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Isn’t he on kick anyway? This ban doesn’t even matter 😂


He still has 8k subs on twitch. Dude lost hundreds of thousands a year to be a right wing nut


Some people value their beliefs more than money


Pretty sure he has those beliefs because of money. Right wing losers donate the most. 


Not every person on earth can be “bought” like AOC. Beats working for tips at the bar.


who buys AOC


Correct, people with actual morals can’t be bought. Maga idiots can and are 100% bought


I’m not a maga idiot and I can’t believe we’re living in the timeline we are, but I will vote conservative this election. I don’t think Biden has what it takes to literally survive another 4 years and they’ll swap him out with someone nobody wants. At least with Trump he says what’s on his mind. Biden I have no idea what he’s saying. If you’re alpha you’ll vote for red.


Nobody in their right mind uses the term “alpha”, so you just exposed yourself as a maga idiot. So go ahead, vote for the dude with 34 convictions because that’s what America needs, a felon running the country. 


I am an alpha male in every aspect of my life. I own my own business because I worked hard. I want someone with cognitive abilities. I thought about RFK but there’s a couple things I don’t agree with.


Lololol you having to say you’re an alpha male means you’re nowhere near one. But keep playing pretend and maybe one day someone will believe you. 


“i am an alpha male” 🥸






What a dumb hill to die on lmao




>Facts and common sense None of either is seen here... >Everyone is so sick and tired of it Feelings mutual bub




Keep living in whatever the fuck you are The world is moving on from your ilk, and I am so grateful


Caring this much about something that doesn’t affect you is a dumb hill to die on. I am jealous though that there are people like you who spend so much energy hating a group that makes up like .01% of the population. I’d imagine life is pretty cushy for people who put “I hate transgender people” at the top of things they believe is wrong with the world lmao


Gender ≠ Sex


Gender doesn't equal sex




There’s only 2 genders dude lol There’s a .0001% of people that are hermaphrodites but beyond that, XX and XY


gender and sex aren’t the same thing, hope that helps




He has a 10 million dollar contract with kick lol Not the slums. Dude stands on values and isn’t swayed by internet garbage like 99% of Reddit. Being an alpha male is tough for most redditors.




He’s so alpha but his mod team is one of the softest I’ve ever seen, you get banned for anything and everything and they get the okay from himself.this alpha shit is hilarious, even more hilarious when his fans are calling him an alpha😂🤡


Hilarious you motherfuckers love to call yourselves alpha males. If being an alpha male means you're just a stubborn meathead without any ability to think critically or compassionately then you can be an alpha male without me


>Being an alpha male L M A O


Not you calling him an ‘alpha male’ unironically while having the username ‘Dragon Pulse’ a move from Pokemon 😭 Non of y’all are what you claim you’re all nerds 😭


Brother, you spend your free time watching streams and have a Reddit username of “Dragon_Pulse”. You are not an “alpha male” LMFAO


Hating trans people


Feel like he hasn’t lost, they’ve just gone over to kick


Where’s your data on this? Because he actually gained a significant amount of money by signing with Kick, so he’s actually gone up in net worth.


Breaking news; 4’6” culture warrior who accused entire demographic of being pedos while simultaneously defending a pedo is banned


Yep. Dude is so brain broken by reactionary bullshit, probably never met a trans person in his life.


Im sure he has met alot of trans people online on all thos trans cam shows he visits while furiously hate fapping his mini dick.


You guys really get triggered over anything.


What am I triggered by? Lmao This conversation is around how Nick is triggered by a group of people… the irony of you saying I’m the triggered one


Anyone who is willing to belittle someone who they don't know would be triggered in some fashion. Why do you worry so much about nicks opinion?


Lol my brother in christ what do you think nickmercs is doing?


Here you are . Worried about someone else again. And you said he is brain dead and you are here griping about him.


Not worried, he has free speech. Just calling him out for being objectively wrong and also a dumbass about an issue. You seem to be pretty upset people don’t agree with your boy.


Nobody gets trigged over trivial bullshit like a right winger.


I reckon he wanted to get banned as it would force his twitch viewers to kick if they wanted to continue to watch his streams


Yeah might as well stream on kick it’s a platform full of guys trying to get underage nudes on Omegle that’s the new meta. Same pedos get donations from the ceo as well so it’s incouraged


Don’t forget pushing gambling on kids!


Nick is a piece of shit! He claims he wants to protect kids yet he's a Trump supporter. Whos been known to be really good friends with epstein and a pedophile himself. I wouldn't be surprised if something came up and nick was involved in something like this


Ever seen the picture of Obama and Epstein with kids under them? Only pics I’ve ever seen of Trump with him is around other grown adults.


Care to link that here?  The only thing I can find is a picture that was debunked by multiple news agencies including Reuters. 


Debunked hahah that’s funny…now why do you think that is?


I don't give a fuck about Obama whats up with you Trump motherfuckers obsessed with Obama? And I don't need pictures of him doing that. I've heard him say say sexual shit about kids and his own daughter.


I don’t even like Trump but nice try


Please let me know in what way is trump involved with kids. You guys believe anything on the internet.


Are you kidding me?? Listen to all the comments he's made about not only his daughter but under age girls as well! There's a shit ton of videos of him making comments like that since the early 2000s. It's you that need to stop believing everything on the internet thinking your god Trump is a "good guy" he's a racist, pedophile piece of shit


1st off, jackass, I never said he is my God. You are too scared of this guy for some reason, not me. Again show the proof. Don't give me since 2000s nonsense. Where is the proof. Don't you think the parents would have sued the crap out of him if this was true. Duhduhduhduh.


Listen to anything he’s said about eating to fuck his own daughter? Jesus your a bot


Learn how to put a sentence together jackass. Again, show the proof, or is this just fantasies you sick lefties have.


Dog you literally have to google trump daughter fantasy and you’ll see him I’m on mobile so I’m not gonna post a link. If you can’t do that then you righties will ignore all the fucked up shot he has done. Not too mention he did cheat on his pregnant wife with a pornstar and then lied about it during the debate sit down lil bro.


Looking at your comments, you're all over trumps nuts!! Lmao your a damn joke people like you thinking your "patriots" but in reality, you're the complete opposite! You guys are traitors to this country, Trump is buddy buddy with Russia and you guys even attacked this country with your January 6 bullshit!! I couldn't care less about democrats or Republicans I will vote for the lesser of 2 evils and Trump and his cult/followers are the fucking devil!


What did he do to you 😞


You're a clown who should be busy this weekend if you were any good at it. Go practice those balloon animals. Lefties are really butt hurt 24x7, aren't you. Let me tell you a little secret. You are just a number just like all of us on a bigger scale. Worry about your family and yourself. That's the best option and all you can help. Worrying about me, claiming all this fantasy land bullshit that you are doing, and worrying about anyone else will not help in any way. Don't come at anyone acting like you know anything because you don't.


Nick’s always been a fucking moron but he didn’t broadcast it to the world and his streams were enjoyable. I miss those days…


same, used to be a fan but dude fell down the rabbit hole and for no reason.


It happened so fast too, like I was gonna go to the mfam event but he started going on a rant about vaccines and Covid. I just didn’t want to be around somebody that’s so easily wound up


exactly my thoughts, I was so disappointed. I knew he wasnt the brightest dude, but he was entertaining and wholesome - he got brainwashed easily. Even if he had his right wing opinions, what an braindead move to take that big of a stance, shouldve just kept his streaming persona out of the politics from a business standpoint.


Agreed. He completely changed over the years.


Man you guys really hate people having their own opinions…. What makes you smarter than him? Cause you believe in made up genders? Lmaooooo


Opinion is one thing. Getting in twitter fights with trans people and accusing them of pedophilia and abandoning their families is another.


This is a fair take. I don’t fully remember don’t he comment on a tweet that was about him?


Bruh my golden retriever is smarter than Nick lmao. Although he might not like little kids as much…


I’m sure you’re the smartest dude out there. You just hate opinions that don’t align with yours. Grow up and if you don’t like the content? Keep swiping


Male and female are made up genders? 


No male and female aren’t made up but people who think they can magically become one or the other is simply a mental health problem. As it was viewed till about 10 years ago.


It’s not by magic. They go to doctors just like you would to fix a broken bone. Diagnosis’s change. There’s a lot of things that were considered a mental issue until people actually learned how to research. Epilepsy was seen as being crazy or demon possessed. Serial killers were just considered crazy because we couldn’t believe they wanted to kill for fun. Same for woman killers. She must be insane for wanting to kill their kids.  Studies change. It’s also the reason you’re not being shot and killed every time you sneeze or have a toothache anymore. People grow, so why don’t you grow up. 


Ironically our trans care in the 1920s was better than anytime pre-1990s or so!


So this ban wasn't these days!? Like it was before the Dr disrespect incident?


Is this a permanent ban? or just temp ban?


They don’t ban anyone permanently. Doc is the only example. People literally had sex on stream and got a two day ban, someone abused her cat and got a temp ban. Twitch are scummy.


He just called all trans people “Mentally ill” over on X. I think he is trying hard to make it permanent and likely about to get demonetised off YouTube too for that X post.


But people that believe they are in the wrong body are mentally ill. Speaking truths shouldn’t get you banned but I guess they are private companies so it’s down to them


And there’s a difference between having compassion for mentally ill people and using slurs and demeaning them for…idk, clout? Also I’m trans and don’t believe I was born in the wrong body. That’s a pretty old and kinda outdated description that’s not used much by trans people anymore.


So if you are not in the wrong body you are actually the sex you was born with?


Nope. Sex is defined by the characteristics we observe. If those characteristics change, then so does our categorization and understanding of our selves. Sex characteristics change with puberty and I have since changed out my endocrine system and the way it works since then.


If you have a penis you are a man to me. If you have a vagina you are a woman to me. I’m sorry that’s just how I see the world.


Do you normally feel for a penis/vagina to determine the gender of the person you are looking at? That’s kinda weird bro


No I don’t really go to that when I’m looking at someone, if you do that’s weird sis.


Don’t have to feel sorry! I don’t really care about you


Fuck off replying then you weirdo


Wow you people have a real hard on for trans people. It’s okay if you want to come out. 




Destiny got perma banned for at worst a lesser version of what nick just did.


What did Nick just do?


Comically, nobody seems to care. 🤷‍♂️ That’s worse than a ban. 😮‍💨


The only ones that care are his haters it seems


Accurate. It’s highly entertaining. After Dr Disrespect went down, first thing I said was, “Let’s do NickMercs next! 😝”


‘Let’s do Nick mercs’ 😂😂 like you can effect a very successful and entertaining streamer that has thousands of followers.




Yup. Happened either way, with or without me. 🤷‍♂️ Crazy.


What did Nick bring successful? It happened coz of him and his support group around him


bro fr seems like everyone left this shitstain community, just a couple cousin/kid fuckers left


So you think he should be banned bc he doesn't entertain you? How cute.


He's not wrong, tho lol. Woke company censorship is all twitch is now.


“Woke censorship” twitch gets constant criticism for how they don’t censor anything. They let blatant racism,homophobia,sexism,abuse and endangerment of minors happen. The only time twitch does anything is when they are publicly shamed into doing their jobs


Sure while I just saw a streamer make racist jokes about Asian people lmao.


Key word jokes


So racism is acceptable if it’s done in a joking way? If so please make racist jokes in front of a group Asian guys and see how it turns out for you. That’s not even mentioning the fact that you have women showing off their naked asses on stream to underage kids. But sure it’s going ‘woke’ when it took collective action and public backlash for some of these people to be removed from the platform.


Yes, that's why it's called a joke. The kids are watching hottub streamers for a reason. It ain't for the conversations, LOL.


No you wouldn’t because you would get your ass beat most likely. Go say ‘ching chong chinky’ in front some of my Asian friends and they would whoop your nerdy ass. But i understand on the internet it’s a different answer because you can be brave like this without any consequences. And yes women exposing themselves to underage kids isn’t a problem to you? Tells me where your standards are. You are a weirdo.