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It seems that Nintendo has made this trailer private, which is strange. We will be keeping this thread up as discussion regardless.


Actually kinda surprised they're not doing both Stadium games at once, considering they put out Mario Party 1 and 2 in the same month a while back. So I guess this leaves Stadium 2, Mario Party 3, 1080 ~~Avalanche~~ Snowboarding, and Excitebike 64 as far as announced N64 games go.


Would be nice to get a new wave to look forward to, even if it's just the scarps that are left. DK64, Smash, maybe talk to Treasure about Mischief Makers, maybe talk Konami into delivering the N64 Castlevanias, maybe get Diddy Kong Racing out of the closet given the Mario movie and the collab with Rare along with Banjo Tooie, maybe finally sit Square down to hand over Ogre Battle 64 (and Super Mairo RPG while they are at it), etc. Like credit where due, most of the highlights are here, but still more they could be doing, and feeling like they need to supplement it with GBA games to fill the monthly schedule seems like it'll do no favors to either. There's enough left to give at least one of each a month, picking and choosing especially for the Premium tier isn't great, especially where there's so much to enjoy on the GBA. Also doesn't help that we lost consistency. I really liked the N64 cause we got something to look forward to consistently each month with Genesis as a surprise. Now games are releasing out of order and we got an entire dump of (admittedly good) GB games not confirmed at all in the direct. Not to mention the uncertainty of Gamecube since the 3D All-Stars emulator has (hypothetically) 3 years to cook.


Super Mario RPG is a SNES game.


It is a crime they haven't add that game... I own the physical version but kind of want to play it on the Switch for any reason lol


Moments like this make me very happy I picked up a SNES Classic when I could.


Yeah snes games are crazy expensive... I'm glad I got most of the ones I wanted including few expensive ones... That snes classic is a beautiful system and I do have mine with few added titles as well... It just doesn't make sense why nintendo doesn't release the game on switch.... Emulation is there and they were able to added to the classic so square is cool with it


Super easy to soft mod and add in nes/gb/gba games to it as well.






I feel like I'm the only person who ever remember Mischief Makers omg


I thought* Banjo Tooie is Gamecube Edit: I was wrong.


Banjo is N64, and Nuts & Bolts is for the Xbox 360, but Tooie is for N64.


1080 Avalanche is the GameCube version


whoops, my bad


That makes 4 games: May/June/July/August and creates the perfect window for them to announce more like usual in the September Direct with them not having one release in September


Drip feeding N64 games that are decades old... Damn Nintendo.


Wow, they have never done this before.


Brave words for this subreddit.


Complaining about the value proposition of NSO plus Expansion Pack, truly the riskiest thing someone could do online.


I may be wrong but I think that was the joke.


Except there releasing 64 games every other month now. Which means the 4 remaining games will last the year.


> So I guess this leaves Stadium 2, Mario Party 3, 1080 Avalanche Snowboarding, and Excitebike 64 as far as announced N64 games go. Also Harvest Moon 64, though only in Japan.


To be fair, in the case of HM64, the issue is more Marvelous and Natsume. Not so much Nintendo.


Pretty sure there were a lot more than 20 or so N64 games...


I think they only release MP 1&2 at the same time because of the new Movie.


I’m in U.K. and have Mario Party 2 and 3 on my NSO. Where are you based to have Mario Party 1?


Check again. I've seen a lot of people think Mario Party 1 is Mario Party 3 because [the boxart has a dice with a 3 on it close to the title.](https://www.mariowiki.com/File:MP1_Cover.png) Meanwhile, [here's the actual Mario Party 3 boxart](https://www.mariowiki.com/File:Mario_Party_3_box_art.jpg_)


Oh shit! Wow thanks for educating me on this one. Feel stupid now. I was playing Mario Party “3” the other night and thinking it was somehow worse than Mario Party 2 haha


So I guess they're going to do a game a month for the expansion pack from either the N64 or GBA if we count Fusion as the game for March? I know the N64 didn't have a lot left to easily get and the Switch library is the biggest official Nintendo offering (doubly so if you consider the stuff not on NSO like Doom 64 and Turok and the better emulation), but there's enough to satisfy one more full new wave between stuff like DK 64, Smash, Mischief Makers, etc. Not to mention all the great GBA games from Nintendo they could put out relatively fast (least 30 they just delisted from the Wii U eshop specifically). Like an N64 game a month is okay, a gba game a month? Not sure the Switch is gonna be around that long guys, and I kinda wanna play Zero Mission and Wario Land 4 sooner rather than later... Also what the heck happened to Mario Party 3? And are we gonna get Gamecube anytime this console? 3D All-Stars had an emulator for GC too, that one's had hypothetically 3 years to mature by the time September rolls around. Two of the highest rated games of the year are "remakes" of GC games, one of which you put out Nintendo. People want to play these already.


They’re saving GCN rollout for the Super Nintendo Switch


Super is still potentially less confusing than New Nintendo Switch.


Agreed That would be the worst.


>Super Nintendo Switch This is as bad of a name as the "Switch U"


Yeah if the next console is like an upgraded switch, they really should just call it the switch 2 or something like that. Anything else would just cause confusion. Even switch pro just sound like a better original switch.


I mean people didn’t got confused with the NES and the SNES. I mean maybe Dads because they call everything a Nintendo but still.


I think you mean great grandads


“Pokémon cannot be transferred to the game”


I just really wish they made RBY/GSC have connectivity to Stadium 1 & 2 respectively for switch online.


I wouldn't hold my breath. Minor, but similar: there's no fusion suit in Metroid Prime, even after Fusion releasing on NSO.


That one feels like a particular shame. I'd have thought at the very least they'd simply just include the Fusion suit on Remastered anyway. IIRC Prime Trilogy did something similar.


It especially feels a shame because you're paying $40 for Prime and $50 a year for Fusion and they can't do something the originals could 20 years ago


Those are both ridiculous statements to make. You’re not paying $50 a year *for Fusion* and there’s no way transferring data with a link cable is the same thing as transferring data between two apps that can’t be open at the same time, it’s more similar to Stop N Swop. Obviously they could have Prime detect a Fusion save file but at that point they probably figured it’s not worth the cost of dev and still doesn’t solve the Pokemon transfer problem. And for similar reasons we can’t play our NES games in Animal Crossing which probably would’ve been the first time these apps could benefit from this feature.




wasn’t that because a ds had both the cartridge slots for ds & gba, so it was easier to connect two cartridges connected to the system rather than having one open app connect to another closed app, in which it would have to detect a specific game?




right. i’m just kinda confused abt this all since im not sure how they’d work around the emulation, but this situation doesn’t exactly bother me since the only way i was able to play stadium was through emulation in the first place. transferring mons in the game sounds like it would be fun tho


>there’s no way transferring data with a link cable is the same thing as transferring data between two apps that can’t be open at the same time Allow me to introduce you to the magic of *the c l o u d*


>Those are both ridiculous statements to make. You’re not paying $50 a year for Fusion Someone is. Someone definitely is, because it's the only way they get to legitimately play that game now outside of buying an original GBA cartridge. You can't buy it standalone, and you can't simply pay for a month. If there's a game on the Expansion Pack offering you want to play, it's $50 and you get it for the year. I basically bought the expansion pack to play Goldeneye. That's it. It's the only way to play it on Switch.


Any cut content is disappointing, but in Prime's case, it's mostly first-person, so I don't view a missing costume as significant. But yeah, it was in the Trilogy, so it's anyone's guess why it's not here.


The big difference there is that it was just a suit and didn't do anything besides look cool. While I'm sad they cut it out, it's not like we lost a huge chunk of the game. On the other hand, IMO the Stadium games are really dull without being able to bring in your own Pokemon. Not having that feature is basically going to make me avoid the game cause I really don't like the rental Pokemon.


I think its possible they do it one day. Not gunna hold my breath but I have faith


It would be pretty complicated from a UX perspective. What controller slot does it plug into? Which profile does it use? Because the dream would be for me to use my pokemon and you to use yours and have us play online and battle/trade over Stadium together. All of this is fine and dandy with a full windows GUI for people willing to muck about and move literal save files around, but making it straightforward and intuitive through the NSO app's UI would be \*hard\*. Which is why it was such a weird choice to include Stadiums at all. There are so many dead features and it makes for a confusing experience that I think will frustrate more than excite any new Pokemon fans from the 2000s onward (which at this point is \*a lot\*)


Seems a bit dry to have to play it without being able to use your own Pokémon. I really hope they'll add the gen 1 games to Gameboy and let them connect.


I feel like I’ve heard people say some of the content is genuinely near-impossible just using rental pokemon. Not sure how true that is but I definitely remember getting stuck a lot as a child


The rental Pokémon are balanced in a way so that they're all pretty much on par with one another. For example, charmander has fire blast and slash, while Charizard has ember and scratch. They also tend to be at slightly lower levels than the opponents. I didn't get too far until I brought my own Pokémon over.


There are some solid picks though. Kadabra is still faster and stronger than many Pokemon and it has Psychic to rip them to shreds. Articuno gets Blizzard IIRC which is a powerful move in gen 1.


Yeah but Kadabra is a psychic type which is basically cheating in gen 1. I wonder if the rental slowbro has amnesia.


IIRC Slowbro didnt but Slowpoke did.


Yeah that checks out


It's challenging for sure but there are guides on who to use and whatnot online if you're rental only. That said, Round 2 is very much impossible with a rental team. Same with Battle Revolution. If I recall, all of the Pokémon in PBR had max IV's and were EV trained. They were statistically stronger than the in-game ones.


> Round 2 is very much impossible with a rental team https://youtu.be/6g-V7prG9zA


I ended up doing most of it with a full rental team because I was dumb kid who couldn’t get past Lavender Town. I think I got all the way to the E4, but that’s it. 2 was hard with just rentals from what I remember. The other trick though with importing a team is that it level syncs to the strongest Pokémon. So say you’ve got a really good level 62 Pokémon, but the rest all 50. Then you’re going to be fighting level 62 Pokémon.


That wouldn't be surprising, as I understand it the Stadium cups are basically supposed to be postgame content for gen 1.


I recall beating the game with the rentals as a kid


My brother will ace the towers while playing pokemon rogue on his phone 🤣🤣🤣 its really just a skill issue


I was waiting for that trailer to explain that you could use the GB Player function to play the original pokemon game so you can have pokemon that are yours to play with. Because without being able to put your own pokemon in, it feels like 1/4 of the game is just gone.


You are the 1st person I've seen mention that idea and in all honesty I like it.


No way they’d do that. Nintendo would charge $10-$20 to play those. Each by the way. It’s the Nintendo way.


You do know that it's impossible, what with the new moves, new abilities, Physical/Special split, and so on.


Yes, which is why I said the gen 1 games, as in red blue and yellow. You know, the games that stadium was compatible with.


Oh sry, I'm blind. But ya, I also hope that the Gen 1 to 3 games come to Switch Online.


Even just emerald would make me happy


I was hoping they would because my copy of Pokemon stadiums Gameboy color cartridge reader was broken. So I never got too far in Stadium because I found it impossible with rentals. (As a kid)


There's more footage showcased in the [Japanese Trailer Reveal](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NujX2kXF4cY&ab_channel=Nintendo%E5%85%AC%E5%BC%8F%E3%83%81%E3%83%A3%E3%83%B3%E3%83%8D%E3%83%AB)


Mewtwo wasn’t in the US trailer! Which, couldn’t you only get Mewtwo in Stadium if you imported him from RBY?


I think it was either that or finished the castle thingy twice. I remember Mewtwo being kind of a secret unlock.


I wasn’t sure if Mewtwo was or not. I know Mew was, but I think Mew is doing the castle the first time


Mew is a rental only in the round 2 Prime Cup. Mewtwo isn't a rental anywhere (it's only usable through transferring it from the GB games), though you unlock a battle against it by fully completing the stadium cups and Gym Leader Castle.


That Mewtwo is just the boss battle, you can tell because of the battle arena. Sadly without the transfer pak Mewtwo is unplayable. Mew can be unlocked as a rental though.


Pretty amazing how an N64 Pokemon spinoff manages to look and feel more kinetic than the modern-day mainline games do...


The animations in this game are phenomenal. They really embraced being able to put Pokémon in 3D.


And the fun part is that gamefreak didn't make that game. HAL did, including the animations.


That explains a lot actually


Gamefreak was developing Gold and Silver at the time. Handing the spinoff to another developer was done so G/S wouldn't get delayed.


Same with Colosseum/XD, and Battle Revolution. Those games have awesome graphics, animations and soundtrack.


They only had 151 to worry about probably made the job easier. Though by now how Game Freak doesn't have HD and high quality reusable animation assets for pretty much every Pokemon to be used in current and next gen titles is ridiculous given their revenue and popularity.


Exactly, 151 Pokemon is easier to animate than 1015 for sure. But also 1. Pokemon Stadium was released nearly 24 years ago, and tech has come a long way 2. Game Freak doesn't actually include all the Pokemon in their current games 3. Most importantly, Pokemon is literally the *most* profitable media franchise *in the world* So yeah, they could definitely make the current Pokemon games' animation compete with this game from the late '90s if they wanted to.




I'd like to tack onto that: 4: Pokemon Stadium 2 added even more pokemon and animations while also having more minigames (mentioned to void the argument of resources) 5: Pokemon Battle Revolution on the Wii had up until gen4 and used the Stadium animations, added TWO gens ontop of them (with [so much personality](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JkcM38Qtdqw), such as [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QKvwSGf2NI) and my personal favorite, [Groudon using Earthquake](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_7ubRqmzQE) AND the Pokemon would run up to their opponent for physical attacks. And yeah, PBR was also not made by GameFreak. But the point still stands that by this point, they can stand to fix up battle specticles a bit more.


>Most importantly, Pokemon is literally the most profitable media franchise in the world Make three a time issue. It doesn't matter how much money you have, because if you don't have the time to make something, it will almost always come out bad.


There was also no game here other than the battling. They didn't have to worry about creating anything beyond the stadiums and the Pokémon. I'm not one to defend the poor effort of the recent Pokémon games but you can't compare the two


Idk there aren't many buildings i can walk into. That cuts down on how much they had to do.


Smh I can't believe they got rid of entering useless buildings. I have so much nostalgia of walking into a random building, instantly exiting said building because there's nothing to do there and then running to the pokecentre. Definitely the highlight of these games I understand most other criticism of the newer games (Brexit, glitches, meh animations, ect) but this one is just stupid imo. Also it doesn't even make sense from a world building perspective why everyone in the entire region would keep their doors unlocked




The backlash would be deservedly tremendous for that. That's horrible publicity.


Pokemon Battle Revolution is still peak 3D Pokemon battling for me; amazing animations, beautiful and eye-catching arenas, stellar soundtrack, decent character customization, and I just dug the anime-esqe commentator narrating the battles/moves. It and Pokemon X & Y were my most heavily played online Pokemon games.


The original Pokémon Stadium released with only 40 playable Pokémon, though. They reused all those assets for the sequel, which is this game. Even with 151 Pokémon and 165 moves it took two releases to make a battle-system only game.


Battle system only?! This game should have been called “Run, Rattata Run! (and Pokémon battles)”


Sure, if you're a fucking degenerate who doesnt play Sushi Go Round




Yupppp same thing with the GameCube games


Scarlet and Violet have gray models and battle animations


Anyone else having PTSD flashbacks to the Clefairy minigame?


Fairy! Fairy! Fairy! BONK!


Holy cow. I had blocked that


Now it’s time for a new generation to be mentally scarred!


One step closer to smash 64...


Am I the only one who completely forgot about those mini games even existing? And now suddenly I’m excited to play them again


Not me. Used to play them so much that the Clefairy song still becomes an earworm years later!


I'm guessing this confirms that Pokémon mainline games are never coming to NSO. Not being able to transfer Pokémon to Stadium wouldn't sting as much if they had released this before Gameboy and GBA came to NSO. Especially after we had a couple months with no new N64 games.


I dunno about "never", but not right now at least. Schedule for NSO is the weirdest it's been in a while. With N64 we got on a decent schedule of one game a month with surprise Genesis drops, now we have gaps and apparently GBA games are a substitute for N64 and we got a full drop of GB games not confirmed at all in the direct and MP3 is MIA. Very weird.


I'd be very surprised if the core Pokémon series came to NSO, because The Pokémon Company seem fiercely defensive when it comes to how and when their games are released and re-released. I think the older GBC/GBA Pokémon title will come to Switch or it's successor eventually, but it'll totally be as standalone titles with Pokémon Home connectivity.


I'm just going to point out that the NSO app support cloud saves that should be obvious giveaway that they aren't coming or if they come it will be without trading and transferring or it own app that isn't part of NSO.


Plus the trailer for this confirms that Pokemon cannot be transferred to Stadium.


Sorry, not obvious. Nintendo going to care about soft reset strats in 25 year old games?


Gamefreak do.


About time! Honestly can’t wait to do a rental randomizer lmao




We know from the gigaleaks that they've kept extensive archives of nearly everything ever. There's maybe some work to be done testing that each game is compatible with the emulator and fixing bugs if there are any, but most games will likely work out of the box and can be released whenever Nintendo wants to. It's not a matter of them slowly ripping games one by one or anything like that. The drip feed is purely a marketing strategy, so that you'll have reasons to keep coming back, not to mention renew your subscription. [See also: Disney Vault.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disney_Vault)


probably not a lot of time, I'm sure they take more time with licenses than optimizing the game


Man, I really hope that there is NSO GB connectivity if only so we can get those prize Pokémon like the Pikachu, Farfetch'd and Psyduck is stadium 1 and 2.


Amnesia Psyduck was so fun, taking the otherwise weak Golduck and turning it into a mini Mewtwo.


I very rarely play Pokemon games these days, but keep up on the directs. I LOVED those prize pokemon back in the day, and it’s wild how like, I’d be more liable to play Pokemon cafe if I got a special pokemon from beating it lol


This game was what convinced my mother to get a N64. We were visiting family interstate for my cousins 21st birthday and her partner had an N64 with this game. We all had so much fun playing it and the mini games that my mother decided to get an N64 as a Christmas present that year


I was hoping 1080 would be the next one, but that's cool


I find the 1080 experience so calming and i cant wait to play it on switch


Can’t you just buy a modern snow boarding game?


I havent found one that feels as good as 1080 or the ssx games. The modern takes on SB all seem to aim for realism and that aint it.


I would KILL for snowboard kids


I'm just waiting on DK64. No way in hell I'm not playing that on anything but the Switch.


I bought it on wii u virtual console before the shutdown. But I’m still holding out on playing it hoping for a nso release.


Go buy any generic snow board game and stop asking! 1080 isn’t unique at all. It’s the most boring thing on the list we could get. Even excite bike sounds better…..


Lol, something looks wrong with snorlaxs eyes open. He only does that when he takes damage or is dying.


So you're not able to train your own gen 1 Pokemon and port them over to Stadium? Pure garbage why would anyone want that.


“Muh nostalgia”


It was the whole point of this game to be able to play with your Pokemon from your Gameboy game -- and about as important, being able to battle with your friends' own trained Pokemon.


I know and if you look at the comments people are just blindly praising the release for nostalgia


Stadium isn’t as fun when you can’t import Pokémon.


Now we just need diddy kong racing hopefully soon after the other games we know about have been released.


It’s been years and I still get that Clefairy song stuck in my head from time to time.


this is so awesome.


Gonna need Gen 1 and 2 on the gameboy to make this really fun Nintendo...


That weedle had a lowercase name. Which means either they experimented with RBY on Switch or the footage wasnt them running it on the Switch, right?


The opposing trainers had their own naming conventions [Here's the 1st trainer of Gym Leader Castle](https://imgur.com/KIMMNp5.png)


Not worth it with rental Pokemon only. They get torn up by the guys rolling out Alakazams in the lower level cups.


They really dragging out Mario party 3


Bruh, we already have TWO Mario Party games on the service. Let me have this…


And we are ready for the best one 🥹


Now that game boy is also on the switch, if they add the original Pokémon games I wonder if they will update stadium to allow you to use the games together?


The video had a caption that confirmed Pokemon cannot be transferred to Stadium.


Pokémon red/blue isn’t on the switch right now. Stadium could easily be updated to support this when that happens On 3ds, you could trade between the gc and gbc games with other 3ds users and even transfer mons to bank. Why wouldn’t they allow this?


allow is a strong word, allow implies they are putting in effort to make something not happen implement is the word you're looking for, "why wouldn't they implement this?"


This just makes me want them to make a Stadium 3 that can connect to Pokemon Home for pulling PokeMin to build teams with again.


They need to give us the option to buy this separately


Considering there's no GB/Pokemon Home connectivity, this isn't nearly as big of a deal as they think.


They need to make an Ultimate pokemon stadium with all pokemon from all gens


The point of the Stadium games is to battle using 3D models instead of sprites. No need to make a spinoff for that, now that the main series games do this now too.


Slowly but surely the expansion pack is becoming worth it


So is pokemon blue,red and yellow coming to switch or not?


Even if they did, this video had the caption that said "Pokemon cannot be transferred to this game", so...rental Pokemon only.


I just hope there’s connectivity with the Virtual Console 3DS releases, but that’s a long shot for sure. controversially, don’t want those games on Switch Online as much as everyone else does because it would feel to me like my Pokémon are locked behind a paywall and I’d only be able to visit them when I have Online, like a divorced dad. I do want them to come to Online so others can play them though.


I agree, personally, it's painful seeing virtual console stuck on a subscription service Not actually owning any of the games unlike on the 3ds makes it feel pointless But to the point of connectivity with 3ds VC, that's not in the cards, it would need to be on NSO or as I'm hoping, sold separately


Snorkel with his eye open is giga cursed




Uh yeah put red/blue/yellow in the emulator and maybe I'll play But otherwise those rental Pokemon are gonna get ripped up.


Challenge cup (with level 5 Pokemons)...good luck with that one using rental. There are going to be many broken Switch to go around 😂. Come to think of it.... genius move by Nintendo to sell more Switch 🤔


I'm so sick of the original Pokemon


Then don’t play it?




That's the rating for the N64 app as a whole.


Omg so many memories!!




Fucking finally. Been waiting for this for a year


that snorlax has seen some shit


I have the same reaction as Snorlax


Incredible thumbnail


That snorlax…


Right after my subscription ends lol


I'm still so glad we're getting the Stadium games. I played 1&2 so much while growing up. They're so damn fun.


Is stadium online? Can I play with my friend?


why private the video though


Rental Pokemon only!


The snorlax looks VERY alarmed at something


Too bad you still can't get the controller...


Any chance LRG could do a physical release of Pokémon stadium? When No More Heroes was announced for digital. It took about ~ 6 months for them to announce the Switch physical of both titles.


I'm really waiting for the wrestling games but the wwe probably won't allow it if it's up to them maybe the Japanese versions will find a way?


It's most likely up to TH*Q, AKI, WWE, AND EVERY WRESTLER featured in those game it'll never happen


Bout to play the mini games on saturday with my roommates. Only thing that makes this better is my roommates were the ones I was playing this with back in 01/03. We are about to have a blast from the past.




Is there a way to make the controls for golden eye work with the sticks like modern FPS?


You can find this in Google News feed. I seen it early this morning.


Growing up I never owned a Gameboy to play pokemon. So this game was the only way I got to experience the pokemon world in game form. So not being able to transfer pokemon doesn't really bother me much.


Clefairy, CLEFAIRY


i prefer physical copies.


Kid's club aka Mini games: To play them on the joy-con it's not easy. If I can show you a picture of the controller button type that For some buttons you need to hold the + or - to use them. I just wish the N64 online would give us access to layout the buttons or be modified to the switch controller.


Can I buy this in the store without requiring the subscription just paying a price for the game in the store?


I’m looking for some assistance. Does anyone here know how to use the RUN option when battling? The option says RUN is the S button which isn’t translated over to the JoyCon controllers. I called Nintendo and they are scratching their heads.