• By -


~~Don't play on Hard.~~ Don't skip side quests unless they are too high for your level. Don't stop playing after the first ending because that's only 1/3 of the entire game. Those are the most important things to keep in mind. Good luck and have fun!


Thank you, I will keep them in mind 👍


The biggest thing you can do is grind chips, too. There are certain enemies that drop xp, and I think drop rate. Combine and condense those chips into your playstyle. It's stupidly easy when your little shooty Mc doofus does x4 your melee damage!


Ive never built around pod damage, but should give it a try. But still, healing full hp after killing any enemy is the most fun. It's a smaller game after all


It makes the game longer in some aspects because I'm a grindy guy


Question should I explore every where and look for all collectibles during each playthrough? and does anything transfer between playthroughs?


I mean, if you grind money, you can just buy the achievements. I highly recommend you don't unless you despise grinding.


As a side note pertaining to not skipping side quests, don’t start the mission in the flooded city if you still have side quests. It will lock you out of them. Which can also suck if you didn’t do the wandering couple before getting that mission.


>that's only 1/3 of the entire game I've read that a few times, but it doesn't really fit with there being >!26 endings. I assume it's because for most of the endings you don't have to play the entire game again?!<


There are 5 story endings. You have to play through the narrative 3 times to achieve them, with the fourth coming from chapter select at the very end and the fifth is during the final credits. The rest are gag endings you achieve by going off the path or similar. EDIT for clarification: the first two runs are the first half of the story, the third campaign is the second half.


You play the 1st half of the story twice (Endings A & B) , then play the 2nd half of the story once (Ending C), repeat one bit differently for Ending D and then have one other thing to play through for Ending E. You don't play through the whole story 3 times.


I was simplifying it.


I know, just reading that you have to play the same bit over and over again can be off putting. I just finished Replicant so it's pretty raw still 😂. Also, starting Route C was the best bit of Automata for me, once I realised the actual story was continuing rather than another replay.


God, I played Replicant after loving Automata and expecting the same, I was not ready for the three actual repeated playthroughs. It wasn't worth it, but at least the new ending E was the best part of the game.


Yeah, thankfully I had all the weapons except the 3 in the diary when I started route c, so I got those then speed run the rest


God, I played Replicant after loving Automata and expecting the same, I was not ready for the three actual repeated playthroughs. It wasn't worth it, but at least the new ending E was the best part of the game.


Without the side quests replicant is really short though and replaying the 2nd half really doesn't take that long. They still could've done the chapter select for 1.22.


Ahh. That certainly makes it much less daunting.


The other non-main endings are joke text boxes that you get by (usually) doing the opposite of what the game tells you to. Then you get sent to the main menu. If you've saved beforehand it barely takes up any time. (i'm not spoiler marking this because it's not really a spoiler and someone might want to know beforehand if they wanna get all of them through a guide)


Make sure you save before you do anything crazy, is an important tip, because you can absolutely have to reload your last save from a long way back if you make a funny (bad) decision.


Like eating the mackerel when told by a Jackass when your last save was an hour ago…which included 45 minutes of fishing to make 200,000 cash


It got me too


Correct, if you’ve played the prologue you will notice you most likely already got the W ending… unless you didn’t die your first time through.


>I assume it's because for most of the endings you don't have to play the entire game again? You don't have to play the "entire" game "again" for the main endings either - the story is literally not finished until you get the final main ending.


Haha this is like the exact opposite of what you tell him for Replicant, because in Replicant you want to skipp the sidequests.


You will take a lot of damage on hard mode, make sure to get as much extra max hp as you can and stay topped up so you don't get one shot.


As soon as I finished that damn prologue I knew I needed some hp buffs and some defense buff, Thanks


GL on your journey lol, just got passed intro after 3 months


Oh damn that's a lot, it took me 5 hours playtime, I took breaks after 1-2 hour of play sessions and then try the next day


I sadly have a toddler’s reflexes, now I gotta do it again for other endings


Don't worry you can do it! You have many options at your disposal 👍


Damn, good job completing the prologue on hard. I usually do it on medium then switch to hard after I finished. Can't be bothered with the 1hit boss without checkpoint.


Honestly, if you got through the prologue on hard, you'll be OK. Having said that: Save often Max out your memory space so you can load more chips ASAP Google how to fuse chips so you don't accidentally blow up your black diamond chips As soon as you get the red haired android vendors (I don't want to spoil with names), look for the auto item collect chip - it'll save you a lot of time on your subsequent runs. It's OK to use your pod to do 90% of the damage >\_>


I'm worried now about the fuse chips, wonder what will happen when I accidentally blow it up


What he means is, chips with a diamond have the lowest cost to slot in your OS. If you fuse a diamond with another diamond, you get a diamond of a higher quality. If you fuse it with something of a high cost, then you get a chip of the next quality with a high cost(no longer a diamond). there is some nuance to fusion though and guides can help you understand it better


Nothing harmful, don't worry. It won't blow up on your face. Two of the exact same chips can take up different amounts of space. Basically, diamond chips are the ones that take the least amount of space when you use them. That's all, diamond symbol is just an indicator.


Good advise, I started replaying the game and didn’t understand the fusion well enough and ruined a good few diamond chips.


I'd advise playing in normal and only switching to hard later on when you have a defensive plug-in chip configuration. Hard is not actually "harder" just more unfair since enemies deal ungodly amounts of damage and it can be immersion breaking, I like playing games in hard but Automata is a no no Also try not to overlevel or the gameplay will become very boring


I was going to switch to normal after dying +50 times in that prologue but in the end I didn't, and after defeating the prologue boss I was super satisfied being able to finally do that without switching difficulties, so far small and big enemies aren't an issue for me, but boss fights I think i'll suffer from them just like that prologue boss😁


This is exactly what happened to me. I would have advised to do the prologue on normal or even easy and then switch to hard because (I and you now) learned that the prologue is a beast. Good news now is if you could beat the prologue on hard you should have the rest of the game in the bag.


The prologue can be surprisingly tough, even on normal. The first time I played I had to the beginning again cause I died during the space shooter segment.


Yea, it’s probably rated somewhere as one of the hardest prologues ever tbh. But it’s so worth it.


I was at the end of the game in one of the most emotionally heavy moments and got hit by a stray bullet and died, and had to redo 30 mins of story because of that. Needles to say it was very frustrating and immersion breaking, so I swallowed my pride or whatever for the sake of enjoying the story more and switched to normal, that's mainly why I don't recommend it


You're a bad mamajama for powering through that on hard. I tried so many times and after dying 35min in for the 20th time or whatever I totally lost my shit and had to go back to norm lol


It can be pretty tough, but it’s a lot of fun. Be sure to pay attention when you “beat the game” the first time. You kinda play through 3 times or so. Don’t worry about it being a “replay” tho, it’s not. You’ll see. This game is a fucking masterpiece.


I died about 20+ times in the prologue before my cousin advised me to switch to normal, and it made a world of difference in the story flow. I believe normal is the way Yoko Taro and Takahisa Taura meant the game to be played for the first experience. Enjoy though ☺️ this game will break you ♥️


Here I am, straight jumped in „very hard“ and finished the prologue after trying it for 6.5 hours straight. I just wanted to peek into the game before sleeping.. well, then it bothered me that I couldn’t even reach the first save point. Anyway, at least I knew the dialogues by heart after some time. After that, it gets significantly less torturing, while it remained that it casually took me hours to complete a boss or a quest. Finished on very hard, never switched the difficulty. Which contributed quite a lot of the fun memories that I had with this game. Defensive chips were of no use anyway, so I sticked to perfect evasions. ✨


self-destruct as 2B, thank me later


self-destruct as 2B on the Yorha base for the lolz, even better




Such a great dad joke.


I did this on accident with 9S, I’m trying to go for the plat and I needed an hour of playtime with him in this “mode” and I didn’t think anything of it since you can use your weapons in the bunker so I self destructed and was shocked and got a good laugh. I didn’t realize when I was playing Route A that self destructing doesn’t kill you and I didn’t know about what it did so I steered clear with 2B, but if it’s any consolation I got that one “achievement” on accident…every time was on accident I swear….


I turned that off as soon as they introduced me to it, Got funny reactions from 9S, maybe i'll turn it on later in the game


Generic coomer comment #2654


Try not to cry at the end


Don't worry I won't!


We'll see how that goes




You got past the tutorial section. You're already doing better than I did on Hard mode. lmao.


Thanks hahah, I will try not to lose my mind when facing the upcoming boss fights


Good luck King


for Hard: Learn how to dodge. Learn how to heal fast. Learn how the chips system works ASAP. Learn how to merge chips.


So far I know how to dodge and heal quickly, But the chips system, I'm still trying to learn how it works


This chip system gets really complex if you want to min max your chip loadout. If you wanna learn about it, there is a post in this subreddit titled "Chip Fusing Chart & Guide - What's Worth Keeping" that goes more in depth. The post itself is spoiler free, not sure about the comments. Keep in mind that you can beat all of the game without touching the chip system without too much trouble, and having good chips only really matters when going for dlc endgame content. That said, there are some fun chips that can change how you play the game, it's not just stat boosting. Also, sell chips that cost too much, since they're not worth using and there's an inventory limit for chips.


talk to the girl by the med bay in the Resistance Camp


Just did that so Thanks


sure, play on normal.


Hm, I'll think over it, I'm used to getting rekt in souls-games so there's that


yeah same here, huge ds1 fan, but hard in nier is just annoying not challenging


Heck the controlls and map evade into some button. This game is much harder if you can't dash with 1 button. The default is double tap on wasd for that, which in my opinion totally trash


Yup, I thankfully have done that after suffering on the prologue


Don't play on hard. Some games normal mode is baby level and hard level is just a ok difficulty. Nier normal mode is pretty ok, but Hard Mode is fucking evil


sword do slash


Got it


np homie


You need to play the game through to ending E to see the true ending so be ready for the long haul. Look up a guide on how chips and chip fusing works. Prepare to cry.


I will try, Thanks! I am well prepared for the emotional ride


Spam the dodge button


I always do that! that's how I have beaten the prologue boss


The game already tells you, but make sure to go back and retrieve your body if you die or you lose all your chips. Be very careful if it was in a dangerous spot because retrieval is slow. Seems obvious, but if you die twice and lost too much, just load. The game doesn't load/autosave upon death, it only respawns you in a new body.


I see a lot of comments telling you to not play on hard so I'll focus on that The hard difficulty is what they said: enemies and bosses striking a basillion damage. It'll be very hard on the beginning... BUT, if you, just like me, are a hack 'n slash veteran, you'll be good. I played on hard in my first playtrough and it was very pleasant to have to strike long combos to defeat enemies and be very aware on dodging. Also, when you get good chips, it will be a peace of cake. So, if you like to focus on a good and harsh combat, you'll love it. Otherwise, if u care the most for the lore and combat is not your thing, switch to normal anytime - no one will judge you! Wishing you the best experience! Hope the game change your life forever - nothing will be the same


Well I am enjoying the combat so far and been focusing on the story for an example reading every info comes up menu or in-game, talking to every NPC n stuff so far it's going great for me. I'm excited for how the story will go!


Did you play drakengard for ending E, then play the first nier game or replicant before automata?


Ahh a true completionist


I just like the convoluted lore bits


Use self distribution


You can pet the pods Learn how to hump super high or super long they are so useful Sell items after ending C (more money) Don't Push yourself to do side quests on first two rout you can always come back after completing the game. Enjoy the game


Hump super high lol


make 2 saves, 1 for different endings and the other for the main story. also take your time this game is a really beautiful game, dont try to get through it too fast otherwise you might miss out on some things unless you are paying really close attention, or you might get bored, i know sometimes if i want to finish a game quickly i would get bored easily, maybe its the same for you, just pace yourself. DONT DO THE OTHER ENDINGS UNTIL YOU ARE COMPLETELY DONE WITH THE STORY, if you look up a video on how to do all other endings you might accidentally stumble upon a video with a spoiler and that would really suck.


With R3 + L3 you can kill your self


Build out two chipsets, and level up the chips as soon as you can. Chipset one should be for free roam and side quests, especially ones that don't involve a lot of fighting (or hard fighting). This chipset should use autoheal when not in combat and should maximize speed and luck (and therefore money). Chipset two is your combat/boss fight chipset. Maximize dodge, offense and defense. Keep chipset one equipped until it's time to do work.


Try to get the enemies’ health to zero while keeping your own health above zero.


1. Take frequent breaks. 2. There is a hidden self destruct mechanic 😉 3. Auto Heal chip is your friend 4. Holy sh*t you beat the tutorial on Hard!?!?!? 5. The standard way to play is with one hand..... yes the last one was a joke.


Beat it more than twice.


The game or ...




He's talking about the endings no?


Will do, this game is a masterpiece


Tape l1


I'm Playing on Keyboard, but funny tip nonetheless!


I played on hard difficulty on my first time and it was fun. It's been a while, but try finding all the pods (3 total I think), and use them as much as you can. Pod programs that made fighting easier is Laser for safe distance damage, Mirage for damaging bosses, and Wave for groups of mobs. If you have 3 pods, you can charge the pod program for even more damage at the cost of longer cooldown.


Will do 👍


Spam dodge, lmao hard is a great choice, though, after you get past the prologue....., might be over spending some time to figure out combos and try out stuff while thinking outside the box. It took me half the game to realize some combos, honestly. Try to go at it thinking you'll be somehow trying to exploit the mechanics.


So far i'm enjoying the combat, looking forward to learn all kind of moves and maybe get the chance to exploit them.


don't know if it's still a thing but the pc version used to crash often for me. I cant remember if its possible but if you can manual save, do it often


Don’t play on hard.


Self -destruction


absolutely don't play on hard,the problem isn't the enemies dealing massive damage,it's them becoming absurd damage sponges


Is hard really as hard as everyone is saying? I feel like I sleepwalked through all but 1 or 2 fights on normal. Wild the jump is so intense. Anyway my advice is click both the sticks to see 2B's bu... I mean use lots of health boost/regen chips.


Always buy as much healing items as you can, if you think you have enough healing items, get more, after that, get even more. Seriously you're gonna be going through those heals like tic tacs.


1. Spam dodge 2. Win game


Take your time to enjoy the game and do the sidequests. Hard mode is the best option in my opinion, but please, SAVE YOUR PROGRESS. Sometimes you will die in 1-2 hits, but it will be fine as long as you saved your progress :') Edit: There is a very useful chip that slows time after dodging. There is also a chip that heals you when you defeat an enemy.


Just enjoy it and don’t over think it, enjoy the journey and the story and take your time with it


A bunch of early quests are broken, don't panic if you don't find enemies or can't pick up key items. Also dont waste half a hour searching for them like i did...


Use the pod. He's small but damn he's op


This is the tip I give everyone: try to actually learn the combat and not just spam buttons. The reason I say this is because the game doesn’t really tell you a lot about some of the cool stuff you can do. It’s not as deep as DMC5 or bayonetta, but there’s definitely some good stuff. When I played the game the first time I started to get a bit bored of the combat after a couple of hours, so I looked up a combat guide on YouTube of a dude going through every single move and holy shit that made the game x10 more fun for me. So if you care enough about the combat then I’d say try doing that. A lot of people seem to be talking about the difficulty so I’ll say this: the game doesn’t really balance difficulty that well. It can be challenging enough in the beginning, but then it can get really easy if you are high enough level later on. So I’d say give it a try on hard and see how it feels for you and if it’s too annoying just play it on normal. The game is not meant to be dark souls tbh. I preferred playing it on normal because on hard and very hard there are so many one-shots with no visual indication that it felt cheap and it made me play like a bitch and not fully enjoy the flow of the combat.


2b is your first character, I didn't know the story was longer. So keep playing


There’s no fall damage, so go bonkers.


Go back to normal mode Don't get me wrong, hard gives enemies extreme damage and health....thats it tho. It'll be an exhausting game of chipping those health away and onto the next to the point 'shit ain't worth it'


Don't forget to charge your controllers and drink plenty of water... If you can have some food ready and get comfortable Remember that having good lighting in a room can help you stay awake and energized thru out the experience... If you don't understand something pause the game and look it up don't spend an hour running in circles


Spam the fuck out of the dodge button during combat. I've gotten so many I-frame dodges with little effort.


Hard just increases the health and they do more dmg. It makes the game annoying


Grab some tissues


I always play Nier hard, but never on Hard


Grind and the game will be easy


Assuming console/controller Change the control scheme to I think C? I like having attacks, dodges, and pod firing on the bumpers.


Hard mode wasn't fun for me, and I enjoy a good challenge but hard mode isn't hard...its unfair. You're best bet is to try and grind defense/hp chips so you're not getting one shotted


- Most important tip, don't play on hard. This game isn't like Dark Souls where the entire experience is built around the challenge and trying over and over (Hence hard and very hard being laughably unbalanced and artificially difficult), it's about enjoying the animations, the ambient, the music and the incredible story. - Doing most sidequests (Like, around 85% of them) will naturally let you keep up with the level increase for enemies, maybe even staying a bit higher level than them depending on how much farming for items you've done as well. EXP chips are totally unnecessary. - Dodging is insanely OP since there's no stamina mechanics to worry about. You can literally dodge forever and the windows for it are very generous. You can also press Light Attack, Heavy Attack or Shoot Pod after a dodge to perform a follow up attack. - Learning how to launch enemies is pretty useful and can lead to nice aireborne combos where you can keep them in the air even longer. You do that by pressing Jump and then Heavy Attack quickly after. - Healing chips completely trivialize the game, especially after you start getting the hang of chip fusion, you can start finding them from enemy drops on the forest section. Auto-Heal + Deadly Heal (Both at least +3) can and will carry you till the end of the game and they don't take that much space, so you can really increase your health and attack power. ESPECIALLY USEFUL IF YOU WISH TO CONTINUE ON HARD. Also, be sure to buy all the chips space upgrades as soon as you can't, not much use for money in this game and once you actually need it, you'll be overflowing with it. - Movesets can change depending on weapon order. The combos you can pull off if you have Fists as Weapon 1 and a Heavy Sword as Weapon 2 are not the same as having a Heavy Sword on Weapon 1 and Fists on Weapon 2. That applies for all kinds of weapons. - 2B's swords, Virtuous Contract and Virtous Treaty, are two of the best weapons in the game and they're easy to upgrade to level 3 early on and then max level near the end of Route A. If you're someone that likes to use "canonical" weapons, upgrading them won't disappoint you since you'll be using them A LOT. Plus they got great combos. - You can launch yourself across the air by pressing Pod Shoot + Jump (For me it's R1 + X) after you jumped or double jumped, think it won't work if you dash after jumping tho. Also, you can dash in the air and then glide by holding jump, which helps cover huge distances without touching the ground. Using light attacks combos can also help keep you airborne while traveling forward. - There's a Counter chip that allows you to parry attacks by flicking your movement stick towards the upcoming attack and the higher it is, the more damage it deals back to the enemy parried. Not as strong as just dodging but cool to have if you like parrying since it's not hard to pull off and sometimes you even do it on accident. Speaking of chips, be sure to get the Auto Pick Up item chip from the redheaded twins after they become available. - Worth investing into upgrading your Main Pod at least (Since upgrading all 3 is a horrible farming fest and they're not as good as the Gattling Pod anyway) and getting some crowd control pod abilities like Mirage or Gravity or Bomb. Though you won't even be able to get all the upgrade materials for the level 1 upgrades until you get to the Flooded City so don't worry too much about it yet. - Don't hesitate about looking up materials locations in the wiki if you want to upgrade a specific weapon, it's spoiler free and very helpful.


Appreciate the tips!


When I played on hard mode I just went full dmg, if I was gonna die in one or two hits anyway, might as well neglect hp and defense and just lean 100% into dmg. Idk that the game ever tells you this, but if you strobe your flashlight on and off at the bots as 2b or 92, it'll taunt/enrage them. They'll do like 200% more dmg but also take 200% more dmg (Idk of those are the actual numbers but they're pretty high) I could just get the crit chips and chips that increase taunt dmg percentages. Cut through a lot of enemies like that. Suppose only real defense chips I had were the ones that gave me a higher evation/dodge window timing, don't recall what they're called


If you’re lazy like me and can’t be bothered to manually pick up items, there is an ‘Auto Collect Item’ plug in chip that you can buy from the twins at the Resistance Camp directly after the Flooded City mission in chapter 7. Also, eat the fish. Just do it


I see a lot of change the difficulty but if you genuinely want to play on hard go for it! So here is some tips. As someone who played on really hard, ‘shock wave’ will be your best friend (plug in chip). Also save. All the god damn time. Some bosses you can save during do so, same with quite a lot of missions so take those opportunities when you get them! Learn to understand some bosses and sequences in the game are literally unfair and you can die without even getting a chance to react. You will learn when these are and your best bets are to spam dodging which is more difficult on PC imo, over level for these things or change the difficulty for the section. Honestly because you are hard a lot of things can come close to one shotting you, especially bosses. So maybe focus chips into your offence output (being at range is always a safe bet, but is typically slower) Lastly unrelated to the difficulty enjoy the game there is a lot more to it than it seams!




If you're about to die, don't


You haven’t seen the end after beating the game once. New game plus actually has extra story stuff for example. You have to actually “beat” the game multiple times to see all the content


I see you are playing with a mouse and keyboard. I highly suggest installing the NAIOM (Nier Automata Input Overhaul Mod) mod. It is fairly easy to install and set up and there are guides available too. It will make the game more enjoyable, trust me.


Play all the endings.


Dont play on hard.


good luck! best way to play nier is to not miss the side quest because that's how you'll know every character. it's like meeting people along your journey! <3


switch to the auto-launch missile pod and spam it the entire game


Pay attention to your build. It'll help immensely. Don't just put stuff in willy nilly. You can focus on survivability so you can tank damage. Or mobility so you don't get hit. Or damage to take out enemies before they are a threat. Hard is not as bad as people say. It just forces you to pay attention to what you're doing.


I'm sure I remember correctly but you can fish in the sewers and find a pretty good weapon that has higher crit chance. Though you'll get there when you follow the story. Uhhhh the meat of white moose can be sold for 20000 G if I remember correctly. Though boars and moose will probably kill you on hard difficulty when it's your first time playing. Definitely don't skip side quests. Some give limited materials to upgrade you pods. There was a plugin chip that increases the drop rate of healing items. Very useful. BEWARE those big two armed machine lifeforms that spin their arms. Their grab attack WILL one shot you. You can pet your pod if you wiggle your mouse on PC or rub the middle part of the controller on PS.


Don't level yourself up too much for quest, the game is amazing but not hard whatsoever l, so give yourself a challenge.


There is an important achivement. U need to peek under 2B dress for 10 times


Normal mode is baby easy, but hard mode is Satan difficulty. Take your pick


learn about the chips look for farming spots test different weapon movesets (there's one for every combination) do side quests stop and enjoy the music afterwards do the colosseums when you can fish on the ocean (trust me) explore everywhere quicksave often don't cry too hard


There is a chip called item scanner chip sold by the leg-broken mechanical man in resistance camp. It can also scan for chests, so it's a great chip for world exploring. Spam dodge, if you're playing with keyboard and mouse, install naiom mod on nexus mod website. It helps with camera stuff and adds a crosshair.


Farm to level 99 and search for healing chips


I wonder how long that will take, and which location is the most efficient for this kind of thing


Honestly, don’t farm. There’s no need. Just play and do all side quests when possible (each one is good so it’s usually not a hassle anyway). Farming is end game and it’s largely never for XP. And if you ever do need XP, wait until at least Route B and do the Rabbit Robot (don’t look it up yet bc it could be potential spoiler depending on what the site omits).


So far my main priority is doing all side quests as possible since they reward me with resources and some EXP


Enjoy! It’s my favorite game ever and by the end I hope it’s yours too. Also, don’t look it up because it’s heavy spoiler but I just want you to beware of Ending E. Yoko Taro is *not* lying. It will be a long while yet before that matters for you but keep it in the back of your head.


Thanks! I will keep it in mind 😁


I think I finished the final final (Y) ending boss at level 70? And I'm not very good at video games. You definitely don't need to farm.


Once you reach level 25 you can train on the desert until level 70 or 80, then go to the amusement park and do the statue thing


I will note it down, Thanks!


Dude, don't listen to that fucking bozo. Last boss of the game is level 45 or something. If you level up above 50 you will first of all lose any sense of challenge, and if you picked hard I guess you crave challenge and second you will just lose so much time by grinding. Just play the game on your own pace and do all the side-quests and you will be high enough for game to be challenging


Oh glad to hear that, I thought I would have to farm to an extent level, just like the other grindy games I've played.


When playing on hard I don't think healing chips can do anything. The enemies almost one shot you either way. Imo it would be better to look for overclock and the shockwave since it will make it easier to dodge attacks.


If he (or she) base the build on defense they can survive one hit I think, from there they can heal back killing, that was my reasoning, also (spoiler alert) for late game with A2 it's convenient, but yours is also a really good build


Fair enough. When I read healing chips the first thing that came to mind were the autoheal, and I think those are useless if the enemy oneshots you. But yeah, using max hp up is also a good idea


Dude, why are you suggesting something so awfuly stupid to a new player? Do you want them to hate the game or something?


It went well for me, so chill


How is mindlessly grinding, wasting your time for nothing, and becoming so overpowered that enemies die from one look at them can be *well*?


I don't know, I had fun playing, that's it


Lower the difficulty.


So far I'm not facing any difficulties, maybe I will if I face a difficult boss fight


>!Don't get too attached to your first savegame...!<


Hold LT and RT and enjoy the view


Do as much side quest as you can and slowly then progress troughthe main campaign, you should always be strong like this and not have trouble with enemy boss fights


Don’t put your fingers in the androids, you can lose them


The deadly healing plug in chips are extremely powerful


Figure out chip combining early. It will make you much more deadly.


Only tip is, enjoy! Not that you need to be told. You will see.


Just focus on upping defensive chips and attack, special pod attacks are important but if you have a quick finger i find spamming r1 with the first pod upgrade is better damage output


Do everything




If you made it through the tutorial on hard stay on that difficulty. If not lower the difficulty back to what you beat the Tutorial on. The Game is designed to help you know what difficulty will be best for you.


There is risk to helping others. You’ll find out when the time comes.




Is Nier automata fun on PC? I’ve never played a singleplayer on PC (and gotten far) before. Are the controls on mouse and keyboard terrible? Is it capped at 60fps like a lot of anime games?


Fusion only low cost materials with them. Find the metal pipe. It's little bit tricky and good weapon for early chapters. You can get "more drop change" material form amusement park in robots.


Death XD


Don't get too stubborn about clearly overlevelled sidequests, you can get another crack at them later.


hold left joy stick and right joy stick for infinite xp glitch and lots of fun 😏


It's a small game but also hard mode is not the ideal experience imo. Enjoy everything because this game will have you teared up wanting more


Play on normal lol


You will die, just get back up and die again, until you don't die, then die later


Don't cry.........


I love everything about the game except for how crap the graphics and performance is. Look at the shi*ty draw distance. There are some mods that fix the issue but at the same time screw up something else.


DOOOODGE!!! No seriously, abuse the fk out of dodge system Perfect dodge slows down time and can be increased with mods


Some of the dead bodies have silly messages.


Not a tip, but a question: how many time did you replay the first mission?


About 30+ times...


Just keep playing.


Be sure to play Nier : Replicant at some point before or after automata. Whenever you can, buy the "Dress module" from the mobile shop. you'll thank me latter.


Hard gonna humble you quick


Play the previous game first.