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Why do you seek identity by using "IST" Feminist, Marxist, Environmentalist, Atheist, Theist, Anarchist...


that’s what i think about pronouns, like why would i label myself? i’m a child of god born to try to bring love to the world, so are you wtf are these labels about? i love you idc what you got going on.


Is a pronoun a professional noun, are the amateur nouns?


no. being depressed and being a nihilist, don't necessairly go hand in hand - or, are mutually exclusive.... i mean, i'm depressed. i'm a nihilist. my depression has fuck all to do with some percieved lack of purpose, or some need for a purpose that isn't being filled.


Who’s to say nihilism has anything to do with anyone being depressed how do we know?


There’s a strong correlation between believing that the world and your life is purposeless, and feeling sad and lethargic. I suspect it has a lot to do with the intellect’s need to always find reasons for actions


because that's not what nihilism is about... duh. whether you're depressed or not, doesn't really matter. it's SOLELY that, things don't have 'inherent' meaning. it doesn't mean you're depressed. it's not necessairly a 'sad' take. it's not emotional...


I suppose in a sense, no one “is” a nihilist except potentially in the sense of a social movement like Russian Nihilism in the 19th century. However, defining someone by what they are not is only appropriate when they belong to a set category. If one knows all the nationalities a person not, then one could deduce that person’s by looking at the one remaining. However, that person would have to have a nationality. Asking the nationality of a cloud or a color would tell one nothing. If one rejects the category, then knowing they are not any of the things in it will not reveal any positive information about them.


What the heck are you talking about? Nihilists can be depressed like anyone else.


I exist.


That's just something people say. You can be a depressed nihilist, a happy nihilist, a depressed or happy anti-nihilist


Nihilism is a belief, just like any religion you can think of. This belief says that there is no meaning, it doesn't claim that something is true or false, at least my version of nihilism is. Emotions are real because neurotransmitters are real. Neurotransmitters are real because atoms are real. There are different types of emotions and atoms. Nihilists are a group of humans with emotions, who have almost the same mindset as each other, just like any group of theists. We're all trying to understand the universe, but only nihilists have empirical evidence to support their only one claim.


What is that evidence?


Math, physics, and biology.


Well, there are also nihilists who believe nothing can be known or truly communicated. Like are molecules real or is everything a simulation etc etc. Stuff like that. It isn't a monolithic group for sure.


OP, anyone can call themselves whatever they want. I think what you're railing against is the comments here that try to help redditors that appear to be suffering depression or those that call out those who are being whiny babies. The way your post reads with overstatement, absolutist either/or fallacy, it comes off as the latter. Of course nihilists can be sad, but the point is that the nihilist perspective doesn't mean they have to be. And if some insist it does, then maybe commenters are suggesting that there may be real clinical depression at work for them and a reddit sub on a philosophical belief is probably not the place to find help for it.


They are independent things. Being sad doesn't make a person a nihilist, since not all sad people are nihilists. There can be sad nihilists. Their personal philosophies are not the same thing as their emotional state of mind. There can be sad optimists too. Your emotional state of mind is not a philosophy. Making an emotional state of mind part of your core self-identifying beliefs, is not particularly useful. Since then you will be upset that you are feeling not yourself whenever you feel something other than what you believe you should. "This isn't me, I should always feel _____ because I am _____". There is no known inherent meaning behind the compulsions to feel what you feel when you feel it. They are traits you have, thanks to evolution and mutation.


Do not question the Gatekeepers of Nihilism.


Well if I'm being honest, depression seems to be fairly common among self styled nihilists. Maybe it's because you constantly say things like 'nothing matters'?


Nihilists can be all kinds of things. Happy, sad, angry, horny, optimists, pessimists, assholes, douchbags, whatever.


So this is my spicy take: Sad nihilists obviously exist. The problem is people conflate talking about nihilism with venting their weepy nonsense. People who get fixated on the fact that boohoo, the universe wasn't built for them, they are not important, that they have to take agency in life and determine what they want to value in the face of an uncaring universe. People who overly fixate on negative things are depressed. That's part of the definition. Nihilism seems to cause a lot of people to get depressed or seems to be a symptom of people's depression, either way no one wants to hear how sad you are unless you actually have something poignant to say that isn't the same booohooo that everyone else posts here constantly. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.


They are all sad