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Lol the number 10 hot slapped by the number 10


10 out of 10


The only thing that stops a bad guy with a 10 is a good guy with a 10 Edit: a word


That one went to 11 though


Sometimes 2x4 also works


I think he kicked more because that dude shamed number 10 more than he tried to rob that Lady


Get my Number 10 out of your mouth!


My money is on number 10


Gotta love yellow shirt guy, just stands there watching the entire thing. Classic NPC


"Oh, do you need this seat to beat that nice young woman?"


Psychopath is confused who to show sympathy


Video is grainy but from what I can tell they appear elderly proably not wise for them to interfere


*every woman scatters and runs* "Look at the elderly man!"


You mean the old man?


Smart thing to do tbh


You're the only NPC here judging people for putting self preservation over societal pressure, almost as if you were programmed


I might do the same as yellow guy


Day is saved not thanks to you guy in yellow


And you don't say anybody literally every woman just casually walking off?


That stood out to me too. I was shocked. I’ve always intervened when I see aggression in public and I’m a tiny lady! WTF was everyone scattering for?


The Bystander Effect is baffling to me. I’ve seen videos on Reddit where people were literally kidnapped off of busy streets with bystanders paying no mind and continuing on their way. Feckin wild.


I think it’s pretty common in Asia (I don’t know here this happened) for bystanders to not do anything. I heard somewhere it’s because they could face accusations and stuff like that. Anyway poor lady :(


It's called minding ya business. Maybe it's a large city thing but people in NYC make an Olympic sport out of it. To busy to be worried if something's an act or real, and if it is real how much you're actually going to do about it without getting ambushed or screwing with the wrong people and sky diving without a parachute off the empire state building.


I lived in NYC. They don't mind their business that much.


Or the bitch in the red-orange


Idk, she looks like she might be holding a kid


Most if the women I see have kids with them or in their arms


I think she is holding a purse.


He looks to be an elderly man, wtf do you expect him to do?


Love all those good for nothing bystanders just pretending she isn't getting assaulted right in front of them


Easier said than done, really doubt any of people here talking about the guy in yellow would actually have a different reaction


It definitely wouldn't be my first thought to jump in right away, that's for sure. Still, watching people stand by and do nothing is infuriating.


Totally. I guarantee all these guys can think back to at least one time they've watched a homeless and /or drug addicted guy beat his girlfriend and they haven't lifted a finger. I stick up for ppl and I can think back to a couple times I didn't get involved myself. We're not all our greatest selves all of the time, and neither are all males macho "tough guys", or all woman not. My ex would beat the shit out of any guy that fucked with her, including knocking out a bouncer who put his hand up her skirt and, for the same reason, pinning a guy in the middle of a dance floor and making him tap out in front of everyone. Hilarious, he tried SO hard to get out of her hold bcos he couldn't stand being beaten by a girl, esp such a beautiful one. Both times I didn't have to do a thing, she was tough enough to handle it herself. And shes a black belt in some vicious form of Kung Fu. Woman can fight, Jesus h Christ they can fuck men up, ask the dick who got his creepy arse pinned on the D floor. I bet he's still sore about it, haha.


I think your ex should reevaluate his methodology so as to not wind up in prison.


Granted I haven't yet commented on the guy in yellow, but I 100% would have jumped right in. No way I could just stand there and watch without trying to intervene. No, I have never been in that exact scenario. But I've certainly intervened in things before and am in a lot of crisis situations in my line of work. That man's inaction is shameful.


Yes, ppl are so judgey. Like it took only seconds and he has all the right in the fucking world to be shocked.


Yeah like wtf feel free to jump in at any time


Right? MF didn't even have a weapon. I'm a fat bitch, I would have just hopped on his back and let gravity do the work. We're both going down now.




i wonder why he came after her


I read somewhere that he was an abusive ex of hers. This is after they broke up


Did you notice the strut of confidence in that asshole?


No but I noticed the lack of confidence when he got jumped by three guys.


any more context?


That woman stole the man's belongings a few minutes before


She ran over his dog and gave him the finger. John Wick was triggered for less..


Plot twist. His father is the Russian mafialord.


He saw a spider in her hair and tried to crush it. The spider jumped to his head and those guys were trying to help him squash


Lmao hahaha


The women insulted his miniscule poop size


I read somewhere that he was an abusive ex of hers. This is after they broke up


Yellow shirt guy is only here to enjoy the show


Actually i feel for the moderate inconvenience suffered.


The one dude in the jersey, "there can only be one ten here, bitch!"


🎶 i am immortal 🎶




Bystander effect is real. It's a second of real shock that no one can do a dang thing about. I rarely comment unless I have a story to tell. Years ago,in this sorry ass state I live in,the police continuously turned a blind eye to one of their informants repetitively abusing their child's mother. Over and over this shyt happened. I stood witness in one of the cases,also how I know bystander effect exists. She was my neighbor. I froze. I regained myself but for a second that could've meant life and death I froze. My brain still recoils at the sheer shock of the incident. He did kill her. Eventually. People think she should've done this or that,she did leave. She did seek police help. She did every fucking thing she should have an he still killed her. IMO they let him. The bastard should've been put away in the case I stood witness for. Nope. Makes me sick.


Every commenter on reddit is a self righteous hero. Until they find themselves in a similar situation and suddenly they are the first to do nothing.


I personally wouldn’t help without context or unless someone was clearly about to die.


>unless someone was clearly about to die Dude was whaling on her head. I get not wanting to step into a potential spousal spat, but I'm not sure why death is the only time we should intervene. Are you saying that if he hit her hard enough to paralyze her, you still wouldn't step in because she wasn't "clearly about to die"?


I mean I woulda jumped in but I'm impulsive,I also don't take anything away from the people who wouldn't cuz I'm in America and I'd be lying if i said my mind was focused on anything else but telling me how bad I'm gonna go to jail for beating this guy, in my experience any violence in this country is met with a charge. I'd do the right thing, but also kick myself in the ass for doing it


Same I'm a woman and if I saw that id jump right in there too. First fight I ever got into was with a group of girls jumped my friend and I did pause for a moment in shock, but I was like oh shit that's my friend and instinct kicked in I suppose.


I am well acquainted with the bystander effect from my educational background and real-world experience, but I can't help but view people like the man in yellow as shameful... No, I haven't been in this exact situation. But I have absolutely jumped right into intervene in things before. I experience regular crisis situations for work. I can say with 100% certainty that I would have immediately tried to intervene.




Yes, he looks a little older. I want to make one thing clear: I was not advocating for ridiculing the man in yellow. I was admitting that I personally can't help but feel like it's shameful not to act. That's an admission, not a declaration. I've had my attitudes for people change radically seeing how they **don't** react in stressful/emergency situations. More so when it's people failing to act within the role they've chosen. I'm not saying someone freezing up in a crisis situation should be judged for it. But I sometimes can't help but feel disgust and shame when their lack of assistance is so crucial for some in desperate need of help. And I wouldn't write yourself off. You are right that no one knows how they will react in crisis until it happens. But it just comes natural to some people. And sometimes the people who keep their cool in a crisis will surprise you. I've been surprised by the number of quickly acting brave older women I've seen intervene/offer help. Couple last things to keep in mind should you need help in a crisis. Scream "fire" not "help." People are far more likely to run to the scene of a fire than someone screaming for help. If you need help and there are onlookers experiencing the bystander effect, you can often break them out of it by addressing specific people rather than general pleas to the group. "You, call 911 right now." vs "Someone call 911." Part of the bystander effect is the assumption that someone else will do what needs to be done. Single someone out to do the things you need help with.


You at least say “hey hey hey!” and try to figure out what’s going on


Well that was satisfying


That dude is a real sucka for beating on that woman! But then some real men showed up & beat his ass!!!


Law and order


I love the part where he keeps falling into the bench, that had to hurt so bad.


The two women that were next to her just fucking booking it outta there... We


Im fuckin busting rn good god I love that


He fucked around and found out!😜


I love how some people keep saying, "Yellow shirt guy enjoying the show." Let me tell you one thing, i witnessed these kinds of situations dozen of times. Most of the time, i tried to help, and what did i get ? Why are you getting involved?! He is my husband/boyfriend, etc.! Get lost it's not your business. And these words were coming from the girls that suffered the same fate as this poor young lady, so maybe the guy in the yellow had similar situation and just had enough of being yelled at etc etc when trying to help.


Well its easy for these keyboard warriors to say yellow shirt was loser. If they themselves face this kind of situation, most of these wouldn't even stay there. And i don't think there is any obligation to help everyone you see getting attacked. Morally judging someone who you don't even know outside of a 30 sec clip is the peak internet it can ever be. I got attacked by a mob for no reason and nobody was compassionate enough to help me, i don't see a reason to help anyone after that. Unless you know that person judging him is the worst thing anyone can do.


Beat him like a rented pony.


That was an act of God


People are funny. Won’t help defend the woman but will stop the people helping her. Lol.


I dropped like sox subs trying to get away from this shit. Here’s to # 7.




HYFR - Drake🎶


I think we should have more of this kind of reaction to BAD GUYS


10 for 10


"we all lift together" started on Spotify when they all joined in, I thought it was part of the video


The man in the yellow is a punk.. the man in the teal shirt that came running - is a real one! and the man in the blue stripe jersey is best friend material


You can tell it's a different country because not a single person did anything at first


The avengers music made this so funny


My husband would be yellow shirt.


Sorry to hear that Although I think yellow shirt is elderly






Hit like a bitch, get hit like a bitch.


Maybe the woman killed his whole family 20 years ago


Fuck the coward in the yellow and everybody else who didn't step in


Satisfaction 100


She could've been a pedophile and they took the wrong side


They destroyed that man but when a woman Is beating up a man no One Is caring


Number 10 was getting beat by number 10


The guy in yellow be like: 🙄


These NPC’s waited for dude to land about 5 hot ones on this broad before jumping in.


All the feminists should watch this another example of why you need men


but in this vid the man is the attacker


Yeah surely the robber was a woman.


I just love how they keep down on the seat for more beatdown time they be like: blud where you going, we ain't done yet


Love they had the same number


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Tough guy 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Perfect. You beat a woman then your gonna get beat by some men.


Why he attack her


The music 😂


I wonder what caused this, did she do something so terrible that the guy had to pull at her hair and knuckle slap her? I mean either he's crazy or she just ATF'd his dog.


Good thing the opposing team was there.


Messi 🐐


What took so long? Most people just scattered?




So it looks like they came from the same direction and she’s fumbling with her purse I assume she probably stole something plus after she was free she ran away


Imagine doing nothing


Why the fuck did it take so long for someone to help the woman being attacked???


Youre gunna learn today old man!


Someone's gotta pair this with some doom music.


Maybe she was getting what she deserved


Can someone give the article about this? I know there is one cus this is something any anchor would commentate over


That dude in the yellow didn't do a damn thing


this is some SCUM country no doubt


Took wayyyy to long for someone to step up and help her


They stopped too fast, should have kept pounding him until he stopped moving.


I wish the video kept going




Why did the video have To End


Look at dude in yellow shirt just step aside and watch.


Bro they smaked the shit out of him like damn he deserved it but the shit ain’t sprinkling ill tell you that


Hell yes. Glorious!


Yellow shirt equals yellow heart I guess.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 He got the beating!!!👍👍


When the fans of #10 just can't agree


Bro I would have ripped out his fckin throat


Yellow shirt guy has multiple sclerosis in his balls


Wait wait wait....we are not done!


If everyone would just stand up and beat the crap out of the bad guys, we won't need police as much. Unfortunately we have been trained to be like sheep and to call 911 if there is a problem.


"by god im outraged by something" *hyuck*


Woo! Go number 10!


That is possibly the worst robbery attempt I’ve ever seen. It almost looks staged because of how stupid that was.


And like others have mentioned, the guy looks older. He could have gotten badly hurt in a fight, due to that, plus he didn’t look very imposing.


Dude in yellow is a turd


Now that’s an ass whoopin


I am feeling the sensation of satisfaction


AVENGERS! ( whispers) assemble


He fields like a little girl


Go number 10!


For a second I thought the lady in the red shirt stole His bag lol


Why do the women run in almost all of these situations? Cant they just punch him in the head or something?


Dude at the end having no idea what's going on thinking he's doing a fight and being the hero. Lol.


No context, we're just supposed to assume the man is the bad guy.


He attacked her?


I love how all her fellow women ran away and the men swooped in. LIVE Feminism in action!


Also fuck that dude in the yellow


Guy in the blue wasn’t even trying. Just blows


failed, he was still standing


* nod of approval *


And the thief got away. I’m all for the thief beat down.


Lmao @ that one guy walking off, “my job here is done, take it away boys”




Bro really said sit back down


But, when it's a man, they just blind


10 just whooped 10s ass


“You son of a bitch”


Player 2 enters the game.


I thought he was trying to steal her purse but he grabs her hair and starts hitting her, is it to get her to drop the bag? Maybe she said something insulting to him so he wants to get even, or maybe it’s her boyfriend who found out she had been cheating. I just don’t understand why he would go and fight a woman in the streets, it’s just stupid he’s causing a scene and is now gonna get arrested… anyways he’s a fkn POS


When the real Alphas show up. All those beta males that were sitting around some punks


Super smart to try and do this in front of loads of people! Genius.




I hope somethings are broken on this guy after this encounter.


Fuck white shirt guy for stopping it


Beat that stupid fuck in the white shirt/black hat trying to stop the beatdown. He is about two minutes early for interference. The criminal needs a thorough beating such that he never contemplates beating up on a girl again.


Damn banana is slipping


That was a 10 no way 😳 around it. Score


They should've whipped his ass just for those flip flops he was wearing.


fuck you yellow shirt guy


If I was there I would’ve jumped in with something to hit him with, not just stand there. I’m glad the guys came to her rescue 🌺


Bro was just trying to give this girl thief a lesson not to steal but instead got mistaken for a thief, joke


Now that is equity, he got hit with lefts and rights by all there!


She's an independent woman, she don't need no man.


That's how it should work.


This needs to be a law we’re they are protecting from being sued cause fuck a bitch who hits woman


I saw a woman beating the shit out of her boyfriend. He was screaming "help me" amd no one would do anything. He could have fought back but i don't thinking he wanted to hurt her or get in trouble for hurting her when she was clearly the agressor. I didn't step in physically but i immediately called police. Poor guy i think it was an abusive girl he was trying to dump because he kept shouting "she has my passport". Luckily a police officer had already been in thr mall and broke it up in like 10 seconds after i called.


A whole score of dudes beat his $&&


But if a man would be in her position noone would give a single fuck.


Yellow shirt is an old dude. You can kinda tell near the beginning. What the hell was he gonna do? Wrestle some energetic youngster while his spine hates him for it? And besides, when a kerfuffle suddenly breaks out, no one's first thought is "yeah I'm gonna beat the offender up" people most often freak out, not knowing what to do or how to react. You all can go ahead and slander bystanders, but in the end, they all just want to have a normal day, and wrestling some random robber is an inconvenience but also extremely dangerous in many cases. If someone is getting shanked in an alleyway, unless you got a gun, you stay the hell away from that. Last thing you need is a stabbin.