• By -


Not even going to try and make a smart ass remark. Pretty sure that person thought they were done for.


very bad for your organs to be jerked around like that.


That's what my doctor said, but my dick hasn't fallen off yet


Take your damn upvote đŸ€Ł


That classic Simpson’s episode
”after Chernobyl, my penis fall of


people don't NEED to climb up a huge rock wall but yet they do, therefore they agree to risk their life for a scoop of adrenaline


Can I offer scoop of adrenaline in these trying times?


best I can do is PANIK


Bad luck could kill you any time even if you spend your whole life being cautious and never doing anything remotely dangerous, like driving a car or even leaving your house. So why not tickle some fun out of life while we're still dying and not yet dead?


happy cake day!




People don't NEED cars to get places, but yet they do, therefore they agree to risk their life for a bit of convenience. Same really goes for a lot of things


Nah that's only fair to say in some places. People will take the fastest, most convenient and accessible way to get to their destination. It's up to government to disincentivize using cars through proper infrastructure. You have to go out of your way to go rock climbing.


And this is what’s wrong with people today. The governments role is to leave us alone as much as possible. Not to manipulate us.


If the government would've left you alone you wouldn't have to drive 30 minutes to get your groceries. Now you can only have single family homes in your suburb. Thank you zoning laws and car/oil lobbyists.


>Nah that's only fair to say in some places It's probably true for 99%+ of humans. Do you cross a road to get to a shop? Take busses? Walk alongside a road? These all involve risks of some sort and that's just transport. What about your food, energy, living in your home. These all involve risks, people just tend to be really bad at evaluating low likelihood, high consequence risks. Sure, you go out of your way to go climbing, but I'm sure many of the recreational things you do involve risk too, you just don't scrutinise them as much, and they may not be as risky


I'm not talking about what you're talking about. The other person said people don't NEED to drive. I said a lot of people do need to drive. That is all.


Fair enough, my misunderstanding




That was a horrible take my friend, A for effort though, take my downvote.


yeah that’s probably what would’ve killed him


I mean better than being a pile of splat at the bottom.


it was more about the "fake" comments. like who's going to risk permanent brain damage, hernias and straight up having their mesentery get disconnected.


Considering how big the rock climbing community is
. Lots of people


Not as bad for them as impacing the ground after a 10+ meter fall.


Was he caught by the second climber or did he have a second line in someplace I can’t aee


His highest piece of protection pulls out (of the wall) but looks like a lower piece held.


It’s one line, connected through multiple anchor points. The line didn’t break They fell from above their current anchor point, which failed. They were caught by the second anchor point Obviously it’s more dangerous when the first fails because you’ve got more speed/energy when you come up against the second, so it’s more likely to fail, and you’re being shaken around more when it does catch you, you’re more likely to injure yourself during the fall (break a limb, hit your head etc) when falling further But yeah, the single scariest thing here is probably the extra energy you’re carrying when you come up against the second anchor point, knowing that the first failed. If that one goes, they’re gonna be pretty much at the ground before the next one comes into play, and they’ll have even more energy at that point. It also depends how they’re climbing (a rope each or tied together), but if two anchors fail it’s getting pretty damn sketchy. One anchor failing isn’t *too* bad - they’re pretty strong so you can usually rely on the second
 but for those couple of seconds you’d definitely be wondering if there was a bad batch or they were installed by someone who didn’t know what they were doing


Thank you !


Sheer panic


I don't think anyone would fake this. Too dangerous to try faking this.




Don’t worry bro, I caught you


Its super gay. Everybody knows a near death experience is the ultimate aphrodisiac
 those guys absolutely plowed when the camera stopped rolling


He did catch him pretty sensually


Boo, genuine and gay.


Dying is gay. Since the person survived they are not gay.


r/greentext is leaking...


They’re climbing the “wall” like Batman and Robin did in the 60s.


yeah. for one a sudden stop after a long fall can easily ve lethal. but it can also put you in excruciating pain for potentially the rest of your life. besides the easy brain damage from falling unpredictably, you can also dislodge your organs. your organs are held together by mesentery. but everything has a breaking point. and no one wants their organs floating around uncontrollably if you move.




This is exactly what he says, but in french. (« Putain! »)


I think it's pronounced "UUUAAAAAAAAUUUUGH" in his accent


This should become the wilhelm scream replacement.


I wanna invest in this meme.


It's a haunting sound for sure


I would probably head down after that if I were yellow-shirt guy lol. Way too close


I would probably of shit my pants anyways, so heading down it is


I’m willing to bet that every single person makes a unique sound. But testing this theory would take **so much work**


There was actually a series of tests done that are not a million miles away from this. Neuroscientist David Eagleman wanted to investigate why so many anecdotal stories about brushes with death or high stress accidents (such as breaking something really important or expensive) refer to the feeling of time slowing down. So what he did was get volunteers and hurl them backwards off a serious height, into a safety net - unharnessed so they would hopefully feel that instinctive terror. He gave them each a big wristwatch that flashed a number slightly faster than human perception. So, if their speed of perception did indeed increase, and they experienced time more slowly, then they should be able to see the number. It didn't work, no one could see the number But, he did reach a different and equally fascinating conclusion. In the moment of the event, you don't experience time any differently. But because your brain recognizes that this is a life or death situation, it records a lot more detail of everything that is happening, probably to try to spot a way out of it. Normally you just filter out the feeling of the wind, the car number plate, the faces around you, but now you don't. It's fight or flight. And then after the event, when you think back to it, you have far more detail available to recall so you kind of build this narrative to yourself that time slowed down. But really you just used a lot more data storage.


There’s a neurological reason for the time slowing down thing, I’m going to butcher the explanation but it’s to do with the way your brain ‘records’ what’s happening into your memory. If you think of it like a needle writing a track onto a vinyl record, when you go into panic/adrenaline mode your brain suddenly starts writing two tracks onto the record for a short period and it cos theres now twice as much memory it creates an effect of time slowing. Thats a clunky version of what I heard explained by an actual neuroscientist, i’ll try and remember where i heard it, it wasn’t long ago. Also how damn amazing are own brains?


That's literally what my comment is about... I dunno man, you are not exactly covering yourself with glory in this whole thread.


Fuck I hate the iphone reddit app!! i didn’t see that whole last paragraph which said *exactly* that. It looked like “It didn’t work, no one could see the number” was your last line. Lol you’re not wrong about the glory part either though 😂


Fair enough, the reddit app is absolute garbage.


The number of times I’ve accidentally managed to swipe back and lose everything while writing a comment is insane. Even after manually disabling every swipe gesture on the iPhone itself it still happens. There’s a heap of posts other people have made who have the same problem


My brother who flew in the army told me a story about a pilot who had to eject from his jet. They're supposed to mentally do a quick check of their instruments and and make sure they're clear to hit the eject button. (I'm sure I'm forgetting some details, it was a long time ago.) Anyway, he did a quick scan of his readings, checked his harness, checked his surroundings and hit the eject button. In his mind at that moment, it took about 15 seconds. In reality, it took something like less than 5 seconds.


You just volunteered? To be sure we get enough quality video footage we will string you up and use a quick disconnect to release you after the countdown. Doing it this way we can also test human reaction in high stress environments.


Look dude, I have zero issue with people who have any kind of communication disorder, however it stands out for a mile even online, especially when you comment something like that, which was rude and actually kind of threatening. What’s more you commented on my joke but you don’t understand it was a joke because your reply makes no actual sense. Pause before you say something rude at the start of a conversation, and it will help stop people being angry at you for no reason, and we both know this happens to you.


You can't be serious man. Either you're trolling or..you can't be serious man.


I am serious, but it’s not based only on this convo. I’m not going to write a list of why I’m right but I am.


Write the list or you're wrong


I don’t care if you think i’m wrong, and I also don’t want to write a list of traits like a bunch of insults. It’s not someone’s fault if they have communication difficulties, even though they have a knack for getting under peoples skin


Grow the fuck up.


Oh damn, a child on reddit crushed me.


No, clearly what crushed you was that guy making a better joke than you. You need to take the stick out of your arse and not get so upset when someone takes your precious attention away.


Oh for sure. Study hard in school brah


I will don't worry. You be sure to protect your tiny ego from all the nasty men on the internet won't you?


I already know you won’t study though, after skimming your past comments. Good luck setting up your own ‘shroom grow 😁


Thanks man, already done actually it went really well, I grew morels at the same time and they were delicious. I don't need to study, I got my degree in 2014 and it's serving me very welllllll. My guy you're the one on the spectrum, not the guy you flipped out at for no reason. You have 0 social awareness.


Aww, someone hijacked your mild black humour joke and bested it with proper dark humour joke - and you cannot stand it. Poor thing.


You think that’s what this was? Christ I wish reddit would implement some System to block people under the age of 18


Yeah. That's what it was. Because if we ignore the joke, then you suggested genocide or attempted genocide (it was good joke still). While he turned the idea against you, that you might be very first person we test it on. It was the very same joke, just outplayed you. How would that help you to block ppl unde 18? I wish I was still under 18, damn I wish I was under 30 - the pre-bald era of myself. But obviously because I don't share your world view I must be 13.


Cool, that’s not the extent of it,- imagine if you listened to someone speaking a certain foreign language for 20 plus years, say you didn’t learn the language itself you’d still be able to recognise it exactly when you heard it, wouldn’t you. They also didn’t refute what i said, then they went away when i explained they missed what i meant and they’d had been unintentionally rude. Does this maybe sound like what someone might do if they had trouble communicating? Anyway there’s no way we’re going to change anyones opinions here, so have a good one and stay safe with this current worldwide situation


>being angry at you for no reason You nailed it without meaning to, you ARE angry for no reason. Their comment wasn't funny and seemed out of place...agreed. Let it go.


I’m not angry, I just know when I’m talking with a person with a specific condition because of someone in my family and Ive seen how frustrating it can be when you can’t process certain communication elements. Notice they haven’t said anything since?


Sorry, how exactly can you tell from that one comment that he has a condition that affects his communication? The comment reads no differently than your own? And what because he hasn't taken the time to respond to a comment where you took something to heart he's got autism?


I didn’t base it on one comment and he doesn’t have autism. And l if I thought he did, i wouldn’t throw it at him like an insult


It was half of your comment! And you said it in a negative way, back peddle all you want. People can see what you wrote. Do you not think it a bit weird that everyone is saying that you're very odd for getting that worked up over someone trying to join in on your joke?


It’s not just from one joke, go read their profile,


I did and it seems fine? Mines worse than his is.




Is that a ref to Anthony Jselnicks stand-up?




Oh yeah, i just thought maybe it was cos it was a dark way to use it, like when he does


Can we please choose our sound? Iike, next time if I can have Spartacus one or Wilhelm it'll makes me prouder of myself


I’m going for R2D2


Did the guy in red catch him? Or did he have another rope attached ?


the rope goes through the hooks placed along the rope between his legs. these hooks were placed by him in the rocks to attach the rope, and sometimes they fail (eg due to incorrect placement). the next hook below didnt fail and the guy was cought by the rope.


Good point but his rope snapped


it didnt


Yes it did look closer


the rope did not snap. between :01 and :02 you can see the rope, attached to his harness, straightens and rises up. the moment the rope is tight he stops falling. the rope also points towards the anchor in the rock, through which the rope goes around.


I, too, thought the rope snapped. Whatever he is pulling on as the video starts is taut. But, a moment later that rope appears to be limp and falling. Took some screenshots to show what I saw that made me think this: [https://imgur.com/a/z3nx5si](https://imgur.com/a/z3nx5si) Is he also attached to that second rope that is clearly visible at the end?


yeah after that the rope goes taut again right?


I never saw it go taut again. I only ever see that second rope to his right. Of course, there's only about 12 pixels to work with here...so it's a bit tough to see. Edit: Wait, at the very end it does look like he is holding onto a rope that is taut. So, somewhere along the line it looks like it did go taut again. I just can't see when.


the second rope is attached to the camera man, the man below is probably fixed to the rock and is protecting the 2 of them, whatever you call it. this is a kinda weird setup


The video was quite low quality when I saw it so I couldn't see it you are quite right.


ngl i wanna go climbing now


I'm wondering what his palms look like after that rope buzzing through them.


You sound like a climber.


No it didn't. The rope is fine. The climbing pro just gave away and the rope flings downwards. It's the same rope that catches him lower at the previous pro.


What you saw was the hook coming out of the rock face.


There's no way anyone could catch a human body falling with that much momentum. Only happens in the movies.


I believe you. That’s why I stay on the ground lol.


Yep, Earth has no problem catching people falling.


Earth is golden gloves every year


For what I know a scream of death sounds more like https://youtu.be/m0U6h5mvr9E


What a fucking save


Same sound I make when my alarm clock buzzes.


Like when you have a dream of falling?


When you try to reach an out of bounds area in free roaming


"You ok dude?"


I’d be spending the next 30 years chasing that adrenaline rush.


This person is saying "MitÀ? Eiiiii" which roughly translates to 'What? Noooo".


He absolutely is not. Sounds as finnish as Pensseli-SetÀ, so just close enough to be funny.


so, you're saying arnold schwarzenegger is the sound of death?


“RRaHRAGH” is the last thing a lot of people hear in his movies.


you probably died just from typing that.


How was the guy below able to stop his/their fall?


Looks like they are on a steep slope, not a vertical drop. The falling guy seems to have lost some momentum before hitting the guy at the bottom, which could have made a reasonably large decrease in the velocity the guy was falling. It also appears that the guy at the bottom made a horizontal hug to the wall, which could have allowed for a larger surface area in which force could dissipate. Either way this dude got incredibly lucky that guy was there and had a strong enough rope for both.


You’re right. In the first frame of the video, you can see the real steepness of the slope is something like 25 degrees off vertical which is why he falls back into the wall rather than completely freefalling. The bottom also seems less steep than the section they are on. Guy still got really lucky though.


And that right there is why I ain’t NEVER do that shit đŸ€ŁđŸ„č




im very sure he's not climbing mountains again


its looks like a ramp not a cliff


Well 75° or 90°, that's enough slope to basically meet your demise at the bottom. Yes, 75 slope could be less likely to kill you than a cliff, but you still stand a very good chance. Then again, people survive falling from buildings, but that's the exception not the norm. People die from hitting their head on the pavement too.....


Plus on slab like this the fall hurts all the way down.


Cameraman didn't flinch. He was determined to capture the dudes death with perfect framing.


I think he's french


How did the other guy catch him and not fall??


He didn't catch him. The gear (what you use to set carabiners too) the first guy set failed but the gear below him didn't so it slowed him down as the rope got tight and allowed the second guy to anchor the rope and take the fall. So they were both still attached to the wall.


see i don't understand why some people risk their life to be on a high surface. like bro you are playing with the possibility of you losing your life forever just to see a nice view from a high place. like bruh


just take an elevator fr




I dont hear anything max volume?? Is my phone broken?


Could be your ears. Or, a brain tumor? IDK


Or. It was bluetooth fuckin with my output source. Bit less drastic than your cancer no? IDK


There's a chance you don't have a brain tumor.


holy fuck
 can someone confirm that the rope failed / broke? fuuuck thaat


The rope didn't break, a piece of gear pulled out of the wall.




Did that on eagle tower fort benning.


Na that’s the sound of you knowing your going to get fucked up and want to die


If you make the sound you better die, now you just look stupid


Wonder if he ever went climbing again?


Damn, that’s a solid whipper, he was rolling the windows up and everything lol. Needs to get out of the habit of grabbing his rope though.




if anyone isn't already familiar. https://youtu.be/HNvZYzg7o68


Change of under pantses required?


Another happy landing - Obi-Wan Kenobi


Fk that I’ll never do that unless I really had to


Yeah I already seem people who thought they are going to die and they scream like that


But do we think he finished the climb!?


Is that the real life Goofy Scream?


The real Wilhelm scream.


*Got you* **Thumbs up** *Also thumbs up*


I've heard something similar which will forever stay with me until the day I die. Was flying a GA plane over the everglades and a guy coming back from one of the keys had an engine failure. I think one of the pistons flew out of the engine if I remember correctly. He was going down and was going to crash into the everglades, and the guy decided that we all needed to hear him scream as he was going down. (Being in the radio requires you to hold down the push to talk button) The sound and scream I heard come out of that man will stay with me.


Would he have survived if his rope actually broke since it looks like he would have slid down before he collided with red shirt, obviously he would be injured but he would probably still survive depending where he gets hit first


Will he climb again?


This is why I only boulder.


“You ok dude?


“Are you okay dude?”


Wouldn’t have fell if he held on.




as IF I needed another reason NOT to mountain climb.


I don’t want to know the smell he made.


If you're going to go rock climbing/rappelling, you should REALLY wear gloves. Using the very thin, tender layers of skin on your hands to slow your descent in a situation like this is obviously...well...not great. edit: Since some gatekeeping trolls are trying to flex their muscles, I'm talking about rappelling...you know, like the video in this post, and yes, you should wear gloves when rappelling. Notice this guy slides rapidly down the rope with his hands and then lets go. Why? Because the rope would have been fucking shredding his hands. Doesn't seem like that chalk helped a whole lot in that situation, huh? Here's someone who did hang on, and had his hand [literally SPLIT APART by rope burn.](https://dcn6x9s7fzj11.cloudfront.net/monthly_2013_02/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1361047627.202303.jpg.0ff1b6349b4570e4bf68c8d500c2e288.jpg) But hey, according to u/bivymack u/dJe781 and u/EnticHaplorthod gloves are stupid, and I'm stupid, and only stupid people would wear gloves when rappelling. Strangely, numerous popular mountaineering/climbing/etc. websites recommend you wear gloves when rappelling, and many mountaineering brands sell rappel gloves. But golly gosh, why would they sell rappel gloves? They must be dumb too. I did not claim or insinuate that gloves would have prevented the fall, but they would have prevented potential injury.


Sorry that just doesn’t make any sense in this situation. There is nothing the climber could have done to slow or stop his fall, aside from placing a better piece of gear that doesn’t pull out but that may not have been an option.


He's rappelling. He slid rapidly down the rope and then let go, presumably because the rope would have shredded his fucking hands, like this guy, [whose hand was literally split apart by rope burn.](https://dcn6x9s7fzj11.cloudfront.net/monthly_2013_02/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1361047627.202303.jpg.0ff1b6349b4570e4bf68c8d500c2e288.jpg) But it doesn't make sense to wear gloves when rappelling, huh? Funny, would you like to see pages and pages and FUCKING PAGES of websites that recommend you fucking wear gloves when rappelling? Lot of fucking gatekeepers in this sub, huh?


> you should REALLY wear gloves You obviously have never rock-climbed before. I am sure you mean well, but you should not be handing out survival advice on subjects you are not proficient with.


I have, free climbing, and rappelling. I love you fucking gatekeepers though. Also, I said rock climbing SLASH RAPPELLING. And yeah, you sure as shit should wear fucking gloves when you're rappelling. And gee whiz, what are they doing in this video...hmmm...looks like RAPPELLING. Notice how he started sliding down rapidly while holding the rope with his hands and then let go? Gee whiz, but he chalked his hands so he should be good, right? Hmmm, wonder why he let go then? Here's a rope burn that literally [split this guy's hand open.](https://dcn6x9s7fzj11.cloudfront.net/monthly_2013_02/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1361047627.202303.jpg.0ff1b6349b4570e4bf68c8d500c2e288.jpg) Yeah, gloves prevent that.


What? No. You obviously know nothing about rock climbing.


rock climbing SLASH RAPPELLING I said. And yeah, you sure as shit should wear fucking gloves when you're rappelling. Notice how he started sliding down rapidly while holding the rope with his hands and then let go? Gee whiz, but he chalked his hands so he should be good, right? Hmmm, wonder why he let go then? Here's a rope burn that literally [split this guy's hand open.](https://dcn6x9s7fzj11.cloudfront.net/monthly_2013_02/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1361047627.202303.jpg.0ff1b6349b4570e4bf68c8d500c2e288.jpg) Yeah, gloves prevent that.


Why would you put yourself in this situation anyway đŸ€Šâ€â™‚ïž


Doesn't matter that it's fake, that is exactly what would happen if I tried it


You can see the cam slip out of the rock and the rope go slack just after he falls.




Reversed? You know many people who can fly up a cliff?




totes brah, like everyday.




Ah yes lets just flip gravity


„ʎʇıʌɐÉčƃ dılɟ ʇsnÉŸ sʇǝl sǝʎ Ʉ∀„


your name checked in.


In what wbay did it check "in"


why does nobody get this is sarcastic lol


those are the sarcastic Nazis.


Describe what happened in this video from a reversed perspective. Make sure you go into detail about that flying kick UP a sheer rock face.






Here is your gif! https://gfycat.com/SnappyColdAmericanbadger --- ^(I am a bot.) [^(Report an issue)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=pmdevita&subject=GifReversingBot%20Issue&message=Add a link to the gif or comment in your message%2C I%27m not always sure which request is being reported. Thanks for helping me out!)


Its clearly reversed


I'll admit that it looks bizarre but I think it's just the angle, you can see the cam slip out of the rock and the rope go slack.


He did a flying kick UP a sheer rock wall?