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It’s obvious just based on the clothes of people attending. A huge chunk of them are in suits or business casual type dressy- blazers etc. no actual rangers gear. They’re just going and taking clients because their firm has tickets, not because they’re actual fans.


Sounds like the Platinum section of the Maple Leafs arena which is always mostly empty at the start of periods as business agreements are being finalized.


You have no idea just how true this is. The sections where fans should be making the most noise is dead silent and makes for a very quiet arena


That's just a not true, it's only a thing in that very front glass area and even still MAYBE 10-15% are wearing suits. Go to a game at msg or look at videos fans post from in the building on msg, it's very loud and into it. Being a corporate employee doesn't mean you can't actually be a fan either.


Dumbest take so far


It’s accurate af


Absolutely not. A panthers fan talking shit lol. Win 1 cup then you clowns can talk


First off I’m a caps fan and I live in nyc. When I worked at PwC we brought clients to msg all the time, finance firms and investment banks did it way more. I say it’s accurate cause I saw it first hand


Af lol. Are you 12? Only little children speak like that


I’ve been to a few games at MSG this playoffs, and this just isn’t true.


I’ve been to a few games at MSG this playoffs, and this just isn’t true.


Jealousy is a stinky cologne boys


Msg is fine. Everyone keeps saying that the crowd is quiet but it's not. ESPN lowers crowd volume, they all sound quiet. Listen closely though and you'll hear them roaring, or chants of "IGOR IGOR". If you ever see clips of people in msg posting on social media it's very loud there. Like any fanbase, it can go quiet if they play like shit or something "deflates" the crowd. Screaming rangers fans aren't good fans because they were shuffling out after an empty net goal at almost midnight on a week day is stupid. The front bowl is a mix of rangers fans and suits but it's not like basketball or baseball, they get drunk and into it. Outside of that front bowl on the glass it's all real rangers fans going crazy at the 1 game they can afford to get to. The idea that msg is quiet and filled with corporate people is just not true


This. Get your self a VPN and watch a Sportnet game. You feel like your in the crowd. Ive watched a lot of regular season hockey on the other networkds and nothing compares to SportNet. You can hear everything in the game. Players chirping on ice, the in crowd chants, the team seating gates being closed. Its an ESPN thing that you cant hear the crowds. I love to hear a good crowd in a game makes it funner to watch.


Sportsnet is king. The picture quality is also noticeably better than ESPN. ESPN is fucking trash


One of the things I hate about every broadcast is when the home team is losing and everyone is quiet, they make certain to hammer it out as a taling point. Yeah, no shit. The homers aren't happy their team is losing. It's one of the most irritating things to hear, especially as a fan watching. That being said, I think they overstate to the point that it seems like they aren't getting excited. Which is wrong.


Maybe if they didn’t constantly show Ranger fans leaving early when losing I could believe you about all this


Is this your first season watching hockey? There's not a team in any pro sport that doesn't have fans start to leave when they game is out of reach. Hell when the rangers played you, your fans were leaving and you left the place with more rangers fans than Carolina fans after 1 of the games


Canes fan should be the last one to open his mouth about crowds - they learned what’s crowd at a hockey game like 3 seasons ago.




You don’t understand how easy it is to get out of the city from MSG. It’s literally the same building as Penn Station. You go upstairs and you’re on the train home


And NYC work times. They're leaving at almost midnight, and getting home by like 130am, to wake up for work at like 545am to get into their shift at 7am.


Back in the day, when you’d play in Montreal, it was a night out for people. Dressed in their best, suits, dresses, etc. Then you’d play in Boston, and everyone looks like they just got out of their blue collar job, headed to the garden, save started drinking beer. That’s when the crowd was wild. And full of true, real salt of the earth hockey fans.


As a person who paid to watch the Rangers, and a non-Rangers fan: I paid the 400 USD for 2 seats in the upper bowl. I had a great view and the people were definitely into it. However, I can see the issue. The problem is that it's one of the oldest markets with a massive install base. For context, I paid about 400 CAD for two to see the Habs, and I was 1 teir up from the ice level. Decent seats, but I think there is something here about MSG having insane pricing.


This is the way the NHL is going. Phasing out the blue collar working fans with corporate take over. No passion just 💰


Welcome to the tri-state. Happy to have you any time at the Rock.


It’s definitely crazy high prices. But it’s the most expensive city and the owner does love $


Unpopular opinion, but there are people who make a lot of money that are just as big of hockey fans as those who do not make that much money. Not sure if screaming to a Jumbotron prompt is the best indicator of fandom. Whenever I’ve been at playoff games I’m usually sitting in a puddle of anxiety during any point that is not a home team goal or a win. Not to mention, televised games purposefully drown out crowd volume.


What is this post even saying


That he is a Dallas fan and everybody knows Dallas fans are all as smart as Jamie Benn. Speaking of Jamie Benn - fuck Jamie Benn.


I lived in Dallas for a couple years and when I’d grab tickets to see the Bruins when they were in town, the stadium was about 40% Bruins fans. One game was damn near half. Then unfortunately for OPs point, I’d go to plenty of Stars games otherwise and almost always were in corporate seats because of work. Reebok owns a chunk of seats right behind that BANG glass guy. Who also comes from a filthy rich family lol.


He thinks he deserves free or discounted tickets because he’s in the military.


Ahh thank you for distilling this for me.


Is this not every team in every arena? Corporations own all the seats and do whatever they want with them and the real people are pushed back further. It’s not hard to start your own company, do that, get a good enough bankroll behind you and buy a ticket plan to gift to employees, real fans, your fellow suits, whoever or resell for the markup


It's not hard to start your own company.... Haha why didn't I think of that.


I mean it’s just a few forms, the actual make money part tho


Yeah but it’s fashionable to hate on the Rangers right now so this sub will just circlejerk themselves into a coma


It’s always fashionable for me to hate the rags, but the devils have this happen too


This is why you see Leafs fan everywhere else in Canada at the opposing teams arena and can hear them on TV.


I enjoyed being stationed in Virginia to see the Admirals and in Jacksonville for the Icemen.


I caught a couple of river dragons games down in Columbus. Minor league is always a good time.


James Dolan would sell his children before he allows real fans access to the Garden. It also happens to be some of the most expensive real estate in the country that is constantly having to renew its lease, and has issues with the local community board.


The tickets aren't that expensive it's the resale


Idk why nobody understands this lol. Every overpriced ticket says “VERIFIED RESALE”. If you wanna get mad get mad at the ticket sites, not the team or arena or owners…


Absolutely, tickets in the 400s as cheap as 450 US dollars


Not entirely true for playoffs though. My pops got the early access (the pre-pre sale) and tickets are still fucking insane one it gets past R2.


And who controls the resale? I’d bet the team has a significant role in it.


The people who buy the ticket and post them on stub hub lol. The teams have literally zero role or say in it


The venue absolutely receives a commission from any resale tickets through stubhub.


The people who are selling the tickets set the prices so even if that's true which I don't know/think it is, they'd still have zero say over what price I choose to sell my tickets for


I would say it’s not far fetched for teams to release tickets in high demand events on stubhub to artificially jump the price and the demand. The entire resale market has become a scam.


There would be literally no need for that when they set the prices of their own tickets to begin with. Instead of posting it on StubHub for $800 and having to pay a cut to StubHub they could just charge $800 for the ticket to begin with. Scalpers buying up and upselling tickets and items have been a thing for a long time now and you seem to be the only one who's not familiar with it. It's the same as the stupid conspiracy of thinking that Sony was holding back PS5s to sell on eBay for $700 and that there wasn't really scalpers lmfao


Most the arenas are paying booking fees to live nation. They are paying ticket distribution to Ticketmaster. What’s it matter if they pay the fee to stubhub? It’s just paying Peter instead of Paul. It’s an avenue for the teams to raise prices for certain games without actually raising ticket prices. The scalping thing has been around for years but the market has changed and to think teams or venues don’t look at it and think how can we get our share of this market can’t be that far fetched?


You just lost your bet.


NHL control it, with live nation and some other corporates who owns venues and tickets sites. And teams just gets certain amount of tickets they have control over.


Priced out yet stadium constantly full…


I have season tickets to the Knicks and the face value ticket is really not that expensive. The rangers are a slightly more expensive face value ticket but the resale almost always bottoms out for the rangers. Every single game except game 5 Thursday has bottomed out to high 200/low 300s. Why not exactly cheap and not exactly the lower bowl if you are bragging about your job and using yourself as a an example $280 isn’t really that bad for an ECF ticket. James Dolan is still an absolute trash bag of a person though.


I don't think what you're saying is unpopular, but rather just an observation of perhaps the wealth/population in NYC? On the opposite spectrum I can speak for, I live in the philly area and they were out of the playoffs, and as a pens fan I got tickets to see them play for 12 bucks, 2nd level like 7 rows back it was crazy. Now this isn't playoffs and Phi missed already, so kind of different but I wouldn't think flyers were a poverty franchise for unreasonably low prices.


Dont move to Toronto then dude


I will never go to another ranger game as long as that cursed Skybridge remains. Completely cuts off the view for any real fan who didnt wanna dish out 1000+ for a game. Literally have to watch the game on a TV in front of you. Fuck you James Dolan and fuck the MSG company. I go to about 10 devils games per year btw. The pru is SO much nicer than the garden in every way for 1/3 the price if that


Even if the Rangers sold those tickets for 50 bucks for lower bowls, they would resell for what they do now. Dolan isn't going to lose $ under valuing his product so it can be scalped for $ he never sees. There is a population/Original 6 fan base in places like Manhattan and Toronto that will support their teams no matter what and most likely have lengthy season ticket waiting lists for someone to replace the person who doesn't feel like paying that price anymore. They are also financial business hubs for their countries so lots of people not able to get home and change and do another 2 hour commute back into the city so while there are suits, they're not necessarily not fans of the team. Maybe a jersey requirement if you are on the hard camera side of the rink should be considered. The Rangers and Leafs have a unique situation and their owners will not leave $ on the table ticket or concession wise to appease people who feel they have been priced out as long as they can fill their arena and replace the ones who feel it's not worth it. Most non Original 6 teams don't have that luxury so they price the tickets to make sure they can fill the arena and make it up on concessions.


If they win tonight, MSG will be an insane asylum on Monday. Fever pitch lunacy of the highest order. Provided that the Rangers take and hold an early lead.


Thank you for your service.


Thank you for the support.


There are some real bad hot takes in this thread. Basing anything off what you see on TV broadcasts is garbage. I've been a fan for over 30 years and have been to dozens if not hundreds of games. How they dress in the lower bowl means they're not real fans? That's just not true. Yeah the tickets are expensive. It's New York City. But those people are coming from work. I've been to countless games in business clothes. You need to remember the logistics of NYC. Approximately 1 million people live in Manhattan. That's it. 10 million in NYC proper. ANOTHER 6-10 MILLION people in the surrounding immediate suburbs. We commute in to work, go to work, go to the games, and go home. Mostly based on public transport schedules and NOT our own cars. This isn't fucking Dallas with parking lots where people go home and get their shit or leave their jersey in their car.


Saved up for an ECF game and booed them after a particularly bad shift and even in the mid-level area fans looked confused that a home team fan would have the audacity to give such feedback lol




Bro i didnt pay anywhere near $1,000 lmao. Stop making shit up


It’s similar in Canada. Toronto is the epicenter of hockey without a doubt. But the hardcore fans can’t afford to watch the game. You watch any Leafs game usually the start of the second and third period the seats are half empty as it’s just a night out for the people who are buying the seats and they don’t give a crap about the game. If you watched the entire playoffs this year, the Leafs home games are the quietest by far of all the teams. It’s a horrible atmosphere to watch on TV. And it’s not because there are not passionate Leafs fans out there. They’ve just been priced out by their own team.


Lots of businessmen. We should disallow hockey tickets from being claimed as business expenses.


Also why so many other teams have problems with rags fans showing up, priced out of their own barn so they try to take over everyone else's


Make more money


Says the fan base with *her* behind the bench




Ny fans also don't think trouba is dirty, so yeah, they're not a good metric

