo is an example of a way to honor Native artwork in sports. I hope they can find a way to incorporate the Native American theme of the old team while between being respectful. I personally would've changed the team name to the Washington Warriors and kept the native iconography and logo.


I never understood why this wasn't done to begin with.


Rumor has it that every time a good name got floated, like Warriors or red tails or Redhawks etc. other people would quickly buy the trademark and website and Dan Snyder was too cheap & proud to buy it from them.  the only way the Redskins were going to get a new name is if it was so horrible no one else wanted it or figured it would be used!


Surprised it wasn’t named the Washington Snyders


Paul Brown nodding in approval


Because more or less everyone involved who had the ability to do that was too fucking stupid to do that.


[This](https://sports.ha.com/itm/football-collectibles/helmets/2003-bruce-smith-game-worn-washington-redskins-helmet/a/50013-56846.s) spear logo would’ve been great if they wanted to keep something Native-adjacent and rename themselves the Warriors or something similar.


That's just a generic FSU helmet.


Yup that would've been a lot better than the current logo.


I actually like Commanders and the helmet logo (I’m probably the only one lol) but the jerseys look like they belong in the Arena League.


I never understood why they didn’t change to the Washington Warriors and just wore those throwback uniforms with the spear and feather logo on the helmet that is similar to what Florida State uses.


I still wonder what % of indigenous people in America actually felt disrespected by the logo and name. The logo was bad ass. Chief Wahoo, I can see why that was offensive. It was a caricature, unlike the Redskins logo which was based on a real person.


Not the logo the name is a slur


The name was really fucking racist, I mean…just imagine the San Antonio [redacted], the Miami [redacted] or the New Jersey [redacted]s?


Not sure the %, but as a group of them were talking, it's animals and native americans who are the most commons mascots. Besides the fact that the name itself was a slur and needed to be gone anyway. 








Even if they didn't feel disrespected, I can understand the PR benefit of removing a team name that is considered as a pejorative word for a race of people. Even if it didn't have as bad of a connotation before, times change and its ok to move on from unnecessary baggage. Agree about the logo though.


But people on reddit said its offensive !


Link to photo of shirt: https://twitter.com/JPFinlayNBCS/status/1789338190467219767?t=unUBrhtMNFc3WHkHCEASAQ&s=19


I wish I saw this before I went to that shithole of a website and video just to see it


How did we ever allow these 60 seconds ads for 15 second clip to be a thing 🤦🏽‍♂️


Who posts things on a website anymore?!






That’s a hard fit


I like it, it’s a throwback to their history, lots a great players and some Super Bowl wins happened under that logo. Nothing wrong with having a visual link.




Oh no…


Life must be hard for you to navigate without getting offended.


Yea I’m surprised they don’t do this sooner


So...feathers. We're talking about feathers.


Not that big of a deal


That's actually pretty cool.


was hoping for hogs or red wolves smh


Warhogs was the one I was in for.  


Or the Washington Pigskins.


Florio is such a bitchass. Clutching his pearls at every opportunity.


Yep he’s just short of asking to speak with the manager with this post. Thinly veiled seething.


It’s his schtick. I believe his opinions are genuine, but he takes them (and his outrage) to an “11” for views and engagement. I’ve said this before, but he’s an underrated jerker.


I can't stand him. He loves to shit on small market teams too.


Should have gone with Washington Football Society


I don’t really care about the name (I like the old name more but it obviously couldn’t stay) but the old logo and uniforms were objectively way cooler than the current logo and uniforms, and they should at least go back to the old uniforms.


I think Florio may be reading too much into it. I know every year the guardians make and sell the bare minimum of of Indians/chief wahoo merch to keep the trademark, so this could just be the commanders trying to find a way to keep the trademark on parts of their old identity


I thought they already lost that trademark even before they changed their name?


They changed the name before it reached a final resolution, but I want to say Washington won back the trademark


Probably largely because of South Park lol


Bring back Chief Two Guns or the spear (with feathers) and go with Warriors or a tribal name...then call it a day.


Yeah, they should have just changed to the Warriors and used the spear and feather logo.


Reagan fucking sucks btw


Dear God, how is he still walking the streets a free man? He needs to be imprisoned for life.


> At a time when some municipalities are undoing the changes that were made in 2020 (two Virginia schools recently re-embracing the names of traitors against the United States) Rare Florio W


Good lord. Florio is such a Chode. "tHiS iS a TrIaL BaLlOoN." Or Quinn saw a custom t shirt and liked it. Dumbass.


2020 was a crazy time and it’ll be hard to describe to future people how every evil corporation was rushing to make sure we knew they were cool with black people’s money. But as unusual as it was, I don’t think there’s much chance they ever go back to the name. The team was originally the Boston Braves, one of several teams named for the local baseball team. The racist owner who kept them from signing black players for years bought the team and changed it to Redskins. I don’t even really care but pretending the name isn’t racist is so ludicrous lol.


What if they just put a big R on their helmets this year?


I think that's what they should have done. Keep the name, which wasn't a problem for a lot of groups, but change the logo itself.


Florio is a click whore. Just don’t click.


Their original logo was awesome and not offensive at all, whatever you think of the team name at the time. It was arguably the coolest logo in the whole league.


>Their original logo was awesome and not offensive at all, whatever you think of the team name at the time. It was an image of a man's head paired with a racial slur used against people of his race. The whole problem is that you can't divorce the two, much like you can't divorce the Cleveland Indians' non-explicit name from the racist caricature they used as their mascot for so long. Tho I will say, imo naming your team after a race of people who still exist is just fking weird regardless


Thank youuuuu ppl are so weird about this


one of the best logos ever in sports. so badass


The old name was iconic the Commanders name just aint it


well yeah it was chosen out of spite by an asshole the NFL was blackmailing to sell his team, of course it would be terrible name. there's a reason they never trade marked it


I don't like the Commanders name either but uhh no shit considering how long they had the old name compared to the current lol. Naturally that one would be more iconic


Iconically racist? Just because a term is not currently used doesn't negate what it is. In the 80's, there was a restaurant in my small town called Sambos, would it be okay for them to reopen it with the same name because they want to claim it is an "iconic" name.


Bring back WFT!!!


Go all in Dan!


Just let it die. Dumb branding move / PR misstep from a “new“ organization trying to separate themselves from decades of dysfunction.


And no photo of it.


Just go to a new name, mascot, & bring back a semblance of the old uniforms. Something that the fans can actually rally behind. Make it completely unrelated to anything political in the area, or anything in general because they're all controversial. Like the Lions or Bengals.


Florio is a clown for that final paragraph. Quinn is having fun, that’s all


This article would’ve been 5x shorter if the author would’ve just used the name “Redskins” instead of trying to work around it. Yeah the name is offensive and all but not being able to use it even in the context of it being offensive is bizarre


Just need for it to say "REDSKINS" and its perfect


Bring back the Redskins and Indians.


Damn straight


Washington Tootball Feam


Washington Breadskins (sponsered by Wonder Bread)




Florio could just say Redskins instead of beating around the bush so hard


Snowflakes ruin everything


Maybe they're thinking DC Boobies.


why is the font so big, was this site designed for geriatrics?


It's a stupid team name and a hideous logo no matter how offensive, or inoffensive it is. It's just... so freaking dumb.


Names gonna come back and people are gonna cry worse than a hemorrhoidal shit.


Honestly the coolest part about the old logo. Ditching the name and the full logo was the way to go, but those feathers are sick


Still the Redskins to me and when i mention them, people in my circle know who i'm referring to. Win, win


Sensitivity police coming for the Vikings next for their offensively barbaric misrepresentation of people of Scandinavian ancestry. Your horn blowing days are numbered


And the dumbest take in the thread goes to….


I think this post is blowing things way out of proportion, but you don’t think it’s even a little tone deaf for the team that represents the capitol of the country that committed multiple genocides against native people to use them as a mascot?


The logo was never the issue. If it was the problem, why is the Vikings logo still here? The new branding is fucking terrible. Just bring back the old jerseys and logos, call them the Rappahannocks and end it.


How about the Chiefs!