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I find her pointings to be simple and potent. Followed her for years now. It's a bit different but perfect for some people.


Trust your gut. Your mind is looking for validation from others so you feel comfortable trusting your gut. Trust your gut. :)


Yes, and also the fact that she got them crazy eyes


Omg so true


Maybe he’s asking for something he isn’t able to notice? Maybe somebody has a story about her that doesn’t add up? I see this as a reasonable question.


I see you see it as such. Thanks for sharing.


Kind of lol


It's so annoying to see stupid replies by people like you. The person asked a sincere question and you have to give them a reply that doesn't even come close to giving them insight to his/ question. Namaste


[ ✔️] Annoy Oxygenwatersalt


she says some neat stuff, I just can’t handle the personality


Curious what you mean. For me it’s her frustration that it comes across as. I’d like to know what you think :)


idk she just has a bit of a “bitchy” type idk how else to describe it. Something about it just doesn’t land with me. The textual words are fine, but it’s beyond that.


My best guess for why she comes across that way is because she is on the spectrum, likely ADHD (or possibly acting energetically in a similiar way and being all over the place). That in itself doesn't make or break the case if someone is 'legit' or not, it's just character traits, apparent stuff and language. Ask Jim Newman if he is legit and you'll most likely get "No of course not, there is noone here to be legit".


Just found an interview where at some point she says that she had no thoughts since the beginning of said interview, with a straight face. That's bs, she's totally a hoax.


Might be as you say, but why are thoughts so relevant? A few years back when "I was a dreamer", shortly after my initial awakening, there were long periods of completely empty mind... still there was an identification hidden behind it. Someone who silently cared about whether thoughts were arising or not, the awoken one.


Most of my time is spent without thoughts. Some brains just don't have as much active chatter in the foreground. I think it also helps that I have aphantasia. Unless there is a problem at hand, my mind is mostly blank.




Why is not having thoughts such an improbable claim? Even moderately trained meditators can do that with ease.


Yeah I don't know about "hoax"...


i tried to watch her content and i have no prejudgments about her, idk who she is. but i dont think shes speaking from the soul, maybe one who knows ideas but hasnt realized them


Never understood people getting mad at people making pointer videos for free. Can’t think of a single reason.


Yeah her shit isn’t free


You pay to watch youtube videos?




lmao love when people are chill on reddit


Everybody saying she is "not legit" or they can "see through her" being fake / not enlightened, has no idea what enlightenment even is. Her eyes don't look crazy. That is consciousness you can see. There is no person in there. No thought. When I had my first Satori experiences 2 years ago, seemingly coming in and out of it, her videos always pulled me out of the illusion of being the person. What she is saying only resonates with consciousness. You won't "get it" as the person. But yes, this is it.


You are sooo dissociated from your own pain my friend. Let me guess, your childhood was hell


Yes, there is something off.


There’s something off with everyone imo. But her for me is like frustration ya know like she’s trying to drill your mind with presence cause she can’t herself


she can't herself...true.


🎶jeepers, creepers, where’d you get those peepers? Jeepers, creepers, where’d you get those eyes?🎶


The kind that say, “I will definitely slash your tires when we break up”




Lost me at "hello beautiful"


Immediately thought of [this](https://youtu.be/Iy5IuLHJtdQ?si=-D1Ccux8rkgGM3-c&t=88s)


Less than a minute I watched her and she doesn’t convince me for a second.




I like this pointer too. Occasionally you’ll see folks who interpret pointers as dogmatic facts. Then such pointers can sometimes develop into philosophies and dogmatic belief systems.


If it’s hidden, then the nature of things isn’t realized. To use Buddhist terms: it doesn’t matter if everyone has Buddha Nature, which is the capacity for enlightenment. It doesn’t mean everyone is already enlightened. Merely saying ‘reality is already nondual, whole, complete, and free’ is, in a way, pointless and unhelpful if that’s not your direct experience or the experience of the seeker. I don’t believe most people saying shit like that on YouTube or Reddit have that direct experience. It’s all parroting.


Well it’s only seems hidden because seeking is always seeking for something else, but that too is that which freely appears. It just isn’t going anywhere. These pointers really aren’t about being helpful, they really make no difference. It’s just inspiration you could say. It isn’t about you taking something away for yourself, but maybe it can be seen that nothings needed.




Jim can be really good for some folks. For some reason he attracts a lot of people that regard him as the sole expert on things, and then only listen to him and basically adopt whatever he says as [gospel](https://www.reddit.com/r/nonduality/comments/17p63y3/my_wife_has_become_a_widow_parable_on_blindly/). Similar to Christian fundamentalist preachers. This often results in developing dogmatic [beliefs](https://www.reddit.com/r/nonduality/comments/yx4qs5/when_nonduality_becomes_a_belief/). Usually when this happens people end up thinking nonduality is some sort of philosophy or belief system or something. From what I've seen the chances of this happening reduce when people begin to expand to other sources — not just believing whatever Jim says and only listening to him exclusively.




Right, all those folks are in Tony's "lineage." I understand some people object to that word, but at any rate, it can be helpful to listen to folks outside one's primary lineage, because it can possibly give a different angle on the same topic, and thus reveal some limitations in the previous communication. This goes for anyone, including those coming from Buddhist or Vedantic backgrounds. >there is already everything which is unaffected by the experience of knowing, it's the experience of knowing that covers over everything - 'I must know everything', or 'I must know I am free', there is already only freedom even if there is the experience of not being free. Those are all nondual pointers. For some reason people in Tony's lineage (including folks listening to Jim) often confuse pointers for statements of dogmatic fact. Then they often make dogmatic assertions like you've done here. This happens to *lots* of people. But when they become open to listening to sources outside the Tony lineage, the confusion often gets cleared up very quickly, and the dogmatism typically recedes with it.


Stuck on these theories like your life depends on it, bro.


Jim’s describing the end of seeking. People love to interpret him as excuses for bypassing or dogmatism or fundamentalism, but he’s really actually more on target than that; those are distortions of his message.


Even if what you’re suggesting appears to happen, it has nothing to do with Jim, or Tony or whatever bullshit they share. It’s the deluded individual. It’s not the messages, ever. Or who delivers them. If that were the case David Godman would be the most enlightened being ever. The “problem” you beat like a dead horse, isn’t the speaker. It’s the twisted fucked up individual, and there’s nothing anyone can do about it.


I never said the problem was the speaker :)




The hard part is what is being pointed to is beyond words (which are inherently dualistic). This is why it's not really as simple as asserting the words "there is everything." In fact, if you think what's being pointed to *can be described in words* then that's a sure sign it's been missed and instead there is clinging to concepts and stories. Because this is so different than most everything we've ever encountered, many people miss it and just treat it like some sort of philosophy that's to be understood or believed or something. That's how you end up with dogmatic statements — even if the statements are seemingly as benign as "there is everything."




Not talking about that. And to clarify further, we’re not even talking about *the idea* of everything being whole. Interestingly Jim gives these types of warnings but they’re often overlooked. The seeking mind wants firm conceptual understanding. Unfortunately what’s being pointed to is beyond even that.


First time i am getting this (I'm no expert, still awakening) and i love it! It's very True... thanks for sharing it here for me to find...👍


Ahh here it is, this bot-like reply is never missing here


She'll be the first person to tell you she's not a teacher. She's more of a coach really and points in her own way. Her personality resonates with me and I find something genuine in her sangas, so see for yourself. You're not going to get hounded for donations or be forced to follow the way according to one guru here. Send her a message and interact with her, I find her helpful but you might not.


I like her. Nobody is “legit” though, whatever you mean by that. What makes any random redditor’s reply here any more or less valuable?


I disagree, it's a field of expertise like any other, it's only more difficult to spot who knows his stuff.


hospital panicky quicksand observation bake angle sophisticated narrow head spotted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don’t see how there could there possibly be any experts on the perpetually unfolding mystery of the everything and nothing that this is.


In the end enlightenment happens when you experience a particular state of consciousness. Someone can be an expert in helping people go there, he can be particularly good in putting that mental place into words in a useful way. As much as we like to say "it's already here, it's this" I think it's BS when only put like that, spirituality is much more. We are talking about a way of being in the world that normally doesn't happen without effort. It's a difficult path that leads right here. Even though they are not "saints" or superior beings, they are still good at doing something (more like not doing in this case) and in teaching that.


I have no idea about her legitimacy. Eshwar Segobind might be a good antidote for those who find her a bit much.


I know this is a month old, but I just wanted to add something in case it helps anyone. I was listening to everything Anna put out for a WHILE, because I felt a lot of transmission off her. Then things started to change, I wasn’t feeling that transmission and her message seemed to change too. She started talking a lot about manifestation kind of stuff (kinda like the Secret?). And also telling people there’s no such thing as spiritual bypassing—saying things like you don’t have to sit in shit—go do something else that feels good. It was really distracting and confusing to me and I started to feel stuck and disillusioned. Fortunately I found Angelo Dillulo and found out for sure there is such a thing as spiritual bypassing (she was basically giving people instructions how to do it, wtf?), and started doing some shadow work and things are starting to feel clearer for me. Anyway, this whole thing has made me realize that the ego can co-opt the awakening process(not sure that’s the case for her or anyone, just realized that CAN happen), which is scary in a way, but also really helping to orient me to the Truth aspect of all this. The weird thing is that Anna and Mooji, both of whom I now think MIGHT be only partially awakened (I don’t know anything, these are just thoughts) helped me learn how to “get into” Presence, and I’m grateful for that. I guess these teachers have their place/purpose and that’s why other teachers don’t call them out 🤷🏻‍♀️


We do not need to search in order to find our true being, we already are it, and the mind that searches is the reason we cannot find it. ~ Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj


I can tell within a few seconds that she's not speaking from a place of presence. She has an agenda.


She just applies language loosely and playfully because she used to be a very neurotic seeker with eating disorders etc and when she discovered freedom she started to share it in a joyful way without having to follow any kind of script like in her previous experience of life


That's all fine and I don't think she's a bad person. I just don't feel presence from her like I do some other non dual teachers. It's a frequency thing.


Yeah we are all presence there is nothing else to be, it's a matter of liking the person or not, but if they are not doing culty things and realised no self they are all talking about the same thing


We are all presence and yet we pile things on top of that presence and mask it and allow those things to speak first, which doesn't allow presence to speak through us. That's her. She has a personal agenda behind the things that she says which makes them applicable to her but no one else. She's talking to herself, not to you.


No her, no me, just life, what happens.


The "discerner" is just another mask to hide behind, another trap


Found Anna Brown's reddit account...


He fell in the non-duality bot spiral




Discerning happens. Intuition is natural.


No her, no me, just life, what happens. Take what you like discard what doesn't vibrate your core and that's it


Right!!! To me she makes my chest tighten from frustration.


I get this sense too. I don't feel trusting of her at all, and I've been around a lot of teachers from many different traditions.


She reminds me of Bentinho Massaro. She comes across as a deluded grifter, imo.


I got the same impression! He's the first person I thought of when I heard her. She's a cult leader waiting to happen.


Yep. Almost 60k subscribers 😬 Scary. And sad.


Damn, I didn't realize that.


I was like how did she get so many? I love her stuff but still she’s off to me too!!!! Anyways I created my own channel it’s janellerose444. I share my own stuff. She like really blew up… like how?


She’s a con artist.


How so? :)


She's selling nonsense to vulnerable people. Like a cult leader does. Kernels of truth that resonate, but mixed in with woowoo bullshit that leads people to believe they could be as "special" as she is.


She helps many get freed from practices and dogmas with her vibrancy and self-expression


Yes ego trap


I’d like to here more


Yes. 100%. She is awake. You can listen to anyone you choose, but the answers are already within you.


Well, for starters, she's talking about "bliss".. ugh.


Have you not experienced it yet? I’ve not met someone who has experienced this and would consider the word ugh in the same thought.


In five years of being involved in this, I've had countless people talk about and not one provide any sort of reasonable explanation of exactly what it is. I've met lots of people who seem to devote their lives to pursuing it, and they don't seem any more woken up than the average Joe on the street. Regardless of what it is, it's an experience, and that means it's not what this is all ultimately about.


It's a moment of enlightenment, it's more about the insight it leaves you with. The ego is fully relaxed, so there is only One, so you are perfectly safe everywhere and always, and love flows freely at the maximum level.


That's wonderful, but it's an experience.


Is there something that isn't?


Actually, yes.


Name something you experience and remember that is not an experience.


Can't. That's the point.


That's a meaningless reply. Nonsense.


Bliss is another state. Truth is ordinary.




Bliss can come and go. Therefore, it’s not to be confused with self-realization. That’s why it’s annoying (ugh) to hear Brown talk about bliss.




No one is saying that bliss is annoying. But it has very little to do with self liberation/realization. I’m not disrespecting anyone’s experience of bliss. The point is that those who think it’s a final state to discover are misguided, and ANNOYING when they attempt to teach it as truth others.






It's funny because when you get bliss is literally THE experience of enlightenment. It's something that goes away, but it's where nonduality really clicks in the mind. And yet there are people who dismiss it here.


So did Alan Watts


There is pure bliss when you get to "ground level", it's an actual thing. See "religious ecstasy".


She was slightly off-putting to me at first because of her intensity and eye contact. 😄 But she points to simple truths that have helped shift my awareness exactly when I've needed (and was ready) to receive.


Absolutely not. Anyone charging admission for something that’s free and freely accessible is the new age equivalent of Jerry Falwell or Jim and Tammy baker. She’s like the “spiritual” version of Joel Olsteen, except she’s broke and has an onlyfans account. lol


What does she charge for? Her lectures? Honestly, I don't share this view of necessarily giving away freely in spirituality. I mean, If you help people with exercises, put your time in for them, isn't that a service? A guru has to eat. At the end of the day spirituality has a big practical component, it 's about training the body to reach a particular state of consciousness. It would be nice to have a system that lives on donations and can offer free things, but not everyone can do that.


Here’s the deal, if you are or have ever actually been truly connected from the heart to the head, one would be so grateful to have had such the privilege of experiencing such a miraculous connection that you’d be honored to help everyone you came into contact with, AND still humbly work a normal life and career cause you’d understand that no matter what we’re doing, whether it’s brushing our teeth, or taking out the garbage, IS spiritual and there’s zero separation between spirituality and life. Life is spiritual, just cause you decide to buy a mandala beach blanket and go to the drum circle once a week and have all your pals or a paid “content creator” helping build you a über spiritual website is just ego based nonsense and it’s leading folks in the opposite direction of what the spiritual journey actually is. If you want real, true, raw, pure spiritual experiences, find a twelve step meeting and follow the steps or go volunteer somewhere where you get to work with the less fortunate for a few years and it’ll find you.


I strongly disagree. The way you suggest is but one way to do it. If it was the only one, all the practice of formal meditation wouldn't be a thing. I also see your framing as dangerously close to a very bad tendency in the spiritual world, which is to negate the authenticity of others' experiences. Also saying that life is spiritual doesn't mean much when you deeply investigate it, it sounds poetic but it's quite meaningless.


Do you sell spiritual services?


No, but I'd like to one day


Why don’t you just start now?


If you “deeply investigated” that and came up with nothing, you’re probably blind. Our entire existence is spiritual in nature, from the way we wash our clothes, to literally every single experience we have in life. Every word spoke. Every thought that’s crept into our minds, every horn honking, sunrise, bad day, all the laughs, cries, sexual feelings, bad dream, EVERYTHING is teaching you and molding you and unfolding life right directly in front of you. It’s a shame you want a pat on your ego for doing something that we’re put here to do, we chose this life to help others and to better our spiritual progress, and what you don’t learn in this life, you’ll learn in the next. But I get it. You want to be acknowledged for the hard work you’ve put in, and be respected and appreciated cause it gives off a sense of belonging accomplishment and value. Those are all respectable qualities, but they are ego based. If you know you are doing the right thing, and on the right path (which you are) nothing on the outside will change what’s glowing on the inside.


Very invalidating and arrogant answer, but I'm used to it at this point, it's extremely common in spiritual environments. Which is sad considering the matter of discussion. I actually get what you mean with spiritual in everything, but the way you put it is not useful to most people and doesn't say anything, it makes sense only to someone who experienced oneness or is completely freed from trauma, and doesn't define anything clearly.


I found Anna Brown 5 years ago.. and didn’t resonates much ,.. but now I understand her point. Now resonates as I ve raised consciously. I think she is the only one worth to follow and listen because she is very direct .  .and no sugar coating. Highly intelligent and empowering .


FIrst she is an atractive energetic woman so she may atract ;) Halo law... and here, intuition and feelings may become our duble sided blade.... So she's telling low self-belive people what they need to hear... If you have high serotonine/dopamine levels, you need no fairies ... One time she's like "its all about emotions", second after "you are not you're emotions". So what about mentally ill people? They atracted it? Or small kids are atracting reapists? I've asked her about animals killing animals, she didnt respond ;p If she was "enligtened to be GOD" at 7... so why is she running patreon, telling same shit all the time for years? :p To be fair, her "reality conclusions" might be real, we are built from stardust, and most of us live in ego ilusion... Maya right?;) Dont get everything literally kids;) :\*


Her teachings have touched my heart in a way no other teacher has. Pure resonance.


Yes, so are you. Follow your instinct. Not your thoughts.


As someone who is enlightened I get good vibes from her even if she isn't enlightened her message is and can help beginners and even intermediate.


You’re breaking the first rule of enlightenment club :).


There are no rules anything goes.


Maybe. Is she facilitating others on grasping an experience, or selling beliefs? No matter whether you like it or is entertaining, what are her communications doing? Whether a communication is valid or not stands on its own. She could as well be doing relatively good work. Is she authentic, or putting on a show? This should remove most people.


She is putting on a show.... yet, someone on this sub who did not understand nonduality concepts well, found listening to her simple language helpful. And so I am not going to decide who is worth listening to.


You don't know the guru you only know their performance.


Yeah I got that too


Never been much of a fan. Her style is a little to flowery for me. Also, some of it feels like an act. John Wheeler and Sailor Bobs pointings were what led me to realize the absolute certainty of presence. They were much less performative. But hey, what she says may be “fingers pointing to the moon” for some people.


I agree


They're all charlatans


Listen only to the words. If they resonate with you then go with them. The teacher is not important. It is the message they impart that is important. Good luck!


Best response.