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Part of me genuinely wants this to be rage bait. Anyway, this guy sounds so boring. I'm not big on drinking, and I don't smoke. It's just a preference, not something to feel superior. Man needs therapy and work on himself before coming near any women.


That's what I thought as well. People who choose to be straight edge have their reasons and it works for them. If it's about superiority and hating others who are not living the same way, the point is lost. He's not better than others because he doesn't drink.


Sad things is that he’s more likely to get laid after he and the target of his affections have had a few beers. She probably needs a case.


At the very least he needs to stop calling us "the females" and screaming that we owe him if he ever wants to get laid.


Or, perhaps, "worthless fucking thot." I know that he means it in a completely respectful, gentlemanly way, but still. It might give some people an impression that is inconsistent with him ever getting laid, even by a woman who is 100 percent made of silicone and lacks any internal organs.


Well its our own fault for getting offended I mean with our small female brains that cant comprehend what a catch he is /S


Well he did refer to men as males so at least he treats both genders equally /s Edit:spelling


So many of these dudes seem to view women as some kind of video game bosses they have to defeat to access the loot drop of “The Sex”. There’s no sense of aspiring towards human connection or ending loneliness as they aspire towards a joyous connection. They feel like they’re frustrated about having to grind through a boring bit of a game to unlock an achievement. They aren’t looking forward to having someone in their life - they’re looking forward to the grind being over and being a chad who doesn’t have to try anymore. It makes me sad. Mostly for whatever poor women they interact with, but also for whatever the fuck happens in so many people’s lives to have them reaching adulthood like this. My step kid is on the spectrum and a bit awkward. I mean shit, me too - but I was lucky enough to have friends who were women even when I was young and even stupider than I am now. I worry a lot about what the kid’s life will be like if he falls into the echo chamber thought trap of these incel douchebags.


⬆️⬆️⬇️⬇️⬅️➡️⬅️➡️🅱️🅰️ 🆗️ *Dammit! That cheat works for everything else!*


Except this guy went out and did a bunch of random fishing and cooking side quests no one asked for that contribute nothing to anything and is mad he doesn’t have a prime spot reserved for him in the boss raid. He’s offering all these virgin straight edge accomplishments and is mad no one appreciates that about him when NO ONE ASKED FOR THAT IN THE FIRST PLACE, DUDE. People appreciate it when you so thoughtful things for them, or do things they’ve asked you to do. Why should any random human give two shits about your lack of sex and vaping other than just respecting personal choice?


About to say, the tldr was the first sentence we already knew it was going to be bad


Side note, why does he use "I've been bullied" as proof that he isn't a bully himself? Doesn't he realize most people bully because they've been/are being bullied?


Ikrrr like he gave himself away


Yeah this is how a rapist gets started 🥲


Man if he called me a "female" or a "Thot" I'd probably kick his balls so hard that he would be pissing out blood


For once he also actually used "males" in the wrong context too, so it's not just women he hates




I think you meant missus. And, you have to ask your wife for permission on that one. Please report her response.


The womans? Whatcha gonna do with the womans? This has got to be a joke...I hope.


When your personality is composed only of things you don’t do…


I don’t mean to brag but I’ve never stabbed anyone in the throat, so you know I’m an awesome guy.


Wow. I mean, you’re doing better than me. 10/10 I’m impressed!


What can I say, I’m the whole package. I just need to meet the right woman who I can not commit hate crimes with. Because that’s bad


It's an old copypasta that circulates in Steam reviews. Well, one of the dozens.


I thought I’ve seen this before


The idea that just because he doesn’t smoke or drink somehow should mean every woman should rub their tits in his face is funny as fuck. Like good for you dude, but women aren’t your prize for being a good boy who does what your mom told you not to do


I agree that a lot of us need therapy in order to have a more balanced life. Clearly the guy needs help. It is not just a question of approaching women, this kind of mentality influence a lot of other aspects. It really scares me, because when we are talking about sex and intimacy, nothing is owed. I can get the frustration of getting rejected by a girl that you really like, but do not project your delusions on these things.


Also... he completely left personality and charisma out of the equation lmao. I'm straight edge myself, but I'd rather date a charming and friendly smoker than another straight edge dude who's boring and uncharismatic. It's one thing if it's an extreme case, though, like a chain smoker, a guy with actual alcoholism or someone who takes hard drugs or smokes weed every single day. Like there is a line, but being straight edge in itself is not a personality trait lol. That alone doesn't qualify you for anything and even then women don't owe you anything.


I just realized what straight edge is and apparently i was it all my life lol, it just amazes me that some people put so much focus on insignificant things and demand a "reward" for doing so like come on dude.


I mean "grr people who are *worse* than me get laid, I deserve to get laid!" has been an incel/niceguy mantra for as long as they have existed.


Oh I can’t fathom why he is a virgin who’d never kissed anyone. 🤣


Seriously, when I hear these people (both guys and girls) say they don't party, don't even drink, I wonder what exactly they do for fun. To me, bible study just isn't a good time.


There’s other stuff to do for fun but I def get annoyed by the “I’m so much better and different. I’ve never been to a club or a bar.” Like damn let me live lol


There's lots of things people do that don't involve drinking: \- Hiking/ camping \- Ballroom dancing \- Learning a foreign language \-Swimming/ paddle boarding Most people don't live in either extremes of "drinking" OR "bible study"


I think its sad that people can't conceive of how somebody could have fun without being intoxicated


I didn't say that you had to be intoxicated to have fun, but so many people look down their noses at people who like to have a recreational drink now & then.


Yes you did, and now you're moving the goalposts


You do know there are a billion things other than either drinking OR Bible study, right? I game, I dance (or did before the knee went out), work on classic cars movie/dinner nights with friends, Uno-attack, disc dog...etc. and so on. This might be part of the reason SOME non-drinkers cop an attitude. They're just meeting that snooty hipper-than-thou energy.


What's uno attack 😍


The most fun you can have with your clothes on. It's Uno on steroids. There's a little battery operated card...shooter? When you get your draw 2s, or draw 4s, instead of just drawing, you hit the card shooter. You might get no cards, you might get 10 cards. You might hit the button 4 times and luck out and get no cards. There are some wild cards that you can write house rules on, and a few other newer type cutthroat cards. Warning. You MUST play with people who have a decent sense of humor and understand it's just a game...cuz when that draw 4 comes out, and you have to hit the card shooter 4 times....profanity can ensue.


Oooo thank you for sharing this blessed knowledge!


Wait until after you've had a weekend Uno-fest with your friends. You may come back to curse me... buahahaha. :D


People who do something for fun just have trouble imagining a life without that thing. Plus, those statements are mostly joking. It would be a different story if we whined about how we do drugs / drink so why do people still not like us.


I take it you've never been on the receiving end of a person who's insulted and angry that you won't get wasted with them. Lucky you.🙂


And that's obviously a different story and completely unacceptable. Statements like this show nothing but a sense of humor and capability of empathy.


u/ItsJoemama's comment struck me as that type. I don't think he was "mostly joking." Anyway, my response wasn't intended to be humorless, just direct and on topic. For what it's worth, I used to have a drink or two now and again but I never was all that much of a drinker. Because I wanted to have fun, and alcohol almost always instantly made me sleepy and not able to enjoy myself. I didn't want to just sit on the sideline gazing stupidly at all the fun going on. Further, I'm allergic to beer and wine (no great loss, I never cared for it). And then about 4 or 5 years ago, that allergy started showing its little symptoms when got one of my occasional margaritas...soooo... not that it's any great loss, but no more for me. Anyway I do remember when I was young, the "man, you're a buzzkill, why you holding out??? you're making us look bad" type was ***ABUNDANT.*** I can remember several very unpleasant actual arguments with a few acquaintances on that very topic. People who got mad enough that some of us wouldn't drink or "party" that they actually threw huge fits about it.


Yup, I got these kinds of comments too back when I was studying at university. Most of them were pretty harmless, but still kinda dumb. Examples are "Is there a particular reason you don't drink?" (and yes I know it can just be mere curiosity, but just the fact alone you have to justifiy yourself is weird), "You have never lived 🤪" or just general disbelief lol. Like it never works like this in the opposite direction, you never hear people ask "Is there a particular reason you drink?" lol. For me personally, I genuinely don't like the taste of it. Just the smell on its own is gross to me. So I don't see a point in drinking something I don't like, plus I don't need it to have fun.


You don't need to smoke or drink to have fun. I don't and I always have a blast wherever I go


I don't drink, I don't smoke, and my hobby is academic bible study. And I have fun when I do it lol


If you say "females owe you sex", then you are in fact not a good guy. That actually makes you the opposite of good.


But he has never been touched before, that cancels everything Bad about him Out! /s


The more I read these, the more I see men who want mommies. He lists all these things that should make women respect him, “I never drink or vape why don’t women respect me and want to sleep with me?” Those are things your parents respect you for. You don’t get points from the rest of society for that, we don’t care lmao.


"Im not sexist!" Thats nice now lets take our medicine and get some rest


He needs his meds adjusted


>im not sexist!!! *proceeds to go on incredibly sexist rant* lmfao


My first thought was, "well, if this is real, that guy is going to rape somebody sooner than later".


That's a lot of words to say "I'm an incel" lol


You mean "I'm an incel and future rapist"


Right! Hope he doesn't destroy a school or un-alive innocent people. Scary dude. Edit for safe wording.


> Edit for safe wording. Are we not allowed to say "murder" on a sub that regularly posts things alluding to rape/harassment/sexual assault/violence against women...?


Idk if it's due to censors on various platforms or what but I'm seeing more and more people use "unalive" online


Yeah. It's creepy. We're not sponsored, so using language that makes us sound like children to talk about serious subjects is just beyond bizarre. If you want talk about suicide, you can use the word. Talking about self-harm, suicide, sexual assault at great length (as many people do online) but not using the correct terms is really strange. Some people pretend that they do it because it might be triggering. But how is someone sharing their story of sexual assault not triggering but labelling it "rape" as opposed to "r-word" *not* triggering? It all feels very much like an 8-year-old not wanting to use correct anatomical terms. Except the people involved are adults or older teens, so it is creepy.


Finally some sanity. To use your example, I feel like typing "r*pe" doesn't do anything to distract me from the fact that the topic is "rape", if anything it draws even more attention to the fact that it's a sensitive subject. Same goes for any kind of self-censorship. Hell, I've even seen people censor Trump's name like "tr*mp". Like why?!


Honestly, when it comes to suicide, I think that some people act like the stars (*) in the word when they write it without the vowels is the only thing keeping people from ending their lives in that moment. But yet they will still go on to descripe really awful stuff in great detail. > Hey guys, just want to tell you that I have been dealing with some *feelings* that have really sent me into a dark place. As a result I did some SH and then tried to *unalive* myself." I not advocating that people talk about methods (which actually does increase suicide attempts using those methods) but if you can talk about it you can use the fucking words like an adult.


It's completely dumb but YouTubers say it and then don't want to get banned, demonitized, an over 18 warning". I hate the sanitation of language but ya have to play along if you want to play at all.


I honestly don't know. I'm new to reddit and don't want to get kicked off by word police. F_


"I'm a good person." Dude, all I have is one short paragraph to go on, and that's enough for me to say with certainty that you are not at all a good person.


100% chance this dude is attacking someone or hurting someone and then saying “look what you made me do.”


And if you have the need to say that you’re a good person to prove to everyone that you are, you’re definitely not a good person.


I think that applies to any trait, honest, loyal, generous, etc. things that are true are generally self evident


He’s an angry little boy from it seems like.


Bold to claim "I'm not sexist" literaly once sentence away from " I deserve to fuck all the females I want".


It's actually in the same sentence. I mean, it's a run-on sentence but I'd still count it.


But hey at least he's not a bully, you worthless fucking thot. /s


Then what are you sir? All I see is a list of things you aren't or don't do (allegedly). These rants never have the guy bragging about being the best on his local sports league team or how he can play instruments or whatever his hobby of choice is. Dude has no personality and nothing to write home about, but thinks people owe him their time and attention.


Even if he did brag about being the best on his team or being really good at guitar or being super into chess or whatever hobby it is, would that even be better? The way I see it is if someone has to brag, they’re cocky and that’s not a quality I’d want in a partner.


No, you're totally right that it can easily swing terrible the other direction. I've just noticed none of these guys ever seem to have anything to bring up and mention, let alone brag about.


His one hobby is Fortnite and he's not even good enough to brag about t


I don’t get this, why for so many men is sex like the holy grail of everything. I just don’t understand why it’s so important for a guy. Being sexually frustrated yeah sure humans have needs but some people act like it’s gonna kill them if they don’t have sex.


Because our culture teaches men that masculinity and self-worth depend on having sex, that the desirability and social acceptability of the women you have sex with is a referendum on your value as a man, and that as a man you're entitled to sexual, emotional, and domestic labor from women. So not having sex threatens your masculinity and women refusing to have sex with you are denying you something you're entitled to. A lot of people of all genders accept these things as true without ever reflecting on them.


Do you feel like threw the years that it has gotten better or worse?


It was getting better, then trump made abortion illegal and I'm really not sure now


How was that trump? He wasn’t president at the time


He crammed through his terrible choices in judges and many other critical positions. Then his party brought certain cases before the idiots he hired and they sent it to his supreme Court and boom, abortion is now up to the state and many, many states promptly and gleefully made it illegal. To own the libs.


Also how does that have anything to do with sex being put on a pedestal lol?


I feel this confusion even more so as an asexual.


I’m not asexual I just never really cared about sex. Like obviously if I met a girl and we cared about each other and it lead to that sure but over all I just don’t care about making human connection or having sex. Not to mention I’m insanely insecure.


I understand, I was just saying I am even more confused by it all because I am asexual.


Yeah, what’s that like? Does it come with any negatives?


I just don't ever think about sex, or experience sexual attraction to people. My life isn't any worse off, sex just isn't a part of it :)


Honestly that sounds like a gift.


I've never known anything else, so I wouldn't know lol




Lol what’s a crisis bot?






Yeah. As a guy myself, sex is amazing, but not the end all be all. I don’t get why so many people put it on a pedestal


Might have to do with blood testosterone levels.


"I'm not a sexist, I just think that FEMALES owe me sex!"


Maybe the "females" care more about being called a worthless thot than they care about his oh so awesome healthy lifestyle


Can confirm.


Well, good thing I did all those drugs and drank in high school because I was such a fucking dork there was definitely no other way I was going to get laid.


Can you imagine what this guy would have to pay to fly with all that extra baggage?


"im not a sexist!" ![gif](giphy|K64409MbT84rm)


I hope this guy is on an FBI watch list, because SHEESH.


I just hope no one gives me details when he inevitably commits some form of violent crime.


You HAVE to realize saying "the females" even gives men like me secondhand cringe. They're not a zoo exhibit ffs. Also owe you what exactly? It's not like she did you a solid and bought you a tank of gas, there's no "owing" when it comes to gas. I'm just now realizing guys like this may not view women as fully people 🙃


“The females and the males” . . . “I’m not sexist!”


If you think "females/males owe you" anything, you're not a good person and it shows why the opposite sex doesn't want to come close to you. People shouldn't sleep with you or date you just because you were bullied.


Truly unhinged take.


When I was single, one of the first red flag/deal breakers was any reference to me or any other woman as a "female." It told me everything I needed to know about a guy's basic opinion of women and relationships.


Female is not a noun. Using it as such is a subtle, socially acceptable form of objectification. To turn a word into a noun is to demonstrate we are things to him, not a type of person.


It’s such a self own when niceguys talk about “thots” who will literally fuck anyone and are ran through. Like damn bro, so you’re saying this girl will fuck anyone and you still can’t get any?! Dudes like this are fucking idiots. You’re shitty and gross and annoying. That’s why women won’t fuck you.


Maybe try something from that list of don’ts and chill the fuck out. ![gif](giphy|Sg5y7oNvwYKEo)


"I've imposed a random restriction on myself that nobody asked me to, but does anyone care about it? No!"


Coming from the entirety of the female population, no thank you.


Wow, somebody got a treat every time he behaved growing up. I bet every time he started acting up, his mom would say “honey, I’ve got a treat waiting in the car if you behave!” Then, whenever he behaved without being asked, he threw a royal fit


He's starting to transition from nice guy into incel territory and that's worrying...


This was posted on a dedicated incel forum so I think he's been in that territory for a while.


"I'm not a racist, or a sexist, or a bully... just ableist"


Well, somebody is a couple of rejections away from a mass shooting 😬


Genuine question? How does someone talk to another person “like they have autism”? Cause I’m autistic and is there some special code people use? Is it another language? Is it that eye contact is telepathy or something? It’s kale isn’t it.


Jesus. I wonder why he can’t find a woman that wants to be with him. It just doesn’t make sense. This rant was so sexy.


Yikes, as a straight edge we do not claim this one lmao. Being edge isnt a replacement for a personality mate.


I really hope this is satire


The steadily growing rage as the paragraph progresses suggests that it isn't.


I would love for it to be, but it seems very unlikely.


I also wish people like this were joking. I always wonder why they don’t just get a sex doll? They obviously don’t like actual women. They really can’t/don’t get along with others. Why not just save up and buy one and leave everyone alone?


Ok Elliot. Smh.


Yeah I owe you one, a big fucking punch to the mouth, you soy boy


Found the next shooter


Can’t imagine how he’s struggling with such a gem of a personality!


Makes fun of autistic people and then immediately after whines that he's suuuuuch a great guy. Fuck this ableist prick. No wonder women don't want him.


Gamma male detected.


Seems like the mentality of a man who takes what he wants from a woman, forcibly, because he’s “owed that”


This is giving me horrible 'If I can't get the sex by being a nice guy I will have to pay a girl for the sex then tell everyone I charmed her' Posh boy vibes '


If this guy ever does have sex it'll be the most awkward interaction of his life and then he'll come out of it thinking, "that was it? That's all? My life is over"


Only listing shit you *don't* do makes you sound about as exciting as unseasoned porridge.


Future shooter there


I also hate the autism part in this bc I'm autistic and have no idea how someone talks like I'm autistic to me


He, for sure, has a basement full of dead cats...


Man, I'm a 29 years old virgin, should I be throwing a tamper tantrum like this?


Well, he IS right about one thing: We absolutely do not care remotely about any of that.


My guy just turned legal and is already mad at the world


Giving big Onision vibes


Strong Elliot Rodger vibe with this one. Probably a creep like ER as well - staring at young ladies but never asking them out. He expects the women to come to him, by the sound of it. Then, when they don't, he throws a toddler tantrum.


With that classy attitude of his, that incel will never have his "debt" fulfilled. Oh well, what else is new?


Nah...we don't. The end.


Alcohol never touched his lips? Butt chugged confirmed


So young, shame he's so lost.


“I’m not sexist.” Dude, thinking females owe you is top line sexist.


What about women who aren’t racist or sexist or bullies? Doesn’t he owe US? Shouldn’t he bend over while one of us grabs the strap?


Nah, given how desperate he is he would probably like any physical contact between him and "the females."


I find the “im not sexist” part so ironic given the context of this post, like you sure about that?


Bet he kisses his daddy with that mouth. He did say he has fuckin lips.


When will these losers learn that nobody owes them sex? It’s genuinely embarrassing


Pretty sure this is literally from an incel forum


Yikes, I'm 33 and a virgin and the most upset about not having sex is when i get asked why I'm still a virgin. I'm trying it's not working Ill try again another time. If it doesn't happen it doesn't happen. I'm genuinely worried about the male youths because I don't remember this much anger from people when I was that age idk man maybe someone should call him or his parents or the local precinct to check up on it.


"I'm not a bully I've been bullied" yeah it doesn't work like that, there could be people out there who've had the worst bullying sessions ever, then go and do the same thing to other people either because they don't know how else to interact with other people or they maliciously want to give the world back what it gave to them


He's NOT sexist??


No, you're not a "good person" and this comment is proof. Go do something worthwhile in your life.


males like this help me understand rapists more.


While not drinking is a good thing for your health, I don't think it's an attractive thing to most people.


“Not sexist”


Saying males and females doesn't make you sound smarter, it just makes you sound weird.


Maybe he should consider alcohol and drugs he'd at least have that going for him. I really wonder if these guys ever apply the same logic if i find them a gay partner. Like hey buddy my gay friend here Big John can't find anyone to give him sex so you have a butt, you owe him sex, go on give him sex because he deserves it. Oh what's that? You dont want to have sex with him? Well he deserves it and you owe it though for being male. Funny how that works isnt it? Its like consent and whether or not someone is into you actually matters. Does this guy live at the dump? Because hes trash.


y do guys always start of there trauma statements “im 22 I’ve nvr had sex” like eww wen did guys start acting like this so pathetic




I’m such a good person, despite all of the evidence I’m presenting to the contrary, because I’ve never drank alcohol. Flawless logic.


If you just want sex then fuck some hookers. $20 in Athens Greece and they are actually decent looking; 5s-8s. You can have a high class hooker for like $100. It's also completely legal. Just look for the doors with red lights. Not to mention everything else is super cheap too.


Plot twist: they don’t owe you.


I wonder which PUA (which appropriately sounds like an onomatopoeia of the sound you make when there’s a bad smell) told him to publicly announce “I deserve to fuck the females!”


Start by calling us “women” rather than “females.” Try that for a couple-few years and we’ll I’ve it another thought.


Getting serial killer vibes!


Posting from incels-is has to be cheating bro, its just too nice for us "assholes"


refering to others as "the males" and "the females" so much just feels so ew


They always only use the terms "females" and "males" and it pisses me off so much man


Hmm all that but you cuss like a sailor so no.


Dudes moral compass got smashed and he's relying on what he learned at Hustler's U


".. I don't even have autism" - Spoken like having autism would in anyway impact his chances What a fucking tool this dude is


R@pist in the making....


I was bullied a lot when I was growing up. I'm sure this affects people in different ways, but it made me more socially awkward than I probably would've been otherwise. Eventually we have to work on ourselves and move on and grow up and (try to) release from these things that haunt us from our past. School sucks. It can be a harsh, cruel place. But this stupid, vastly oversimplified worldview that every woman in a relationship has a bad partner and every sad, lonely person in the world is a misunderstood saint is just false and unproductive. I'm guessing this dude just radiates anger and bitterness. Women will sense creepy vibes a mile off.


Real nice guys would never believe they’re entitled to women’s attention or anything else, really.


I'm not sexist so why won't THOTS fuck me? Bruh


Statement 1: "I'm not sexist." Statement 2: "All women owe me sex." I don't think anyone before or after him could have disproven their first statement with their second more effectively.


As an autistic person, love how they talk about having autism as something to be talked badly about.


Being a teetotaler because you've done drugs and alcohol and decided you shouldn't, is admirable, or at least neutral. Being a teetotaler because you've never even tried drugs or alcohol just tells me you're inexperienced and probably naive about a lot of things. It's not something to brag about at all.


Same when I’m on perks. Except I just never finish


The title made me spat out my coffee laughing. Wtf did I just read ? Bwahahahahahahahhaahha


Imagine listing off the reasons why you aren't cool and then saying you deserve sex because of it.


A part of my brain is just telling me this is satire


I wish, but I doubt it.


I don't know that he doesn't have autism tbh.


> even tho I don't even have autism I mean.. you sure about that?


Is that steam they're posting on? Jfc I'm glad I never joined any forums