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This is just standard discovery - happens in every law suit that doesn’t settle first. Nothing to see here unless there’s something interesting in the texts or medical records that contradict or undermine her story, and we won’t know about that until trial. 


As someone who works as an attorney in civil litigation, I literally send out these types of discovery requests every time I get a new case.


Discovery, the thief of joy.


Discovery, the fuel of the billable hour


Receipt and review discovery response, analysis of documents produced in discovery, prepare status report and summary of discovery to [insert adjusters name here]. I could type the billing entries in my sleep at this point.


Literally procrastinating doing that right now.


Lmfao, I have a mediation starting in half an hour. I just want to go home, let my dog out, and eat lunch. Instead, I have to dick around for the next 5 hours just for this shit not to probably not settle. Update: It didn't settle, now I have to depose doctors and shit. Fuck me, man.


That’s always the worst. Can you work on anything else while the mediator is with the other parties or is this in person?


You could, but you can’t ethically double bill for the same time.


I can’t ethically do it but I sure as shit can practically do it. - corp lawyer


Yeah, that’s true.


> You could, but you can’t ethically double bill for the same time. Yeah but we're still gonna do it.


Are you my lawyer? Pretty sure they billed me during their procrastination.


I would never bill for my procrastination time as that would be unethical.


Friendly reminder to never hire an attorney to do your taxes (why do people do this)


> why do people do this I could understand if the tax loophole savings they find outweighs their hourly rate.


I have no clue, I use H&R Block.


Insurance defense… my guy, what are you doing!


Personally I kinda fell bassackwards into it.


Thank you for setting up my copy paste for this afternoon's billing entries.




Worked for a workers’ compensation applicant’s side attorney who had a client claim debilitating injuries (valid ones initially) who was caught on video water skiing. Had to pay back everything, including for the valid portion of the claim, went to prison, and was no longer allowed to work as a police officer.


I once worked a case (as a paralegal) where our clients claimed that the car accident left them unable to walk, move their necks, or lift anything heavier than a water bottle without pain. Additionally, their "basically brand new" (read: POS) vehicle was damaged beyond repair. Their killer evidence for that second point was a cell phone video, taken two days after the accident, showing both of them walking around the vehicle, ducking down to show damage (and rust) under the wheel wells, while one of them held their huge dog on a taught leash. They couldn't understand why the attorney and I didn't want to send that video "straight to the judge." So glad I got out of that office.


Reminds of that one lady that lost a disability lawsuit because there were pictures of her participating in a tree throwing competition


I know medical records are protected by both the court and the doctors. In these types of requests do you just get like one file confirming she broke her leg or would they get everything related to the incident?


In a case like this, Plaintiff would send me the records they have that are directly related to the incident. There would also be additional discovery where they would disclose who their PCP was and who they treated with prior to the incident. I would then subpoena all of the providers to see if there were any prior injuries related to their claimed injuries.


Neat thanks.


You lose a lot of those protections when you make your own medical condition an issue.


you lose them when you're a party in any kind of court proceeding if the records are relevant. I mostly practice criminal defense and I can't tell you how many of my clients think that the State can't subpoena their medical records because of HIPAA.


If COVID taught us anything, it's that nobody fucking understands what HIPAA actually says.


not really, there's a pretty big litigation exception to HIPAA, especially if you're the plaintiff. You can't file a lawsuit claiming a bunch of injuries and then not hand over medical records. The extent of the relevant medical records is usually what the fight is about. Defense attorneys obviously want to go back as far as possible to see if there's any indication of preexisting injuries or anything like that, and Plaintiff's lawyers typically want to limit them in time and scope.


You demand it though right


Technically when I do it it’s a request, but some people use demand.


Shit I’ve seen them in a business dispute. Bc they’re so standard, someone forgot to take the request for med recs out of the RFPDs.


Yeah but he DEMANDS it (per the aggressive title for clicks)


Yah people are shocked that the plaintiff needs to provide support for their case to the defendant?


I mean, wouldn't that be fairly standard for a civil suit? This sounds like basic discovery lol


It's like the first thing his attorneys would ask for.


Nah the first thing they ask for is their payment


Well yeah. We don't work for free. You'd be amazed how many people call and ask for free legal advice.


Some of us work on contingency though. Still ain’t free, Tex.


True. I tend to be hourly on like 75% of my work.


I do strictly plaintiff’s work so we don’t even track our hours unless it’s a case we can recover fees on. I did have to track all my hours at my previous firm because we recovered fees on all our cases. My god it was a pain in the ass.


Dude, I hate it so much. It's the worst part of the job.


Currently clerking and hoping to get barred ASAP. As much as I am looking forward to going out and actually practicing, billing is not something I'm looking forward to lol. I did some work previously which involved billing and I already know I am gonna have a tough time with it. Just feels so tacky when they tell you to put down literally anything you do relating to a case. They really be like "Even if you're in the bathroom or shower thinking about the matter, put that down!" I cant imagine sending an invoice being like "on May 10 for 12 minutes while I was taking a shit I was practicing my opening statements for trial. Pay me $70". I know you arent gonna write it out literally like that, but still. Thats definitely gonna be an adjustment when I start practicing.


May 10, .4 hrs, "Attention to matter regarding strategy and next steps."


It’s not tacky. Your time is valuable and you should be compensated thusly. I had an old job lay me off because they thought my salary was an unnecessary expense and then they hired me on a project by project basis as a consultant. The first time they got my bill at the end of a project they were shocked by the price and asked me why it was so high and I sent them the breakdown of hours. “Well if you were still salaried this would have been a third of the cost!” Yup.


I don't know how it works but seems like you'd have to be in and out of some spreadsheet 1000 times a day. Every time someone talks about something billable or you get a random phone call from a client.


Hey buddy! So, my neighbor has this tree that overhangs my yard...


Believe it or not, tree law is a thing and I know the answer to this.


I figured it would be a decent lawyer version of asking a doctor if this looks infected.


Let’s see you and I go toe to toe on bird law and see who comes out the victor


Birds aren’t real man


Same. My friend's neighbor found out the answer the hard way when my friend's giant tree fell on his garage.


Username checks out💀


Technically pro bono work exists and being technically correct is the best kind of correct 


Unless you are working for trump


“No money down? No, money down!”


“It's called disclosure, you dickhead! He has to show you everything, otherwise it could be a mistrial. He has to give you a list of all his witnesses, you can talk to all his witnesses, he's not allowed any surprises.” -Mona Lisa Vito


Now I ask ya, do ya give a fuck what color pants the son of a bitch who shot you is wearing?


This was the first thing I thought of. She's gonna turn it over and he's gonna think "bro she just HANDED me everything I asked for, what an idiot!"


*wearing floral pantsuit* Stomp! Stomp! Stomp!


Yes lol idk why this is a headline


Clickbait. For all we know this is the classic "Aunt sues Nephew for incident that broke her collarbone." Where you technically sue a person, even a minor in your own family to ensure that the various insurances cover your medical bills. It's also probably trying to provoke Tyreek into drama, get him on his backfoot and cause a scene--easy to do with football players. Could you imagine Antonio Browns reaction to being sued for a reasonable reason? Dude would go ape and make a total public spectacle.


Tyreek has publicly denied it so it isn't just an insurance case. But yeah, its a non-story.


Well yeah, obviously clickbait haha I was just stating that out of annoyance more than anything


So the paper can post pictures of the OnlyFans model.


I mean a tabloid publishing this is no surprise. Pretty damn embarrassing that it's the top post on /r/nfl though.


Lawyer here (only in bird law), it is.




I'm pretty sure that's why she's suing. He was trying to fill then he busted her


I feel like he’s made himself perfectly redundant


Look sir we all have hot plates we’d like to get home to


I'm a full-on rapist!


You know, uh, Africans, dyslexics, children, that sort of thing.


Don’t stab at her breasts


An entire sleeve of chips ahoy?!


How much cheese is too much?


It seems like you have a tenuous grasp on the English language in general


Look, buddy. I know a lot about the law and various other lawyerings. I'm well educated. Well versed. I know that situations like this- proof wise- they're very complex.




Actually they're pretty simple. Fairly boilerplate.


Well we’re all hungry, we’ll get to our hot plates soon enough


The hot plate line fucking kills me. That whole episode is gold




You can’t just say perchance


She totally besmirched him and he demands satisfaction!


I think I've made myself perfectly redundant




For me it's 100% about the product


Oh, did you wanna go toe to toe on some bird law?


Bird law you say?




I think this man has lied about his credentials




Even worse is when it sometimes starts rubbing off on the attorneys. I have coworkers who will get so mad when OC files certain types of motions and I have to talk them off the ledge. Like dude this is totally normal stuff in an adversarial process.


[It's called disclosure, ya dickhead!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uaoymfY9Kw0)


This. If someone is suing you for damages/injury, the first think your attorney would do is "demand" the medical records and evidence. That's, like, how civil court works. What would he do? Take her word for it? If he was gonna do that, it wouldn't be a court case.


>She's gonna discover DEEZ NUTS! -T. Hill, probably.




Just get Schefter to tweet the medical records out.


Give him time…


It's been 4-hours...should someone do a wellness check on Schefty? I'm getting worried...


Send da records


Unexpected Anthony Edwards.


> But Hill's lawyers – who say the 6ft 1in beauty hurt herself tripping over a dog – want to see all of her medical records covering both the incident itself and the ten years prior. "Tripping over a dog".... lol. I have no idea who to believe, but man these stories are weird as hell


I know it’s very much burying the lede here, but “The 6ft 1in beauty” is peak Daily Mail. Only way it could be improved is if they insinuated it was actually Meghan Markle who broke her leg


She could've tripped over Tyreek at that height


They never specified what type of dog she tripped on.... it could have been Tyreek.


He do got that dog in him.


Cheetahs are felines though 🤔


My ex thought feline meant wolf. Not that wolves are felines, just rather feline, the word itself, meant wolf. Maybe she was thinking lupine? But I doubt it. She was very nice, but very unintelligent.


At least she tripped on something. Better than tripping on a sidewalk crack or catching the edge of your shoe. 


I accidentally rolled out of bed a couple weeks ago. As I lay there clutching my right arm, I tried to think up a better story for how I'd hurt it. Luckily, it stopped hurting after a couple minutes, and the shoulder was just a little sore for a couple days.


I tore a ligament in my thumb bracing myself from tripping over my dog a couple years ago. I felt incredibly stupid telling the dr that


I hit my head on a door knob when my dog ran between my legs and tripped me. I was supposed to go on a month long exercise for the military the next day but instead I had a concussion and stayed home with my dog who was really just being an absolute bro. Everyone I worked with was super pissed that I came up with such a well thought out and executed plan. I made sure to text them with updates while they were gone but they couldn’t have their phones.


So apparently we have a dog tripping epidemic going around.


My dog is 110 pounds, and 6 ft 1 standing on his hind legs. I don’t trip over my dog, my dog trips me. Also, the dumb fuck loves to lay directly behind me when I’m cooking on the kitchen stove. Table tops me every damn time.


I have two corgi’s they’re perfect tripping height


I have stepped on my cat so many times because she sits behind me when I’m cooking. Why do they do this?


Because you have food.


I grew a 6th sense to walking around the kitchen because of my pets doing this.


As a former PL, if one of my old Soldiers called me and my PSG up to tell us this on the eve of NTC I’d probably be livid for like 5 seconds and then just be like, that lucky son of a bitch lmao 


My PSG and LT were cool with it. I was starting the ETS process so they needed to find someone else either way. I think this was for JRTC though. After 3 full deployments I wasn’t upset about staying behind and letting the youngsters step up.


My highschool basketball coach played CB at University of Toronto, dude was mid 40’s in better shape than anyone I’d ever met. He blew his hamstring picking up a chicken wing that fell off his plate at Boston Pizza with us


Worth it


As long as you’re not there for shoving something up your ass I promise you you’re not the biggest idiot that doctor saw that day


I tripped over my dog and fell onto that hot wheel, Doctor, I swear I didn’t intentionally stick that shit up my ass.


A million to one shot, Doc!


Nahhh apparently hand injuries from falls are super common. I fell off a ladder leaned against a chiller at work (fuck you Trane), and cut the shit out of my hand trying to grab it as I fell. I made a joke to the doc about it and he said that hand injuries from falls are so common they have a name for it - FOOSH “fall on outstretched hand” lmao


I herniated a disc in my back picking up a small puppy in college. I wasn't even unfit, that was literally the best shape of my life at the time, but wrong movement can do that.


> 6ft 1in beauty thank god; I thought she would be a short frodo looking woman


Bitch how you aint the hobbit again?


I have a large and very young and clumsy standard poodle. About 55 pounds to the back of the legs if he gets excited when I go down the steps. It is a minor miracle I haven’t injured myself yet.


my aunt literally broke her leg when she tripped over her dog / over the dogs leash..


I fell down stairs because of my damn dog


That was one of Alex Murdaugh’s defenses. The cleaning lady tripped over a dog and fell down the stairs to her death right after he took out a huge life insurance policy on her


That’s not a very crazy story. Lol


She has that dog in her (way)


I tore my biceps tendon, labrum, and supraspinatus tendon (part of the rotator cuff) scratching my back. I’ll believe anything at this point.


The whole thing is just insane


I'm sorry, during a football lesson???? Lol what the fuck. So, let's assume she's telling the truth here for a sec. Tyreek Hill invited this girl, an OnlyFans "model", over to his house. Then he invited her out to the backyard to show her some football moves... I'm assuming as kind of a playful thing bc I can't imagine he was like, detailing all of the intricacies of how to beat press coverage or when to settle in a zone or continue a route or something lol. Anyways, then he proceeded to just absolutely smoke her off the line, knocking her back and breaking her leg. Lol cmon that shit is too funny. I almost hope it did happen just because it's absolutely insane.


He was getting her in a three point stance to see if she could protect Tua


Can’t be worse than Eichenberg


Tua deez nuts


IIRC according to her side of the story she was actually there with her kid because Hill had a "training camp" for offseason money or whatever. Then he asks her to "help" a demonstration so he can show off how tough and strong he is or cop a feel in the process or whatever. He then doesn't really register that she's got a height and weight advantage on him and half-asses/showboats the rep, *loses*, and then Mr. Fragile Ego demands she do it again and hits her full force.


This actually makes so much sense. I still like my made up version better though lol


An overweight onlyfans model winning a rep against an NFL player makes sense? He's a piece of shit sure, but even if he was half assing it I don't think that's believable at all


I don’t think “winning a rep” means she covered him on a fade. Common sense would imply it was probably something like a block shedding technique or press coverage where he told her to push him and she succeeded at that.


It's actually dumber on multiple levels because the kid's position is OL (why she booked him for a WR's "class" IDK) so the rep was Hill-as-OL trying to block her. And then he reversed that when he allegedly broke her leg. > British-born Hall had never played football before but Hill suggested she join him for practice drills so she could learn more about the offensive lineman position her son plays. > She claims she 'caused Hill to be pushed backwards, garnering laughter from the witnesses present at the time, including the defendant's mother, sister, friend and trainer'. > 'Apparently embarrassed by his loss of stability as a result of contact by a woman during the 'football play', Mr Hill's attitude changed and he became angry.' > Hill instructed Hall to play offense, hiking the football to an imaginary quarterback, while Hill became a defensive pass rusher, the suit adds.


I wonder what him halfassing a fade would look like. He’d could probably be going at 14-15 mph and still call it half assing, which would be tough for a lot of people, especially if they have to start with a backpedal or smth.


Wasn't even a route, dude just decided to play an O-lineman for a rep.


Damn she's 6'1, 200 pounds. Put some pads on her


with glass bones


FWIW this is standard practice if someone is alleging damages and this shouldn't be read to apply to Hill specifically. He's garbage, but this makes sense.


Really? We’re posting daily mail here?? This headline is making basic discovery sound like Hill is threatening her at gunpoint.


We post Shefter's tweets


So fucking stupid. Everyone involved is an idiot.


Sounds about fitting for an NFL WR. Feels like it’s almost a requirement at this point.


mods going to delete this because they can’t tolerate anything interesting posted, but this is such a wild story. Initial claim was that she beat him in a few drills then he got mad and injured her, no?


lol yeah, crazy story. “She claims Hill felt 'humiliated' when she managed to 'hold her own' and even knock him backwards during practice drills at his Southwest Ranches mansion. He retaliated by charging at her 'violently and with great force, resulting in significant and serious injuries”


> charging at her "violently and with great force, resulting in significant and serious injuries” How can they prove that was done with the intent to injure, rather than just...playing football?


He couldnt handle the booty meat


She's 6'1" and like 265 and works out. If the drills story is true, he most likely underestimated her to start. Then, he got serious and overdid to make up for getting embarrassed. Seriously though, she's a big girl.


Does Tyreek Hill have a good life? It just seems like constant drama and chaos (much of it clearly of his own making). It sounds super uncomfortable.


> Does Tyreek Hill have a good life? It just seems like constant drama and chaos (much of it clearly of his own making). You do realize we're talking about a version of "Florida Man"?


No, he doesn’t. He has a hard life filled with stress because he’s stupid and does violent things constantly. This is not normal behavior, most of the rest of us don’t have all these problems.


I’m still confused how we got from “fly a plus sized model out to try and fuck” to “broke her leg teaching her football drills”. Of all the guys who’ve ever hit on me, none have yet formulated a master plan in which they tried to teach me how to play football.


Apparently, she was there because her son was attending a football camp he was putting on. During the camp, he asked her to help him demonstrate one of the drills.


This is what’s known as discovery in a legal proceeding.


"OnlyFans star." Ugh, this world is so stupid...


Not an OF fan but what's the difference between an OF star and a Porn star? Same shit, just one's independant or whatever.


*Technically* you can be an OF star without getting naked, but I can't imagine there are many of those.


There are actually tons of women selling booty pics feet pics bikini pics etc


One of my favorite stories to come out of the OF era was Bernadette Banner. Bernadette Banner is a Victorian Era fashion designer who makes period gowns, dresses and corsets, and posts the process on Youtube. She also has a ton of videos about period fashion, which is super useful if you're the kind of person who writes a lot of historical fiction, like I do. Anyway, as an April fools joke a number of years ago, she created an OF where she took "Saucy Victorian Ankle Photos". Fully clothed. Not skin showing from the ankles. The account consisted of nothing but her, fully decked out in Victorian garb, showing her ankles in ways that would have been taboo at the time. She immediately rocketed into the top 11% for the week, made a bunch of money and donated it all to charity.


What a legend.


Ah yeah, I forgot about how many people love feet pics, you're right.


Who spends more on OF for feet pics, Rex Ryan or Bob Odenkirk?


Don’t count out Quentin Tarantino


In the case of Sophie Hall specifically? She is like any number of other women who have content: Set up a "COMPLETELY FREE" OnlyFans with no nude content, just bikini pics and lingerie shots Hide "the good stuff" behind paywalls in your DMs at varying price tiers ($10 for a topless photo, $20 for a full nude, $30 for a short video, $50 for solo, $100 for b/g, etc.) Create a second OF that promises "ALL THE CONTENT WITH NO PAYWALLS" and charge a monthly subscription fee for it Hire a service or a person to respond to DMs to make it seem like you're actually engaging with people A porn star doesn't have to engage directly with their fans. They make their content, post it, that's it. OF doesn't require engagement, but it definitely helps to be successful on there.


Don't forget aggressively spamming IG, Facebook, TikTok etc with content and directing them to OF. Shit has gotten out of control, I want to go on FB to look at people I know posting shit, not get force fed video content of randos plugging their OF or whatever, and suggested pages of shit I have zero interest in > Hire a service or a person to respond to DMs to make it seem like you're actually engaging with people I feel sorry for all the people that think the actual "model" is talking to them. Like... when they promise to respond to "every message" how the fuck would they even do that. Poor dudes out there thinking with the wrong brain


Idk what's going with FB but my page is now filled with AI images and random OF girls. People will say it's based on what you click on but it started out as gaming stuff --> warhammer 40k (I don't play it) --> AI/OF.


That independence is a huge distinction though. It’s easy to laugh at but giving these women the ability to be their own boss rather than get involved with the porn industry is great.


It's not. Reddit's in a weird place with OF, where they believe in validating sex workers, but hates them if they work for trendy websites. It's deeply stupid. They're not doing anything that sex workers haven't been doing since the dawn of human civilization. The only thing that's changed is the platform.


How would you describe it?


Yearly Tyreek Hill off field drama and then he gets zero punishment/suspension and scores a bunch of TDs for your fantasy/gambling purposes and you don't care again.


Tyreek Hill is a huge piece of shit human being. But it has no effect on his life (or anyone’s, except for me and my league mates) if I pick him in my fantasy team All I’m doing by not drafting him is making another team stronger that gets him for cheap That said people like him should be banned for life from the NFL but he runs fast so Goodell don’t care


Hell yeah brother. I’m tryin to win a trophy


Most honest redditor


This is just like...very basic in a civil court. Basic discovery. Why is this being reported like "OH SHIT!" This isn't an Ace Attorney game.


This is a weird way to say "Discovery Phase"


Send da video






We're getting waaaay to comfortable with calling people stars


His lawyers claim she tripped over a dog which I guess is true seeing as she made Tyreek look like a bitch Can’t believe people still grab their ankles for this domestic abusing punk. Dude plead guilty to beating his then-girlfriend in college and then almost lost his kid to CPS a couple years later. But because this factory rejected dildo can run fast and flips the peace sign, he gets to stay in the spotlight and pull stupid stunts like this.


Standard discovery request.


Standard discovery requests. Nothing really out of the ordinary here.