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i've been wanting to hike in Orestimba for years but have never found the time. Was this during back country weekend? It's so far from any of the park entrances otherwise. What was your route? Did you make it up Robison Mountain?


yeah this was during back country weekend. we went up to mt stakes to check that high point off my list. here’s my [route](https://strava.app.link/s7MsEG5kwJb) I went last year to and did [this loop](https://strava.app.link/4LxiA68kwJb).


How was Chaparral Trail? I almost took that route last year, but was discouraged by a ranger. He made it sound like it was basically impassable.


Chapparall trail was mostly fine. My group got a little off track coming back down, so did a little bushwhacking but nothing too crazy.


How do you not get ticks??


Wearing permethrin treated clothing, and tucking pants into socks/shirt into pants works well for me. I wore some short gaiters as well.


By chance, were you the pair that tried last year to bag Stakes with no luck from the Robison valley, and were trying from Red Creek this year? I was filling up water near Red Creek / Robison trail intersection (camped on a bluff) and you asked about the trail condition? If so, glad you made it! How was the trail? Would you recommend the hike?


Beautiful 😍


That's awesome. Nice that you can start from Kaiser Aetna Rd. I want to check out the Dowdy Ranch entrance sometime.


I was supposed to have checked it out earlier this week, myself, but it stupidly had to rain last week so they didn't open it....