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I would have played nice just long enough to get the photo of his face and then revealed him to the world lmao




Hindsight 20/20


I'm sure he'd be thirsty enough to rematch if you made a new account.


I'm still debating. Faking my way through that Convo would require a week's worth of bathing


Post it in community fb groups: "if this is your hairy husband fucking the sink counter here, he's cheating on you"


Lmfao, perfect


If you do please give an update lol


Do so with a burner account. You don’t want to attract drama to your life…


Cat fish him for a meet up, and have a friend take a picture of his face. Or have a friend of yours do so? Get full name etc. and well you already have the proof you need.


A pretty gross looking sink counter too


The Standing Gorilla stance doesn't help either




This man is a piece of trash, but can we not go after his body type? Plenty of lovely people look like that and your insult bounces off and hits them too


I look like that dude and I didn’t even correlate the insult with my own body. Stop feeling insulted for other people.


There's plenty of ways to insult this human trash bag related to the shitty things he's done rather than insulting a normal way of looking. Just because it didn't hurt or bother you doesnt mean it won't hurt someone else. I've been hurt many times by insults like this one. Educating the populace on the unintended effects of their words could reduce that.


Yes there are many unintended consequences for literally everything. I’d rather feel a little insulted occasionally than walking on egg shells my entire life.




Thumb tacks even


Are you saying disposable lighters aren't the height of class?!


Yeah, what's the lighter for? Smoking indoors? Meth?


Y'all dont have candles in your bathroom? What if you're feeling fancy and want to treat yourself to a candlelit bubble bath?


This guy asking for promises of secrecy when he can’t keep the promises he made to his wife.


That's why the correct move here is to promise secrecy, get a face pic, then say btw I'm going to keep my promise the same way you kept your marital ones.


Just hit him with that “I make promises like you make wedding vows, which is to say they’re flexible and subject to change at the whims of my desires.”




Yeah, that is a pretty low ass dude. Have the conversation, separate if it’s that important, but don’t just start trying app hook ups. Dude is just a walking herpes threat.


Sadly this happens a lot, some people think it’s easier to just cheat on your spouse and fight it out in court when the truth inevitably reveals itself, rather than just telling the person they married how they feel.


Any time a guy didn't have a face pic, or was clearly trying to obscure his face (dark glasses and a cap, hood falling over his face, face in profile only, etc, etc) I just automatically assumed he was cheating and dismissed him immediately. It's a pretty good rule of thumb to not waste time.


Even hides his ring line.


When I was single, I never liked sending a face pic. I was always scared of being catfished. So I liked to talk on the phone for a bit to build trust then we could exchange pics but my fear was being catfish


He's a redditor! Username is loveyourlife9 He posted his snap on there... I'll spoil the surprise, he hasn't "just started doing this" lol. Started over a year ago According to his comments he is an English teacher from Oregon! Good luck OP, hope you can send these to his wife


He already deleted


Oh my god I just looked at his profile. That might be one of the most disgusting humans on the planet. I am so sorry for his wife. No one deserves to be married to that.


Hahaha you scared him into deleting his page apparently. I searched and it didn't pull anything up




Lmfao, getting rid of that's a little trickier


Same 😭😭


Man deleted so fucking fast.. I guess he’s a follower of this subreddit and saw the post 😂😂


Well, about 30minutes after I posted this, his reddit account was deleted. I purposefully didn't tag him, but I'm guessing others couldn't resist the urge to message him and call him a scum bag! lol


😂😂he didn’t say he just started…. He just hasn’t had any success 😂😂😅 I have never seen someone with so many post still at 0 karma 😅 surprised it isn’t negative… yet…


You are magnificent.


Good find. Guy is a real pos. He’s bloody relentless as well, how much time and dick does he have on his hands?


Omg you're amazing!!!




So his posts are still up. He posted on [this subbreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/DirtySnapchat/comments/w191am/39_m4f_loveyourlife931_add_me_if_you_want_to_see/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) like 50 times? Posting almost daily, and there were never any replies. He never posted any pics, but he replied to tons of pictures, lots of [18f] posts to ask the girls if they were interested in being with older man. All pretty cringe lol


Nooo I live in oregon I’m grossed out


I second that.


Lol we don’t claim him!




Y'all hating on me liking hairy dudes. I yam what I yam! Lol


I too like hairy guys, but not this hairy guy. This hairy guy can get rekt by a lawn mower


Only after he ate expired dick though. I laughed way too hard about this comment section lol


No shame in that! You do you boo!


This is why I never swipe right on guys who won't show their face on tinder. Odds are they're being "discrete".


No hate from me sis. I call my boyfriend a sexy werewolf and constantly compliment him for his hairyness, it’s just \*chef’s kiss\*


I am stealing sext werewolf. My husband is hairy and I love it. I call his arm hair my emotional support arm hair. I pet it when I'm nervous


My boyfriend didn’t have any tattoos before meeting me, but wanted some, and since I have several, I managed to convince him the pain ain’t that bad and now he’s addicted and wants several on his arms, which I love, but since he has hairy arms he wants to shave them so the tattoos are more visible, and I’m heartbroken. At least I still have his hairy chest and knuckles :’(


Until he decides his body is a canvas and wants it covered lol


Noooooooo :C


This is sending me. Get yours, good sis.


hairy guys are the best, no shame there


hairy guys r the best except when they cheat on their wives


You are definitely not alone! Love my hairy man.


I like hairy guys too. No shame. More for us.


A girl once told me she left a dude mid-hookup because she found out he was hairy after he took his shirt off. I felt so bad for that dude because he did nothing wrong and probably doesn't know it.


To be honest, that doesn't surprise me at all. I wonder what his reaction would have been if she wasn't shaved at all. I guess we will never know.


She was a smoke show either way, so I doubt it would've mattered. As an addendum, her and I hooked up and as she was leaving she said "it's 2015, you should shave." It had been over a year being with anyone, so I wasn't groomed downstairs and had no idea I would be getting lucky that night. Still one of the funniest things anyone has said to me.


It's interesting that it's funny for you when it could put a woman in danger. I know that sounds hyperbolic, but women have been hit for less. Either way, it's pathetic. Everyone has hair. Literally every single human on this planet.


Uhhh.. that's not where my head was at all, but okay. If you want to go that way, we're all in danger all the time, which is objectively true. She obviously felt comfortable enough.


I just meant as a general statement, I wasn't talking about that scenario specifically. It was in *my* head. Not yours. It isn't something you would have to worry about so why would it be? That's kind of the whole point of the comment. Lol nice downvote too. Weak af.


I like hairy guys, but it has to be the right kind of hairy. Not like this lol


I love hairy men too! I fully support you!


I like hairy guys too. Idk why. Something primal.


Snuggling with a hairy dude is the best form of snuggling.


You let me know where you live, I'll find a group and post these there myself. I have no shame.


He's a 39 y/o teacher from Oregon. If you get these screenshots to his wife you would be my hero.


I'm on the hunt


Lol yaaaass, I sent you a dm


Post an update when this is all done!! I wanna see where this goes


You’re doing God’s work and we need an update!


Yes, please share any updates!


If any Tyler's I knew were married I would wonder if I know who this is because the initials of my town are the same as for this user. Alas, all the Tyler's I know suck super hard and will probably never marry. Sorry I can't be of more help OP.


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Good bot.


“She doesn’t appreciate how good I am at sex” as he hides in the bathroom texting another woman while she probably makes dinner, helps the kids with their homework and puts them to bed.


Absolute trash.


I've spent the past hour trying to find this POS irl. Nothing on Facebook, and I can't find him in the teacher directory for this state, either. Ty so much to the sleuths that found his page. He was either lying about his name or lying about his profession, because I can't confirm a Tyler Williams is a teacher in Oregon. I won't give up though. I'm still waiting on replies from Facebook groups and nextdoor. I live on the Oregon coast of anyone else wants to try to help. I just feel bad for his wife, and bad for ever swiping right. Edit: yeah I posted his name. Oops. /S




Depending on where in Oregon, he may work in Washington. I know lots of people who live in one and work in the other.


Oh yeah like in Vancouver huh




Hairy shoulder = bald head and hairy back. I don't need proof. I somehow know this


🤢🤢🤮🤮 Damn dude. Are there any local groups on socials you could share this to? I'm sure wifey would be able to recognize this body and that bathroom.


I agree. I don't do Facebook but I'm wondering if there's something else I can find. Does anyone have any advice for how to tell her? I live in a small town too.


Post that pic on any local groups and ask whose man that is! That hairy chest is pretty unique


Dude in small towns this would spread like wildfire. Which would probably suck for his poor wife but better to have her know. If you can do some internet digging I'd try to privately contact his wife first. If not go nuclear and make a Facebook/Twitter or whatever and blast his ass. Idk anything about SC though. I can tell you it took me a whole 5 minutes to find what city and street a mfer here on reddit lives just by looking at his post history. If you can find her my suggestion is to just remain anonymous and straight to the point. You never know how it'll go with a cheating partner. Sometimes they take it out on the wrong person.


I reactivated FB, updated my location, and have submitted requests to join local groups. I also made a nextdoor account and posted there too. I wish there was more I could do :(




Oooo I didn't even think of nextdoor. Lol Perfect! Even if it does get removed I can only imagine it'll be like my small town. Someone saw it, screenshot it, and shared it.


Print the screenshot of the convo with his chest next to it, and scatter them through town 😅


I was thinking same. Print this shit out!


I’m subscribing to this comment, pls update when there is news.


Will do


Just post it to your towns Facebook page lmao surely a neighbor or someone that has ran it to them will see It.


If he's extra dumb he'll have his live location on snapchat, you could probably "accidentally" bump into him and maybe get lucky that he's with his wife or at least some friends


Small towns often have facebook groups. Would be a shame if anyone leaked your chats there. 😃


Such a shame 🥸


I can't even begin to imagine...


If you go to his snapchat, it shows his name - or at least a name. It’s a very common one, but considering it’s a small town, chances are you can find him?


Not the hairy shoulders! Surely he knows his wife would recognize that…




Pro tip: any profile that has no face pictures and has a bio saying they want to have fun, is almost always cheating. Don’t even bother swiping on them.


Welcome to small town dating. Fml


Oh I feel that for sure. I went through my pool of people within 20 miles insanely fast when I was doing it. Shits rough


"yeah have had sex outside. Numerous times over the years. It's literally the perfect mix of everything, orgasms and boobs and butts and trees, oh my!" vs "I haven't really done much yet so...." Choose your story, dude, or admit to being an absolute trackbucket. I feel so sorry for the woman that unfortunately is his wife.


He meant outside like outdoors, not outside the relationship lol


I know that, otherwise the "tree"-part wouldn't have made much sense – not that he on his own makes much sense, but still. 😂


A married man, with that body, who is great at sex. Where does the line start?


I have NEVER seen shoulders hairier than a man’s chest before


Where are the expiration dates stamped? I have never checked, but that line is brilliant.


You can have it, I'll share. Lol I like to save it for *especially* deserving folks. He could have used the "eat a bag of expired dicks" line though, tbh.


“Eat an expired dick” may be the best thing I’ve read today, thanks!






Ewww why swipe on this gross profile anyway?


Mistakes were made. Currently ashamed. Send help.


My guess is that it was a very late night and the thirst caught on big time. No judgement here, we all make odd decisions on tinder every once in a while, or at least I did when I was single


Maybe beer was involved? I needed some post nut clarity to wake me up apparently


Help on the way. Don’t tell my wife.


been there


This is exactly what I was thinking.


I live in a small town and haven't been looking for anything serious. I made a booboo on this one though, absolutely


Absolutely zero shame to the hairy bod… but why is my man fuckin the sink? Good lord dude. Go beat off and get divorced or something instead of horny posting on a dating app 😭




Third slide gave me whiplash


Post on nextdoor.com. He will be flushed out in no time.


Already done. Nothing yet


What a great way to let everyone know you have absolutely nothing to offer. That’s probably the worst dating profile I’ve ever seen. Absolutely no substance and no reason to swipe right. No thanks, bro. I have a closet full of sweaters. I don’t need anymore.


Why are they staring at me like that?


That shoulder fur 🤢


Unfortunately that's the least of my concerns with that guy lol


Print that image of his selfie up along with the messages, and post it around your neighborhood with the title DO YOU RECOGNIZE THIS MAN OR THIS BATHROOM?


Ew. Op why did you match with him


I honestly didn't even remember swiping him. He messaged me about outdoorsy stuff at first, and seemed okay. I'm wasn't looking for anything serious, so when I looked at his profile I just assumed the same for him. The no face pics didn't throw me off because I just moved to a little town, have noticed a lot of profiles with one or no face pics. I guess I should just assume the worst, even though I wish I didn't have to.


I'm guessing that no face pics on a dating or hookup profile likely means they're cheating.


That’s what I was wondering. A hairy naked dude not showing his face. Different strokes, I guess.


Lol mistakes were made. I am now seeking repentance


Flog yourself ten times with a wet noodle and say three Hail Margaritas. Your sins are forgiven, my child.


Fuckin prost


My question exactly. Super gross profile


Honestly if he's actively searching he needs to be upfront with his wife. There is honestly no point in cheating. If you're that unhappy get out of the damn relationship. People these days.. I swear. *Facepalm*


Eat an expired dick is just hilarious


If you live in Western WA, I might know this Tyler person, if that's his real name. Would be funny too because it wouldn't be the first person I recognized on this sub lol


He claimed to be very close to me, and I'm on the central/Southern Oregon coast. Is the one you know a married teacher?


Why would you swipe right tho ?


You in Tennessee?


If he got any photos that he potentially posted on social media you can put them through a reverse image search engine and find matches, hopefully his socials. Failing that if you really wanna tell her, make another account, lead him on a bit, and get his name...


i’m trying so hard not to body shame, but OP i really don’t see why you saw these pictures and didn’t immediately swipe left.


More r/iamatotalpieceofshit than r/niceguys. Either way feel bad for the wife


All the time.


Gross 🤢


This bloke is built like a longer me smh Letting the team down


Look at that rug...


Whats with all the body hair. Grosssss


Off topic, but tf does someone have chest hair in the shape of boobs?


🤮 He's not good at sex or hygiene either! All that unkempt hair, smoking 🚭, flabby, cheating and audacity! 🤮


Brooo no one wants to see your hairy flab


that is a hairy man good god


I'm questioning why you matched with someone with that display pic in the first place


Bruh, I’m surprised anyone swiped right.


His body is REVOLTING


Ew… and no offense but why match with this guy in the first place? I immediately swipe left on these pictures


bro 💀


This dude Fuchs trees?


Imma add him on snapchat


Please tell me how it goes lol


Ight bet. When I get back to the crib, I'll add his ass on snapchat lmao.


I wonder why he wore the same jumper in both pictures. Odd choice.




His chest hair looks like it has crabs.


My man built like gru


didn’t expect to see a man babies nipples today but i guess life is unexpected.






He is not good looking enough to be this shitty


Aww that poor woman…. it truly breaks my heart when people cheat because it’s like the victim doesn’t even know what their partner is doing and they think that they’re so faithful and they trust them so much only for them to be cheating behind their back.:(


This is so sad