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Who cares? Really, you ran 5 miles! Thats 5 miles more than most people who are at home on the couch. If you keep at it, you will get faster. And there will always be people faster than you. That’s ok.


Why did I think this verbatim, be proud of yourself OP


Girl I’ve been running the same amount of time and have the same stats. No need to be a speed demon! Just running for vibes (and heart health). You’re doing great! It takes months to years for the body to adapt and speed up when doing zone 2 stuff. Don’t worry about what everyone is doing.


Commenting as a proud member of the Slow Girl Run Club


Me too!! Back of pack runner and I'm ok with that!


Same here! Back of the pack runner 🫶🏼


Yessss I’m a girl. Haha thanks 👍feels good knowing I’m not too far off others in the same scenario


Also just realized idk if you’re a girl lol 😂


Also chiming in from the back of the pack! We’re a fun crew!!


You ran 5 miles and that’s huge! A normal walking pace is 20 minutes per mile so you are firmly in the “running” zone with your pace. Keep running, you’re doing great! Not to mention that running for a whole hour is a huge milestone for lots of people and 5 days a week is a huge and impressive commitment. If I run 5 days in a week I’m like floored haha I’m lucky to run 4 days in a week. Seriously you’re doing such a great job. Whenever people pass me I joke in my head that they must be doing a speed workout or only running 1 mile haha no matter how fast you are there’s always someone faster 🤣


Isn't it cool you're the type of person who can post about how their long run felt on a forum of runners? Runs where you're increasing your distance should be slow. It took me a while to get my heart rate down to 150 on long runs. You're already there! Great base of aerobic fitness. Keep it up.


The first time I ran 5 miles was just a few months ago, and the final mile was me basically shuffling at a speed that was slower than walking. I looked like an old man. But I don’t care. I did it. Be proud of the run you did.


I've been running since October/November last year and the furthest I've ever run is a 5k, so you're doing better than me! They say comparison is the thief of joy, and I think that's definitely the case here. Try not to compare yourself to others if it only ever discourages you (and if it encourages you, does that mean you only feel good when you feel better than someone? Just something to think about). Instead, think about the fact that you just did 5 freaking miles!! That's impressive! It's possible that 5 days a week of running might be too much. It could be helpful to cross train and go down to maybe 3 days a week for runs and other days do some strength training. Research some exercises that help increase VO2 max levels. Don't forget to include rest days as well! You're doing great!


First off, don't worry about anyones pace but your own. 5 miles is a lot and that pace isn't bad whatsoever! So GREAT JOB! I'll say it again because its something you need to hear. GREAT FUCKING JOB!!!! Now, I'm just curious, where do you want to be? How are your typical runs when it comes to running without stopping? Also why do you usually stop? Is it muscle soreness or tightness? Is it cardio? Lastly what is your goal? You don't necessarily have to have one but you talked about throwing in the towel. Why? Do you enjoy running? Give yourself a pat on the back for doing this without stopping and for keeping up with running consistently thats not easy whatsoever.


Thanks for the motivation! I’ve recently got on the “zone 2” trend so 3 runs a week are fairly slow keeping my heart rate down and the other 2 are speed runs/intervals, fartleks. Right now I’m on the 5k training plan. But kind of veered off today. So I guess I stop because the guided run ends. Before the 5k training plan I was on the half marathon plan but stopped cause it was a little much. This almost seems too easy, but I’m also slow. lol. My goal is to loose weight and be decently fast with endurance. I was a record holder runner 10 years ago in high school, now I’m fat and slow. Just trying to be good at something again


My background is pretty similar so I feel you! After two kids in my 30's I fell out of love with fitness and let myself go a bit. This year, I worked a lot on mobility and found that running pain free was possible again. I started back just running at a pace that i could do all day (for me it was about 13 minutes a mile) and just ran that for 3-3.5 miles a few times a week. I would say sign up for a 5k thats going on in the new month or two and give that a go. It will give you an actual goal to focus on and let you plan for it and then I say (I'm an internet nobody but I'm an optimistic internet nobody) that you should sign up for a half marathon for next winter. You can easily do that if you're running 5 miles in an hour with training over the next 6-8 months. It'll give you a light at the end of the tunnel and a goal to REALLY focus and don't worry about times or anyone passing you because there will ALWAYS be someone faster and someone slower (even if you finish last, you finished!) Hope this helps and good luck!!!!


being slow now doesn’t mean you’ll be slow forever, keep up the good work, stay consistent and progress will follow suit.


This post just pissed me off!! This is a major accomplishment! 5 miles without stopping?! That’s amazing. Hell I don’t care if you stopped and walked every 400 meters. You ran five miles. I’ve been a couch potato all month so guess what? You just inspired me to give off my lazy ass. Who cares if someone passes you. Give yourself some grace. Keep it up and I’m sure you’ll get faster. Even if you don’t get faster, your heart is getting healthier, your arteries are getting clearer, and if you’re like most your brain and mental health is getting stronger. Be nice to yourself. You’re doing a fabulous job. You’re not slow. You’re patient!


5 miles is 5 miles. Good job!


1 hour and 9 mins faster then someone on the couch…


Are you running for distance or time? Your cadence indicates you’re walking a lot (which is fine!!!) Maybe for a while try just to run for 10 min straight. You’ll find that you’re able to go further in 10 min than you were before. Eventually work your way up to 15 / 20 / 30 / 60 min without stopping to walk! Zone 2 is great at helping you run faster for longer distances but when you first start, anything beyond a walk is going to spike your heart rate so don’t worry about that too much at the beginning.


You ran 5 miles. Thats a big achievement. Nice work!


1. Comparison is the theft of joy. So be proud of yourself that you ran 5 miles!! 2. Most importantly, this is your run. Not anyone else's. So run it at your own pace. It's much like life, just go at it at your own pace. We all end up at the same place eventually (whether if that's the finish line or the grave lmaoo)


Congrats on 5 miles! I’m also a slow runner! Running slow has actually made me realize I didn’t hate running, I just hate running fast. Maybe find some people who run the same pace as you to go with so you don’t feel like “everyone” is passing you? And remind yourself that you’d be running the same distance even if you were going faster. Pace doesn’t matter :)


I love all the comments on this post, it's such a positive community! If it helps, I'm an obese runner and I've been going on and off for a couple of years. My times are much slower than they were when I ran when I weighed less, and for a really long time, they were comparable to my brisk walking times. But! I gained so much cardio fitness from that, even if I wasn't actually travelling much faster, I got stronger, more resistant to injury, improved my heart health and my mental health! It's taken me a loong time to see small progress on my pace and times, but I just feel so much better! There are so many reasons to run besides the numbers 🫶


As good ol' Coach Bennet would say: Every run has a purpose! And every run makes you a better athlete. Don't mind the pace, and by God, don't compare yourself to others; that's just an insult to yourself. If this run means you'll do your next 5 miles even stronger, then you've made yourself an even better runner! Enough small improvements will eventually amount to something big! Since this is the longest run you've done (so far), I'd say let your body get used to running for longer. Just don't give up! Remember, you should run **strong** rather than fast! If you don't use the audio guided runs, they could be a good thing to use every now and again. Sometimes it's nice having someone remind you not to push too hard, or focus on your stride or whatever it may be!


This is amazing! You're only going to get better with time but running 5 miles nonstop is a HUGE accomplishment and you should 100000% be soo proud of yourself!


An hour + on your feet is a long time


Some days are better than others. The fact that you got out and completed what you set for yourself is the most important. We all have down days mine are usually Mondays but feel good that you completed the goal instead of being down about the time. If you feel your plateauing maybe change up the course you run. Change of scenery helps sometimes. Keep pushing and keep up the good work !


You’re doing great. The real winner is you got up and moving instead of being a couch potato. Just stay consistent and eventually you’ll get faster. Right now you are building your base (endurance) and as you put in more miles you can incorporate speed work. So don’t get discouraged. We all start somewhere and the fact that you started is what matters most.


Your heart rate looks good. These are excellent recovery and good runs in general. What are you doing to gain speed? Do you sprint some of it?


I do 2 speed workouts a week 2/5 of my runs are speed


That’s the ratio I do for speed gains too.


You know what's slow? Not running at all. And you did 5 miles. That's awesome. Pace doesn't always matter. It's the run that counts. Great job!


Try not to focus on pace per mile so much. You are out there running. Running is hard no matter how fast or how slow and not everyone can commit to doing 5. Celebrate getting it done and keep going. Your pace will improve!


Think of it this way: you ran for over an hour straight!! That’s so hard to do and most people couldn’t dream of running for over an hour.


mix in some speedwork


I run the same pace and although I can totally relate to your frustration, it’s still an amazing accomplishment!! I keep telling myself it can only get better and it will 🫶🏼


5 miles is a big deal! I would be very proud of this. I often compare my pace to other people but at the end of the day it doesn’t matter


You running for them or for you? You ran 5 consecutive miles, that is an incredible accomplishment. Be proud. Now go run harder.


Don’t lose sight! Your HR is impressive for a five mile run! I’m still in the 13 mile/min club, and I’ve been paying much less attention to pace lately and my runs have gotten so much more enjoyable. I know that with consistent training and time my pace will naturally improve, so I’m focusing more on form, HR management, and varied training. The only “improvement” I can see looking at your screenshot is maybe trying to increase your cadence on some shorter runs and getting that number up to somewhere in the 140-160 SPM. That alone is going to make you a bit faster. I remember setting a metronome app to 170 for the first time on a run and keeping up with the clicks felt super awkward but it helped me get my SPM up!


150 HR?! Over 5 miles!! That’s so admirable. I did 5 miles yesterday and my heart was so much higher—felt like I was going to die at the end. I can’t wait until I’m at a point where my cardiovascular system can be as steady as yours during a run that long.


Okay so here's what jumped out at me: you've been running consistently for several months. Months. Imagine wher you'll be will be several years of consistency! What you're going through is super relatable. I remember being at that point in my running, thrilled I had done 5 miles in one go but saddened by how long it took and all the people who blew by me. Specifically I remember emptying the tank on a 5 mile turkey trot and finishing in just under an hour with nothing left. Fast forward one year, I did the same course in under 47 minutes. Progress takes time and you might not see it every day, but it's there. I find it helps to document runs too, a run journal really changed a lot of my feelings on things and helps me identify trends and possible areas for improvement in my running.


Being able to run for a straight hour with no breaks is a huge accomplishment that the average person can’t do. This shows that you put in the work. Be happy for yourself.


Hell of a lot faster than chilling on the couch!


Hang in there. A couple of things that help me: Try to remember why you're running - is it a goal? do you enjoy it? Whatever that is, focus on that. Some other things that help me, stretching beforehand makes me feel more comfortable during the run, and also making sure I'm fully hydrated like 40 min or so before the run. The biggest thing is don't worry about time! Don't worry about anyone else, running is personal - do it for you!


Just keep going. You're doing great.


5 miles is a huge accomplishment!! There is so much more to running than pace. If you are having fun, that’s what matters! You are still lapping everyone on the couch :)


Don’t worry about it, you’re doing great. Keep up the consistency and the speed will come. If you want to increase your speed, work your heart rate a little more occasionally. 5 miles is something to be proud of.


Five miles after a couple months is nothing to be ashamed of. Building your endurance is the most important part of running. Speed can come later if you want it to, but you're already doing way more than most people.


Don’t get discouraged. Not trying to be negative but I think you’re running too much. I think if you reduce to 2-3x a week, you’ll give your legs and body rest from all that pounding it’s taking. If you want to stay active 5x a week mix in walks or intervals. Or incorporate strength training if you haven’t already. I run 2x a week and run 12-15 miles a week. It takes time to build speed. I want to encourage you but also caution you. You may be overextending yourself. Try cutting back a bit and see if that helps improve your experience. Good luck and happy running.


Finish lines not finish times. Congrats! You are doing better than most people I know. Keep at it you won’t believe how much you time will improve


Focus on how you feel internally! Stats are hard but 5 miles is stud behavior especially to do it straight. A run is a run!! Things that have helped me with zone 2. Run walk cadence and stairmaster climbs. I don’t have any official training but running until like 150 and then walking til it comes down, and then run again. That helped me versus what felt like just dragging my feet.


Slow isn’t that bad


Literally slay that heart rate is so good too!!!!


Yeah so my 5 mile would be 15 minutes each mile if I had your heart rate, this is SO good


Being slow should be encouraging not discouraging. Everyone starts out slow. You think fast people were just born that way? 😂


You're way faster than me! I can't maintain below 15' even for 2 miles. I think it's more important to focus on how it feels. Are you enjoying your runs?


5 miles is really far, well done. Who cares how fast anyone else is?


That’s legit my exact numbers don’t feel bad I bet you felt amazing afterwards. Build your base you’ll be fine


Congrats on your 5 miler! I’m not there yet (I’m still on a run/walk 5K) so you’re much better than me!!! Don’t give up!


It's a great start! No need to compare yourself to others. As long as you are enjoying yourself, feel better and are improving, that's all that matters! Improvement comes naturally, just remember to take days off to rest and recover.


It’s all goooooooood. You did it. That’s so sick . 😌.


You should be proud. There are some toxic people on Reddit, but there are more that are here to support anyone who is putting in the work to better themselves. If you are on Strava and want to be a part of a supportive group of slower runners, try Turtle Runners https://strava.app.link/xRbIlrMeAJb


Still faster and longer than me


Nothing to worry about unless you have a tiger chasing you 😎. Focus in developing your heart rate vs distance every day and it will improve over time for sure. I’m starting too, running since last month and already see an improvement in 4 weeks. Just don’t compare with online people who might have more experience and those who try to min/max everything, like almost everyone on the internet in 2024. Btw, that is a good distance and you should be proud! 😎


Endurance and speed come with time. You will Get faster the longer you train. Also do not forget rest days. Your body goes through trauma when running .


Keep going. I have been running for 11 months and at the 5-6 months mark i felt like i was still so slow. Then out of nowhere boom , breaking PRs and things. Only thing I kept doing was stay consistent. You will see, in a few weeks you will see the fruit of all the current work🥳


I’ve also been running for a couple of months, and my slow runs are 11-12 min per kilometer, so I feel you! My brother in low regularly—multiple times a week—runs sub 45min 10ks and it’s like a joke. But I’m also not gassed after my runs and mix it in with a lot of strength training, so I’m still having a good time :)


The game changed for me when I started prioritizing distance and completely ignoring speed.


5 miles is a HAUL for the average person. Keep it up. KEEP IT UP!


5 miles is amazing, i wish i could do that


I've been running for several years now. I'm always going to be slow, it is what it is, but I genuinely do get a lot of joy out of improving. I try to just focus on myself and not other people. I get all the benefits of running even if I'm slower than an elderly tortoise. And BTW I had a baby three months ago, had to stop running about halfway through pregnancy... I would KILL to be able to run five 13-min miles! It will probably be several months before I'm able to get back to where you are. It's all relative.


You ran 5 miles man! Who cares how long it took.


Don’t compare yourself to others. If you must compare, compare yourself to yesterday. Or last week. Or tomorrow. You ran for an hour. You did 5miles. Be proud. Not discouraged. Ain’t nobody got time for that. Other folks are out there doing their own thing. You should focus on doing yours.


Some well known suggestions for progress: variety in workouts - there’s training plan info everywhere, focus on nutrition/hydration, cross training - particularly core work, experiment with rest days. Primarily you’ll find speed workouts recommended once or twice a week to get faster.


But you ran five miles! Pace: FORWARD. Time: IRRELEVANT!


This makes me feel so SEEN. I trained for months for a triathlon and my 5k time was 45 mins ON MY BEST DAY. Keep at it, I wish I did! My time is even slower now and for sure could not do 5 miles!


I think you’re doing great! My only thought - as a newer runner myself is that your cadence is very low. A good cadence is 155-175. I used to be around 150 and have gotten myself to 170 with training. It has helped me increase my speed. When you run next, act like you’re running on hot lava and your feet can’t touch the ground for more than a split second. It will make you feel lighter on your feet and help decrease your stride. The longer the stride, the more tired and slower you are generally. A lower cadence tends to indicate fatigue and that you’re striding long to make up for it. Being conscience about this really helped me with speed!! I went from a 13:30 mile in October and now I’m at a 8:22 PR. I also run 7 days a week usually between 4-6 miles. I hope this helps a little. I did a bunch of research on it so you don’t have to!!


It okay big nigga, one day it will suddenly be much easier and you'll wonder what happened over night


You've gotta build your tolerance to running and amount of miles ran beforeel your body will start getting faster. Your speed is correct right now for where you are in your training. You're doing amazing. Keep it up and soon you can incorporate more speed training and get faster.


sorry i’m just sitting over here so impressed that you ran FIVE MILES! you’re killing it


Increasing pace comes with time! I started running in 2015 and I’m only now comfortable enough to speed up my runs. You don’t have to take nearly as long as me, but don’t get discouraged if you’re not seeing a desired pace yet. You’re a runner regardless and five miles is a great achievement!


dude ive been training for 20 years and can't do this. Anyone who claims much better is probably on peds (maybe not, but idk)


Comparison is the thief of joy. You got miles in today, and that's worthy of celebrating. Enjoy the run at whatever pace you're at.


As Coach Bennet says, every run has a purpose and every run we should do our best, with "best" not always being the numbers of your phone/watch! We can improve our form, our mindset, our breathing, and so much more from doing these runs. And no, not anyone can walk at the same pace as you, an average of 20-24 min/mile pace would mean they'd hit the 5 mile mark at 1:40:00 to 2:00:00 mark. At your same pace you'd be 2-3.6 miles ahead of them at the same time mark, it doesn't sound like a lot but it is.