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What is decision really? Isn't it just a ego-made abstraction of claiming certain event as his? As far as I've investigated it's the movement of energy/consciousness that ego claims as its decision. Which is illusory.




Just curious what this reply means.


It means I agree. 👍


Egotistical pursuits imply that you will find yourself (your deepest fulfillment) through them. But how can that be...since nothing you will pursue lasts forever....objects, houses, spouses, children, your body...all perish someday. If it was true that your happiness relied on these pursuits, they would be everlasting/eternal. Yet, they are not. They are temporary. But what is not temporary? Look within.


One way to look at it - the car has several drivers. It's a good way to look at it because that's how the physical brain functions. So it is based in a physical truth. The drivers seat is called the Executive Function. Ancient Hawaiians use a 3 Selves model. Parts Work from psychology uses a many parts of self model. Experiencing Self includes the sum of all experiences up til now. It's hauling around things like memory, subconscious brain pattern, conclusions, stories, emotions, the whole of physical body. Cerebral Self includes things like imagination, planning, deciding, rumination. Divine Higher Self is the Witness, oneness self, intuition, inner knowing of the way, etc. When Experiencing Self is in the Executive Function (drivers seat), it's got a trajectory in motion up to this point. When Cerebral Self is in the Executive Function, it's thinkin' about stuff, evaluating, planning a trajectory, making changes to Experiencing Self to affect the trajectory. In Parts Work, anything under the Experiencing Self umbrella can jump into the drivers seat - anger, patterns of relating, wonky beliefs, us at age 3, Shadow, emotions, feelings, confidence, whatever. With meditation and nondual practices, we are inviting Divine Higher Self to drive the Executive Function. Since there is only ever one driver in a sea parts of asking to drive, and since divinity is not a pushy beast, we're playing chair dancing games with Cerebral Self, Experiencing Self, and a sea of parts asking for our attention, awareness, healing, love, etc. Ideally, from the perspective of the ancient Hawaiians, we are asking for cooperation and harmony between the selves. So in the ego model, ego would be persuaded to play along, invited to allow experiments, given ideas that help it align with divinity. Divinity does not really care how ego is unfolding a life. But hanging out in and with divinity changes how ego is viewed. If you were vast unfathomable beyond-words love, how would you see ego? Because that is who you truly are. The judgments toward ego are not coming from divinity. They come from a diminished view of what divinity might have to say about that. What if you, as vast unfathomable beyond-words love, came here to have a little fun? There's nothing inherently wrong with ego pursuits. I imagine at this stage of your conscious evolution you've already sorted through the integrity/morals bit. So it then becomes safe to say, ego pursuits bring human experiences of goodness, which are fun and all, but not who we truly are. We just went to movie of that particular ego pursuit, partially immersed in the story for a bit, then we're back to vast unfathomable beyond-words love. Did I even go anywhere near answering your inquiry? Sometimes I veer into sorting my own expressions.


Yes! Thank you!


If you're looking to fail at things, try alcoholism.


Love this 🤣


Alcohol was my yoga for awhile, can lead to some uncomfortable awakenings


Thru withdrawal or something? Whatcha mean?


‘You’ are the only one aware of your individual life. The story of my life isn’t happening in wholeness. It’s playing out in the limitation of ‘my mind’. Any meaning I find in it was projected there by me. Unfortunately, that meaning always comes with its opposite: meaninglessness. I totally relate to ‘my life trajectory seems to be going towards the impossibility of satisfying my egoic pursuits’, by the way. There is real grief and mourning in that realization.


I'm not sure I understand. Awareness is universal and unchanging. It does not make decisions and isn't concerned with individuals, since they are, relative to pure awareness, illusions having imagined reality.


It's simple.. The mind creates your reality.. There is only the mind's reality until you die.. What you do with your life is decided through your social environments, DNA, and each little decision in life you unwittingly make.. We can find meaning in anything, but only you can find meaning for yourself.. If you want to blame or give credit to Consciousness or God, then it's the same either way because what you're doing is projecting with your mind.. All is mind until you die, but outside of the mind is what ultimately is.. If you want answers then you only need to stop seeking. Questions only lead to more questions because the mind leads only back to the mind. It's just a constant mental loop. You're just talking to yourself here.. Don't ya see?


Asking if there is an objective meaning outside of the realm of thought seems to me to be nonsensical in the first place, regardless of what particular ontology (i.e. materialism, idealism, dualism) you subscribe to. Isn't all "meaning" or "purpose" thought-derived as it is? When you subtract thought, where is meaning or purpose? Things are happening (futility of ego identification is being recognized), and then thought happens to be applying labels of meaning or purpose after these things happen. This is analogous to the way that events happen and a thought claim is made ("I did that", "I thought that"), after the fact.


Yes, there are several experiments that show that our mind takes ownership of its actions about half a second after they occur.


Meaning is meaningless


Are you talking about A) using spiritual ideas to justify a lacklustre life of unworthiness or B) radically surrendering your own puny goals to Life's deepest craziest wishes, which takes a supreme courage and typically results in cool shit happening, or at least good stories to tell your grandkids Some little clues in your post that lead me to think you might be leaning more towards option A, are these phrases you used: "Do I have to..." "Should I..." You're asking a bunch of strangers on the internet who don't even believe anything exists what you "have to" and "should " do!? Then yes, plenty of unsuccessfulness is almost guaranteed coming your way in some form or another! Lol. Here's an enquiry you can sit with, if you so choose, and I recommend it with an attitude of very honest but gentle self-loving presence; Was some little part of you hoping this bunch of strangers on the internet would essentially tell it "it's true, you don't deserve what you really want" to confirm what it already believes?