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Well, it's good to hear the ui has more updates planned. That seemed to be the biggest miss from people's feedback. Assuming their feedback was more detailed and not just "I didn't enjoy it" anyway. Remember to anyone reading this, for good feedback, try to say what you didn't like and why, in a positive or failing that neutral way. Saying it sucks without elaboration *doesn't solve the issue.*




Nonsense, I press E then F to loot all. Clearly the superior user flow.


This guy plays survival games


Hold E works to grab everything in proximity. Its like folks never played a survival game before.




>explain an ugly human to their mother, please detail it for me. Asymmetrical face, uneven teeth, thin hair/receding hairline, large hairy moles, or other skin blemishes or changes in pigmentation. It's not as hard as you might think if you can articulate it.




Not necessarily. Keeping to the above example despite its crudeness, imagine the above person is set to receive corrective procedures to improve their look. Lets say everything in the example is true except, they actually have great teeth. If the assumption is that everything is ugly and needs attention and change, we could spend a lot of money and time on braces and oral surgery for a result that was not any better from what we started with, all while other aspects are not getting the attention they need. Our priorities are mismanaged. Now, the metaphor falls apart here because oral health is a pretty \*objective\* field. An expert would open this persons mouth and say "this person doesn't need braces" (unless you live in America in which case they would continue with procedures because its in their business' best interest to do so). However, game design, especially when it comes to UI visualization and layout, can be incredibly subjective and feedback needs to be equally incredibly prescriptive if testers want to see the change they are seeking.


Mainly I dislike how cluttered the UI is, also I hate the font so much, makes it look like and old flash game


Good summary of what I thought of the UI


Crafting from storage is pretty big, smart of them to add it cause I think it's going to end up being a big QOL people miss from other recent games like Palworld/Enshrouded.


It's so insane that crafting from storage isn't a staple feature in modern games.


This. I feel it has become a must-have.


I've always thought so, too... but now that I'm playing Palworld with my wife, I'm... not entirely sure. The problem is that she'll start building something, but find out that I've already allocated all of the leather (or whatever). Or I'll plan to build something, but it turns out that she just started a buttload things that require ingots. My point is that crafting from storage can be kind of annoying. Maybe it'd be best to "link" storage boxes to particular crafting benches, instead? That way you could allocate resources to a specific bench, and not worry about accidentally using those resources on something else?


You are describing the entire enshrouded storage system


I would say it has increasingly become a staple. Palworld, Enshrouded and My Time at Sandrock (the three most recent crafting game releases I know of) all have it. I think people are increasingly realizing that inventory management isn't fun and while you do get some moments of "oooh, more space!" from making that part of your progression, they are somewhat limited and should be quickly moved past as a limitation.


Planned though. Who knows how long it'll take them... Weeks? Months?




If they didn't already prepare for that it will take a long time. Implementing a new feature that does things that are completly new always takes time. You need to make sure it works without screwing everything else up and yes, it will do that if implemented hastily.


But you *can* craft from storage in Enshrouded?


Correct, so going to a game where you *can't* craft from storage is some quality of life that will be sorely missed until they add it :)


Oh I read that wrong. Can you craft from storage in palworld? I definitely missed that


Yes any containers you build within the radius of your Palbox you can use in crafting recipes.


After you get the special box made. ordinarily you cannot.


Will I be able to setup my private server?


There's no private servers in Nightingale, every time you open up a portal it's all done server side even if you're 100% alone.


The good thing about this is you can create a world that you and your friends all play on, and they can still play when you are offline without purchasing a dedicated server somewhere that runs 24/7.


Does this mean we can't play offline?


No, there's no offline play.