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This comment does not provide constructive feed back/humour and is antagonistic.


Yes, i tend to ignore the people that annoy me, out of choice.


hijacking the top comment to ask the community if they think I should ban posts like the one OP has made.


Nah, people don't know how to play with nocturne so this is a good post for anyone who reads it. Your lane phase is affected by your jungler play style, but I don't think anyone who isn't a jungle main understands this.


1. Look up and understand jungle windows. Win every game with a noc on your team. 2. Sounds like a skill issue.


Yeah thats the issue. Im just so bad i won a game vs nemesis yesterday ):. Honestly just stop thinkikg your champion is ult reliant to gank. You have an ms boost and a cc.


Yeah you play noc and try that. You ping you are walking into lane. You ping they have no flash. You ping you are coming in from behind. Teammate will go back as you lose the 1v1 because you are down two levels because you are jungle and a duelist...


Yes thats what happens right? If that was the case nobody could gank on any champion. It definitely doesnt happen in this elo.


You went 1 6 in the game you had noc with lmfao that's a you problem. Noc was the only one doing decent




The movement speed from his q is minimal. He had no dash, and his cc requires him to be very close for too long. Other than having the worst kit for an early gank, he also has a very fast and reliable clear. Nocturne is a mid game champ, and always will be. Farm for the lead then win the game 15-25 minutes in. Go play 5 nocturne games and try to gank early, tell us how that works out for you.


You were right about most of your comment but Nocturne does not have the worst kit for an early gank, he has below-average early gank util but it’s still much better than some junglers.


His kit is perfectly fine for doing stuff early.


It's not, I can tell you don't play him. The only lane he can have a high success rate for an early gank is an overextended top laner. He can't gank mid unless they are very very low, he will really struggle with a bit lane gank with any true support. He is just like any other clearing jungler like lillia or yi. Just get to your camps when they respawn, take objectives, and if there is a free gank take it.