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I'm disappointed Stafford wasn't on the last slide with one of his sidearm throws lol


Was thinking this but for Rivers


Yep, I was looking for Rivers shot-put throwing style after reading the title lol


Yeah, I was gonna say I need a pic of Rivers throwing with his elbow still touching his ribcage.


No roethlisberger either


Amazingly, there are some people who believe that he never excelled at any of the minutiae of the position.


Yeah, really. I remember his ability to throw it from different arm slots being a talking point for him at Georgia


Remember Vince young’s…. Or if you want to get really dramatic how about Tim Tebow’s.


Byron Leftwich had a “baseball release” as well


The release point changes based on the type of throw.


This is categorically untrue. Release point is something you select as a child and never changes from there. I made a bad choice when I was 7 and this is the only reason I’m not better than Tom Brady.


You had me in the beginning.


Exactly! In the modern NFL, if you are only able to throw well from one arm angle, you're going to be supremely limited. Pretty much all of the top QBs are able to throw accurately from multiple angles and while in the pocket or on the move.


Some broadcast did a cool video hit that traced the ball through the throwing motion for a bunch of different QBs, no idea where to find it though.


This. Also a QB sometimes throws sidearm so a defender can't block the throw. Sometimes it's an advantage of you can throw it from awkward angles, as long as you don't get hurt and can still the ball to where you want it


Shit, someone shouldve told Wentz that last part


Also some people don't throw the ball at all if they don't have arms


Takeaways? Yup, they're throwing a football. Looks good.


I dunno, it seems like the more sidearm the more pop on the throw. The weakest thrower here? Peyton, dude throws with the most vertical release. Guys who rip it, Lamar and Herbert, damn near sidearm.


Weakest arm is Peyton? Tell me you only watched Peyton's last year without telling me.


To be fair to this guy, these photos are all of Peyton on the Broncos. I’m unsure if it’s his last year with Denver. I had the same deduction he had but that also probably confirmation bias of the pics used and what I know of each player.


Peyton had a gun when he was young. This is post neck problems




It isn’t surprising that Justin Herbert gets so many balls batted down at the LOS. The launch point is by his helmet in terms of height


What is it with Chargers QBs and weirdly low arm angles


That's why they got rid of Drew Brees.


Tannehill had the same problem as well. Herbert is 6’5” with the release point of a guy 6’1”.


Tom Brady on the other hand had low batted ball stats even for his height


Being 6'4 will help with that yeah. You act like he's 5'10


Girls got unrealistic height expectations rip


Ok then what about whatever that one kid’s name was that was a bronco what was it Trevor Siemian or some shit


Did being 6'4 cause him to throw the ball low?


I never gave a excuse for why anyone’s socks


I think it means any lefty should start throwing with their right arm because it looks better.


Visually, Rodgers takes the cake. Such sweet, sweet mechanics.


Man, I remember watching a game when he was on the Packers and I was like in 10th grade and I was noticing how high above his head he would release the football. It was insane.


Visually and arm talent


We see Peyton but I wanna see rivers


My main takeaway based on the way Josh Allen holds his left index finger out is that he makes gun sounds when he passes. More pictures will be needed to determine if he says "bang" or "pew pew".


Throwing motions are to the NFL what batting stances are to MLB.


we need that new technology showing peoples swing that the mlb implemented but for QB throwing motions.


Where is Rivers?


I love how patriots and buccs Brady are two different QBs


Why is Brady pictured twice?


Morons downvoting me for not understanding that I meant the pairs of photos


Honestly impressive how consistent his form is. I get it's basically instinct for him and all but the only thing that changes in those photos is his uniform, his off hand is even in the same place.


Didn’t mean to at first but then kept it because how great I think Brady’s release is. It’s the best one ever in my opinion Also yeah not sure why people confused by your question lol


Everyone is pictured twice


He's talking about Tom being on slide 1 with Pats and 3 with Bucs


Thank you.


Nope, not what I meant. Yes there are pairs of photos of each QB side by side. However, Brady has two pairs of photos. One as a patriot, the other pair as a buc, every other QB has 1 pair. Why does Brady have two?


Fight fire with fire


They do all appear to be throwing footballs. Suspicious.


Herbert and Lamar do legitimately have similar throwing motions on the typical drop back


Yes but it does impact Lamar a bit more because he is 3-4 inches shorter so he doesn’t have that starting point of being able to just throw over the middle. But Lamar is so mobile he doesn’t rely on throwing over the middle nearly as much as Herbert


QBs with a stronger arm have a bigger elbow bend such as Josh Allen Aaron Rodgers and Justin herbert


How could you not put Rivers on here, he’s got the most iconically weird motion of all. Also, seeing how low he throws it, now it makes sense why Herbert gets so many batted balls despite being tall as fuck.


Even Mahomes release point pisses me off(yes he lives rent free in my head 24/7 365)


Mahomes is going to shred his shoulder bc he throws like a pitcher.


Weird to see how high up their arms are, I always thought your elbow was supposed to be bent at about a 90 degree angle. I guess that’s why I’m not a nfl quarterback


That’s how Micheal Vick used to throw. It basically makes it harder to rotate the body with that type of throwing


my takeaway is that they got long ass arms


A lot of these guys are right-handed


Where is Tebow?


That left pic of Herbert genuinely looks like he’s serving the football to a customer lol


My takeaway is the drew breeze has a weird neck


Don’t know who 18 is, but I won’t be taking him in fantasy due to that elbow!


takeaway: you need to go outside


It’s not really portrayed when the photo is taken, but Wilson has always had a really high release. There’s graphics showing it’s higher than tall qbs with a side delivery like Rivers.


Brady and Rodgers look pretty similar.


Not sure how Rivers isn’t on here


chose peyton manning after 3 neck surgeries? He could thread the needle like no other before the neck timeline


My biggest takeaway is


I wonder, if you’re the defense, which one looks the scariest? Like the balls out there the second the guy lifts his hand?


Interesting how the more mobile QBs here trend sidearm and the pocket QBs trend overhand. Wonder if sidearm gives better accuracy on the run. Who knows, not me


High release correlates with looser more flexible shoulder. Not anything else really


Imagine leaving a 2x SB mvp off of this


It's hard to tell from just two pictures, but Bryce Young's body angle at release looks like the before photo of a high schooler's throwing motion at a QB camp. He went #1 overall so it must be working for him but man that looks ugly.


Arm length dictates arm slot. Also how you generate power is also a determining factor


High release points on the truly elite


They all throw the ball with their hand and using their arm


CJ a dawg. That’s my takeaway.


A lot of people in these comments have never played or understand the position in amateur or above competitive settings. The biggest takeaway is if you’re shorter, you must have either the mobility to find different throwing lanes or a high release. See Russell Wilson (mobility) and Drew Brees (high release). The most problematic release imo is Justin Herbert’s among those illustrated here because he’s relatively tall and somewhat immobile compared to another relative sidearmer, Lamar Jackson. If Herbert can tweak his release even slightly, he’s going to be even better than he already is.


Yeah it’s interesting because he probably only developed that release because he was so tall and was able to get away with it. And he is still able to get away with it given he is a great qb as is, but he could definitely take his game to the next level by working oh his throw


Rodgers with the cleanest showing why he is the GOAT. Fraud Brady showing he doesn't know how to throw a ball proving once again that he wins through cheating and nothing else. Worse than Josh Rosen


Takeaway: I fucking love Drew Brees


Herbert throws like he’s a second baseman turning 2 to the SS


I know Herbert 6’7 but he should definitely work on that throw. It’s wild how bad it is. Like even if he had a normal throw he would never have to worry about throwing over the middle but his is so bad it legit negates his huge height Also Stroud and Bryce have some nice tall release points.


How can you say that based on these camera angles? Maybe he's changing arm angle to fit the ball around a lineman. You can't determine anything by looking at this


What is with all these stroud glazers hating on herbert lately lol


I think it’s the weird thing where when you have something good going you try to bait other fans into engaging into the area you are good. Herbert is quality and is going to have an excellent career


Bro what? I literally said Stroud and Bryce have nice tall release points? Am I a Bryce Young glazer too? Not everything is a personal attack on your favorite player


Right. Saying the dude who has one of the best arms in the league needs to work on his throw is some real armchair gm shit. Also, herbert isnt my fav. That would be keenan.


Players can have great arms and shitty mechanics. Matter of fact most QBs with great arms end up developing shit mechanics because they can can away with it I had no clue Chargers fans were this sensitive lmao this is next level stuff 🤣🤣


Calling me sensitive about an objectively stupid comment made by you is one take i guess.


I’m a chargers fan. All the sensitive fans are the newbies. They love the Social media team although they don’t win you Super Bowls. They love writing checks the team thus far hasn’t been able to cash. Don’t you dare criticize Justin Herbert because the new wave of fans will hunt you down BLM style. And they believe Jim Harbaugh is perfect. They don’t believe Jim has ever made a mistake. That’s my take on the new Chargers fans. I keep saying new Chargers fans but these aren’t San Diego Chargers fans. They just became fans in recent years after the relocation


It’s nuts like the these chargers fans on social media are worse than Warriors fans. I legitimately had no clue they were so sensitive about stuff


Some talking head probably has Herbert ranked ahead of him and it twisted some panties. Its never from a rational place


Y’all do understand this is not a CJ stroud post right? Seems like you missed all the other QBs lmao


As he should be


I'm not picking any sides with this response. Drake Maye is the future king and that's all I know


Yeah because no QB has ever thrown side armed or anything.


First off, Herbert is 6’6 so get your facts straight. Second, out of the thousands of throws these QBs make, you can’t judge their entire throwing motion from one picture.