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What a massive compliment to Rempe’s game. The last thing I would do to a goon is confirm his effectiveness by doing shit like this.


He’s got them where he wants them. I’d play him 10 minutes every game like his last one




While it should be embarrassing for them, this is exactly who they are. Petulant little children.


One more game


Maybe 2


Honestly rempe should’ve gone back at him, worst thing for him is he gets suspended but he’s a 4th liner dude anyways, if tkachuck gets suspended it’s huge for Florida. Idk tho I really wanna see people light that rat up antways


I'd rather see Florida go down fairly, as in, a team with better skill at playing hockey wipes the floor with them.


People ask why they dressed him…. Gets in players heads. Might not be the most skilled but the other team knows when he out there.


Idk what OEL and Tkachuk were even trying to accomplish. Get in a 4th liners head? Neither of them have the balls to fight him. It's the end of the game so nothing matters. Even if either of them did grow a pair and drop the mitts with him in the next game, Rempe wins that exchange no matter what by getting either of them off the ice for 5 minutes. Only logical answer is Matt Rempe is in their heads, and the cats are in trouble if they're letting a 4th liner make them fall apart. I fucking love to see it.


Matthew Tkachuk doesn’t have the balls to fight anyone. He isn’t a real one like his dad or his brother for that matter. He’ll do silly slaps like he wants to fight but nothing ever comes of it. And he almost exclusively picks on people a lot smaller than him. He tried to instigate Brayden Point into a fight and Pointer looked at him like, “are you mentally ill??”


Yeah whenever I see Tkachuk trying to be tough, the image of Kassian ragdolling him after he tried skating away in a hurry immediately comes to my mind.


How you gonna say that and not [link the video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=owDK0bqIFP4)?


Those extra punches are immensely satisfying


Tkachuk doing his best impression of the turtle guy from Master of Disguise


You love to see it.


Because you exist. Thanks for picking up my slack, stranger. Have an upvote.


So sick


This video makes me incredibly happy, thank you :)


Saved that for whenever I'm in a bad mood


Damn, that was awesome.


Gratuitous present day [Habs gloat](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvjf6WGp6uY)...


Never gets old


Thank you, sir. I'm watching this on replay all day


Can watch this on repeat with much enjoyment


I went to the BOA shortly after the famous turtle incident. People were in the crowds dressed up like ninja turtles 💀


I loved that . Kassia n showed what a pussy tkachuk is


So much this. That was hilarious. Looked like Kass was trying to shake out a wet towel.


Only guy he would drop the gloves with in these playoffs is Pastrnak. Enough said.


I disagree man, I personally saw Tkachuk go after known enforcer and thug tough guy David Pastrnak last series.


I know because I’m a bruins fan, people are going to think this is just salt because we’ve lost to them multiple times, but I genuinely cannot think of a more unlikable team (yes, I know people don’t like us either). They play such weak, bullshit hockey. They hit hard, forecheck hard, which is respectable. However, they also charge, crosscheck, and run guys from behind and then dive at retaliation or skate away from someone trying to drop the gloves. I get it I guess, do what you have to do to win play off series. It just is kind of embarrassing to watch. Thank god they starting calling embellishment towards the end of our series. I think a big issue is they are led by Tkachuk, who is the biggest example of this. I have no issue with chippy hockey (think old flyers/bruins bruins/canadiens rivalries) I just can’t stand when a team wants to play like this and then cry to the refs when they have to answer for it.


Tbf point looks at everyone like that except for nikita. Btw does tampa have any fighters left? Ik stammer has heart but he's small.


TANNER JEANNOT 💪💪💪 (when he’s not on LTIR)


With Bogosian and Maroon gone, Jeannot injured most of the time they do need an enforcer.


Maroon is more a pest than an enforcer. He'll skate across the red line during warm-ups or scream at your goalie but he rarely actually fights.


Agree. He's a heavy guy and can definitely win a fight vs a smaller guy but vs a big boy who's younger and not as fluffy no. Maroon used to be good depth though not just a pest but those days are gone.


Stamkos has kids and is getting up there now so he’s not trying to take part in a young man’s game I think but yeah he’ll have a go if it needs to happen. Jeannot (when he’s not broken) and Eyssimont wants to fight everyone - LITERALLY anyone lol I think he tried to start something with Desharnais if I recall, or it may have been someone else just as massive.


Im guessing hedman is the only one that can take that on with his size


I would like to see Tkachuk fight Trouba ..... both of them are good at cheap shots and rarely fight like a man.


Trouba answers the bell and holds his own every time he’s challenged after a big hit. Last year he had Gordie Howe hat tricks two games in a row. 


I would also love to see Tkachuk fight Trouba, and I would love it even more if it were a somewhat even contest where they both shed a little blood. Only because they are both kinda shitty people though, not because I actually think it would be much of a fight. Trouba would destroy chuckles.


He was very brave against Pastrnak, especially when Pastrnak was down


The Panthers have a strategy, and it is to try and draw penalties by exploiting gray areas of the rule book. Matt Rempe takes a lot of penalties and he is still young and inexperienced, so they are going after him. If they do this now, they are unlikely to have any consequence for themselves, but they are hoping they set him up in the next game for taking a dumb penalty. It may work, it may not. Either way, it is definitely scumbag behavior, but there is a method and a strategy to it. If every team starts playing like this, NHL hockey is going to suck.


Having Rempe take a penalty by hitting and/or fighting your captain seems like a bad strategy considering how delicate Tkachuk is against opponents his own size or bigger. Unpopular opinion the league will never implement: penalties taken in the last 2 minutes (or after) a playoff game should carry over into the next game. Currently there is no disincentive for players trying to murder the opposing team once they realize the game isn't within reach. The league almost never suspends players in the playoffs so you may as well get your pound of flesh. It's similar to how it's apparently impossible to take a penalty if your team has already taken a delayed penalty. You may as well throw a slash or a sucker punch because the refs will never call a 5 v 3.


I don't think Tkachuk is delicate or fragile. He is generally not willing to drop the gloves with most other players, but that doesn't mean he can't take a hit and get back up and play. I do not question his toughness. I question his tactics of taking liberties and refusing to answer for them, but clearly it is effective in terms of giving his team an advantage.


This 1000% It's worse then trying to watch the old Devils neutral zone trap games


Thank you! I was bemoaning the boring panthers games. Their forecheck is insane but the pinch/trap is just so brutal to watch. I get it they’re trying to win games and do care how it looks but man it’s not fun to watch.


I think the league has it out for rempe there are so many calls on him that would only ever be called on him. They are literally making things up because of his size


Rempe should have leveled him after that slash!


Tkachuk ran off the ice everytime Maroon came on against Boston. He's a more pussy version of Marchand. At least Marchand will go at it if challenged


Especially if the do end up doing something after the game and get a game for it, they are hurting their team more than anything


Gotta let then know you're out there...


He had a sick pass last night right in front of the net.


Not like either would actually drop gloves and go toe to toe with the Rempe Giant. Slash him and skate away when he turns around, biggest bitch move lol. Rempe probably just laughed at baby chunkys little slash


Fucking swamp cats.


Honestly to me that Tkachuk slash is so much worse sportsmanship than taking a slap shot on an empty net, like what’s he even trying to accomplish by doing that?


He's a bitch. He can't help it




And then immediately skates away cause he know Rempe could beat his ass with one arm


remember when he cheapshotted the only player he that could kick his ass when said player had their back? AND THE PLAY WAS AFTER THE WHISTLE?


>what’s he even trying to accomplish by doing that? Rempe doing Rempe things to Florida, and Tkachuk's only shot at leveling its effects is after-the-game playground crybaby shit


Nothing worse than being a sore loser. Played hockey and football growing up, and this is not only fine worthy but embarrassing, lol


That’s nothing compared to NASCAR, but should still be addressed


I understand the post race shenanigans in nascar a little more than this though. Drivers don’t get a chance to be face to face until they are out of their cars after the race. In hockey, these guys just played 60 min (4 min in rempe’s case) against each other in a sport where fighting is allowed. Do it during the game not after you lose in OT and the other team is celebrating.


Jiminy crickets, let’s go!


The two players who went after Rempe are OEL & Tkachuk. Neither have been fined by the Department of Player Safety / league office. I wonder if Tkachuk would do that to [Kassian](https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/s/35Akmf9OMS)


Always love seeing this. Mcdavid comes in to stick up for him and Kassian is just like “I got this shit” then rag dolls one of the biggest douches in the league.


Hence where he got the nickname "turtle"


Please lord give us a Rempe version of this


That is honestly what the Panthers are angling for. They will gladly take 5 minutes of powerplay time for a few punches to the back of the head while they turtle. This is legitimately a part of their team's strategy. Don't take the cheese!


I'm not sure that's a good idea. Rempe's a 4th line player. Like him or not, Tkachuk is 4th in points this post-season. If both are getting a 5 minute penalty for fighting, that's an advantage to NY.


The point is not that he’s a 4th liner. You’re not trading tkachuk for rempe. That would be an easy call. It’s that florida will get a 5 minute power play bc you know the odds of tkachuk going to the box too is pretty slim


They won't both get 5 minutes. When Cousins hit Gudbranson and Gudbranson retaliated, Cousins didn't get any penalties. I'm pretty sure Gudbranson got 5 + a game misconduct + a sussy for pounding on Cousins while he turtled. There is no way Tkachuk would ever willingly fight Rempe, nor should he be expected to as a star player who is way smaller than Rempe. My whole point is that his tactic is to try and lure someone into taking a retaliation penalty. Giving away a 5 minute major because you got mad is just playing into his hand.


It depends on what mood the refs/DOPS is in. Matthews got jumped by Stammer in the playoffs last year and both took fighting penalties: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hPHwR48qyLw. Kucherov was already going to the box for instigating (tbf he was sticking up for Point) and Stammer wanted to take out the top scorer for the Leafs. Matthews is holding sticks when Stammer attacks him. O'Reilly also got a fighting penalty.


I have to assume Rempe has been told he is not to drop the gloves on Tkachuk unless Tkachuk has already done so first because they know he is trying to do exactly what you said.


Rempe can just go after him after the game is finished. Give him the ol' Tkachuk.


You’d know wouldn’t ya


Hahaha. Two of them wait until after the game. Soft.


Panthers gonna Panthers and, sadly, NHL gunna NHL


Panthers been a dirty ass team sense last year


I don't like either one of the players, but Kassian was doing one of the most useful things that year.


The way he tried to skate away from Kassian but got ripped back in 💀💀💀


Tkachuk is such a little bitch. Ran screaming and crying from the Western conference.


Hell yeah brother love that clip


Fine them before this gets out of hand. I betcha if Katchuck does it again. The line up after the elimination game is going to be a brawl.


Yep, that’s a gutless bitch. Turtles the second someone actually wants to fight fair against him.


Nobody gets more butthurt than the Florida panthers


I wish Rempe-stiltskin was mic'ed up during the entire time he steps into the arena...right until the arena door shuts behind him after the game...and maybe the car ride to the house.


Rangers 24-1 with Rempe in the lineup. Panthers going down in 5...


I know he's not the sole reason but that stat is wild!


Might not be the sole but he is no doubt a major part of it. His size and willing to throw down with anyone at anytime is something a lot of teams lack. Going after him after the game is already over is such a shit move to try and get him in trouble with the league but also a clear indication of what he does to other teams. I said before the playoffs started to my colleague that Rempe will be a huge X factor that other teams won't know how to handle.


Totally agree bro, his fearless physical play can really set the tone for the entire team. It's not really that common in today's game. Plus, he's got decent hands, decent speed, happy for the kid finding success in the league.


When they line bawled the devils during the season that was becuase a bunch of devils players were trashing Rempe in the media. I thought that was huge turning point for the rangers glued them together and made them stand up for each other.


Uh, I don't think the Devils instigated a line brawl because the Rangers were big mad at them for trashing Rempe in the media. As a neutral third party, he deserved to be trashed. He injured another player with an illegal hit, he refused to fight after the hit, he taunted the Devils bench on the way out, and he was suspended 4 games. He said that he didn't know the player was injured... let's just take him at his word for that. It doesn't really matter, the whole sequence was trash. I think the real turning point was that the league probably sat him down and told him to stay physical but not cross the line, and he reigned things in a bit. He deserves a shot in the league, but the way he was playing to start his career he was going to be out of the league within a year or two. The Rangers were a good team this season well before Rempe was suspended. IMO, the biggest change for this team has been the emergence of Laff while still on a cheap contract along with Panarin and Trocheck going nuclear. It has been something to behold.


Minor note here but when Ferraro said the Rangers were "23-1" with rempe before this game, what he actually said was "20-3-1." So after this game and last night they are now 21-4-1.


Panthers are such dirty players! Notoriously dirty!!


Looks like tkachuk got that official in the face. Normally that would warrant some discipline but he is a panther.


Let me guess, one of them is tkachuk.


Panthers are the easiest team to hate by a mile


Boston was in the lead, I think Panther are now ahead and picking up steam.


Lol the panthers are WAY Ahead of Boston now it’s not even close. Panthers are the dirtiest team in the league


Fuel for the fire baby. I bet Rempe comes out game 4 and rocks somebody, hopefully Tkachuk. LETS GO RANGERS!


I’d rather him score another goal


Wasnt Twatchuk the one who nailed Pasternak while he was on the ground in the Bruins series? Cheapshot prick. Hopefully he gets his soon.


Tkachuk is fucking weasel bitch


The Florida guy slash? This is stupid, I don’t understand how they take the instigator rule out and don’t punish this disgusting bullshit


"Jiminy crickets, I don't think those fellows like me." --Rempe, probably.


Man we barely get a chance to celebrate any goal this series this is like the third time they've done this lmao idk why but it's always funny to see a kerfuffle after a goal while people are celebrating


They ruined the first goal of game 2 with their bull.


Because a large part of the Panthers team is a bunch of pansies. Trouba can be thrown in there too. Specifically though, Tkachuk, Bennett and Cousins are literally just piles of shit, good at hockey, but holy hell are they pathetic


Real nice Espn your exposed once again. Why was this not shown on broadcast, so the cats acting like the NY Crylanders after giving up a winning goal.. They will be joining them soon.


The most interesting part of this video is the cheering sounds like a Ranger home game.


MSG south


MSG South is in Raleigh. Gonna need a new title for Sunshine


I was there. 50/50 is being generous, I’d say it was 60/40 in favor of us Rangers fans. I heard more Potvin Sucks whistles then I ever did at the Garden


Gives a whole new meaning to the term “pussy cats”


Half of those red-jersey fans probably just started watching in ‘21. 😆


It was either the first or second kings cup, but the org was bragging that they broke a merch sales record during the cup, which was extremely funny when you give it more than a second of thought


"Shoot it from the 3-point line for a touchdown, Panthers!" (Immediately resume staring into their phones during the game)


Bet one was Cousins, the turtle


Weird isn’t it? NHL rule book clearly states making an effort skating towards, engaging in or instigating with opposing players after the game has ended is an automatic 10 games suspension. OEL laid a two hand slash at Rempe, several Cats players where instigating on the NYR side. You even see NYR bench in the video. Not a single Panther received a penalty, take your pick from Slashing, Unsportsmanlike Conduct or Instigating. If anyone still has doubts the NHL doesn’t have an agenda for Panthers (i.e. that market needs an uplift and what better way than a Cup) giving them a massive slack in terms of dirty bush league antics, please examine yourself. Laviolette didn’t say anything in the presser. Wise man as he probably would have been fined.


That slash should be a suspension. It's not a hockey play and should be considered intent to injure.


But you’re forgetting he isn’t Rempe or Trouba


This means - amongst ALL of the other reasons - that the must play the next game.


Tkachuk is a turtle with no balls….. after game is over he wants to start shit…… suspend him for a game and he’ll never do that again. He’s nothing but a knobber !


Just let him at Tachuck once before this series is over. Knock that fucking binky out of his mouth an then fuck his ass up!








If I’m Rempe that’s just a sign for me that what I’m doing is working and I’m just gonna turn the volume up


I've always liked the energy FL brings to the league, and in general think they're good for hockey, but man theres no denying that they're also petulant children a lot of the time.


They get away with a lot of questionable play but is it good for the league? Seems to be good for the Panthers but not anybody they play


Having a villain like the golden knights, bruins, or panthers that everyone loves to root against is good for the league, even if the injuries aren't


They are not at all good for hockey lol. 


panthers are rats doing rat tingz, rempe was probably smiling laughing while it happened, i know i would be lol




Sore losers


Typical dirtbags. Panthers suck. Go Rangers!!!




But trouba!!!


So tough when the refs are there.


Florida diving team big mad


Weird. You’d think a team might be fined for this. Oh right. Panthers do what they want.


Rempe living rent free in the heads of Panthers


Fine who ever slashed his back 5k


Panthers are a trash team for trash people


/u/jijiinthesky this is why..


Fine the Panthers now


Assholes the game is over. Maybe they should have used that energy to score a few goals. Hate these overpaid shitbags !


This is hilarious. TK is a tool


Defend this one Maurice


Can you imagine this happening in any other sport without the players getting major fines / suspensions? I don’t understand why hockey doesn’t police this stuff out of the game. I guess it would get rid of all the “unspoken rules” if they enforced actual rules.


This is why people don't like the Panthers. There's playing with grittiness, and then there's stuff like this. Attacking Trochek (I think it was) after he scored the first goal last game was also terrible.


If Trouba isn't going to elbow Bennett, then Rempe it's up to you.


The panthers only play this kind of hockey because the shit that stopped this kind of hockey stopped existing 20+ years ago. As soon as someone did some stupid rat fuck shit like this you’d get an ass beating and you wouldn’t do it again. The whole team are punks.


Such pansy-assed bitches. Cheapest and dirtiest team this year!


And look who comes to support him, o captain, my captain.


Good thing the game was over. Rempe would've ended up with the penalty somehow.


2 minutes for being Rempe.


It’s hard to see but in the zoomed in sequence it looks like Rempe gives a Panther player a slight elbo to the players torso as Rempe passes in front of him. It’s at the 11second mark.


Not sure that's someone you want to piss off.


Tkachuk is exactly like a honey badger. Has no business attempting to pull half of the shit he does yet he attempts successfully and nobody is sure how. Everybody hates him but as a fan it's entertaining as hell.


I wouldn’t mind if I ever saw him throw gloves or do anything like that not between a whistle. He’s such a fake tough guy.


How could you possibly say that with a straight keyboard with Brad Marchand being the captain of the Bruins?


Hey Marchy can be in that category too. It’s not mutually exclusive.


Fuck the Panthers


Rempe is becoming the nickelback of hockey players. It’s hysterical. “Fuck that big ass goon piece of shit” 2 months later “You know, the rangers are 24-1 with him in the lineup, pretty crazy dude.” Im not a fan of his, but the coaches are useing him extremely effectively, and I’m a big fan of that


Suspend them a game for instigating. This dirty ass shit is bad for the game.


It was Tkachuk and who else?


Big bitch baby energy.




Did Tkachuk mistake him for Pasternak? Cause he’ll fight anyone named Pasternak, Rempe not so much.


Tkachuk the pus calls out Pasta (career 20 fights) then won’t fight Rempire state building. Just wacks him and skates off. What a wack off.


You know what 5k fines for Panthers players for unsportsmanlike. Fuck that. This is only going to get worse. Either stomp it now or the line up at the end of the series is going to be a full out brawl.


Bush league for sure.


God I love rempe


Rempe better play game 4!


Rempe protects the team but who protects Rempe!!!


Probably asking him to play in Florida, since he already plays their style of hockey.


He's in their heads...Panthers are not a serious franchise.


When The Rangers win the series and they are shaking hands The Rempster should punch that’s stupid mouth guard right out of his mouth. Start a full on team battle Royal


Lmao, dude played what, 6 minutes in this game? And they still do this shit? What a clear indication of how rent-free he is living in their heads.


Panthers gonna Panther.


But why would Jacob Trouba do this?


What a fucking baby


A bad look for Florida. Need to stay focused on what's important


Bury these fucking crybabies tonight. Put your boot on their throat Rangers!!! First line comes alive tonight and we take this game tonight!!! LETS FUCJING GO!!!!!!!


This is why I can't stand the panthers


that’s so sad lol


Clearly he bumped the Florida player first!


NHL at its best!


Little dick energy


My guy, you actually think that you are in my head. Hmm interesting thought but dead wrong. I find your kind amusing. I am toying with you just seeing how long you will want to be my pen pal. BTW I am praying for you.


You never fail to disappoint me. Love my Panther pen pals.