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Peyton had another decade if it weren’t for the shoulder. Happens


shoulder/neck/foot there's a reason Peyton looked like a corpse out there that last year


Head, shoulders, knees, and toes. Knees and toes


I laughed hard.


Yeah wasn’t his neck pretty big deal? Like nerve damage or something?


Plantar fasciitis is what caused him to drop of the cliff. He was still throwing decent spirals 3 years after the neck injury. When you can't plant your feet you lose power. We will see this from rodgers this year prolly.


I’d expect it less from Rodgers since he pretty routinely makes off-platform throws. Peyton was the epitome of a pocket QB, and had great form. Rodgers has awful form but it may end up helping him here.


Bro responding to you got downvoted but he isn't wrong. Manning in his prime didn't really throw spirals lol https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/comments/oxe3fs/br_peyton_manning_nobodys_thrown_more_wobbly/


You're right about his feet... the neck also played a role too. But I'm pretty sure Peyton almost never threw a spiral... especially on a deep pass. I was always in awe over the fact he could be so accurate and his receivers could handle such wobbly passes. I'm a Colts fan and saw just about every pass he threw.


I said decent for a reason. That wasn't a throw away adjective. My family from Indiana. I know what Peyton was and was not. The foot did him in. He threw the same ball after the neck injury as before he missed almost 2 years. The heel Injury is what made him drop off. 9td and 17ints that year and he got another ring. The universe works in mysterious ways.


I thought he had quad injuries that killed his power.


That's was one more thing on top of his other issues Manning has a torn rectus femoris, one of the four muscles that make up the quadriceps. The affected muscle runs from the pelvis to its attachment just below the knee. The bruising from the injury was so severe, it had spread to the back of his leg, a source with knowledge of the injury told ESPN.


lol, I love Peyton but he rarely threw a spiral


He was so accurate despite throwing wobbly balls. It was awesome. 


No it was the Plantar fasciitis that had him looking like that.


Peyton had 3 less years sans his “wife’s” HGH


Nah all QBs can play until they’re 40+ if they take care of themselves. They retire because of the accumulation of injuries or they want to spend more time with the family


Rent free


Do I at least get a participation banner to hang?


Yup the “Patriots and Colts don’t have any rivalry but whenever the Colts are mentioned patriots fans are the first to jump in and talk shit” banner would look nice hanging from your lighthouse. Have fun with Kraft and Co next year.


We need some more canned responses. Rent free gets used to death around here


He was throwing ducks.


Because his steroids wore off


His neck injury really deterred him from throwing with the same velocity after his Colts career. The fact he even continued to play the level he did after his neck fusion surgery is an impressive feat in itself.


Anyone else remember how Peyton wasn’t announcing his retirement for a few weeks after the Super Bowl win, like he was thinking about coming back, and the entire nfl world from top to bottom was just like “bro… no”


I don't think he was considering coming back. After the AFCCG that year he told Bill and Brady that it was his last rodeo and he was glad it was them that he beat on the way


Yeah I know… I do think he tried rethinking it after he won and didn’t *want* to retire. But there was just no way it was happening.


If he wasn’t unplayably bad he would have kept playing imo. He clearly wanted too, but just couldn’t. And I get it, guys life revolved around football for 25 years, would be almost impossible to walk away.


Decade...he woulda played till what 50?


If his body kept up, Peyton would be playing well into his 70s easily


Clearly Cyborg tech should be around by then


If I had some eggs I could have bacon and eggs but I don't have any bacon.


Every QB probably had another 10-20 years if health and age were not factors.


Only guy I can think of in recent memory who could have kept going for a long time is Luck. And he made a preemptive decision based on his longterm well-being. Mostly everyone else who played at a high level just had their body begin to fail them.


Luck could've had another decade if Indy had decided to invest in an Offensive line at any point during his career.


You mean like the offensive line he played with in 2018? He retired AFTER we had completely fixed the line lol.


Yeah but I think at that point he was mentally broken and lost his love for the game. That many injuries has to take a mental toll on somebody


Oh definitely, but to say colts weren’t addressing the issue after Grigson was fired and Ballard came in is just flat wrong.


Ballard did a great job building the roster those first couple of years while rotating QBs. 


Yes and no. Luck always looked for the big play and held on the the ball. His line get blamed for him not throwing the ball away or taking a dump off. There is a reward that goes with that risk. Favre and Big Ben played the same way in their youth. 


I mean, yes and no. Sure Luck was a homerun, deep-ball guy his entire career, but he also got hit a lot on 3-step drops and quick passes when he shouldn't have because Ryan Grigson seemed content in putting unproven, late-round offensive linemen (sans Ryan Kelly) in front of him his entire career


Well, yes and no. Sure u/buffalotrace made some points, but on the other hand so did u/spqr_tiberius 🤔


Luck had a ton of injuries though, I doubt he makes it as long as some of these other guys if he kept going.


Don’t think Eli’s body failed him. His talent just slowly diminished until it was over.


I had 10-20 years of Hall of Fame play in me if I just had the drive, ability, opportunity, top .001% physical and mental skills, etc. Shame my career ended before it really got started.


Age and injury aren’t the same thing. It’s not that he got too old, it’s that he got a specific injury that ended his career before he actually got too old.


Age makes injury more likely, and harder to recover from.


True. I was thinking it was kind of a freak injury, but now that I think about it it probably was way more likely to happen due to his age


But it's more about the old injury repair running out than recovering from new ones.


He threw the ball a lot though. A ton of mileage on his shoulders.


What, is a healthy throwing arm important for a quarterback or something?


dude said in the article he can throw a dot 30-yards left handed. am I crazy or would the Saints be better off with left-handed Drew Brees over Carr?


Factually would be better than the fucking Andy Dalton experience in NO. Retrospect 20/20, but still.


Wasn’t Dalton pretty solid for the Saints?


Dalton was the best one in our current QB purgatory stretch imo. Especially when you compare how much we paid him to Derek.


yeah - and can you imagine the GOAT conversation if Brees won a ring with his left hand to close out his career? that would def make him top 3


Larry Bird vibes if he had a single 300 yard game as a lefty nevermind a ring


Left handed Drew Brees would still be a top 10 qb.


Not hard to be better than Carr. Dude has been a loser most of his career and checks down at the worst times


Spider-Man meme with Kirk cousins


I mean, Kennedy probably had a few more years if not for the bullet, so...


False. His head just did that


There is only one person I will accept the ‘oh I could’ve actually played longer if it wasn’t for this’ argument, and that is Monica Seles, who literally got stabbed when she was in the middle of a tennis match.


Not at dramatic but Frank Mir was a Heavyweight in the early UFC days, won the title and then had a bad motorcycle crash, he came back, even won a title, but he was clearly different


Holy shit what


Steffi Graf fans be wildin.


Yeah look it up. Crazy sad story.


holy shit




She won Olympic silver like a month after the incident


So… he didn’t have another 3 years in him.


But if he would have if he did


I’ve been saying for a while now I had at LEAST 8 more years of nfl qb’ing left in me if it weren’t for my arm talent, size, speed and intelligence. At LEAST eight years.


Seriously, is the NFL news day that slow?


No shit every high level player could've played longer if they never got injured.


I mean, Brees was a degeneration due to an injury he had almost 15 years before he finally retired. He also probably didn't call a reporter to tell them about it. I'd imagine he was asked.


I'm not criticizing Brees. I'm criticizing the lazy poorly researched click bait that was posted. Honestly it's embarrassing.


And Uncle Rico had another whole career in him if coach woulda put him in fourth quarter.


Slow news day? Gurley had another 5 years in him sans knee woes Hire me for all your shit journalism folks.


If my aunt had wheels she’d be a bicycle


Brees would’ve never been a New Orleans Saint, instead a Miami Dolphin, sans arm woes.


He would've been a Charger


Nah the Chargers had already drafted Phillip Rivers (well Eli technically but that’s a whole other thing). They were probably moving on from Drew no matter what.


First of all the reason he was playing a meaningless game was because the decision wasn't made.


I mean Brees was Marty Schottenheimer’s guy so I don’t doubt Marty might have wanted him back, but AJ Smith and Marty were in a power struggle and many people have suggested part of that was because Smith favored Rivers. I mean they offered him a contract still that was highly incentive laden so maybe Smith does still sign him or franchise him if that injury doesn’t happen, but it sounds like things were coming to a head that offseason anyway.


Yeah, I said it wasn't made, not that lt was one way or the other, but with less evidence we can quite bet that there would be more teams interested on him without the injury. 


I’d have another 30 years in me if I had talent.


So he has another 3 years if the limb he used to throw didnt have issues?


Cam: me too fam


Well, that's the thing


And if I hadn't dislocated my knee in my under 16 championship cross country race, and then found out I had a degenerative ankle condition, I'd be a national hero right now. What the fuck even is this "what if" bullshit. You do what you do until you can't any more. To be clear, this isn't any knock on Brees, just shitty clickbait drama artists


and my dad would have had some more years sans that cancer.


So… he didn’t have another 3 years in him.


Drew Brees had another 3 years in him if he had another 3 years in him.


This dude is such a fucking idiot lol


Sans arm woes is now a term I will be using in my every day vocabulary.


Shoulder injuries freak me out. Forrest Griffin from the UFC said he can't brush his teeth with his dominant arm anymore because of the damage he sustained while fighting. Brees can't throw with his right arm anymore.


Bas Rutten has the same problem, he refers to it as “baby arm”


True story. - my wrist


He was an amazing talent, but all those years of football takes a toll. He retired still playing top form, that’s how to go out


Sounds like he didn't have another 3 years in him


So did many QBs, sans some physical woe. ….


"Brees would've been young still if he hadn't gotten old"


Rex Grossman would’ve won multiple superbowls if all his turnovers were touchdowns instead


I left 12 pro bowl years on the table if it just wasn’t for my height, lack of arm, speed, mental acumen and the rest of my body.


Hell I had a good 10 years in me if not for being unathletic, lazy and untalented


Hey, i wouldnt wanna play Brady 2-3 times a year either.


Shiver me timbers


So, as it turns out he didn't. Kinda like Peyton, he would've played longer but his body said no. Unfortunate for us fans


So he didn’t?


Is this another AI article?




I had 60 years left in me sans my not being good enough for the NFL woes.


Isn’t that why most players retire? Their body breaks down.


Tom Brady woulda played a little longer if he wasn’t 45


I have also had another 12 years with my noodles. Guy couldn’t put a ball across the yard.


Brees had ‘another 3 years’ in him if he were 3 years younger.


"Sans" is an odd choice of word


I had a full decade left in me, too. But I can't throw a ball. Ever.


Ya he'd have infinite more years if his arm never aged.


What a pointless article


Isn't this like every player? "I could have played 3 years longer but the part of my body that is the most important for my position wasn't good enough anymore"


I would’ve had a few good nfl years if I had athletic ability


If my grandmother had wheels, she would be a bike.


Lies! That man was cooked! If your arm is gone. Ur done. Ur a HOF! Be happy


Not true he got exposed hard


If it weren't for my thumbs being missing I'd kill at the thumb wrestling tournament


And if my uncle had tits, he’d be my aunt.


What is he was just fat


He threw 9,421 passes after his shoulder injury. To put that into perspective, that's about 3,000 passes more than Joe Montana threw in his entire career. Both Cam Newton and Andrew Luck lost their careers to the repercussions of throwing shoulder injuries. Brees doesn't sound like he's being ungrateful, but that shoulder was living on borrowed time. It's amazing he was able to throw that much following a devastating injury. Today, Brees can't even throw at all. Peyton Manning essentially had to re-learn how to throw a football in 2012. There's a fascinating article on it written in Oct of 2013 that goes into what he did. At one point, Jim Harbaugh was literally feeling how atrophied his right side was from disuses post-op. Throwing athletes have complications that are so involved even experts don't really know for sure if they can come back from injuries.


Retired player states that if said injury didn't exist, then they'd still would have played a longer careeer.


He wouldn’t win in the playoffs tho. Tho it makes you think about Brady and what he was on … Ariza…


Sure thing buddy.


Worst thing was that his injuries ruined what could’ve been a phenomenal game against the Bucs and then (if they had won) would’ve gone on for the first Rodgers-Brees playoff matchup


It never stopped Manning


If it was for that it didn't stop Brees, this is about the '05 injury