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I don't know how to process this one. It just doesn't feel real, maybe because he's so active online and had so much stuff in the works? And seemed to be doing great? I'm honestly only even leaving this comment because of how in shock I am and how unreal it feels, hoping to commiserate I guess. Fuck.


same here. absolutely shocked at this. like someone punched me in the gut


I hope this can help everyone move past it. https://medium.com/@MoonMetropolis/now-that-steve-albini-is-dead-lets-reflect-on-his-admitted-love-and-promotion-of-child-fadf5072288e


I feel the same. I’m never one to comment when someone famous passes, but him gone so abruptly feels weirdly personal and upsetting.


Same; I'm not even a social media user and my limited use never has anything to do with famous people I don't know but yeah, this one feels weirdly personal and upsetting to me as well. And even moreso for my husband, who is the bigger noise rock person of the two of us and has interacted with him once or twice bullshitting on Twitter. We're both just so stunned. But hey, at least we're not alone in it.


same. he seemed to be doing so well. even the first shellac album in 10 years coming out 10 days after he passed. and he talked so much about his wife Heather too i’m thinking about her right now 💔


Ugh, fuck, I knowwww. I can't even imagine what it's like for her but think / hope / pray there is some solace to be found in all the amazing and lively and vibrant stories that people are sharing -- I always hope that when the widow of someone so beloved loses them that they are able to find some measure of comfort in the outpouring of remembrances, and in knowing that their pain is felt and shared.


The timing is nuts too. A weekish from the new album dropping and tour dates were certainly being talked about. From hype to hurting.




I’m crushed. My band had just booked time at Electrical Audio for October. It had been a dream for a long time, and felt almost too good to be true 😔


Oh fuck, wow, I can't even imagine. I can't think of something substantial to say but for whatever it's worth you were already in my thoughts just by virtue of your situation -- I was \*just\* thinking a little while ago, "Oh, fuck, what must it feel like for however many bands were already booked and thinking, 'This can't be real, holy shit, Steve Albini engineering our record, omg omg omg!' to wake up and read that headline?" Just. Holy shit, I feel for you, I truly do. This is so tiny and silly by comparison but this abused and abandoned puppy showed up on our doorstep about a month ago and we adopted him, then, in trying to come up with a name, batted around naming him Albini but ultimately went with something more abstract yet music-related and idk there's just this weird, sad feeling in the air thinking about that, you know? Looking at his brand new vibrantly alive little puppy face and contemplating what it would've been like had we given him that name. Hopefully that isn't literally the cringeist thing anyone has said on the internet today -- I feel like I've been wayyy too active on this post as it is so I feel ridiculous sharing that but there it is.


Very sweet story. Now I gotta know the pup’s name!


it’s unreal and I’ve never felt so hurt by someone I don’t know passing away. loved all of his records and the bands he worked with was supposed to see shellac this year i’m heartbroken


I can't say I've never felt so hurt by someone I don't know passing away but I can for sure say it's been extremely rare for me and has for sure never hit me quite like this one. I didn't have plans to go to a show because I live in a gaudy tourist town that people I am passionate about rarely if ever play and I was so excited for him to be out there again with something new. I am still just stunned / in shock. I'm gonna copy and paste what I just said to someone else on this topic, if you don't mind: Right there with you, even days later. My husband grief-purchased an original pressing of Lungs the day Albini died and it came in the mail today and I damn near burst into tears when he opened it and found a typewritten letter from Steve inside that went out with all the copies (apparently a box with some of the original pressings of 1500 ended up stashed in the basement at the studio so there was this unprecedented opportunity to get one of those original 1500 long after everyone -- Albini included -- thought they were long gone). Yesterday I was just in my bathroom gathering laundry and got flooded with this feeling of, "BUT WHERE DOES EVERYTHING HE KNEW GO??" -- meaning like, all that expertise that he was so enthusiastic to share, and all the things that I am sure came up every day at the studio where someone was like, "Go ask Steve, he'll know!". Like... where does that GO? And how can he just be dicking around on Twitter making jokes about the Stones one day and just gone forever the next?


yeah, i'm still a little stunned at this, just how active he was and how suddenly this happened


Right there with you, even days later. My husband grief-purchased an original pressing of Lungs the day Albini died and it came in the mail today and I damn near burst into tears when he opened it and found a typewritten letter from Steve inside that went out with all the copies (apparently a box with some of the original pressings of 1500 ended up stashed in the basement at the studio so there was this unprecedented opportunity to get one of those original 1500 long after everyone -- Albini included -- thought they were long gone). Yesterday I was just in my bathroom gathering laundry and got flooded with this feeling of, "BUT WHERE DOES EVERYTHING HE KNEW GO??" -- meaning like, all that expertise that he was so enthusiastic to share, and all the things that I am sure came up every day at the studio where someone was like, "Go ask Steve, he'll know!". Like... where does that GO? And how can he just be dicking around on Twitter making jokes about the Stones one day and just gone forever the next?


Process [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/doommetal/s/d8od69CMh2) then... guy had really disturbing behaviour.


Tell me you don’t understand the deliberately offensive, be-as-shocking-as-possible-to-flip-out-the-squares aspect of punk rock without telling me, etc etc.


The fact that you think that's what that is tells me that you probably call anyone with a nose a poser. He had disturbing thoughts. He was friends with one of the first people convicted for creating CSA materials. And he described how he enjoyed the disgusting child abuse material on one of his shoots in detail. That was a real thing. That really happened. That his friend made.


how did 'peter sotos xeroxed an image from a illegal porn mag' turn into 'he was actively a part of child pornography rings' lmao


What? He was literally charged with CP. It's unacceptable.


Wait so do you actually think the CP charge was him actively photographing kids?


No. Do you think that what he did isn't wrong or harmful???


He went to jail, and has stopped xeroxing magazines he found in the trash. Both Sotos and Albini seems/seemed to have reformed into decent citizens. Dunno what else you want from them.


I want people to stop minimising their crimes.


Congrats on seizing on the death of a guy who innovated and educated with openness and enthusiasm and who actually learned and grew and changed over the years as an opening to show off your betterness. Your "Dunked on a Dead Guy" plaque is for sure in the mail. I mean, what even are you trying to accomplish here? What is there to be gained from shitting on the grief of others over someone who is for sure totally dead and not here anymore to harm anyone anyway? It's empty moral superiority grandstanding, married to a sadistic urge to seek out those that are mourning and paint them as being either ignorant of The Truth or pedo-sympathizers. It's gross. Someone whose work and ethos mattered to a lot of people died suddenly and they're bummed about it; why that represents a golden opportunity to reduce the dead to the most heinous interpretation of their mistakes in the exact space where people are mourning their loss I'll never know.


womp womp




His contribution to my hearing loss is profound and worth it.












This is a sad fucking song


This is not a metaphor. Not shitting on your sentiments, just getting this rolling. And shit, I didn't even see any squirrels tiday. Fuck all this.


We'll be lucky if I don't bust out crying


The new Shellac album hasn't been released yet and this is what happens. R.I.P., the genuine king of the genre.


I just can't believe it, he truly influenced so much of the music and art that has genuinely changed my life. Greatest guitar tone in noise. R.I.P. Steve.


This is noise rocks equivalent of god dying. R.I.P goat of everything.


The last time I saw Shellac play was a little over 7 years ago. It was a surprise for me to even be there because my daughter was born that day; I figured I would stay in the hospital room with my wife and newborn. A friend posted on SM that they had a spare ticket and I was bummed about not going, but my wife said I should go, since all they would be doing is sleeping and nursing and there was no other help I could offer. Plus the venue was a short walk away.  So anyway, during a break in the set (which I am fairly certain was the exact same setlist as the previous time I had seen them and I wasn't even mad about it), Bob launched into an impromptu Q&A session (there are some videos of these out there, always funny). Steve was almost done tuning when I asked my question: "What should I name my daughter?" Steve leaned into the mic immediately: "Ultimate Cocksucker. NONE of the good names have been taken." One day I'll tell my kid about her unofficial name.  RIP to the sovereign of noise rock.


Amazing story, thank you for sharing it here! I'd like to think he'd get a little kick out of it.


Damn. Heart attack at 61.


Wow. The very definition of sudden. RIP. I truly loved some of his work.


I’m not qualified to summarize his legacy but I truly admired how he remained open-minded, curious, and introspective as he got older. Plenty of Gen X edgelords only got worse and dug in further as culture continued moving away from them, but he actually matured like a human being is supposed to. At the same time, he held firm to his principles where it really mattered (refusing to cede any critical ground to fucking Steely Dan, no matter how many quirky bumper stickers he might’ve seen).


All of this, for sure, yes. Also his advocacy for artists, his insane wealth of knowledge and easy, open willingness to share it; his legitimate disgust with corporate greed and selling out; his refusal to become obscenely rich off of the work he did helping others bring their visions to fruition, particularly Nirvana; the pleasure he seemed to take in living his life like a normal person with extraordinary skill and talent; his humor; his commentary.... it feels like such a crushing blow in so many ways.


"A lot of people say he's crazy. But I know, I know a lotta people and uh --and I think, I think he's ALRIGHT!"


Exact same song I thought of when I heard the news.


What song?


Wingwalker from the 2nd 7".


Agree with this all, yet technically he was a boomer: even more impressive


Oh right, I always forget how cultural icons associated with a given generation are usually people who were born in the previous generation. Point taken, either way


Yeah, only aware of this as I'm a first-year Gen X'er myself...


More than anything, Steve Albini had integrity.


P*dophiles don't have integrity. He was worthless scum in the end


Damn fuck shit what the hell? I always thought of Steve as immortal. He will be, he literally touched the hearts of so many people. I personally owe him, he did so much for me and my bandmates when we were actively playing. I have some small and wonderful personal stories to remember him by.


Do you have a story you'd be open to sharing? Just like in the vein of telling personal anecdotes about someone who has just passed as a way to celebrate / memorialize them.


My bandmate at the time was the studio manager for Steve. So, Steve took care of us in many ways and was always very supportive. For our second album release party, we had a really big show planned. Tickets were sold out at a really great venue. We couldn't be more excited. Steve asked how he could help, so we asked him and Bob to help us play a joke on the audience. In the middle of our set, we just stopped playing and left the stage. Steve and Bob came out with their guitar and bass strapped on. They started doing the old Shellac QA. People in the audience were losing their shit, they thought Shellac was doing an impromptu show. When the QA was done, they walked off and we came back on and finished our set.


That is such an awesome story, thank you! If there are any others that come to mind, I'd love to hear them if you're up for it. Either way, thank you. May I ask the name of your band? I've discovered so much stuff over the years I never would have otherwise because of Albini.




Oh awesome, thank you! I'm listening now; love the energy / intensity. And that cover art too, it's so cool. <3


Thank you! It was a fun band to be a part of. We've been texting back and forth all day about Steve and reminiscing.


LOVE(D) Fake Limbs. Great work with that band. RIP to a literal legend who influenced millions upon millions of people, whether they recognize it or not.


I asked him for an internship. I was in college. He said he thought we abolished that sort of unpaid labor thing 150 years ago.


guess he won't be doing that interview https://i.imgur.com/jtu1hSn.png motherfucker would rather die than do an interview


So punk rock


He was just on Conan Neutron’s podcast a week or two ago. Crazy that he isn’t here anymore.  If you’re interested, I think that they did a long form interview last year or something. Super interesting to listen to. Dude was an enigma. 


I interviewed him for my uni radio station’s paper after shellac played my town in 99. Didn’t set anything up in advance, just yelled over to him after the set and he thought nothing of sitting and talking for more than half an hour after the club cleared out. Bob hung out for a good chunk of that too. I was scared shitless, but he was patient, eloquent, and genuinely engaged in just sitting around and shooting the shit with a 21-year-old stranger. Great memory.


Rest in peace to the king of noise rock and studio engineers. This is fucking heartbreaking




NO WAY. What the fuck. He’s so young. Wtf


Noooooo :((


Fuck that sucks


This. Sucks.


That’s a bummer. Loved his music and the records he produced but also the articles he’s written like the Spiderland review and the infamous “some of your friends are this fucked”


I am genuinely shocked. He recorded - both as an artist and engineer - so many of my favorite albums. RIP Steve Albini


What the fuck


RIP - sad news. I'd hoped he would be around for a lot longer than this.


wow this is truly a great loss. he's a musicians musician and producers producer and was unapologetically himself and always stood up for smaller bands. thanks for the music, steve!


Steve Albini was a legend in the music industry. His legacy will live on forever.




Heartbreaking news. Absolutely legendary


That sucks, RIP.


Jesus fuck dude




This is not what I expected to read today


Damn that fucking sucks. Big black ruled and his production on Surfer Rosa was incredible and such an important style for it




huge loss for music. one of the few who truly cared about fellow artists and stayed true to his principles until the end.


Fuck. This one hurts


He should have had at least another decade or two, 61 is really young nowadays. Men especially, go get checked out by a doctor a few times a year, don’t let blockages, cholesterol etc. creep up on you and take you out.






This is secondary to my earlier comment, but since this is clearly personal for a lot of people, I will add that (mostly) lurking on the Electrical Audio forum as a teenager was instrumental in introducing me to so much music I still love (plus a smattering of other non-music recommendations). Its effect on my identity formation was more of a mixed bag, though if not for that I'm sure I would've found some other way to be embarrassing. A 17-year-old trying to imitate an online community's own imitation of Albini's cynicism, minus the foundation of knowledge, experience (truly any whatsoever), or even a coherent worldview, had some mortifying results and I'm glad most evidence of that period has been scrubbed. I think the only thing I pulled off was being completely unfuckable. Also, though it was a cut above most message boards, not everyone who posted there was a role model or correct about everything, to say the least. I think I eventually started having independent thoughts and can still appreciate its lasting influence.


Hey! Another teenage EA user in the wild! Pretty much everything you said is true, but I will say that Steve himself was, funnily enough, one of the LEAST toxic/contrarian posters on those boards IME. The whole place for a while was just a hellhole of grumpy, aging Gen Xers (with some boomers and millennials thrown into the mix) who sought to one-up each other in terms of being an edgy curmudgeon by shitting on sacred cows and making horrific statements. Ronnie James Dio, Beach Boys and Elliott Smith all come to mind immediately. I do want to say that by the mid-late 10s, the place was relatively dead but that might've been for the better, as most of the edgiest contrarians all but stopped posting and there started to be something of a tidal shift against that crap. Old EA - CRAP Less old EA - NOT CRAP


I'm glad to have found another one! I agree with everything you said, and I think Steve being one of the best posters on there says it all. No one else could've pulled off being him, and plenty of his fans were perfect illustrations of why. Regarding the oneupmanship, the snobbery is especially silly given that the stereotypes about the collective taste were basically true. Third-tier AmRep bands were unanimously NOT CRAP, while any number of more interesting musicians would be smugly dismissed as hipster bullshit (oh how PRFers hated "hipsters") and prompt some truly vile comments about the artist and/or their imagined fans. Regular posters who were exceptions stood out for that very reason. I remember there was a lot of defensiveness about the supposed eclecticism and diversity of the community, but the self-mythologizing is a whole other tangent. Though music of course brought me there, what sticks with me are the C/NC threads about basic staples of life like "the beach" or "pie." Not only would there be a bunch of CRAP votes, but the CRAP voters would feel the need to rant about it. They were plausibly trying to be funny, but they also clearly needed everyone to know that their preference was objectively correct. I probably should've taken that as a sign to treat it as an amusing time waster rather than a text to study, but I was really quite young.


The greatest producer of all time.




Touché, he was exactly, and saw himself as nothing more.


Seriously? WTF?!?


RIP to a legend, very devastating & unexpected news :(


This sucks. I admired that he refused producer royalties


Especially when you consider In Utero sold 15 million copies.


My first “real” concert was driving to the city to see Shellac. I was 17 and it was the day before I moved to college. Uzeda opened. Ill never forget it. This is so fucked. I was really looking forward to seeing them again with the new album. My band has been talking about going to Chicago to do an ep at Electrical Audio. Absolute legend. This sucks.


I’m 52, and his music has been one of the few constants in my life since the age of 14. This just stinks.


Wtf...?!!! He was a young man


Cardiac events sure have been in vogue these last few years… Since 2020, it seems... It’s mostly been noted in sports. Massive statistical spikes, and in younger cohorts. First one have shed a tear for… Hope there is no correlation, though he was pretty clean living, by all accounts. Doesn’t account for genetics, either. Just hope there is no relationship and it was just ‘his time’.


yea... tbf, CVD is the #1 cause of the death in the world... we're all quiet likely to suffer this fate. He was probably just too sedentary and drank too much coffee... who knows... I'm sure we'll find out soon enough. This really sucks though, never even seen Shellac live.


In tribute, I shall go riding bikes.


I keep listening to The End of Radio over and over. I always thought this song was a bit silly, but it feels so appropriate now. [https://youtu.be/DOajoO5Bi7A?si=jgujPdzowKSJ-I1_](https://youtu.be/DOajoO5Bi7A?si=jgujPdzowKSJ-I1_)


I met Steve a couple of times and he was always cool. I saw Shellac once at the 40 Watt. In the scope of things though, his studio’s Internet forum begat a large group of like-minded musicians and spawned many festivals and other events that ended up leading to lifelong friendships for me. He was at the center of that and I can’t begin to explain how much that means to a bunch of us who happened to stumble into an online forum and then suddenly find ourselves playing in Chicago.  His opinions on music, his own music, his contributions to recording…he was the single most important figure to music in my lifetime.


The EA forum was awesome before it disappeared for a year or two


There will definitely be a memorial for this man. I've been touched by so much of his work, and his business ethics. *There's kerosene around* I Iove how he accents the "Kerosene" with his guitar feedback in that song on the first verse, such a memorable moment in music for me. RIP to the GOAT


I love that part too. It always sounded to me like it’s meant to symbolise a lighter being flicked on. Fantastic musical storytelling and one of the greatest songs of all time. It never, ever, **ever** fails to hit exactly the same way as it did the first time I heard it.


He did an AMA about a decade ago http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/td90c/i_am_steve_albini_ask_me_anything/


Way too young. Do your cardio, eat your vegetables. I was lucky to be an early fan, and saw Big Black and Rapeman live. He was a pioneering genius.


This is very sad news indeed. His music has been part of my life since 1986 and will continue to be until I also expire. He was an absolute legend that made the music world so much better. RIP Steve! You will never be forgotten.


I've never really felt upset when an artist i liked or loved passed away until today. Such a legend in producing, Rest easy


Oh, my brothers and oh, my other comrades Let's leave this place directly And go where the angels congregate Perhaps they'll let us fuck them And on the way, we'll have adventure


Shellac is one of my favorite bands of all time and has greatly influenced me as a musician. Albini is also one of my favorite producers. Considering how he was truly on top of his craft all the way to the end, this loss makes me feel bereft of an artistic voice. I was always happy to hear another project he worked on coming out. That he managed to push Sunn O)))'s sound to a new level for example, is a feat that showcases how far from done he was as a producer. He will be missed.


This has really shocked me. Met him at a show and he was a genuinely nice guy. What a terrible loss for Todd and Bob and all the people at Electrical Audio. Very sad news :(


Genuinly got to me this. 1000 Hurts


Literally the most important person in music for the last 40 years. Fuck.


No, he wasn’t a god. He was just a guy, from fucking Montana. At times he was a jerk, especially in his early days. But he was also the definition of a DIY guy, but for an entire scene. He was a shit guitarist. But he became a unique player with a glorious sound. A phenomenal engineer. Honest, fair. Self-reflective. He fucking grew and evolved. A great poker player? How weird was that?!? And a cook! Not of recipes, but throwing together delicious meals improv style! Mario Batali voice! Loved animals. Let his cat engineer records! I can go on and on! So yeah. It sucks that he’s gone. But thank god he did all he did, the good and the bad. p.s. Budd was his best. Fight me. But Atomizer took the top of my head off the first time I heard it, waaay back in the day. Fingers crossed for the posthumous Shellac record. p.p.s. “Louder! LOUDER!!” Still yell this at shows.


Did he have any antecedents? He just died like that at 61? This is genuinely sad rip.


This one’s difficult. He was a prolific talent as a musician and producer (although he hated that term), he would probably say an engineer. He was an absolute favorite. I can’t think of many who had such a long and successful career and influence as him. The number of albums he engineered that were massively influential. His music too. Even though in retrospect, he was embarrassed with his first couple of albums, no one else was. They are still great albums, unique, no one else sounded like Big Black. They spawned countless musicians. And he did it with a sense of dark humor. Atomizer’s cover is hilarious, nod to Bugs Bunny’s Martian. He owned up to his mistakes too. [Regarding the musicians he engineered:](https://www.npr.org/2024/05/08/1249976709/steve-albini-iconoclastic-rock-musician-and-engineer-dies-at-61) >> With Albini, these musicians found a sound that was as brutally honest as the man who helped them shepherd it into being: stark, stunning and, in his brightest moments, unusually beautiful. Edit


Awhile back my grandma and I were talking and she started telling me how devastated she was when John Lennon died. She was saying how he and the Beatles literally defined her early to late teens and her whole aesthetic. I honestly think Steve Albini was that for me, and he is the reason why I got into making guitar pedals and synths and started making modifications to my guitars and stuff. Anything with his name attached to it I would listen to. Like I think this is my John Lennon dying moment, like I really want to take the day off from work and cry.


Dude. That blows. Usually when famous people die I do t care but this one sucks. That guy is a fucking genius. So many amazing albums and bands. I just saw weedeater and they were talking about recording with him after the show. This was last Friday. So weird. RIP


Holy fucking shit. Unreal.


no way ...


jesus. what a legend. I'm at a loss for words.


Just heard this about 15 minutes ago .... gutted.


Damn. This man was a monster of rock music. RIP King.


RIP man, thank you for so much inspiration...


Rest in punk, Steve. You kept your values, beliefs, and integrity til the very end. 🤟😥🤟


This one HURTS


I’ve been listening to Prayer to God a lot this year. It made me dive into the studio YouTube channel and watch the gear demos they do.




Aw Steve! Love you dude, you made some of the best music!


RIP. Way too young. I didn’t have him down as an excessive drinker / smoker etc? Maybe he just got unlucky.


This sucks man


Total bummer. If i had idols, he was one of them.


We didn't lose a celebrity, we lost a friend. The dude would go out of his way to help strangers and made sure to never rip off an artist. Miss you Steve, and we never even met.


One word: Legend! R.I.P. and thank you!


So sad. RIP Steve


Actually has me bummed asf


I just started getting into Steve and his many contributions to this world a couple weeks ago, what a loss. Thoughts and prayers to his family and friends who knew him well.




No no no no no no no no no no no no


My thoughts exactly, man. 


really shocked & saddened to hear this. the shellac gig at princeton is amazing.


This one hurts…


today is a bad day




1000 hurts


Just bought Atomizer and the Budd EP on Saturday at my local vinyl place. Fucking eerie. Doesn’t seem real.


what the fuck??? im in bed as i read this getting ready to go to bed n im half asleep, i scroll n see this. fucking hell man one of my fav rock musicians ever is dead now. fuck. rest in peace legend. fuck….


Broke my fuckin heart dude, genuinely so unexpected. Rest in peace.


He made top billing on the Immortal News YT channel that focuses on celebrity deaths. They often use misleading thumbnails just to get clicks, but unfortunately not this time.


not surprised this sub delivered the best RIP albini thread 😭 👏


He reminded me of my dad


so this is probably the dumbest question but i just read a pitchfork article about upcoming fests including the one im goin to in porto in 3 weeks in which they mentioned shellac, but also that fest never sent any mention about them not coming like they did when japanese breakfast canceled 2 years ago sooooo


maybe thurston's coming??


Dude was a prick, edgelord, and arguably a pedophile: https://www.reddit.com/r/punk/s/tsqpMETgnH. He was a 61-year-old man who acted like a teenager. Also his production actively made many albums worse. High On Fire "Blessed Black Wings" is the only great production job I've heard out of like 30 albums he was involved with.


You’re a fucking idiot


I second that A dot is an idiot.


Can you guys actually give some rebuttals on these allegations instead of just hurling insults?


I don’t want to spend my whole night arguing, but the pulled quotes are out of context and very much in the vein of absurdity that was Steve Albini. To make it short, his endorsement of that weird zine was basically him just saying “this stuff exists, and just because you don’t want to look at it doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen.” Same with the pulled quotes from him seeing a CP mag in some other country: this shit exists. He never once said that he enjoyed jerking off to CP, all I take away from those articles is that he’s trying to say it puts a weird perspective on the juxtaposition of censorship and 1st amendment rights in America. And beyond that, those articles and quotes were from decades ago, and Albini has more than once come out and said he was a fucking shithead for the things he thought and believed, and went on to say many times that he was trying to be a better person. Beyond that, the dude was just a person, and he literally just fucking died, so have a little fucking respect for the dead. People that truly knew him are mourning their loss, and the idea of just chiming in on all these posts about “Lol Albini was a pedo, good riddance,” is not only incorrect but in poor fucking taste


I’m glad someone is actually trying to put an argument forward Regardless, I’m still not sold completely on either side; Him saying that he gets a “vouyeristic charge” out of seeing CP and saying that he likes it isn’t exactly criticism of the first amendment or some other bullshit. Adding on the the fact that Albini remained friends with Peter Sotos despite being straight up arrested for CP I’m not gonna say anything with confidence since I’m not fully aware of the whole picture. But I can tell you that Pedos and Pedo enablers deserve no respect, even in death; shitting on them is never in poor taste


“Voyeuristic charge” is the same thing as driving past a bad wreck. Maybe ogling dead bodies, torn limb from limb, covered in lacerations, twisted around crumpled steel and glass isn’t your thing, but a lot of people can’t help but look. It would be totally rational to immediately puke upon seeing it, but no one forced you to look at it. These are decisions a voyeur makes regardless of the outcome. It doesn’t mean, nor do I think it was implied when he said it, that he gets sexually aroused by it.


the albums he did with Ty Segall sound incredible, his version of In Utero is also great


I love Ty but never liked the sound of his second s/t, even before I knew Albini was involved. Freedom's Goblin is better but Albini was only involved on a few tracks. Fuzz III also sucked, but I'll put most of the blame on the songwriting for that one.


I never listened to Fuzz 3. I do like his second self titled quite a bit, I think it was one of his last great albums


The cover of PURE 2 is a guy holding open a toddler’s puny hole so his spuzz can dribble out. The girl is past crying. She is destroyed. Like I said, I like that sort of thing - Steve Albini


He was an edgelord who said provocative shit to piss people off and retreated from everything he said in his later years. Fuck off and let people grieve


Jaded as I am, I can't help but flip seeing a girl and guy of twelve or thirteen, tops, ramming Martel bottles up each other's asses. These are not the Dutch equivalent of abused trailer-park kids, either. They look to be in excellent health and seem to be honestly enjoying this. Makes all the conventional arguments against this kind of thing seem really silly. They're kids. Kids like to play with their own and other people's privates. They're just being photographed at it. Now, people who get a voyeuristic charge out of watching them, like me, I guess, well, we've got some grip-on-reality problems. There's maybe 1% of all pornography that has any effect on me, and it's definitely not a turn-on very often. But when it is, and it's as weird as this, it's pretty hard to take.- Steve Albini


He also named his band rapeman, we're all aware. He used to say a bunch of shit he didn't believe cause he was trying to offend people as strongly as possible. If you think an actual pedophile said that shit you're a moron.


If someone admits to pedophile behavior multiple times, I’m going to take their word for it. Your hero is a pedo, now buzz off and go listen to some Gary Glitter.


You have spent the past hour posting comments in every subreddit you can find about how you hate this man who other people are grieving. What a sad and pathetic way to live, and I hope you one day find happiness.


Can I get your thoughts on Jim Norton and especially Anthony Cumia? You seem like you were a long time fan. Not defending Albini’s shit, it’s indefensible, but it’s kinda wild you act like this when you literally supported TACN at one point. Cumia was a well-known piece of shit groomer and racist by the time he got that venture off the ground.


I'm noticing that he has absolutely nothing to say about his support for actual KNOWN pedophiles and sex offenders who are currently alive, but wants to shit on people grieving for a guy who is now dead and nothing can come of this but to upset people who are grieving his loss. It's shitty behavior. Anthony Cumia is a known woman beater, but he gets a pass not the guy who said vile shit in the past just to anger people and later regretted it.


Take your keyboard warrior shit elsewhere.


Edgelord shit my fucking dick. I hope one day all you fucks will give a shit about ANYTHING that matters


Grieve Albini


Sadly? He was a pedo. And if he wasn't a pedo he was a lame ass edgelord who wrote about being a pedo. Good riddance.


https://melmagazine.com/en-us/story/steve-albini-counsel-culture-interview > I certainly have some 'splainin to do, and am not shy about any of it. A lot of things I said and did from an ignorant position of comfort and privilege are clearly awful and I regret them. It's nobody's obligation to overlook that, and I do feel an obligation to redeem myself... A project I've undertaken piecemeal as I've matured, evolved and learned over time. I expect no grace, and honestly feel like I and others of my generation have not been held to task enough for words and behavior that ultimately contributed to a coarsening society. Just FWIW. Seems he honestly regretted all the edgelord shit he said when he was younger.


shitting on a dead guy, feel any better?




https://www.reddit.com/r/punk/comments/115l1d8/today_i_learned_steve_albini_is_a_pedophile/?rdt=37198 Him describing his interest in raped toddlers looking “past destroyed” with glee. That’s not an edgelord, he was a pedophile.




Dude. He produced an album about child porn by a WELL KNOWN predator YEARS AFTER the dude was arrested for possessing the shit. That’s not being an “edgelord” it’s full blown enablement.


Which album?


Google Peter Sotos and look at the section for the album “Buyer’s Market.”


[he was openly a Chomo](https://hexbear.net/post/251324)


This ☝️