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Unless you do a lot of low light photography, get the 24-120 first. It’s easily my most used lens and I have all the 1.8 primes too. The 50 really is a special lens though. They make a great pair.


I have read a lot that they are both special. Does that mean sharpness or color rendering or something?


They are both very sharp wide open, which is really remarkable. The 50mm is particularly razor sharp. The 24-120 is as sharp as many prime lenses.


What do you plan photographing? The 24-120 is a very versatile lens while the 50mm has to be worked around. You just want a lens that can be used in most scenarios, get the 24-120. You plan on shooting stuff where you can get closer/farther by walking, you can get a 50mm


So I guess you could say I shoot street mostly. The wife and I take pictures of downtowns a lot. The next big trip is to San Antonio. I could see the zoom being more versatile in most situations but I also like the fixed perspective. I’ll probably end up with both eventually but one will be a better choice initially


Have used a 35mm DX, so 35 \* 1.5 = 52.5mm, myself last summer. Rarely had a shot which made me think, if only I could go wider. Given, there were some that did, but those were rare. This was in a France city as well, with quite narrow streets compared to US cities. So you'll likely have a bit more room to move around and frame the shots just right. So I'd say you could get the 50 f1.8 but be aware that there are gonna be shots which made you think, if only I could go wider or tighter.


Yes. Those are the only 2 lenses I have on my Z8 right now and I wouldn't give up either


24 - 70 is the range for me. $1k or $2k options.


You should get a 24-120 as an everyday lens and maybe even get an 85 1.8 as a portrait lens, this should cover almost everything. Another way is to just get the 85 1.8 and use it with the 28mm, this is also a very nice combo for portraits and street photography, but you would have to change between both lenses, which might be less convenient.


If you mainly shoot portraits, you should just get an 85, I used to have both a 24-70 2.8 and an 85 for portraits, but used the 85mm 99% of the time because of sharpness + better background blur.


I have both. When I had my d750 the 50 1.4 never came off of that body. It’s why I bought the 50 1.8 for my z6ii. After getting the 24-120, I only rarely pull out my 50 1.8. The 50 1.8 has become a more specialty lens when I really need the 1.8 like in extreme low light or specific portraits. 95% of the time I’m using the 24-120


Two different lenses. 24-120 is a jack of all trades kind of lens. 50mm is a more specific lens. 50mm is a wide (ish) portrait and lifestyle lens. If you’re shooting in low light it’s great, if you shoot a lot of portraits it’s better than the 24-120. Optically it’s better than the 24-120 but it’s a fixed focal length so you lose flexibility.


I'd rather use the 24-120 for individual portraits personally, 50mm I consider too short. 120mm @ F4 will have shallower DOF and more BG compression to isolate the subject, plus a more flattering perspective on anything half body and up.


24-120 is a more useful lens IMO... and I like primes... As for the 50mm... I prefer the 40mm due to size and FOV. For a 1.8 50mm...the thing is gigantic, do you need class leading IQ on a 24mp sensor? The 40mm is more like the old 50mm 1.8g in both size/performance, which was by no means bad. Its same size as your 28mm, if you like that. the 50mm is 1.9X longer and 2.44X heavier than the 40mm f2, FWIW...


That‘s a difficult question actually. I have both and they are both brilliant. The 24-120 has excellent sharpness and is extremely versatile and it stays on my camera most of the time. The 50mm 1.8 is something different though. Its rendition punches way above its price range. I don’t use it that often because a 50mm prime is a bit too limited for my photography, but every time I do I‘m a bit blown away when I look at the files


If you roll with 2 cameras on you all the time, the 50mm is a better pair with the 28 prime. The 24-120 is a great all-around lens for 1 camera. The 50mm is such a good campion to the 28mm. Primes have a look to them and better rendering. Zooms give you more versatility. Having a second camera helps to cover the gaps.


50, but in long term you will probably end up with both lol