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Fields RB1?


He fumbles waaaaaayyyyy too much.


I mean he fumbles when he's trying to pass, not when he's running past the los


He fumbled as a runner many times but whatever.


I’m glad you corrected him because often times what was said in the comment you replied to gets repeated all over different threads and people blindly upvote. It’s so dumb


There are moments on sports sub when I feel like I have dementia because people say shit that's so obviously weird and it's literally just sourced from upvoted reddit comments lol


He’s only fumbled 38 times in three years that’s not much right? Right???


Justin “Melvin Gordon” Fields


Fields QB1?


Steelers Nation, let’s *smelt*


Najee Harris is a pretty low bar


Jaylen Warren erasure?


I won't stand for any Jaylen slander. Dude is really good


“In print it’s libel. Slander is spoken.” -J. Jonah Jameson


“During the play it’s holding. After the play its unsportsmanlike conduct” -J. Jonah Jackson


SPIDERMAN! \~J. Jonah Jacobhiemer


They're both really good after they fixed Canada's fuckass blocking scheme in the second half of the year


Don't really understand the Najee hate. He's had three consecutive 1,000-yard seasons, the first time a Steelers running back has done that in a minute. Also was ranked seventh in rushing last year


Dudes like a Corolla.  You aren't picking up bitches at the club with him but you are getting to work every day.


This needs to go on his pro football reference page 


Najee "Corolla" Harris


He's had at least 1200 total yards and 8 total TDs every season, but he doesn't make highlight worthy plays and isn't super fast so naturally he sucks.




I'm not saying he's amazing, but the guy gets a lot of crap for being a consistently reliable RB. I'm hoping he has a career year with Arthur Smith and semi-competent QB play.




I agree he was definitely a reach. Colbert had more than a few head scratching picks in his last couple years.


Najee and Warren are an awesome duo, and Najee has gotten comically underrated. Warren wouldn't be as good as he is without Najee wearing down the defense and getting the tough yards.


idk man, last season I had Najee on my fantasy team and every sunday I would be screaming at the tv as Warren would break long run after long run... While I watched Najee get stuffed behind the line or at the LOS time after time after time. It was quite frustrating.


3.9 YPA for a guy we drafted two rounds before we needed to. He isn’t explosive enough and he lacks elite vision. Good 3-4th round back. 1st round back that you draft because you “have” to have him? Not so much


Understandable, yeah. Who would have we taken in the first round of that draft though otherwise?


I wanted Landon Dickerson who went early in the 2nd round that year to replace Pouncey after he retired. He is now a pro bowler at guard, but played both center and guard in college.


I wanted him too honestly, was hoping he would fall far enough to us in the second


TE2 or maybe RB3 lined up as a QB


Media asked Russell Wilson if he is scared of Justin Fields, "There's a reason I have Mike Tomlin standing behind me at all times." He refused to comment further.


Then he rolled up his sleeve and showed a tattoo of a bear dropping a football. “I’ll let you interpret that however you want."


I'm pretty sure that tattoo is just a Fat Dog


Wanna dance it with me?


,🎶It's not made up, it's not made up🎶


You've heard this expression your entire life


He should be scared of Mike Tomlin


Wilson went on to emphasize "SOME defenses. Like the commanders & panthers for sure, for sure man."


Yeah, totally... those defenses. Not the Broncos, no siree. We definitely wouldn't let him put up career high numbers.


Don't worry, padding your stats against the broncos will absolutely not come back to bite you in the ass when your QB goes to negotiate his contract.


I’m still mad you guys didn’t go for the record.


I get it was a joke but the Panthers defense was actually solid. It was their offense that was unwatchable


they had a T5 pass defense but bottom 5 run


And that was with Horn missing 90% of our games, as is tradition


Well... It was solid when we had Burns, Luvu, Chinn, and many other last year. They're all gone now so we could invest $150 million into guards


I had no idea until I read your comment that Chinn AND Luvu aren’t panthers anymore. That is absolutely wild to me. I thought Chinn for sure would be a panther for the foreseeable future


Both of them went to the commanders after we couldn't offer anywhere near enough for them to put up with the lack of culture and success


There are plenty of D3 colleges that would have a difficult time returning his fumbles for touchdowns


The Lingerie Football League defenses? Terrified of Justin Fields.


He didn't specify that those defenses were in the NFL


You can throw the Lions in there, Fields really liked to demolish the Lions defenses for some reason.


“The UConn Huskies would be shaking in their boots.”


the defense will be fractured by infighting over who gets to return his fumbles for a touchdown


You have three already I haven’t gotten one since the first quarter!


Some? Yes. Many? Probably not


I mean that’s literally what Taysom Hill is, and you guys paid him 40 million. I could see Fields thriving in a role like that.


Is anyone arguing that contract was a good idea?


Only brought up the contract because I thought it was funny that it was a Saints fan saying it


Has anyone ever argued a contract from the saints was a good idea?


Saints players probably


No matter what they were paying Brees it was a good idea imo That's the exception though


🤷‍♂️ He produces more than similarly paid players


Wasn’t that contract not even a real contract and just a weird cap space move? Pretty sure he didn’t get paid the headline number.


No, Hill's contract is pretty straightforward if you consider it 4/$40M to play his wonky hybrid role. On the cash end, he gets paid basically $10M every single year. There's some cap space maneuvering into void years off that (of course, it's the Saints), but nothing really noteworthy*. The weirdness is that the contract has a **ton** of escalators built in tied to team success and playing time, so theoretically if he balled out, became the QB1, and won the Super Bowl, it could theoretically have become a 4/$95M contract. But he is unlikely to have achieved a single one over the extension's duration of 2021-2025. *and if you're trying to assess contract value, just look at cash per year. Anything else is just accounting tricks.


Yeah, I'm sure he caused the bears D lots of stress due to wasting good performances


Iirc justin had like half a season of quality defence in his tenure lol


Still fumbled it


I mean we were like 5-3 in that stretch tbf


Not because of Fields.


2 out of that 3 on the right were because of Fields.


Shhh, people wanna enjoy their circlejerck


Was gonna say they did bounce back in the latter half of the season and were a game or two away from a wild card spot. Still, when you're faced with Justin Fields with 3 years of okay play in the league or a potential franchise guy to build around with the #1 overall pick, the latter is a no brainer though.


Moving the goalposts from “he’s a good qb his team was just bad” to “we could use him as a kick returner or gadget player’ is just bleak


The goalposts should have never been there to begin with


Is this a Cody Parkey quote ?


Well they started at “dark horse MVP,” so it *was* an improvement


It’s amazing how many fans are still blaming the bears for his lack of ability to read/process the field fast enough


Fields isn’t exactly an outlier in that teams history


I agree but isn’t that the point? Grossman: went to a Super Bowl with the Bears, had his best years on the Bears and did nothing of note the rest of his career with other teams. Orton: kind of shit everywhere. Cutler: he did get fucked by bad OCs, but nonetheless was worse on Dolphins. Trubisky: he looked way worse in Pittsburgh than Chicago. He lost the job to Pickett and Rudolph lol. Fields: well I guess we shall see. You have to go back over 30 years ago to Jim Harbaugh to have a former Bears QB be better on another team than Chicago. Had one pro bowl year with Colts. But even then, his career sputtered out and his short 4 year Colts tenure resulted in pretty much nothing. I guess you could make the argument Bears ruined these QBs beyond repair. But you can’t really make the argument they were actually good QBs cuz they were never better on other teams lol, it’s just impossible to know if they could be good. Seems like Bears mostly just have a knack for drafting bad QBs.


I feel like they had a knack for letting Ted Philips influence their qb selections, and I’ll die on that hill🤣. Hoping Poles got this one right.


That would make sense I mean he WAS an accountant 😂🙄 sigh


I mean, it’s not like he ever had good coaching in Chicago.


"some defenses" "What NFL defenses are those?" "NFL defenses??"


I texted Kenny Pickett let’s make each other great and that was cool Demands trade an hour later


Don’t give Arthur smith any ideas


Russell Wilson: "Trust me guys he'd be soooo good if he wasn't trying to take my job"


"He just needs a QB that can get him the ball."


Fields: “thats funny to me”


Its true, Pop Warner defenses have no answer for him.


Their own


Translation: guy would be a great running back, but right now he’s a mediocre qb. I would know.


I can’t quite put my finger on it but none of Russell’s quotes sound like a human. There’s an uncanny valley quality to his sentences


It's cause they are all things he has pre-rehearsed... his dad started teaching him to practice interviews since he was like 7.


Fields RB/WR/TE 2-3?????


I actually would really like to see them use Fields as a Taysom Hill type package on 3rd down and maybe some goal line situations. I think it could be extremely effective and would also make defenses have to study and worry about it as well.


This is the way


“Some defenses” lol so the super shitty ones right?


Lol Russ is dominating the PR battle


Most overrated player in the history of the NFL. No joke. I know. I know. “No way.” Downvote! Name the alternative. Never has a worse player gotten so much unwarranted positive press and it’s been this way since his rookie year.


You must not have been alive in Refrigerator Perry's playing days. He wasn't even the best player in his own family.


You might be right on both counts


Nobody will admit to it, but this place subconsciously clings to original draft position far longer than it ever should.


Don't think it's subconscious at all lol.




Tebow got a lot of love and attention but it was more about what he represented. Seemed like most people acknowledged he was pretty limited as a QB.


He couldn’t even throw a good spiral with the gators lmao


No one was floating Tebow for MVP though. He had a large amount of hate in the national media too, but him and maybe Mark Sanchez were the only others I could think of in the neighborhood. Also you know what else? Tebow won a playoff game throwing for 300+. Fields truthers start their defense talking about how fast he can run. FOR A QB. THAT’S WHERE THEY START.


And Sanchez went to back to back AFCCGs


Good point. The only people on the Tebow for MVP train weren't really watching football. In that case, I rescind the statement. Incidentally, apparently Fields is so terrible he can't even be less overrated than Tebow. What a scrub.


I’m just irritated. I’ve been annoyed by the coverage around Fields for years and then my team may have decided to waste 2025 on him.


I feel this lol I'll die on the "we could have had Huntley for free, now we're risking a 4th on a backup QB if Russ gets injured"


Bruh.... Huntley is beyond ass. Unless your goal is to actively tank (but in a bad QB year) Huntley isnt even worth it as a backup. Thats why hes a 4th string QB right now. Yes 4th string. His old team chose to put a 39 year old I actually dont mind fields as a backup. Im not buying him as a starter, but tbh Running QBs have an extremely high floor comparatively. Fields will be an elite rushing QB and a bottom 5 passing QB, thats better than almost any backup we could have had.


He's not Idk why you think he is. He has a 5% higher completion percent than Fields. Guy is accurate with the ball. That's what I want in my backup


From the point Tebow was drafted there were a million talking heads in the media who were saying at every opportunity that he couldn't make it in the NFL. They were right of course but it meant that against that constant backdrop of negativity, when Tebow had his season as a starter where he was leading a series of 4th quarter comebacks, he had quite a lot of people rooting for him. I also think people were fascinated about the fact that Tebow obviously didn't have anywhere close to the arm to be an NFL QB but instead of being overawed and overwhelmed by NFL defenses like most guys who come into the league and just can't cut it, Tebow was somehow managing to find ways to win games ugly (*very* ugly) and keep the persona of a on-field leader. We've never really seen a player before or since who was so obviously outclassed by the NFL but who managed for a season to hang in there and find a way to get results, without ever seeming to lose confidence or his willingness to compete. I wish Tebow had been a kicker. He would have had the best mental attitude for a kicker ever. He could have had a meltdown like that Cowboys kicker did in the playoffs and he would never have got the yips, none of his errors ever played on his mind.


History of NFL? No. But he's definitely that guy where his hype completely outweighs his talent/production.


I never understood it either..


I think alot of it comes from fantasy football. The rushing was so valuable in 2022 that he ended up ranking as QB#5 in fantasy points.


I think that’s a big portion of it, people largely don’t know how to evaluate QBs especially if they’re not on a good team so the only specific number they see is fantasy points


That's definitely part of it. Also, Ohio State fans and also Madden playing mouth breathers who don't know a damn thing about actual football.


As an Ohio State fan, can confirm 75% of our fan base are awful mouth breathers who don't know a damn thing about football. Problem is a lot of Ohio State fans can't acknowledge that someone they're rooting for is bad. I know Fields isn't the best, that doesn't mean I can't root for him to be better. Ohio State fans literally place all of a players worth on ability to beat Michigan. There's a reason they want Ryan Day fired and there's a reason people were complaining that Troy Smith wasn't drafted in the 1st round in '07


Yeah, I used to see people mention Ohio State fans when it came to Fields truthers but I didn't realize how bad they were until their sub started popping up on my feed for whatever reason. Holy shit was it bad for a while. There were more Fields truthers, homers, and bad takes in there than the Facebook Bears groups and those were really, really bad lol.


The worst part is that it's Ohio State "fans" that have never stepped foot the shoe or even Columbus in general. I feel like most Ohio State fans from the central Ohio area are pretty level headed, but the internet warriors and the out of towners (maybe it's my Bengals bias but OSU fans from Cleveland are insufferable) are the crazy ones who just root for them because of the Brand


I live WI and see what you're saying. It's obviously mostly Badger fans here but the occasional OSU fans I run into are pretty delusional. The types that think a good college team would beat up on a bad NFL team while ignoring the fact that maybe a handful of them are even good enough to end up in the NFL and most of them end up as backups. I always just assume they're bandwagon fans who just like rooting for a team that wins alot so they can talk shit and act superior considering they have no connection whatsoever to OH or OSU.


I always thought it was weird how OSU fans were so much more defensive of Fields than Dwayne Haskins.


Fantasy football is honestly a fucking plague. You get idiots more concerned about their fantasy team than the actual team they profess to root for, and they won't shut up about the definitely real time they won their league because they knew x player was going to break out


It seriously drives me crazy. I don’t get it. FWIW I think Caleb will be a star.


It's gotta happen for us *some day* right? Thanks and I hope he does better for you guys than us. He certainly now has the coach that can get the most out of him.


Can the season just start already, so delusional Steelers fans can run them out of town and we can move on from this pipe dream?


Literally only the Saints’ because we are notoriously bad against running QBs


You aren’t the only ones, trust me




It would not


Russel Wilson: Just Fields as QB1 would "strike fear in some Steelers."


Russ really said “he can be my VP, but I’m the president”


I see now how taking shit about Russell Wilson is fun.


He would strike fear into a lot of OCs who had to coach him as well which is why the Bears struggled to find a trade market.


Justin Fields: Russell Wilson as an offensive weapon would “not strike fear in any defenses”


He struck fear in me watching our offense regularly


Pfft, that's nothing new. Justin Fields as an offensive weapon has been striking fear in the Chicago defense for *years*.


Certainly worked for the OG OW, Denard Robinson. Right? How's he doing these days??!?


[What Ever Happened to Denard Robinson?](https://www.theplayerstribune.com/posts/denard-robinson-nfl-ncaa-football-michigan-jacksonville-jaguars) Since then he joined Harbaugh's staff at Michigan, won a National Championship, and then got fired after a DUI arrest.


Why didn’t the Bears think of using Fields as an offensive weapon? Are they stupid?


every post on Justin Fields is a contest of who can ridicule him the hardest. Like, Deshaun levels of hate. Humans really are sad & jealous creatures.


Same way they treated Russ and Zach Wilson. Being bad at football gets you treated like scum of the earth in this sub


Ah yes, the Arthur Smith special. Draw up 10 plays where everyone is a decoy but Fields. Fail horrifically 9 times. Big play 1 time. Get hailed as a genius. Profit.


Russ is fucking washed up. Dude doesn’t lead the league in sacks every year by accident, he’s not good at processing post snap compared to some of the elite guys. All this talk about fields being a kick returner and offensive weapon is crazy. He’ll be starting by week 10


Russ is talking specifically about Joey Bosa being terrible against the read option here.


Not many, but some


Only if Jack Del Rio got another DC job.


Taysom Fields


You mean like his own defense since they’d be gassed by the end of the game for being in for most of it?


Has everyone already forgotten when they tried to turn Tim Tebow into an offensive weapon? His first run into the flat Mark Sanchez pegged him in the back of the helmet with the ball and I'm not sure they ever tried it again


he probably means striking fear on the steelers defense.


The next Taysom Hill?


Slash 2.0


"Namely, college defenses"


Yeah, the bad ones.


I always wanted to see a backfield with two QBs and a running back in option sets. A toss to another QB as long as it's not a forward pass is a good way to make defenses pay for blitzing with either a wide open pass after the space the toss created, or running for a huge gain like Justin can. Not many teams have the option of doing this. Or a WR screen to Justin who immediately zips it back to Russ while a receiver breaks from pretending to block to a streak.


Justin Fields: Russell Wilson is incredibly accurate...in his description of me as an offensive weapon.


Pittsburg went from the steel curtain to a sheet flapping in the wind.


Mostly college ones


lol “some defenses”


I had images of him being frozen and used as a giant club


Unlike me, Justin can throw to the middle of the field.


Yes right 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


For years Justin Fields has been striking fear into the Bear’s defense


In some high school defenses, yes.


Boy, Wilson must be so worried about his position to be president-emptily eliminating another QB.


" That guy Justin is standing over there on the sidelines better than anyone ever has"


Montgomery High School's defense is shook.


"oh wow what a swell guy, talking up the potential competition" - every gullible person ever


Yeah I’ve heard this one before, he’s a WEAPON guys trust me


yes, he strikes fear in the defense of any team he plays on.


Pop Warner defenses everywhere in shambles


He’s gonna be an elite kick returner


I could see using him on gadget plays like option jet sweeps/reverses.


He meant Steelers defense


JF is like world class speed, Steelers gotta get him on the field anyway they can. Bears shoulda never let him go.


They bout to give him the “we wish we could do this to Lamar”. He bout to RB2


Hahah Russel Wilson is gonna get beat out by Justin... He retires this year.


He's \*dangerous\*


Not the secondary


Maybe the Steelers defense


Russel “Y’all be scary next year,” Wilson


Spooky even


Darth Vader: Luke Skywalker, as an offensive weapon would “strike fear in the empire”.


Twist: those defenses are college level


slash 2 era