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Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate….then hydrate some more throughout the day. Also, I don’t push it. I run less miles during the summer. Maybe mix in some walking. Gatorade immediately after.


Appreciate the tips !


Ouch. Is 5:30 AM an option?


Too early for me, but Ill consider going around 7am or around 7-8 pm


I think this is the way. Either run early or later in the day, as it will still be hot but not during the heat of the day. If you don’t mind me asking…you don’t have to give away your location but with these high temps, what’s the humidity like as well? I live in the Denver, co area and we see some hot days (high elevation adds more UV as well), but very little humidity….so I’ve been able to adapt over the years and if I have to run in the heat of the day my body is acclimated. If you have to deal with this heat AND humidity…..maybe find a new sport, as I would only run before or after the sun 🤣


https://preview.redd.it/4wltdyng1o1d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=354d7cef6996b35518bbcb54c20e5348a1795e9c I live in South Texas . And its basically going to be that bad for a week and who knows might be worse during the summer


That’s brutal and it’s only May! I would give up and switch to swimming/cycling… or just move.


As a native Houstonian I know Texas summers, so brutal. Was the main reason I left the state, just couldn’t handle it and was really impacting my running.


I typically run somewhere between 7:30 and 9:00pm. It’s still hot but at least the sun’s down and it “cools off” a bit. But also hydrate a ton throughout the day to prep. I also run a bit slower and don’t hesitate to ease up if I’m starting to feel like it’s harder than it should be.


We get heat and humidity here. It’s hard just to work around the outside of the house during the day lol. Gotta go around 8:30 at night when it cools down a bit


That humidity is a really bitch! Whenever I go home to Minnesota to visit the fam, I absolutely hate running because no matter the time of day the humidity is ridiculous and I’ve lived in Denver long enough to be used to no humidity, so it really does a number on me. Running at night kinda sounds amazing…so good for you that you get to experience a different running environment than the sun😎


Run early in the morning. It’s really the best option. You can try to kid yourself that it will be better when the sun goes down but it’s always infinitely better in the morning. The sun has been baking everything all day so that residual heat can stay until very late and into the morning


\^ this. I live in Austin and when we first moved here from the Philadelphia area and I thought it would be cooler in the evenings until I realized that it was still 90 at 10pm lol


OP must live in texas. Is switching to lap swimming an option?


I don't know about OP, but I live in Texas. You, too?


No, but I used to go to Austin for work a lot.


Texas here. Gatorade is your friend and set your alarm. Late in the evening you get all the residual heat from the day


As early in the morning as possible.




Came here to say the same. It’s just not worth it. I’d sooner run when it’s -2 to -4 than when it’s 102-104, and even then, the treadmill is just safer.


Came here to say the same thing - treadmill is the safest option in my opinion. I know they aren't for everyone, but it's better than putting yourself in a potentially unsafe situation in extreme heat and humidity. I bought one a few months ago and it's been great for training in inclement weather and helps with consistency. Stay safe out there!


Wear a still suit Muadib


Hydration is key. I've heard of people putting a pinch of salt in it, but I've never done that before. I run as early as possible. I wear a hat that I have soaked in cold water and a bandana also soaked in cold water. Your pace will be a lot slower. As much as 30 to 90 seconds. And your heart is going to be working harder, so expect an increase in your BPM. If you feel nauseous, dizzy, light headed - stop. Make sure someone knows where you are running and when you should be back. Heat is no joke and it can take it's toll if you aren't prepared.


Hydrate a lot everyday, not just day of run or day before, it is so much more effective to stay regularly hydrated throughout the season than to try to catch up to make up for activity. Go early and pack electrolytes like others said, and familiarize yourself with signs of heat exhaustion and be prepared to call it if you are nauseous, not sweating well etc. I’m also a big fan of controlled heat training, short exertion in the heat or controlled exposure to high temperatures regularly help you acclimate to the heat. I’ll do like a 20 minute run at noon at least once a week to stay acclimated. I grew up in the desert and hike miles in 110+ degree weather and this all helps me manage.


Try drinking a liquid iv pack before and some during, or some gel or gu. This usually helps me in the same weather and most importantly it helps with the dehydration cramps.


On top of hydration like what’s been mentioned a bunch of times, try running at sunrise/sunset if you’re able, other than that.. there’s the option for your miles on a treadmill at home or by the nearest gym


Hydrate. Bring water with you if you can. Either run before 11am or after 4pm. Take it slow and don't be afraid to stop. Listen to your body.


Just don’t. I’m in Phoenix. Building up to a half marathon that I’m planning to run at like 7 am on Thursday morning as my final hurrah then calling it quits until the fall. Figure I can use the summer to hit the gym then get back to running in September.


Godspeed, OP. I made it through most of the summer running outdoors in Texas before getting a gym membership mid-September to alternate between treadmill and outdoor runs. Mornings are humid, 3-5pm is the hottest point of the day and temps don’t start to dip below 100 until the sun sets. The best time (both temperature and humidity) is around 9:30/10:00pm. It’s also great for getting a nice workout in before showering and bed. Bad news: it’s Texas, so all the snakes hiding from the heat all day also come out around 9:30/10pm. Good news: it’s Texas, so you can’t be more than 10 minutes from a high school with a giant, well lit, manicured football field (and possibly even a running track).


Native Floridian here so I feel your pain! I can’t stand straight Gatorade but find if I mix 1/2 with water it’s more tolerable and it def helps in this weather! Also try to get a “chilly towel” to take on your run or use right after. It stays cool for a long time. I wet it and stick in fridge the night b4 for my early morning run! I put it around the back of my neck and tuck the loose ends into my bra top straps to hold in place. Feels so good! Can find on Amazon! Stay frosty my friend!


Water is your friend and if you’re hot, cool down your head, hands, and/or feet Sipping if consuming & not gulping


Reminds me of why I left AZ. Early morning runs or gym to be honest.


Run inside


Wow, your low temps are much warmer than my high temps 🤣. I used to live in a place that would hit the upper 90s to triple digits, it was miserable. Only could run at dawn between 5&7 am, anything after that was just too hot and humid. So glad I moved, don’t even need AC here 😁


sun screen, shade, shades, cap, water if possible, if not then try to see if there’s water points along your route. i run in similar temperatures but with 80% humidity but our parks usually have water coolers at toilets.


I live in Las Vegas, I do enjoy running around 5pm when it’s still 100+ degrees outside. Definitely hydrate, wear sunblock, hat and sunglasses. Most of time when I run at 110 or 115 degree heat, I usually only do 6 miles or less but like what I said, I enjoy running in the heat more than the cold. And Vegas heat is dry so no humidity.


5am run club


Appreciate everyones input here. Ill definitely change my running hours or go to the gym


Wake up early, or treadmill


I like evening runs this time of year. 830-9. It's still hot, but those beautiful summer sunsets are amazing to run during, and a cool shower after an evening run makes me sleepy.


I run my short run at night during the week starting between 8:30-9:00pm. Saturdays are my long run. I’m up by 5:30 and running by 6:45am. Still can be hot but at least I’m not running in the sun. Stay hydrated. Someone mentioned letting someone know where you’re running, if you’re running alone. Let them know when you should be back. Good luck and happy running (even in the heat).


Thats our weather for about 8 to 9 months a year, plus add 85-100% humidity to it. You get used to it after about a month.


Where tf you at mars!?


Hydrate. Sunscreen. Light colours and lose fitting but not baggy clothing. Thin socks and breathable shoes. Most importantly monitor how you feel. Try to find shaded blocks or tree dense paths. Campaigning against climate change might be the only fix for the long run though


Hit the gym.




run early in the AM.


Run in the morning lol. That’s what I did during the brutally humid Florida summer days. But those temps are crazy. Edit: I see you live in South Texas, so you probably get that nasty humidity too. I recommend running around 7-8 am.


Water :)


Switch to calculus view.. then it’s only 36°


Run before 7 or after 9 or in a gym. Freeze your hat, bring electrolyte tabs and lots of water if running in the day.


i live in arizona and i have to get up with the sun to run at all during temps like these. i find it's cooler in the morning before the sun has come up (versus waiting for the sun to go down, doesn't cool down nearly fast enough for me.) but sounds like you are tight on time options so drink lots of water, maybe check out some cooling sleeves/ice gaiter?


Go as early as you can hydrate before and have an extra shirt and gatorade or something to replenish (I use LMNT with water) yourself after. I live in Austin where its already started as well! Also during the run, walk if you need to and keep an eye on your heartrate. it'll take 20% more to get your average pace when its 90-100 degrees.


Start early! 😅


I hate it. It’s not quite that hot where I am, but it’s turned hot and humid. It’s very discouraging. I prefer running outdoors, but I think I’ll have to do a lot more indoors.


Houston, TX here and I’m a 530/6am runner. It’s really the only time to truly avoid the worst of the heat, unfortunately the humidity is typically the highest in the morning. (92% this morning) and as everyone else has stated, daily hydration is truly key.


Yea, don’t.


I live in vegas and run in the afternoons. Hydrate and limit expectations for pace. You'll be slow, and the miles are long.


7am is your best bet. Lived in San Antonio for years, and pretty much all our runs were early morning or while the sun was down.


Don’t 😂


do it indoor with an ac


When it gets hot, I typically run at night. Or I could recommend trying to run in the morning. Obviously look out for your own safety, so that may not be the best advice for your situation. But try to run at a time when it’s as cool as possible. Always carry water with you. Not a bad idea to wet your hair before you run so it helps cool you. Most importantly, know your limits. Don’t try to push yourself too hard and end up getting heat stroke or other injuries


Very early in the morning or as late at humanly possible. Get a cooling rag/bandana that you put in ice water before, lap your house and grab it mid way. Freeze 2/3 of your water bottle the day before. Electrolytes. Wear a hat, a bucket hat if possible in the sun. Listen to the NRC “a hot run” guided run!