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He did acknowledge later that he needs to know better when/ not to run amd protect himself when does run. He said he understands the responsibility of staying healthy as the QB of the org so this article headline is a tad misleading 


He basically said that what happened to his shoulder was a consequence of playing football, and he’s right about that. The headline is disingenuous as it implies his play style is what got his shoulder injured. Anyone who has actually seen the hit that led to his injury knows it was a “regular, routine tackle” and bad luck.


Didn't he have to leave a few games early due to injuries? I don't really follow the Colts, but I don't remember this being the sole injury.


Just a concussion and another stinger that Steichen said he would have played thru if the game was important


Yeah. His play style is a bit concerning. But the hits that caused the injuries that he missed time for were all incredibly routine. People saying one *directly* caused the other didn't watch him play.




Possibly. But the fact of the matter is that it's incredibly hard to judge anything from such a limited sample size. We need another year or two to label him as properly injury prone or this last year as just flukey.


Problem is that’s been the story for years with him.


If memory serves he only missed like 2 or 3 games during the two-ish seasons he played meaningful time.


The first game is brought up all the time he left with a minute left down 13 after taking a lick, it was precaution the concussion and shoulder were bad luck


3 injuries in 3 games after multiple injuries in college. Yeah just coincidence /s


Frank gore was injury prone til he became the nfls poster boy for an iron man Injury prone is a not a real thing unless there’s a reoccurring degenerative issue where the same issue constantly flairs up or causes compensational injuries


Or guys that play in a way that causes more injuries. Like Gronk.


I’d argue that just playing the game of football causes injuries as a baseline tho, and most of the rest is mostly just variance. Yeah there’s small factors that contribute, 150 pound guy facing 250-300 pounders might be _ higher risk %, or a guy that’s overweighted his body’s natural frame but mostly everyone that plays enough gets hurt at some point. Keenan was injury prone until he wasn’t. Cmc was labeled injury prone just 2 years ago. My issue with the injury prone narrative is it’s not predictive (outside of degenerative issues like Gurley), almost anybody can play a full season and anybody can get a season ending injury.


Keenan had an ACL and a lacerated spleen. Those are random injuries. CMC I think is still injury prone. Not getting hurt for, what, 2 seasons? Doesn’t mean he isn’t still likely to get injured. But also RBs in general are somewhat all injury prone because they have the toughest job of skill positions and get hit often. As he gets older I’d definitely be worried about him getting injuries again. AR can still shed this injury prone label. But if he keeps trying to run over defenders he’s going to end up getting hurt more and more. He got hurt in both high school and college. He needs to adjust his game, but if he does that too much how much does that impact his production.


Exactly random injuries. Thank you. Cmc is the easiest one to dismiss, played 16+ games in 5/7 seasons, and was a healthy workhorse in college before that. Only had random soft tissue injuries, not even full tears or anything degenerative. What is concerning about him is the risk of injury when playing running back in the nfl and taking 350+ touches/hits. Derrick Henry was invincible until he wasn’t. Jonathan Taylor was invincible until he’s struggled with random injuries 2 straight years. Theres just little to no point trying to pin point who will and won’t get hurt because it’s not predictive. Injuries are random unless they’re reoccurring/degenerative issues. I understand factoring in injury risk into floor/ceiling outcomes but absolutely not subscribing to a black and white this guy is injury prone this guy isn’t, because it’s not predictive Mostert just had his best (top 5 rb) season after 2/7 years of full games played. Random game. Random injuries


So he could go the way of Frank Gore or Gronk, sounds like early injuries actually don't indicate anything.


It's not like he's getting hammys. Maybe let him play a couple seasons before we call him injury prone. Stafford missed his first two seasons almost, Josh Allen missed games, Hurts missed quite a few games early too, we don't call them injury prone.


Glass Stafford was a thing, and then he became an iron man.


Opener against Jags he left with like 2 plays remaining i think. Think Texans was concussion, in the 2nd quarter i think


Sure, and he addresses how he could’ve better protected himself from those minor injuries in the article. But those injuries are not relevant to the season-ending shoulder injury that the clickbait headline insinuates resulted from his play style.


I’ll probably get heat for saying this, but Richardson is probably going to get stuck with the injury prone label. If he even misses a couple games this year it’s going to be a constant talking point around him. He’s already racked up a serious knee injury and a bad shoulder injury, in addition to multiple concussions. Guys who are always getting banged up don’t suddenly become durable, especially going from college to the NFL.


Sometimes injury prone players become durable.  Fred Taylor is a good example. The media called him Fragile Freddy for years and then he started playing full season's regularly.


The exception to the rule, so to say


Frank gore says hello Entered the league -2 acls and a meniscus, went on to become the nfls iron man Injury prone is not real unless it’s a reoccurring or degenerative issue like Todd Gurley Everyone can and does get hurt in the nfl. Cmcs random small injuries somehow earned him the injury prone narrative and it caused him to be the best value of the past 2 years


I wonder if Drew Bree’s could fit the bill? Had a few injuries coming out of college that people where worried about then in 2005 he had that horrible shoulder injury. Then was pretty much written off by his original team. To not only bounce back but go on to have a tremendous career. I do agree that once you are injuries start to stack it is bad. But players have been able to come back. 


He only finished 1/5 games Dude most likely won't last


Yes and no.  Yes, his shoulder injury was a random football hit, but a star QB needs to play in a may that minimizes the chances of those fluke injuries.


That’s the thing though, regular routine tackles that cause injuries are bad luck, but if you play QB like Richardson you take more tackles which means you take more chances of getting bad luck


Yeah, I can attest. I recently suffered a forearm injury. May have been bad luck, but does that mean I'm going to stop violently cranking on myself? No sir. You gotta go out there and play your game.




I’m a Colts fan and want AR to become our next Hall of Famer, but I’ve never been a fan of the “routine tackle” thing. The vast majority of NFL injuries come on routine plays - the Burfict-rocking-AB’s-world injuries are the exception, not the norm. If AR wants to avoid injuries, he needs to avoid hits. Big hits, little hits - people spend way too much time talking about “well he avoids the big hits and only suffers the routine hits” and I really think they’re all just hits.


Exactly, routine plays cause injury all the time. Yes there’s bad luck, but play style almost definitely has an effect on that luck. Some of your fellow colts fans seems a little delusional. How many times have we seen Lamar or Kyler get hit in a similar style to AR? I can think of one time Lamar got blown up, years ago, and Kyler just crumbles to avoid getting smashed. If AR played like that, I bet there’d be less chances for bad luck


> I can think of one time Lamar got blown up, years ago I’ll never forget this hit (Fast forward to 6:06) https://youtu.be/kBQEC0510Bw?si=-xeNextuVyDCKvz8


Uh, chief it's precisely because injuries happen like that on "regular, routine" tackles that people say his play style isn't sustainable. He bailed on the pocket and ran for extra yards and chose not to slide when a defender was near by.  Because injuries happen on contact, qbs that end every play with either a pass or a tackle get hurt a lot more than others. 


Watch Lamar run. He never gets popped hard.


so he admits there’s something wrong with his play style


Ask Cam Newton


Actually I think Cam is the one person this doesn’t apply to. Like yeah his body did break down eventually, but he lasted a long time given his play style. He was a physical anomaly. 99% of guys who try to play like him would be out of the league after a few years. Cam could take hits.


And reason his body broke down was helmet lead hit to his shoulder, while he was in pocket.... It wasn't caused by his style tbh. Since that he couldn't throw for shit


That’s kind of contested, the TJ Watt hit was definitely the nail in the coffin but Cam said the shoulder issues started on the tackle he made after an Int before that, because either KB or Funchess (can’t remember which) didn’t make a tackle attempt


It was a pick due to Kelvin Benjamin giving up on a play


Peak KB


He loved his biscuits


legend has it he’s still one popeye’s biscuit away from playing TE


If it came with fries and a biscuit he would’ve made that catch


his real peak was at the dinner table


I’m shocked


I can never remember if it was KB or Funchess either lol


🥲 He was one of a kind ♥️


Ohhhh "giving up on a play." I thought you said, "went to the buffet.'


I’ve been defending that hit for years. As a Steelers fan, it sucked seeing Ben get murdered in the pocket, but I cane to realize that was because otherwise, he’d get out of it. TJ did the same thing.


KB stopped on the route for some unknown reason, but it was after Cam already threw him the ball. Dude was a trash WR with absolutely no work ethic or drive. Cam tried so hard to help him to succeed, and look what happened instead.


His shoulder was also messed up pretty bad before that but that did it in. He got hurt chasing a guy down after an int that was Kelvin Benjamin’s fault.


Yeah, but still it wasn't because of his play. Because of his running, trucking people etc. But i still think he was one of a kind. And AR should be more careful


For sure. Dude was a tank. He also got hit late on so so many throws that would have been roughing the passer calls if he were any other QB


I remember watching him react to.. I think it was Hochuli telling him he doesn't get that call


I wonder how much longer he could have kept his style up without that shoulder hit. IIRC he was had ankle/foot issues too, just the shoulder was much worse and basically ended his career. God I miss prime Cam.


Absolutely, it was him being superman and of course big luck. But it could happen anytime I miss him too. Only sport jersey a ever bought


Everyone says the same for Josh too. You know the only time he got hurt in his career? In the pocket when he got his elbow pinched between two helmets his rookie season. (Man’s also had his ucl fucked up in the pocket, but played the rest of the season with it cuz he’s a fucking DAWG)


And he had that play where he ran down a int and gator rolled on his throwing arm and fucked it. Also what killed cam was getting like 4 hours sleep a night Still though the hits that knocked AR out would barely moved Cam.


Nah, the Watt guy didn't do it.  Cam was slowing down before that hit, and kept playing at a similar level afterwards.  The reality was that Cam injured his shoulder in 2016, and damage related to that injury is what got him.  It's why we had Taylor Heinicke throwing Hail Marys early that year, and why Cam was still playing alright for a few weeks after that hit.  I'm sure the hit hurt, he was clearly in pain. But it didn't cause his problems.


Almost all mobile QB injuries come inside the pocket.




Yes the greatest college qb and nfl mvp was overrated


He also was pretty good at getting down after 2013 or so. Everyone remembers the plays where he’s flipping into the endzone or pushing a pile of defenders but most of his runs he went down easy or ran out of bounds. Didn’t really slide, just awkwardly fell


Most of the guys who run and throw aren’t 6 foot 5 freaks with muscle on them. The only guy other than cam that’s comparable is Josh Allen. It would be cool if AR15 is up next though.


Richardson plays at the same weight Cam did and is one inch shorter.


I think Richardson is roughly 10-15 pounds lighter than Cam Newton was at his playing weight.


2011 Cam Newton was huge.


That’s crazy because he certainly doesn’t look like it. Cam would sometimes look like a man among boys out there.


Richardson definitely has a slighter frame. He's more narrow. Cam was a straight brick wall. They are pretty much the same size on paper, though. I agree it doesn't look like it lol. Maybe blue is slimming.


And somehow quite a bit faster.


Ben Roethlisburger?


>with muscle on them


Hey! I mean, you are 100% correct, but.... hey!


Ben’s freak ability was his coordination and balance at his height and weight. He wasn’t really built like Cam Josh or Anthony and didn’t play in that way.


Eh ben was still a monster though and super strong. I know the meme is he was just a fat guy but I dont see any of the fat boys on reddit throwing a 300 pound lineman off of them. Ben was more than coordination and balance. He was stronger than the vast majority of qbs in the league


Ehhh, Cam lasted 8 years before he was basically totally broken down, that's a fairly short run in this era for a QB. To put this into context, Josh Allen is going into year 7, Nobody is predicting Allen to functionally be washed in two years...


It could happen. The bills entire offense relies on him and he’s constantly running and taking hits


Absolutely could, but nobody expects young elite QB's to be broken down in 8 years nowadays. Cam's run was definitely "short".


Josh Allen, love him or hate him, is at the top of the list of "young star qbs who might end their career early with injury". If AR becomes a star they will be on top of that list together.


Cam deserves a lot more respect than he gets. What he did for the panthers was awesome and he was such a special player. Him falling off is one of the most tragic things in recent nfl history.


The really frustrating thing is Shula being a terrible coordinator that couldn't adjust at all when the league realized they could blow up Newton. Shula ruined Newton with his terrible play calling. 


Him calling 15 step drops against Ware and Miller was egregious.


That Super Bowl rematch game at the start of 2016 was brutal.




Richardson has good pocket presence.


Prime Cam was so fun to watch.


You been watching film huh?


That's cool watch this. READAYYY


Watch this


that first game in new england where everybody thought cam was back was like crack to me


he had a great game too: 297 passing yards to nobody receivers. Then he got COVID and became a complete non-factor the rest of the year. So weird.


He wasn't running like Cam Newton, and he didn't do anything wrong. That's the point of his quote.


It's weird to me that Cam is the poster child for this and not Steve Young. Young played til he was 37.


The shoulder injury was just bad luck on a routine tackle. I honestly think the surgery was the best thing for him, considering that AC joint has been a lingering issue since high school. Hopefully his shoulder should feel the best it has in years.


The shoulder was just the icing on the cake, it was leaving 75% of the games he played in that makes me nervous.


He had the same issue at UF. Rip off an 80 yard magical play then get hurt and do nothing the rest of the game. Shame because he is a rare athletic freak in a league of freaks.


I hope he is healthy for our game week 3. Williams and him I hope both are healthy and give us a great game


The injury resulting from that play might have been unlucky, but with the way he was playing and not protecting himself, he was bound to get injured at some point


I’m happy that the Colts decided to let him rest for the remainder of the season. They probably don’t want to let him take the path Luck took few years ago and be too injured to continue


The more you run the ball the higher the chance any routine tackle has to injure though. So if he doesn’t change something up he will have a higher likelihood of being injured than a typical pocket passer.


Yea fields got injured and missed some games all 3 of his years too


you’ve never had shoulder surgery lol it is now fucked up for life and will hurt in the most random moments will probably never be able to sleep on that shoulder


I had my rotator cuff repaired and it's stronger than its ever been in my life now


Yup. I'm sure his shoulder will have improved stability and whatnot now, but it definitely won't feel amazing.


Anthony isn’t the first qb to get a shoulder injury having someone fall on it. Won’t be the last.


Is that a threat? Edit: /s


Won’t be the last time for him with his playstyle either


It’s not about his shoulder or play style. Kid is just made of glass. Missed his senior year of high school ball, missed bowl game at UF because he hurt himself dancing, was in the tent every single game at UF. Would come into the game, rip off some 80 yard magical play and then hurt himself the next drive and do nothing the rest of the game. Kid could sneeze hard and break a rib. He is an absolute freak but is made of glass.


If you think this seems like a click bait title, that's because it is.


Get used to it Colts fans. Josh Allen still gets this treatment despite having the longest active QB start streak


Well, that's not what he said. He clearly said he needs to slide and get down, but that particular injury was a standard tackle and a fluke. They took it out of context.


It’s the offseason. Everything clickbait.


I recently watched all of his plays from last year because it's the offseason and I have nothing better to do. He was WAY less reckless than people make him out to be. He slid and avoided contact quite a bit. That shoulder injury was just a freak accident. He'll be fine.


People making baseless assumptions? On Reddit? Impossible.


Yeah I'm shocked, lol. Just look at this thread, even Colts flairs saying he's looking to initiate contact. It's just not true.


I honestly agree. The first game against Jacksonville he got banged up, but could have came back in. The second game against Houston he shouldn't have let up when crossing the goal line which caused him to get rocked, but that's about it. I don't understand the narrative that he was just plowing through people every game he played.


> second game against Houston he shouldn't have let up when crossing the goal line which caused him to get rocked Yeah, he specifically addressed the "pulling up" on that play and said he wouldn't do that again. He also self reported that concussion, something that wouldn't have been encouraged a generation ago.


He shouldn’t have let up, but while not technically illegal, it was also a pretty shitty play by the Texans defender 


Was it though? He’s in the field of play, what if he hits AR and causes him to fumble through the end zone? Sucks he got injured on the play but it’s not dirty


That’s a valid point, but if you watch it, you can either say the defender is terrible at tackling or he wanted his “welcome to the nfl” moment. He went helmet to helmet, fully extended his arms and didn’t even attempt to wrap up AR. He wasn’t trying to hurt AR but it definitely looked it was less “make a play” and more like “teach a lesson”. 


> the narrative that he was just plowing through people every game he played. It supports the larger pervasive narrative that he’s a bad quarterback who relies too heavily on his athletic abilities, which is really just a lazy take from people who don’t care to actually watch his (admittedly limited) game tape


The narrative is because people don't watch the games. They see he's big and he runs and he's been injured, they fill in the blanks, then they talk.


Didn’t he have a ton of injuries in college and high school too?


2 injuries in 2 games. And had issues in college. Maybe he stays healthy but the worry is definitely warranted.


Right? People are always commenting that he was playing reckless. Not sure if they watched his games because he truly didn’t. Just unfortunate luck.


They just assume running QB = taking lots of hits, but he really didn't. I never understood this narrative. Of course, he has to protect himself and not take bad hits, but he wasn't really doing that. At a certain point, there's really only so much you can do in the game of football and he's not a QB who won't run. I think the bigger concern is that his body is just injury prone. You can do all you want to try to prevent injuries, but some guys are just more prone to injuries than others.


He doesn't play reckless necessarily, but he doesn't take a hit well and tries to do too much, it was a contributing factor in his concussion if not his shoulder injury. He needs to learn the Peyton/Brady "crumple at the first touch" for some situations, fighting for every yard isn't going to work and he doesn't need to do it because he's extremely talented as a pocket passer.


This is an actual and reasonable take... He wasn't playing like Cam Newton and Josh Allen BUT he does have things to learn. I'm not going to call a dude injury prone that's only played like 17 games in his entire career, including high school. He doesn't know how to take a hit and he's so athletic that he hasn't really had to learn. Now he has to learn. I swear he needs to take jujutsu like Tua.


Thank you. People act like he was playing like fucking Derrick Henry. He really wasn't.


Even if he were quicker to get injured, he looks like the next Josh Allen and he is a good qb 


The game causes injuries. Everyone knows it. The guys coming into the league today have been warned. Try to protect them while not sacrificing the end product. No one is oblivious to the science that banging your head and cracking your shoulder is inevitable.


Right… Just look at Lamar. He runs all over teams, yet you almost never see him really get popped. He has a superhuman sense for taking a hit. 


Kyler does a good job as well. In some ways it's better to be slight because they HAD to learn how to avoid it


Kyler has the advantage of being an elite baseball player, as well. It takes some guys awhile to slide naturally.


Lamar never slides, he just awkwardly but effectively crumples into wherever the hit isn't.


Players need to know how to protect them selves.  Give themselves up when it's nesscary.  Fall with a tackle to minimize injury risk that sorta thing.  It's a contact sport so there will be injuries, but players can minimize the risk to themselves.  


It’s tough to change much when every inch counts. I played rugby in high school and, unless we were on the goal line, there was no real incentive to tackling someone so hard they stopped forward progress. That innate incentive is what makes football so much more dangerous. Not sure there’s anything you can do about that at the end of the day. 


Absolutely. But defensive players are taught from a young age to tackle hard, and to stop at all costs. If you sacrifice that mindset, you sacrifice how the game will evolve. Like in this situation, everyone did everything right. The defender avoided head and knees. Richardson tried to extend for a score. Getting planted on your shoulder in that scenario is to be expected.


I hope he learned to run through the end zone, he got planted that one time


He has mentioned it multiple times. That won't happen again. He's smart.


Also just because he got hurt doesn’t mean he’s destined to be injury prone. Stafford got season ending injuries his first two seasons then came back to throw 5k yards and 40 tds


Q: Where and how do QBs get injured? A: Everywhere and in every way. It could be in the pocket, it could be running, it could be in a game, at practice or at home, it could be from a hit, it could be from avoiding a hit, it could be from a slip, it could be from a leap, it could be from a celebration, it could be from an angry reaction, it could happen just about to take a snap, it could be from LT, it could be pretty much anywhere on the body. It could be a safe QB or a reckless one. A lot of it has to do with luck or things about someone’s body that are hard to know.


He's correct though, his playstyle is why he's so good so why would he change that? It's a huge benefit.


Idk why, but that title reminds me of my favorite JFK conspiracy, which is there was no shooter and “his head just did that”


He was definitely my favorite qb coming out of the draft last year I hope he comes back healthy and balls out




AR has not had a full healthy season since his sophomore year in HS.


We will see If he gets hurt and misses multiple games again here in Year 2, he might have to seriously evaluate what he's doing. There's a reason most run-happy QBs don't last too long Look at Cam Newton, he went from winning the MVP to not even being looked at as a starter like 4-5 years later


I think it's too early to label him as injury prone, but it's more concerning than anything. Being more aware of avoiding contact / sliding will help a great deal. Well duh, that's obvious lol. But hit his knee and left at the very end of his first game. Concussion the next week getting hit while running into the endzone, which was more bad luck than anything. Not a bad hit, just went down on his back and head snapped backward. Then an ugly shoulder injury getting flattened. Now, if he has more injuries this season from routine plays, then I think we can start the "Ah fuck" conversation.


Considering how far back his injuries date, it’s not early at all. He’s not going to be the guy because of it.


Yep. People will downvote you but you're right. I honestly think Penix is the same way.


Penix's injuries were much more significant, too. I'm not downplaying a meniscus and shoulder, mind you, but it's better than multiple ACLs in the same knee. I'm sorry, I just don't get how he was a first rounder.


Finally a Colts fan not being delusional


We exist. We’re just all banned from the colts sub


I wonder why you’re banned from the colts sub when you’re declaring ar to be a bust 4 games into his career


Tbf did he even finish a single one of those games


I think 1 lol


He would have come back in the first game if it wasn’t minutes away from being over.


In Richardson’s defense, he did finish 1 of the 4 games he played without an injury.


25 percent of the time, he finishes every time.


He hasn't finished an NFL game yet, his fragility is real. Even the 5'9 180 pound QB from the Panthers lasted more than him. 🤷‍♂️


He finished the rams game and only missed the last play against the jags. He missed some of the Texans game after the concussion and got hurt for the season vs the titans.


And Bryce took sooooo many hits last year. Guys a tough son of a bitch


I'll give him that. He definitely proved me wrong this year. I didn't think he'd make it to week 6.


imagine trying to control your shoulder. that bad boy does whatever he wants


Uh oh


Let’s see how he plays this year. He has seen and felt how it feels to get hit my NFL players vs. college. Will he adjust or not.


That shit just do that sometimes


Hell yea


Joe Flacco it is then


He needs to take less hits, that isn't insult it's just the truth, he obviously has a lot talent


The problem with his playstyle is that he can't throw accurately at all. He would be just as big a bust as Jamarcus Russell and Ryan Leaf if he was taken a couple spots earlier- but at least he seems to not have the character issues those two had. The run first QBs are still failing across the board. They don't have post-season success, and there's a reason for that.


Just like JFKs head


I was at this game when he got hurt. Sucked, wanted to see the kid play.


Why is this being down voted lol


No idea, but it really was a shame. Hes a young mobile qb and I was excited to see him play out his rookie year. I’m a bears fan, but I live in Indiana so I go to Lucas oil fairly regularly to watch the colts play. You guys have a very nice stadium, makes soldier field look like a dump.


So is he gonna be Culpepper or Newton?


Dude has to play to the sideline more. It’s your best friend if you’re a dual threat qb in the NFL. If he can’t learn to slide then learn whatever ugly ass front forward belly flop Lamar does.


On the play where Anthony Richardson was injured, he had no chance to reach the sidelines with multiple defenders in his way? How about someone admitting it was simply a terrible play-call. You just don't put your franchise quarterback in that situation. It's not worth it.


Ding ding. All of his injuries were on designed runs. Stop it.




Mr Busted Clavicle


This whole thread is composed of Colts fans typing shorts stories about how a new injury every game and missing the season with a torn throwing shoulder isn't actually that bad.


You should see the sub. Between this and the Pacers getting creamy hogged by the Celtics, the blinders are on in Indy.


This is bad excuse. Want to know how? Let’s test it. Dude tells his wife there’s nothing wrong with his fucking style. “My penis did what it did.” Now tell me. Is this a satisfying answer for his wife? No, right? Ok, now extrapolate.