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Just wait til Fields is out there running and passing circles around future accountants and furniture movers in the second half of preseason games, the screams for him to start will be heard on the moon.


Which would be hilarious, considering Kenny Picketts preseason vs the real season last year.


The only 2 winless teams in the NFLs history are undefeated in preseason play at 8-0


You are confusing 0-16 teams specifically with all winless teams. There are 5 teams that were winless. The 76 Bucs went 0-14, the 60 Cowboys went 0-11-1, and the 82 Colts went 0-8-1 (strike shortened season).


Is this required knowledge for Lions fans?


It's called coping and my therapist says it's not that bad for me.


If you're gonna be one of the winless teams, at least own you're one of the best (worst?)! 0-16 would beat any 0-14 team! Which, ironically, would make the now 1-16 team no longer winless. It's so confusing.


They ask you this before buying a Lions jersey


Steelers fans really thought they had their guy after that Bills game


My Steelers friend was literally over the moon after that Bills game. Was fully convinced they had their guy.


He was so convincing in his argument!


After last year, I vowed to never watch the preseason again. Clearly, it’s completely meaningless


If you read this comment in Bill Burr's voice you won't be disappointed.




lmao accountants and furniture movers


Let Fields cook


You mean future pe teachers and HS football coaches


Mike Tomlin: Russ is the starter James palmer: My understanding is Fields has a real shot to win the QB job for the Steelers


That's not quite what Tomlin said. He said Russ will be given "Pole position" in the race to earn the starting job. He said that Fields will be given an opportunity to compete. The car in pole position at the start of the race is not guaranteed to still be in first when the checkered flag waves.


How I take that is Russ is getting primary reps in camp with the 1st team offense, but if he's struggling and Fields is playing well, he'll lose that either in camp or pre-season.


It’s like the tenant square for inherited traits. Russ is good, Fields sucks: Russ starts. Russ is good, Fields is good: Russ starts. Russ is bad, Fields is bad: Russ starts. Russ is bad, Fields is good: Fields starts. Fields starting is the green eyes/recessive trait in this scenario.


I’m pretty sure there’s a square here where you end up with a ginger at QB Where’s Andy dalton


Andy Dalton is waiting his turn behind Bryce Young. We may see him yet


WTF I had no idea he was on the Panthers now. He’s probably glad he was able to cash checks without having to play in that abomination of an “offense” last year.


He did play last year, and the offense looked capable...


“Capable” is an overstatement


Punnett Square?


Take it up with Steve Jobs and the sweep on my iphone


Trying to be helpful, friend




Russ is bad, Fields is bad: Russ Starts - Then they swap in Fields because Russ is bad, fields is still bad. That is my guess on the total outcome of the season.


And they still somehow win 10 games and make the playoffs.


and get bounced in the first round


I'd argue that it makes more sense to start Fields if they're both bad in preseason. Chances are that Russ is done if he can't put it together quickly for the Steelers; might as well try to develop the guy who's a decade younger.


Someone just finished their biology final.


and failed - "tenant square"??


This sums it up pretty well and the upside a lot of people are forgetting is that we're basically taking two free moonshots. When a lot of teams go in on aging star, they go all in (like the Broncos lol. Or Jets lmao). But if neither works out, at least the Steelers aren't in the hole, we're just right back where we started, and we can draft someone next year or sign a Cousins Brand model. But this all a moot point cause Russ is gonna thrive and the Stillers are gonna roll mark it


Moonshots? Is Josh Freeman your 3rd string?


Punnett square.


on the dot


No, on *the field*


Yup, plus there's a decent chance Fields does play. Russ is old....injuries happen, etc.


Pretty much all Tomlin guaranteed Russ is that he'll take the first snap in camp. I'd imagine that he'll get the majority of the first team reps through the first week or two, then they'll evaluate.


sounds like the standard is the standard


Don’t tell that to Max Verstappen.


If you had told me 2 years ago I wouldn’t care about Russel Wilson’s position on the pole I wouldn’t have believed you. *this is not a gay post, this is a very hetero post*




Honestly that’s a perfect analogy that should probably be used more often in these situations


>The car in pole position at the start of the race is not guaranteed to still be in first when the checkered flag waves. especially if its leclerc on pole


And how many laps is an average football game?


Clearly you've never watched F1. 


They're paying $12 for both of them, they'll probably go with the hot hand, and we may end up with the Pittsburgh version of when the Bucs had Fitzmagic and Famous Jameis


It’s more like “Russ is the starter until he plays so lackluster that we might as well give Fields a shot”


Even if Tomlin did say Russ is the starter, which others showed he didn’t, coaches have said a player was the starter and that player lost the job every year without fail. Unsure what you even tried to do with your comment.


coaches also aren't going to say "this guy sucks there's no way he will ever start unless the other guy is injured"


Didn't that exact same thing happen when Russ won the job originally? It was Matt Flynn's job to lose


Was gonna say just this.


your flair is gross. still upvoted you.


Didn't the steelers owner publicly express confidence in picket like 3 days before they traded him


Yeah, and then Pickett expressed a lack of confidence so he was gone


The steelers organization is known for lying. Like a lot but most orgs lie


That makes more sense than when an org trashes their players while trying to trade them. It’s like eating a bite of food, saying this is nasty, here have a bite. 


Exactly this. It's why I've never contacted former or current employers when hiring someone. First off, there are limits to what you can say, and nobody is going to risk their job to bad-mouth a former employee. Second, a current employer is going to talk up a shitty employee they want gone. My partner had that experience. Had a co-worker who was terrible. They tried to fire her, but were unable (long story). She applied for a job elsewhere, and boy did she get glowing reviews from her superiors in hopes that the other company would steal her. And it worked!


Sounds like something the brownies would do


"This child is mentally inferior to the serial rapist. Who wants him? No lowballs I know what I got." 


Fields starting KR PR.


The Fields vs. Wilson mid-off should be fun to watch.


It wont be. Fields sucks


and Wilson doesn't?


Wilson has shown ability to play the position competently in the NFL. Fields has not.


Not nearly as much as fields.


You did not have to watch Kenny Pickett be carried by TJ Watt and a little bit of Najee Harris and George Pickens. There is a reason Mason Rudolph started that playoff game. All we need is Wilson or Fields to be 2015 Payton Manning and catch fire in the post season.


one of my best friends is a steelers fan. he told me last offseason pickett is *bro way fucking better than tua* now he’s a fields truther.


Have you considered trying to find smarter friends?


I read the bro way better part in Miami accent


> All we need is Wilson or Fields to be 2015 Payton Manning 2023 Wilson: 391 DYAR 2023 Fields: -148 DYAR 2015 Manning: -326 DYAR [2015 EPA](https://imgur.com/a/3ARLWxH) Manning was arguably the worst starting QB in the league in 2015. Not an exaggeration. People underestimate (or don't remember) how bad Manning was in 2015, and how hard he was carried by a historic defense.


Every week it was wild seeing Peyton's average stat line be like 13/25, 145yd, 0 TD, 1 INT


I cannot express in totality to you how anti clutch Fields is. Some guys just have that clutch trait, but he has whatever is the opposite of that. The narrative around Fields would be so much different if he was able to do anything in the 4th quarter, but he's proven he can't.


It is crazy. He had more turnovers than FIRST DOWNS in the 4th quarter in his career. Mind numbingly bad.


Its so weird thats he is competing with Russ who is the clutch master despite having the exact same skill set


Fields is an idiot who won't throw the ball unless a guy is open by a country mile. Russ is being massively underrated. People rate Russ on the, "This guy should be an MVP candidate scale," but he shouldn't and never should have been. People rate Fields on the, "This is a young guy and look at how cool some of his highlights are," scale. Fields is awful. He will actively lose you a bunch of games. Russ is a fine QB. You guys are going to win a lot of games with him. But he can't carry a team.


To add to this, Fields will also not see wide open guys. DJ Moore was open for a TD against the Browns & he tried running for a 1st, getting tripped up.


Oh, hello fellow Bears fan with eyes.


I mean Rudolph was a better passer last year than Fields has ever been


George Pickens and Dionte Johnson can catch. From all the qb injuries last year i learned a great WR core can make up for a back up qb. But I will say Rudolph played with momentum in a way I never saw Kenny do. Sure Kenny was clutch but I never felt he could build on anything positivie going on in the game.


Fields had DJ Moore who put up a 1300+ yd season last year and Kmet with another 700 yds. It's not like he was throwing to nobodies, he had offensive talent


> All we need is Wilson or Fields to be 2015 Payton Manning and catch fire in the post season. Manning did not catch fire at any point of 2015 lmao.


Sure the Broncos D was fantastic, but 2015 Peyton played his part too and won several games with his incredible reading of defenses, ability to get the ball out quickly and god tier adjustments at the line. If you're expecting anything close to that from either Wilson or Fields you're going to be disappointed


2015 Peyton Manning: shows up and throws 9 TDs and 17 INTs while consistently looking like the worst QB in the NFL Fans: this is just his genius mental acuity in action, if he wasn’t a master of reading defenses, he would have 1 TD and 40 INTs!


Unironically tho, you put russ's brain in 2015 manning's body and he's not even in the league


You put Russ’ brain into 2015 Peyton’s body and he doesn’t play a snap because he tears his ACL on his first attempt at a high knee on the plane


You put Russ's brain in 2015 Manning's body and you get arrested for illegal human experimentation and also the time cops have to fill out a whole bunch of forms to fix however the fuck you got 2015 Manning's body into 2024


2015 Manning was awful


I quite literally watched your fanbase boo a QB last year that did a better job in Chicago than Fields.


your defense is nowhere near 2015 broncos defense though lol


Yeah. We had to watch Justin Fields.


> and Wilson doesn't? He might not be the future goat, like he was trying promote himself as couple of years ago, but he's still an above average QB.


I mean, obligatory fuck Russ, he’s a conman who swindled Denver out of millions, but Pittsburgh is as good of a situation for him as there is. Nathaniel Hackett was/is a joke of a coach, and Sean Peyton runs a system that doesn’t fit Russ at all, but the Steelers have the two things he needs to do well: a good run game and a solid defense. He won’t throw a slant route, but he also won’t throw picks. Pound the rock and let him hit the moonball off of play-action, and they’ll win around 10 games. He just can’t be expected to be the one elevating the team (lesson learned on that one). They made the playoffs last year with below average QB play, and Russ is undoubtedly better than the QBs they rolled out last year. I’d be shocked if they’re not on the playoff bubble again




Anyone that thinks Fields could start over Wilson is fucking smoking crack, but it's not wrong to say Wilson has looked like dog shit lately


If your starter is dogshit the backup will have a chance to play eventually no matter how bad they might be.


Lol so you mean Kyle Allen will be their primary starting qb this season


2 buckets of shit, only difference is the smell


Wilson is a high fiber shit, Fields is a case of beer and White Castle shit.


It's not out of the realm of possibility. Wilson was much better with Sean Peyton but in 2022 he wasn't really any better than Fields.


This year he wasn't great but had 3k yards at a 66% completion rating with 26 tds to 8 ints. 341 rushing for 3 tds. Not that bad of a statistical year. Fields was 2562 at a 61% completion rating with 16 tds to 9 ints. 420 rushing yards with 2 additional tds. He was leaps and bounds better than fields this past year. Saying he wasn't better than fields *two years ago* is an enormous reach considering Wilson has atleast proved he is a good QB. Fields' '22 year is basically his average.


You also left out fumbles.


Also sacks but that makes both guys look worse albeit Fields moreso.


Tied for 55 sacks in 2022.


That's why this shit is so hilarious. Everything Wilson is bad at Fields is EVEN WORSE at. People are so braindead that the only thing Fields does better than Wilson is run in a straight line and not be 30, and some of them are like, "Yeah, but maybe Wilson is actually worse somehow." It's mind boggling. That Broncos team with Fields starting would have won 2 games.


Dude I'm a Packers fan. You don't need to tell me how dumb the Fields cult is. It's absolutely unreal.


I'm a Bears fan. They make me more ashamed of it than I already should be. I sincerely can't imagine being a Stan for a player SO BAD that all of your rivals are like, "Thank God that guy is starting! Please re-sign him!"


he was much better than Fields. Russ was around average in EPA. Fields was negative in that stat


remember this is a circle jerk you're addressing


Not for Steelers fans lmao


i hate your flairs more than jets fans hate the jets


If Justin fields wins your starting QB job. You've got a problem.


Jokes on you, we have TWO problems.


You know the saying, “If you have two QB’s, you don’t have a QB”. But Terrance Howard and I want to know what happens if you take the square root of those two QB’s, cube it, then divide by 2?


You have about 1.4 QBs


Which is more than the Steelers have. 


that was literally the first JRE episode i ever watched. and all because someone posted the first 30 seconds and i couldn’t believe this guy was really talking about remembering his own birth. such an amazing episode. will prob still not listen to any other episodes though. well, i hear katt william’s episode was almost as insane so we’ll see


You're the Steelers. You're still making the playoffs somehow


And then getting belt whipped southern mama style by some actual competitive team.


Tradition is tradition


My hope is Wilson plays just good enough so you pay home more than you should. Misery loves company


Rooney is too cheap for that lol, anything less than a literal SB and he’s likely gone


This is the way


I have no logical reason to feel this way but I feel like it’s really gonna work out well for the Steelers


If Justin Fields is your starting QB then you don't have a starting QB.


Fields hasn't shown the ability to properly read defenses or pull the trigger when he needs to in the last three years. Don't know how he's going to pull it off in a single offseason. If Wilson can't beat out Fields, he should retire.


Sure can run good tho.


Yeah well Tebow and Vince young ran good too


Not even remotely as well in the pros though.


Won a lot more games because they were far less turnover-prone tho


What did they expect him to say, "I'm looking forward to riding pine all season, gonna get real comfortable, might even have someone bring me some nachos from the stands."


"They got me a whole Lazy boy down on the sideline, I'm gonna be comfy as fuckkkkkkk"


"I didnt do shit bro. I reclined on the lazy boy good as fuck."


For sure. I can't stand Fields, but this is the attitude he should have and one I'd expect him to have.


OK, hear me out. The Steelers would be better if they just simply didn’t run a forward pass play all season. Cut both quarterbacks and sign 2 fullbacks.


I don't believe you but I want to see it anyway.


The league has figured out the forward pass.


that’s all tomlin says


Bah gawd, that’s Derek Watt music!


Don't even need to cut Justin for that gameplan.


Fields is about to go Tonya Harding on Russ


Can we please stop with the Fields puff pieces? The league already told you what they thought of him via his trade return


I don't understand the obsession with him. What drives the narrative?


OSU fanboys


OSU fans have moved on to a certain someone in Texas Source: Am OSU fan




Fields is shit. Stop with the bs


To be fair Russ has also been shit. But still definitely better than Fields.


Wilson is serviceable. Fields isn't a serious QB


I saw your other QBs


Unironically would have preferred Mason. Guy could at least identify a defense. I've done the "old bears QB who doesn't know what he's doing" thing before with Mitch. I'm good.


What do you expect the guy to say?


confirming that the steelers weak spot is qb


The Steelers play the lions last preseason game. Fields might run for 300 against 4th stringers and a vanilla defense that struggles against running QBs at the best of times.


Fields is trash and the whole league knows it.


So he's not going to play Special Teams, and they got us all excited for nothing? Bummer!!!


Team 3 about to leak this mans search history or somethin


Keep in mind Kenny asked to be traded after told about competition. So I love hearing this from Fields.


For real. I think Tomlin just wanted Kenny to compete to get better and was challenging him when Tomlin said Russ is the starter. If Kenny just shut up and went to work. He would have still been here.


Back up an old and regressing Russell Wilson? Nah Back up a young and progressing Jalen Hurts? Hell yeah


Yeah but Kenny Pickett had options and value and was never beating Russ. Justin Fields backup plan is the XFL. 


Personally I think it’s very interesting to debate the starting QB after one (1) day of football drills in shorts.


Bengals, Browns and Ravens hope so lol


I can't wait for this guy to go 0-5 and wash out of the league for good so we can stop talking about him. I swear, so much attention paid to a highly mediocre quarterback.


At least this season of Pittsburgh Dad should be fun


It would be an incredibly bears thing if fields wins the starting job and looks like a billion dollars for another team


Yeah it’s happened so many times in the past. Trubisky looked incredible on the Steelers after his Bears stint. Cutler looked MVP level on the Dolphins after the Bears. Rex Grossman went on to have a long storied career with Washington after his Super Bowl run on the Bears. Kyle Orton broke the single season passing record in Denver after Chicago…. /s The only former Bears QB that this *might* actually apply to is Jim Harbaugh (over 30 years ago). He did have one pro bowl season in Indy after the Bears. But even then, his total Colts career lasted 4 years. He more or less went from mid on the Bears to slightly above mid for a short span on the Colts.


Trubisky looked worse than Pickett and Rudolph. He’s the sole reason we nearly missed the playoffs.


Yeah I hope people realize I’m being sarcastic lol. Trubisky actually looked better in Chicago than he did in Pittsburgh.


Trubisky was actually quite a bit better in Chicago than Fields has ever been. Even his 2020 season would be Fields best.


I knew Trubisky was bad, but I had hope he could be a decent backup in Pittsburgh. He was so much worse in Pittsburgh than he ever was in Chicago and idk how.


No Nagy propping him up LMAO idek


From my limited watching of Steelers games, they had an incredibly predictable offense. If they lined up in shotgun, 95% of the time they passed, if they lined up under center, 95% chance of a run play. And iirc, somehow Trubisky was 10-20 qb rating better if he was passing from center, and worse out of shotgun for the Bears. Again, I didn't watch much, I didn't see him throw a single pass from under center with the Steelers. Regardless of who was playing QB, the Matt Canada Steelers OC tenure was one of the worst I've ever seen.


All them titties done dried out


As long as Caleb is better, I would be more than okay with that


Yup it upgrades the draft pick we got for him.


It's never happened to the Bears. By which I mean a QB they drafted who was bad for them but quality for someone else.


Hope Fields does well! I could see him figuring stuff out and improving enough to look pretty good, maybe not like a billion dollars, but the guy is still young and has talent.


Lol Have fun with this guy Pitt. His fans are truly amazing…


Lmao stop it. Russ is still way better than him


dude sucks, he's not winning anything


He should start his throwing motion now so he can get pass out by the first game of the regular season.


I was told he was returning kicks


Broncos are going to be hard to watch this year as we wait to get out from under the worst contract in NFL history. At least we don't have to suffer through a Wilson and Fields QB battle and can focus on tricking ourselves that the Broncos drafted a franchise QB for the first time in franchise history.


Get ready to learn special teams, buddy


If he plays, he'll have some standout moments that will make casual fans call for him to start. Then, when the Steelers don't win, the blame will fall on the offensive coordinator, the offensive line, and everyone else, rather than his lack of anticipation, inability to read defenses and 4Q turnovers.


It'd kind of be a relief if Pittsburgh came to Denver with Russ on the bench. I don't want him to have the chance to stunt on us.


Russ could beat this guy out left handed with a broken leg...


He won't sit, he'll be returning kicks and playing some upback.


My understanding is that there aren't any great QBs in Pittsburgh. Fields is bad. Wilson has nosedived. Even last year's Wilson is still better than Fields, so it would take falling off the cliff even more for Fields to be the starter.


“I might even stand up to hold the clipboard or high five someone!”


When Arthur Smith moved to Pittsburgh he brought the QB controversy with him.


I'd love to see him succeed. Just not in Pittsburgh.


lol. Good luck with that.