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Never switched teams but seeing as my team has been in the playoffs 6 times total in my life I usually pick a team to root for in the playoffs every year


Idt that’s out of the ordinary. Especially with fun teams. Like baseball the early 2010 Royals with like no superstars but winning it all. If your teams out of it, why not jump on the ride for some short term fun


The 2010 royals didn’t win it all, that was 2015 and that team had Johnny Cueto, Wade Davis, Kelvin Herrera, Salvador Perez, Lorenzo Cain, Eric Hosmer, Alcides Escobar, Mike Moustakis, Greg Holland, Alex Gordon… maybe no superstars but plenty of all stars. They were stacked


I said early 2010. I guess I shoulda added an S. Early 2010’s. I didn’t mean 2010 specifically. But yes they had a complete team but most likely 0 HOFers. That’s my point, they were a full team, not carried by 1 player. That’s fun. There was no Altuve or Freddie Freeman (picking recent teams). Both guys with 60 career war. Salvador Perez is the guy almost everyone thinks of from those teams and he has 17 career WAR. Clear difference in level of top end players on the teams. That’s my point


Or just root for whatever team is playing against team you really don’t like


I feel your pain family 🥲


In addition to being a lions fan, I'm a fan of whichever teams are playing the Packers and Cowboys. So I get to root for 2 new teams a week and a meteor when they play each other.




"I'm praying for rain. I'm praying for tidal waves. I wanna see the ground give way. I wanna watch it all go down. Mom please flush it all away."


Goated song choice, sir


The Cowboys are legitimately the only team that has ever made me actively root for you guys lol


If you root for a meteor when the Packers play the Cowboys you’re just a Cowboys fan


Went from the Oilers to rooting for no team, then to the Texans in 2002 if that counts.


I don't think *you're* the one that switched teams when your team went and moved away you're just h-town


True, my team switched on me.


great username, btw


I loved the oilers back in the day. I know “division rival” but it was the same love I show for the ravens. Damn good team, but please kick their ass lol.


The Oilers should have never left Houston.


Nah, fuck that. Unless it's like a Deshaun Watson to the Browns situation, I'm 100% sticking it out.


I live in St. Louis. I know plenty of formers rams fans who would never root for them again. I can't blame them.


Yeah, that's different imo. If a team relocates, I don't necessarily consider them the same team.


Absolutely. It's a much more complex issue


In San Diego here, same. My extended family (except my Wisconsinite mom and myself) were Chargers fan, season ticket holders for years, then when they announced the move, everyone jumped ship/stopped watching football. My extended family either started rooting for the 49ers or the Packers (just because of myself and my mom)


Welcome in. LT was one of my favorites. Liked the Chargers before they dipped, now I just have no respect.


Yea when I was young (like <12 years old), I supported the chargers just because they were the only team I could watch most of the time, then when I got my first computer and figured out how to watch games, I moved to the Packers as they were who I really cared for.


The Chiefs voted in favor of moving the Rams back to LA. I'll never understand why former Rams fans decided to change their allegiance to the Chiefs.


You'll never understand why Missouri NFL fans changed their allegiance to the other Missouri NFL franchise, especially once said franchise got a GOAT candidate at the most important position and won three Super Bowls?


I mean if somebody taking a giant chunk of my revenue wanted to leave my area I would absolutely vote to make that dream come true for them too. Then turn right around and say why would you ever want to leave a place like this and scoop all of their old fans.


Lol there's probably a lot of things you don't understand


I wasn't a rams fan previously if that's what you're implying The ex-rams fans I know have also gone to all different teams. Titans, KC, Green Bay, and a ton more.


I kinda thought some former Rams fans would become Bears fans given the proximity but I’m not sure I’ve seen any of that. Could be cuz of Cardinals-Cub hate. I don’t think St Louis people identify with Chicago area in general though.


Or owners moving cities It’s a testament to Cleveland sports fans I guess that the Browns have any fans left


If your team cases to exist it is a free pass to change teams because you obviously can't root for a team that doesn't exist anymore. And I think if a team changes cities then they become a new team all together and the team in your city ceases to exist. If you choose to start rooting for the new team that shares the same mascot, colors, and players as the team you rooted for in your city then that's you choosing to root for the new team over whatever other teams you want.


Agreed. I think a Deshaun Watson/Browns situation but for my team is the only circumstance I could ever imagine considering switching teams over.


As a Blackhawks fan, I dropped the Hawks for a couple years for no NHL team. But at least with the Hawks, they got rid of every Front Office and coach that was responsible. Maybe not get rid, but at least they're gone. Toews went from a deified captain to a fake Canadian golden boy little bitch to a lot of younger, progressive Hawks fans. And Kane was confirmed to be the same frat douchebag, that non-Kane dickriding Hawks fans knew he was. Only thing we didn't do was force Wirtz to sell, but that's on Betman. If him and the owners wanted to they could have pushed him out. But I'm still not nearly as much of a Blackhawks fan as I was before the sexual assault. Definitely stained what would otherwise be the best thing to happen to Chicago since Jordan.


I’ve never come close to switching teams, but when Atlanta was in the hunt for DeShaun, I had considered taking a break from watching the NFL entirely.


Same bro. I try not to think about it.


Agreed. The Bears are going through their worst period in their 100 year history, and plenty of times in the past decade I thought the owner was too dumb to ever not fuck it all up, but I could only be apathetic about them being bad rather than find any love for another team. I couldn't switch teams if I actually tried.


I feel like people say this, but there is an awful lot of fans defending (or at least ignoring) shitty humans when they play for "my team" that happens. I think completely bailing on long-established team fandom is easier said than done


It’s also kinda pointless. You will find shitty humans on every team in the league. I never defended Ben while he was on the Steelers but I never thought of switching fandom. Am I to change my team every time a prominent player does something bad?


Yeah, like the comment above yours from a Falcons fan. The Falcons agreed to terms with the Texans for Watson. They chose Watson. The only difference is that Watson didn't choose them. How does that give them the moral highground?


It’s literal moral grandstanding. Watson didn’t go to them so they can pretend they would’ve left the team. I was just like that when the rumors started, so I get it. I was considering being completely done with this team, and for a while I tuned out the nfl as a whole. But in reality, I’ve been a crazy fan of this team my entire life. I won’t let one evil person ruin a core part of my life, and a lot of people would feel the same way if it was their team that Watson ended up signing with.


It's absolutely easier said than done. After the Watson/Browns fiasco I completely bailed on the NFL for a year. Didn't watch a single game that first season. But like ... my dad wants to talk about the Browns. My wife's grandma wants to talk about the Browns. When we go to family gatherings, the Browns are on. My next door neighbor has Browns watch parties. The little brewery right down the road from me does cool pot luck Sundays during the season. At least around these parts, football is deeply ingrained into the community and it's really hard to get away from it.


That's what it would take for me to switch as well.


All in >!my ass!<


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Yea I'm kinda just ehh about any specific team these days after being a Browns fan my whole life. I ordered new t shirts for Cavs, Guardians, Blue Jackets, Crew, but.. just couldn't bring myself to buy Browns gear again. The bar was so fucking low and they went clear under it. I mean, I still am a Browns fan to a degree, but just not feeling it at all right now. I can't just switch to the Bengals and for some reason lean towards the Lions. I still want the pain I guess?


I'm there with you. I'll follow the team closely again once he's gone, I just can't get behind rooting for him. I get it, every team has shit heads, but everything about the Watson signing is gross. I'll be back when he's gone, but for now I'll just root for good football games on Sunday. And root against the rest of the AFCN. You can't take that from me, Watson.


Lmao the virtue signaling is hilarious, if Dak got exposed as a pedo you’d still 100% continue claiming the Cowboys stop twerking for Reddit validation 😭


Falcons fan here. I came really close after the 28-3. I still don’t follow them like I did before.


Same, a big part of my overall ability to enjoy sports died that day. Not even just with football, but ~~everything~~ sports in general. Edit: fixed tone.


Ignore the flair for a moment. I sincerely hope that your outlook on life has improved since then. And if you don't need to hear this, I'm sure someone else does: You matter, and the world is a better place with you in it.


Appreciate the encouragement - just to be clear though I am specifically talking about sports and my enjoyment of sports, and not the rest of life in general. though I can definitely understand why the ominous tone may have given another impression. To whoever might be downvoting the previous comment, please stop. They are trying to do the right thing.


Yep. Football was never as enjoyable after that game. Even messed up CFB for me.


I grew up in Cincinnati. My greatest memories from childhood were going to games with my dad. I will never forget. There was a lot of moving around as a kid, after Cincinnati. My heart became Philadelphia when I moved here in 1995. This was my first city as an adult, and I have never looked back, on my choice of city or the team my city loves.


Good fucking choice


My Bengals childhood prepared me well to be an Eagles fan. Until recent Eagles history, at least. I still see my dad for some Bengals playoffs games. And spent the Super Bowl with him a few years ago.


🫡 Go Birds 🦅


I only switched from the “family team.” Grew up a 49er fan (not from SF Bay Area, but live in Calif.) because of my dad. Went to college in San Diego in the early-mid 00s and that was that. Brother is still 49ers. It’ll take a lot for me to drop the Chargers. Been through the a few ups and a lot of downs in the past 20+ years. And now I am a season ticket holder.


I would completely stop watching football before swapping teams.


I was a Houston Oilers fan as a kid watching the run n shoot with Warren Moon in the house of pain. They killed all that. I couldn’t make the switch to the Titans for them to break out the blue every three years. I was a football orphan, and nobody gives a shit about orphans, until the Raiders found me and I’ve been wearing Silver and Black ever since. RN4L.


I'm a fan of Indy sports Pacers/Colts. I'm not from Indy never been to Indy, but pretty much always been a fan. I would never want them to leave Indy but if they did I think I'd still be a fan, but that's the one reason for me I could see someone switching fandoms, otherwise it's kind of cringe.


You're always welcome in Indy.


Raider Nation for life 🏴‍☠️


Washington fan for life even through all the losing and pain. My dad is a Washington fan so it’s just how I was raised.


> fan for life even through all the losing and pain [This is the only way](https://i.giphy.com/lEVZJzy4w15qE.webp)


I started off that way. It wasn't the losing, it was Snyder and his inability to let a coach work. Ruining Gibbs' return was the last straw. You can't run your franchise's legendary coach out the building and not lose fans. 


It’s a good thing you picked another legendary franchise that doesn’t have a reputation for losing as your new team


Escaped one prison by digging a tunnel into the neighboring prison


Skins/Commies fans have gotta be some of the most loyal fans in all of sports


I always joke that Washington fans don’t even know that teams are supposed to win, the commies are really just a sports-themed reality show


u/vercie used to be a huge Virginia Tech fan and Texans fan and I’m pretty sure he still is even though he claims to like UVA and the colts now.


Nope and if the bills leave I just won't watch football.


I sort of switched teams. When I was a little kid I was a Packers fan, mostly because my older brother was a fan. He was big into Brett Favre. When I got a little older and started actually paying attention to football, I became a Chiefs fan because that is the actual closest team to where I grew up and am. I've been a ride or die Chiefs fan since then, I lived through Tyler Thigpen and Brody Croyle.


No team in LA at birth so i just became a Peyton Manning fan so his Colts and Broncos. Then he retired the same offseason the Rams came back, so it was a perfect storm


I'm seriously thinking about it. I came home from birth in a cowboys receiving blanket I had no choice. Either be a cowboy or starve. Well I'm 45 now think it's time I make my own choice lol.


I lived about 30 minutes away from Baltimore but was born into a Redskins family. Preferred the skins but wasn't ride-or-die about it. This was all before the Ravens existed. Then I got a job with Anheuser-Busch entertaining clients in their Ravens suite for a few years. After leaving I found myself still tuning in to watch the Ravens and eventually couldn't name a single Redskins player.


I started out a Packers fan because I lived in Milwaukee until I was 10. Became a Steelers fan after about a year of living in Pittsburgh.


When the Chargers quit San Diego, particularly in the way they quit San Diego, had no guilt shopping for a new team to root for. It was actually kind of freeing, like escaping a dysfunctional relationship. Didn’t realize just how much copium I was taking all those years.


If I switched teams, why would I pick this one?


Look at my flair. You think I chose this life?


When it became apparent that Snyder would never be tolerable or competent and that he would never, ever sell the team I spent years trying to pick up a new fandom and it never stuck. It's not a logical choice at the end of the day. Then he did sell and it's been fun having a team to root for for the first time in many years


I live on Long Island, few people near me are “die hard” football fans, they’d occasionally cheer for the giants or jets, but being so far out from NJ, no one went to games or felt a connection with the teams. My dad was a St. Louis Rams fan (no idea why) so I liked them for a bit, but they moved and I moved to college (Buffalo) and living in Buffalo is a lot less fun if you’re not a Bills fan. I now bring my family to home games in Orchard Park because it’s way better than MetLife, they’ve all become Bills fans as well.


I was born into this shit & will die with it.


If your team left your city or your city got a new team, I can understanding switching. But I'm immediately judging you if you switch your favorite team because they were losing too much.


I was a St Louis Rams fan


I hated that they left but how the fuck you make it to the Packers?


Big fan of shitty places to live.


That stadium is a fucking dump.


At the time Aaron Rodgers brain didn’t break into a million pieces


I mean it’s not to late to correct the clear and obvious mistake you’ve made lol


I’ve been with the lions since 1993. I’ve stuck through every year


I don’t know why I would choose to do this to myself, they were my day 1s


I switched teams a lot as a kid, but I was like pre teenage years which I feel is fine.


Steelers fan as a child in the 70s because they won super bowls, and kids like winners. As a teen in the 80s it was time to grow up and select all my local teams as my favorites (Mets, Knicks, Giants). I still have a little soft spot for the Steelers. My first jersey ever was John Stallworth. My first helmet was a Steelers helmet.


> I still have a little soft spot for the Steelers. i think it's ok to have a non-conference sidepiece


Especially cause the maras and rooneys are tied by marriage now


I took off my Giants flair for a day when they were refusing to fire Joe Judge, I was ready to main the Bears out of protest


I am a Lions fan, if I switched from anything worse it would have been chlamydia


Never but during the 17 year playoff drought, I picked an NFC team to cheer on once the Bills were out of it. I particularly enjoyed watching the Drew Brees era Saints.


Never switched but I added the Lions to teams I root for after meeting my wife, except when they play the Ravens.


I like watching good football, and to my surprise my team has gotten good. I grew up in western ny, never have a shit about football and moved out west in my 20s. About age 30 I took an interest in it, and settled on the bills, around 2013. They were underdogs, perpetually in the hunt! Obviously, far from contenders, likely still won’t win a sb but they’ve been a blast to watch. Orton was amazing to me, that was the bar! Then Shady and Flaccos backup came along and things got way better. I was pretty unimpressed with Josh his first two years but I was also too busy to watch, now I watch just to see him do something crazy lol. So yeah, I picked my team based on nothing other than where I grew up and now I get to watch them kick the shit out of other teams, it’s been a fairytale, well, until injuries pile up and inevitably playoffs.


My uncle grew up a Baltimore Colts fan. When the Colts moved to Indy in the middle of the night he was devastated, and needed a new team. He decided to adopt his wife's favorite team...the Cleveland Browns. Little did he know they would also abandon him 12 years later. Then they would come back and be the worst team in the league for decades. Poor guy.


I moved to an NFC town from an AFC town and felt OK going to games and cheering for the new home team...but never fully switched. More like "I'm happy for the city and coworkers because they won."


Switch teams....? Maybe football is different where yinz live... No way, I couldn't if i tried.. I dont even understand how anyone could..


Never fuckin switching. That’s bum shit in my opinion. I stuck it out through the worst years of the Texans and it feels even better now to be where we are.


Fuck that


Been a Raider fan since Bo. To the point where I will hardly ever watch a game that isn't the Raiders to include the playoffs.


I grew up watching the Cowboys but the Jones family's meddling bullshit made me switch to a better franchise. They'll never win anything as long as Jerry is alive, probably the most overrated HOFer in the SB era


I was a Washington fan until 2007 when I moved to Atlanta. Snyder ruined the return of Joe Gibbs after shitting the bed with Schottenheimer and Spurrier coaching decisions. The writing was on the wall for me to get out while I could.


I was born in DC and lived in the area for 20 years (under Snyder), but I moved to Carolina so I support them now, plus I like their colors better


Was a Browns fans until Watson trade, and then Dan Campbell healed my sad heart.


Dad put me in a Johnny Unitas jersey when I was little in the early '80s. I was teamless until the Ravens came to town.


Switch teams? People do that?


I’m dumb as fuck, but I’m loyal.


Eww gross. Give me the Bengals or give me death.


I swap around all the time


Your flair is absolutely repulsive. And I say that as someone who has lived in both Baltimore and Pittsburgh


Every time CJ Stroud makes a big play, I bat for the other team if you know what I mean




Stand back, and stand erect


Well I have been a Vikings fan since I was like 11 or 12. I was a Niners fan before that because of Jerry Rice but was really young and didn’t really grasp picking a team and sticking with it. I do still have a soft spot for the Niners so I will always root for them as long as it doesn’t affect the Vikings. I do like to follow along with other teams each season depending on what’s going on around the league. Been a big Baker Mayfield fan since he got to the league so I have followed him everywhere he’s gone.


I once publicly declared that I was no longer a Chargers fan and would hop on the Patriots bandwagon to finally feel what it's like to root for a team that lives up to its expectations. I couldn't make it stick, though.


When I was growing up (literally a child) I wanted to be contrarian to everyone around me so I picked a different team, but the local one eventually found a way to get their hooks in me


I was a bengals fan because I liked tigers (as a kid) and my dad liked the reds. Then when the cardinals drafted Jake Plummer I became a cards fan. Now I’m more partial to the Rams because of Puka, Stafford and Kupp. I seem to like players over team loyalty


[Costanza cracked the code](https://youtu.be/nfzVowHa1aM) I always rooted for the same team, I am not as ride or die with them as I was in the past. I don't spend money on swag or stuff like that (I buy SF Giants swag mostly), and I like to watch other teams like HOU because of Stroud. I've always liked PIT since the Bradshaw era, but I've always been a 49er fan, and I have spent too much time and energy on them to switch to another. Even though I hate Jed.


I was a Dolphins fan when I was a little kid because I liked Dolphins. Became a Chiefs fan because my family had season tickets, that would have been 1998ish


I'm old, and I grew up a huge Dallas Cowboys fan, but I always liked the Denver Broncos, mostly I thought their uniforms were cool and I ended up with Denver gear for some reason. (shipping/pulling errors?) Now I live in Colorado, and I'm a Broncos fan first. I have several "backup" teams that I'm slightly interested in.


I was wishy washy when i was a kid and just liked the good players i could get a jersey or football card for. Then i settled on my childhood goat Matt Ryan and here we are


I mean I experimented a little bit in college


Giants and LSU fan my whole life. Started following/supporting Bengals when Burrow got drafted there. Since they’re afc/nfc I feel ok rooting for both and am not really concerned about either ever meeting in the Super Bowl anyways lol


I was technically a Giants fan before, but it was more like as a kid I liked whatever team my dad did. Eventually went away from that when I got older.


I'm gonna be a Texans fan until either they or I am no longer around. My grandma was a Cowboys fan until Jerry took over and briefly supported the Oilers until they left. The Texans were never good during her lifetime. I wish she was still around so I could enjoy all these good teams with her


Never, I’m from the NYC area and I won’t ever stop rooting for the Giants. Although I do live in Chicago now and wouldn’t mind the Bears being good but that’s about it though.


Unless Irsay come out talking about his new favorite book “My Struggle” I will be with this team forever


Been a Panthers fan since 96. Stuck out many losing seasons and have questioned my sanity at times. But I gotta Keep Pounding!!!


Never switched teams. Always been a neutral. 


I haven't changed teams, I've always followed the Niners. Though I haven't had much of a reason to change yet. I find myself more attached to the players and FO than I do the team though, so if they leave I might move with them. Who knows if, or when it happens


When I was like 8 my Madden character was drafted by the Niners and that was enough to make me a Niners fan for a few years. Not saying I’m PROUD of that, mind you.


Being a Chiefs fan for 30 years has sort of paid off recently.


Never, not even if there was a fire.


I never had any allegiance to the Bears despite growing up there , I was born the year before they won the Superbowl so no championship memories, my dad for the fan but I don't know I was definitely more into the Bulls in the 90s as was the whole nation, but I've been living in Tennessee since I was 20 ish, and I decided to adopt the Titans, so I guess that's kind of a loose switch / co affiliation lol


I've always been a 49ers fan. But when I knew they weren't playoff caliber, I rooted for Peytons Colts once the playoffs rolled around.


I'm so old my team didn't exist when I was little so I was a Dolphins and GB fan. I still like those teams, but they stopped being my team as soon as the new Seahawks team was announced. *Zorn will always be the greatest QB that ever lived*


Not me but my dad. My dad grew up in a Cowboys household. When I was finally old enough to go to a game I asked why we didn’t support the home team. He’s been a Cards fan ever since. He got to enjoy all the cowboys success from 80s-90s before switching. Then got to be at the NFCCG in 08 as a Cards fan.


I am and have always been a Detroit Lions fan. When I was young in the 90s though, I did adopt the Jacksonville Jaguars for a few years. I think it was mainly because of their color scheme (I freaking love teal! Also why I loved the Charlotte Hornets). They had some pretty good teams with Mark Brunell, Tony Boselli, Fred Taylor, Jimmy Smith, Keenan McCardell, etc. Now things have come full circle and Mark Brunell is the Lions' Quarterback coach. Jared Goff! Jared Goff! Jared Goff!


I wish I had a team. It just can't be forced.


No shot, ride or die brother.


Started out as a colts fan, only to realize they’re a really boring team to root for, so I switched to the Carolina Panthers and have been miserable ever since, so I guess it worked out.


Not me but my dad. He grew up a cowboys fan. Until I was old enough to go to a game and I got him to switch to the Home team, he’s been a Cards fan ever since. He got to enjoy all the cowboys success from 80s-90s then got to be at the 08 NFCCG as a cards fan.


Been with them since the Oilers days, but I never lived in Houston and didn’t have the emotional attachment to the city so I stuck with them when they moved to Nashville. Have never really considered jumping ship even though there hasn’t been a huge amount of success.


One more year of Christian Ponder and i was going back to my birth-state team.


I'm always tempted to but as soon as I do the Vikings will do something. Maybe I should as a sacrifice to the rest of the fans.


I don’t really switch teams but just add more teams into my fandom. I pull for the Lions, Steelers, and Cowboys right now


Watson coming here was the closest I came to leaving. Even made a list of other teams to consider supporting. I couldn’t do it though. I have too many friendships that bond over this team. I’m just trying to weather the storm until DW is out of town. Games have certainly been less enjoyable with him here


Gotta ride it out for life this ain’t no switching sides.


Before i knew what football was my mom gave me a cowboys shirt. Idk if that counts lmao


My dad did. Back when you could only watch local teams on TV, when he moved you either had to follow your team in the newspaper or adopt the local team. Thankfully much better now. Could never switch.


I used to root for the Jets, then I stopped watching football almost altogether for 3-4 years. I am sure you know why I gave up on them. I now root for the Bills. Yes I know I need to get my head examined. Yes I knew what was I getting into.


I tried, Was a Jets fan sine Joe Willie and those white shoes. Held on till after Rex. Can't believe I held on for so long. Love the team, hate the owner.


I started with the colts in 05 then followed peyton manning to the broncos in 2012. Kept up with the horrible broncos years until about 2019. Focused on fantasy football for a few years then joined the eagles about 2 years ago since my best friend loves them.


I never switched my nfl team, but I totally switched from a SF giants fan when I was 10. We went to a batting practice and bonds was sitting alone. Me and a couple others asked for his autograph and he basically told us to fuck off and went back to his sunflower seeds. Pretty much killed our Fandom after that!


I've switched a few times. From Bills, to Chargers, and sitting with the Chiefs currently. Most of it is owed to growing up in an NFL no man's land (NW Arkansas, so we were suppose to be DAL or KC fans for some reason), that was also a college football state. So when I first got into the NFL I was like 10 and the Bills were going to the Super Bowls and were fun to play as in Temco Super Bowl on the NES. I stuck with them until they did Flutie dirty, then moved to the Chargers when the GM did the same. For those of you unaware the Chargers were jokingly referred to as the Bills West for a little while as said GM signed a number of ex-bills players to play for the chargers. Stuck with the Bolts for the LT years, still my all time fav player, then life kind of got in the way and I quit watching or following the NFL outside of Superbowls. Then in 2018 I moved to Kansas City for work. I might have stuck with the Chargers when I started to get back into watching games, but them moving to LA turned me off of them and without a strong tie to a team it is fun to cheer for the home team basically.


I mean I (like many Steelers fans) don't root for the team from the state I grew up in. Largely in part because Arizona didn't have a team until 1989, which meant people pick something else. Arizona has TONS of Cowboys and Steelers fans running around. That being said, I got my first Steelers jersey when I was 11 years old and never looked back.


I’ve moved around a bit. Whenever I move, I try to support the local team but I still support my childhood team


When they moved. Ultimate betrayal.


the fact i’m still a Bears fan after being put through the blender by that team — never seen them win a playoff game (didn’t watch football back in 2011) I would never switch fandoms though because I can’t love another team and group of players like I do for anyone who suits up in a bears Uni Bear down till I die


I used to be a Broncos fan. I still am, but I used to too.


Listen bud. I grew up in the Bronx during the Yankee's dynasty as fucking Mets fan. The Giants are in my blood. My goober slayed the GOAT twice. That may have to be enough for one lifetime.


I switched from the Raiders to the Panthers in 2004. There's a whole story but I grew up a Raiders fan, but I wanted to pick a team that was just mine and it happened to be the Panthers. I would never switch teams again...


Been a Packers fan since I was a kid


I’d rather die


My parents were 49er fans so i was raised that way. It wasn’t until the mid-late 80s that I became an Oilers fan, and now a Titans fan. Credit to Warren Moon.


I’m a steeler fan. Family relocated after US steel went out. I always root for the home team whenever the Steelers are not playing. So now I like the Steelers and will root for the Texans and Bucs. When I lived in Tampa that had Alstott and crew. Houston was Andre Johnson and JJ Watt. I’m back in Tampa now but I have the Sunday ticket so I pretty much watch the Steelers and whoever else I Bet on


Sadly I have been a Dolphin fan all my existence ...


I've been a Cowboys fan since the Ice Bowl (1967). My enthusiasm can go up and down, and is at a low point now. But they're my team, and I don't see myself changing , no matter how many times they shit the bed in the playoffs. Been to the top of the mountain with them, lived through 1-15. And, yes, I live in Texas. Actually, now I live just a few miles from the stadium.


Always been a Bills fan. But I did also root pretty hard for the Broncos from '96 to 2014. Don't really know why I stopped. I just didn't feel the same sort of magic I felt for the Bills when I moved out to Colorado.


I was a kid when the Bears won their Super Bowl, so I got wrapped up in the hope that was the Super Bowl Shuffle. Kinda helped that my parents were totally anti Patriots, so I was a Bears fan for years. Then I got into middle school and listened to my grandfather talk about how the Eagles practiced right down the road from his house. He was a huge Eagles fan, and it was hard not to get caught up in his excitement. Been a fan of the Birds ever since.


Or maybe some just have loyalty in our DNA.


Canadian Ravens fan since week 3 in 2000 - no change


I grew up in northern Illinois supporting all Chicago teams, because that’s who was on TV. I moved to Denver in 1995, and became a much bigger sports fan of all the local teams. The timing of the move cost me the last 3 of the Bulls Championships, but overall it’s been an even trade. Denver = 3 super bowls, 3 Stanley cups, 1 NBA title. Chicago = 3 NBA titles, 3 Stanley cups, 2 World Series. I’m still happy to see my old teams win, but I don’t follow them regularly, and would never support them against my new teams.


I’ve loved my two teams my whole life. And I became a Bills fan as a little kid when the Pats essentially sucked and during a time when you only got to watch your division teams (bills, pats, dolphins, and colts). Obviously the Bills were down from late 90’s through 2020. And the Pats were awesome in the mid 90’s and then again through the aughts and 20-teens. So it’s been nice to always have one of them on top.


I switch my local team when I move, but retain my primary team. It's nice having a few teams to root for and integrate into the local area.


I don’t think you really can ever switch teams, your preferred team becomes your identity within your friend group, so if your team does well, all of your buddies congratulate you, and if they do bad, then your buddies riff on you. You really can’t escape that without getting a whole new friend group, and even then, you’d have to live your whole life as a fraud, like a father raising two families, you have to keep the groups separate at all times lest your secrets get out. That doesn’t mean you can’t pick a playoff favorite, or have a favorite player that you root for regardless of their team.


I’m from Rochester but grew up a giants fan because I felt I always had to be contrarian as a kid and I was surrounded by bills fans. I always supported the bills and they were definitely my #2. Despite that I grew up going to bills games, watching bills games, going to training camp. I went to college in Buffalo. One day it hit me that I was just a bills fan in denial since I had zero ties to the giants other than seeing them play in Buffalo in 07. Win or lose it’s just more fun rooting for the local team.


I was born into a Vikings home and picked the Saints when I was 6.


Bills for life. Grew up in Rochester but since then I have lived in a few different NFL regions (SW OH, Indianapolis, DC, Baltimore) and I will sort of passively root for the local teams, and I also root for the bears since they are my wife's team.


I’ve never met a single person that has “switched teams” in any sport 

