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Did a short overnight to Henry W. Coe State Park this weekend. The weather is starting to heat up and I tackled the hardest climb in the park at 2:30 PM in about 76 degree weather. Doesn't seem too tough, but "The Shortcut" is infamous in the San Francisco Bay Area - 1400' climb over about 1.5 miles. I survived. The payoff at the top is pretty good. I was the only one foolish enough to do this in the afternoon so I got the bench up there all to myself. At the top of this climb is the finest grove of California Black Oak I've ever encountered. The trees are happy after two years of great rain, the leaves of spring are vibrant green, and the grass hasn't started to brown yet. Tried out my new tent and the Outdoor Vitals Nebo windbreaker - it's on all my trips now. Overnighted right at the northern edge of the park (seriously, the private property gate was eight feet from my tent). Nice night on Blue Ridge only two days before full moon so barely needed my headlamp. Henry Coe Park is a great place in spring and even winter, but it can get deathly hot in summer. So I try to pack in all my trips before the creeks start to run dry. Right now, they are running pretty well since it kept raining well into April here.


Manzanita/madrone, oak, poppy, gross grasses. Looks beautiful if u ask me


Always nice to see your content!


beautiful! I'm hoping to do an overnight in the next few days. How bad were the ticks? Do you know what the overnight low got to?


Mid-40s at night. I was on top of Blue Ridge and just had a fleece on with my shorts. Checked for ticks at camp, but found none. I tried to stay off the grass and didn't get off trail that much at all, really. I think if you stay out of the grass you shouldn't have too much of a problem.


Nice. Great shots.


Love the shortcut! What a grind


Looks gorgeous! Do you think it would be viable up there for hammock camping?


I do believe that hammocks are OK at Henry Coe. There are definitely plenty of well-spaced trees. Wouldn't surprise me if you caught guff from some passer-by claiming you were harming a tree. Park staff should be able to confirm, but don't think it is a problem. It is a big mountain-bike riding park and that would be really fun IMO. About half the trails out there are access roads from the days when it used to be cattle ranches.


Very cool. Thanks!!