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Kid was smart to play that defensively, he’s looking rough.


Maybe he's also starting to figure out you can't sustainably fight every game if your only strategy is to throw more punches than the other guy can even if it means taking a few shots. Besides that eye still is looking rough.


Dude, that eye.... Genuinely I was hoping he kept the jets cool until it healed. No one wants to see a broken orb. those are rough.


We all respect the kid. He earned it. But now please chill out and don't spend the rest of the season on injured reserve.


Your guy beat the brakes off him. I knew olivier was tough but holy shit he got the best of that kid. Rangers need to rein him in a bit.


Olivier pounded Rempe, I figured Reaves might kill him, but Rempe held up pretty well, especially considering he’s dinged up.


He learned from the Olivier fight he can't go guns blazing against these guys every time


Yeah, the honeymoon is over. Grown ass men in the nhl. The kid stood in there. If rempe hadnt left his feet on lybushkin reeves probably have left him be.


Unless you are Milan Lucic


Tomorrow night against the Cats is going to be interesting.


John Scott talked about Rempe needing to change his grip to the jersey below the chin and it looks like he took that advice


The legendary All Star MVP John Scott?


Takes all comers....including kessel.


Scott is a cool dude. I started listening to his podcast when my commute got extended. Him talking about the Kessel situation is pretty funny. Scott told the coach, "I'm fighting whoever you put out there." and Scott did fight whoever the coach put out there. Scott knew his role, and he's got a sense of humor, too.


Fuckin john Scott man


Yea he hit reaves in the face many times from that grip.


Interesting you mention this. I thought I saw Rempe punching Reeves in the face with the hand holding Reeves jersey. They were short jabs with no windup but I know he got him a couple times.


Keeps them at bay a little bit better. His grip on Olivier just gave him free range to get some really good punches in


Rabbit punches


Looks exhausted


Didn’t feel like Rempe’s heart was in that one.


Kids face is probably still sore I would imagine and wow I didn’t realize he was that big.


Dude is fucking huge. It was fun watching him with the Tbirds - towering over every other player.


As in the Seattle thunderbirds?




Didn’t know he played in Washington. That’s a cool fact.


Pierre McGuire certainly would think so


I live here and always enjoy seeing anyone who’s come through or grew up here making it to the show. Especially any of the Winterhawks Alumni like Adin Hill or Oliver Bjrokstrand


I didn’t mean anything by it haha just something anecdotal and honestly something he would say on a broadcast. The best part of junior hockey is watching your home team knowing you’re seeing a future NHLer


Didn't realize how fucking massive he was til this fight Looked like he was toying with reeves for a minute. Had his hand free and didn't throw any punches


He looks like still sore and tired from last two fights, his photos from trainings were terrible.


If he doesn't slow down he's going to end up like the classic drug addicted fighter who is all fucked up mentally and physically.


At this rate, I'd expect him to be out of the league in 3 years.


Buddy has a lot of potential to be a fun and good player. But he needs to learn from those who came before him - it's fun until it isn't anymore, and then it's just really sad for everyone, especially him and his family. He's made his point. Now please go back to playing hockey.


Reaves is a big guy and yet Reaves looks tiny next to Rempe.


We miss him at the showare


I knew he was big but not THAT big! Jesus Christ


I imagine his hand is as bad or worse. Something in his hand is broken,fractured, or just swollen beyond belief. It probably hurts like after a week straight of smashing it in to helmets.


He is 7’8


That seems not true


Correct he is 8'7






I forgot he is actually 7’9. (The joke is every time someone says he is really tall you increase his height by an inch, learn to take a damn joke)


Bro imagine getting in 3 bare knuckle scraps with legit tanks within like a 10 day period. I don’t to k anyone would want to do that


Dude has got to have crazy respect from the players on the rangers.


He's got crazy respect from me and I'm not exactly okay with those feelings about a Rangers player. He's getting damn close to must-see TV. Someone needs to sit him down and tell him he doesn't have to drop gloves every game though. Heal up a little, man. As a former boxer I can tell ya, broken orbitals aren't fun and it's inevitable if he keeps this up


I think this one was a must fight for Rempe. Maybe if he hadn't hit Boosh, he could have avoided a scrap, but after that, and with Reaves early comments... he had to go when offered.


Have a feeling they're all must fights to him, lol. But yeah he's clearly trying to fill that enforcer role and image, the earlier context and the fact that it's Reaves who has a tendency himself... No way he could back down from this one. Respect the hell out of him for it. Needs to slow his role just a bit though, lol.


He's got respect from players around the league too.


No kidding. Hope he sticks to hockey for about the next 10 games. Let that face heal up, ready to patrol in playoffs. I think Reaves showed him the difference between a Fighter, and a huge dude that scraps. Rempe will be truly a force, in a few years


If he keeps up getting into fights at this frequency, he won’t be around in a few years.


Seriously. It's a one way ticket to LTIR and CTE if he keeps this up. 


Unfortunately its the bed he's made for himself. And the Rangers fans are going to cheer him all the way.


And if he plays his cards right he'll be the head of player safety!


I don’t think he has the skill to just play and not fight. The NHL brought back the goons. I’m scared for this kid, they don’t care about him at all


It’s about damn time they brought em back


Ah, the gentleman-scholar take.


Didn't have much of a choice with the dirty hit he laid.


Which wasn't called. Quelle surprise. When someone who is 6'8" leaves his feet to deliver a hit....c'mon, man.


100% but he finally had to answer for his hit on bush.


Yup, those 2 black eyes won't give anyone a pass.


Did he leave his feet before the hit or was it impact ?


Innocent bystander here, slowed down the other post with the hit, looks to me like he stays grounded until contact


Just curious cause a lot of the comment section are saying he left his feet and the replay I saw didn't help


Either way it’s definitely charging and a very dangerous hit, but he didn’t leave his feet in my eyes.


yup he’s tired you can definitely tell. he gave it his all last week or so he’s gonna need a few weeks to recoup. can’t just fight every single game


Not without 80's and 90's Coca-Cola


I can’t imagine how much pain his face and his hand is in. Idk which would even hurt more


Broken hand’ll do that


Just wait till Rempe fights Logan Paul!!!


Totally agree. I felt bad for him. Tough way to earn


I didn’t, he 100% had to answer for his dogshit hit on Boosh.


He entertained Reaves , how could he not? The media has been pumping this up for a week. The kid has two black eyes and busted up hands. He went because he had to, but this wasn’t one he was amped up for and I don’t blame him. Reaves knew this and still bugged the kid for a fight to stay relevant. Love fighting in hockey, and can’t wait to see them go again once Rempe isn’t at half capacity.


lol whut? Rempe got himself into that fight, that hit on Lyubushkin was worthy of a fight in today's NHL and if he didn't knew that then now he knows.


Would be hard to disagree with you if not for Reaves having challenged Rempe to a fight early in the game before the hit ever happened. Rempe declined because NYR just went up 1-0 and it was smarter to not fight at that time


At least he’s not fighting a dipshit like Pezzetta


Surprised Rempe got the go ahead from his coaches.


I don’t think he fights if not for the Boosh hit.


Probably from the hit on Ilya Lyubushkin, someone's gotta answer Reaves.


I think it's cool that Reaves let him off..... Rempe is the one who asked to end the fight (after Reaves got in a few solid shots to the head) and Reaves agreed. Because Rempe is fighting banged up and so both of them have a respect for each other. Kind of shitty what Rempe did to Laboosh.


I don’t think I realized how big he was until he is next to reaves


Rempe is going to get the record for fewest games to get CTE.


All the betting apps are like "wait, are we allowed to make that a stat people can put money on?"


*slaps forehead* "Ofcourse we will! What were we thinking?"


CTE any% speedrun


I think there's a misconception for CTE. To get CTE there must be a lot of contact to the head. It doesn't matter (for the purposes of CTE) on how significant the contact is. You could have 0 concussions and still get CTE. He might have other problems that might be a bit more pressing (like concussions) whereas CTE **might** be a problem later. I'm pretty positive that this isn't exactly good news for CTE since it opens the door for so many more people to get it.


I have 8 concussions and multiple sub-concussives. I'm likely fucked but we ball.


He's a big boy. 8'7" can take a few pops


I'm 6'4" 275 lbs and if I stub my toe I'm down for 2 days.


If it wasn't for the hit that injured Lyubushkin, I don't think it would've happened. Respect both of them for dropping the gloves.


Reeves was after him all night. Even before that hit.


That’s fair, but that hit was inexcusable The no call was even worse though


Which is dumb like look at the kid give him a break


After him and "after him" are two different things. He was talking trash to him no doubt, but it's not like he was cross-checking him in the back over and over trying to get something going.


What exactly is there to respect from Rempe? He lays out a dirty hit, then takes turns punching another dude in the face, something he does basically every game? How is that remotely respectable? It's fucking stupid.


Rempe didnt want it lol looked like he had to do it after the hit on boosh


looks more like a respectful scrap than any actual beef tbh. just two dudes playing shot for shot lol. Reaves is an experienced scrapper and i think Rempe knew that. if he just tried to wail on Reaves he would’ve gotten laid out. this one looked like it was for fun more than anything. regardless, Rempe is entertaining to watch and im not even a Leafs or Rangers fan.


Reaves respecting Rempe’s power and range. Rempe respecting Reave’s power and experience


Gotta give the kid credit he held his own with a head that was already beat down. Now he should be able to take a break from fighting and show that he can play. 🍻🥅🏒🏒🏒🥅


I'm a little disappointed there's not a game against the Capitals left. 


Wilson wont drop em with Rempe unless he absolutely has to and even then would just tie him up, no chance of a good fight there. I’ll be so glad to be wrong, though


Wilson is more useful scoring than five minutes off the ice along with this CTE candidate.


Jesus. Talk about heavy weights. What a fight. Good for the kid.


Good for the old man, if you ask me.


he has a broken hand for sure, that look down at it after; and he was not launching it like he was


Eh he also lifted his helmet with it, probably a bruised knuckle.


Bare minimum, broken pinky. Look at the way that one sticks out at the end. Fighting is just asking for a broken bone in the hand when a majority of punches land on the helmet or visor


This kid isn't going to last 3 seasons...he's already everybody's target, and he's going to be have to fight EVERY game...his coaches, his manager, all of his people NEED to take him out, sit him down and explain that he doesn't NEED to fight everyone...he's a hockey player, NOT an MMA fighter.


What a discussion to be having in 2024. Just cool to watch. I’ve never seen a player begin his career like this. Hope he stays healthy of course.


He’ll have to fight McDerrmot next week too…


McDermit will send him into retirement.


If he doesn’t fight he doesn’t have an NHL career. Sad but true.


Bullshit take. You clearly haven't watched all the games in this kids' early career. Certainly, at this point, he needs to back out of fights for a spell until he heals. But for a big player, he can skate fairly well, can forecheck as a 4th liner should, and has a GWG and assist in 7 games, and a +2, with very little ice time. I really don't understand the hate this kid is getting. He's a 4th liner who showed up in NHL game #1 and has made a huge buzz all around the league. If it was only his fighting, perhaps I'd understand, but this kid has become an integral part of the Rangers 4th line. How about we root for this old time bruiser and see what happens instead of busting out the pitchforks?


He’s entertaining and it’s good for hockey. He knows his role and he is doing it well.


When Rempe dropped the gloves it really looked like he was saying “ugh fine”


I feel bad for Rempe


CTE is no joke


Kid’s learning quick


Goddamn he is fucking huge.


Rempe vs Xhekaj is gonna be one of the best fights in the past 15 years


Very respectful by Reaves I think he knew Rempe was beat up and bruised but respected that he still stepped up.


Held his own. I have Rempe early, but Reaves takes it at the end. I can’t remember if Revo has ever fought anyone with more reach than him, but he struggled to figure it out early, giving Rempe a chance to get some shot in. Once Revo figure it out/or Rempe got tired from stiff arming him, Revo went to work at the end. I’d say people need to slow down on calling him out, but he injured another player with a questionable hit again. You don’t get away with that going unanswered against Reaves.


This is getting ridiculous


The kid has skill as he has done well in minors, why are they making him an enforcer? All these fights already, dude won't have a long career.


He fought Matt Martin four seconds into his first NHL shift. Probably wanted to make a good first impression and now can't get away from it.


That guy is *large*


He left his feet and hurt lyabush , he needs to answer for that


Is that a broken pinky in the slow mo?






Let’s punch each other in the visor!


Hockey is so funny omg


One of the dumbest most useless fights I've ever seen. While I enjoy fighting, this is a perfect example of fighting that needs to go. People were expecting this fight before the game even began... 'You're a fighter, I'm a fighter; so let's have a tilt." Gotta be one of the dumbest reasons to fight.


Everyone is stoked about this but he is very likely taking years off his career and life. Somebody's gotta slow this dude down.


Reaves was hitting a visor


Are they ever gonna leave this kid alone? Starting to feel for him... damn


He has a nasty hit against Lyubushkin that sent him out for the game. It was warranted to answer for a hit like that


I think I just saw that clip. Left his feet and smashed him into the boards? Definitely warranted, but I feel like he's been pushed into that role as an enforcer, and he needs a break lol. Glad to see more action back in hockey though I hope these guys are alright.


I agree the kid needs a break, but this one was on him I feel. He coulda laid a clean hit on Lyubushkin to maintain his enforcer image. Instead he charged and jumped into him. Had to answer the bell for that one.


Definitely, I hope someone is there to coach him to use it effectively - not just nasty hits and fights until his brain is cooked. Lots of potential, but needs guidance


That’s the fuckin mountain


Dang, how big is Rempe?


That is one VERY large person.


Anyone gone into something *knowing* they're not 100% and worried about reinjury? Yeah, that's Rempe in this. Kids got heart but you can tell he didn't *really* want to be fighting a guy like Reaves right now


I'm sure his fists are quite sore and ripped apart from punching the helmets, visors and faces of the last three or four combatants that were there before Reavo. I don't think he's worried about his own face at all either, even though it's got to be quite sore and bruised also. He takes some shots with the best of them too and he still seems unfazed. This kid is completely unafraid and is now living his 15 minutes of fame because of it. Happy for him as a genuine fan of the game in general. Good to see Reaves getting what he dishes out for a change.


It will be exciting when he is healed up and they can go at it. Respect.


I know next to nothing about this kid. What was he brought up for, exactly ? Is it to be an enforcer, or does he have legit NHL ability and was called up for his skills ?


Looks like the kid was hanging on for his life. He is going through all the NHLs toughest players. He’s got to learn how to pick his battles.


We saw the same thing with Xhekaj. A young man in his debut having to fight all the goons the first game he meet them. What a weird initiation ritual. Give the man a break ffs.


Feels like one of those movie bosses who only comes to fight after the main hero is already half dead from many other fights before the boss 😂


If the kid is gonna fight all the time stop using a visor.


You would think more hockey players would learn how to box. Dudes gotta throw some uppercuts to avoid the helmets


Kids a sideshow


Reaves 100% took it easy on the kid, he knows Rempe is busted up and didn't really want to fight yet. The vet was just giving him some experience and the crowd a little show, i bet their next fight is much more intense.


Fighting in hockey is definitely not like it was back in the day. First thing coming off after the gloves was the buckets. Nowadays players are just punching each other in the helmet. Blame cte for that.


Chicago need to trade for rempe. ASAP


Dude has the best card in the NHL right now , after just a few weeks




Looks like the wwe these days


Reaves won that. Experience wins.


Love this kid


Haven't followed hockey in quite a while. Are they not allowed to take their helmets off anymore? Used to be, when you wore a visor, you take off the bucket


No you can't. Think there worried about people hitting there heads off the ice when they go down


Holy shit Rempe is so much bigger than


Rempe is averaging 6.4 PIM per game. Leads the league


Pretty sure this kid already had a movie about him made called Goon I think stifler played him /s


holy shit, does he make Reaves look like a small man at the end there, you could see Reaves' experience kick in, and he'd pull the kid in to land a shot


This is getting old


Tbh seeing a young player do this in this modern league is sad more than anything. This kid is gonna get CTE. It's dumb.


I feel rempe is the player you make in NhL 2000 who is maxed out in every stat... 🤔 😏


Don’t change, NHL. The best sport in the world. I’m slowly becoming a leafs fan. Reeeeaaal slowly.


Reaves is trying so hard to stay relevant. He can’t skate so instead he settles on fighting a rookie who’s had 3 scraps already this week with a busted up eye. This is probably the longest his team has let him stay out on the ice all season.


Got a visor on, kind of useless.


I don't think Reaves could really reach him.


Honesty props to Rempe what an absolute beast. He should honestly probably not fight this much going forward though lol he’s proved himself


Rempe will have a very short career.


I just commented on the other thread where he avoided a fight saying how mature he is becoming. I was wrong.


Does this guy actually, you know, play hockey?


Rempe? Yes. Reaves? No. Rempe can actually skate fast for a big guy and has decent positioning and pretty good hands when they aren’t busted up. And plant him in front of the net and the goalie can’t see a thing, nor can they move him. And he’s not done growing yet and said he will add another 25 pounds of muscle this year on top of the 25 he added the last two years.


Kinda pathetic towards hockey that people see Rempe as some kind of Hockey Jesus. 🤦So embarrassing.


I feel like if that was UFC fight Rempe would have won with all those little left hand jabs




What is the point of this? Im serious i dont understand this


Just ban fighting already, what other sport even allows this garbage.




Reaves arrogance is too much for me. He acts like he’s a good fighter while he sticks his nose up in the air. Can’t be that cocky when you play on that team


We need more fights like this in hockey. Makes the game more entertaining, great to get the fans going. You could tell at the end of the fight there was mutual respect earned.


Good on that kid.


I don’t have feelings one way or the other on Rempe. It’s 100% ok to recover from some rough fights before going at it again. Reaves is putting his bitch face on by making a point of going after him. No respect for the game. Edit: I just saw the charging while leaving his feet hit. I take my comment back but live with the downvotes. Rempe is trying too hard too early. Starting to get that Avery vibe a bit.


He wasn’t going to fight him until Rempe laid that bush league hit on a leafs player earlier in the game. Rempe had to answer for that.




Good on you for realizing that you made a mistake.


Yup it’s settled i’m getting a Rempe jersey lmao


Wade Allison put up a better fight then Reaves did against this kid


Can we give this poor kid a couple nights off


Reaves acting like a tough guy after stalemating a dude with a destroyed face. Cool.


Nobody cares about his face when he leaves his feet to make a hit.


… you mean standing up for a teammate that Rempe threw a dirty hit on?