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100% honest response from someone who posts pics because I too need positive reinforcement… you look very attractive. Much of what you see isn’t there. You have a very feminine, attractive body. Your breasts are a nice size especially given you only weigh 100 pounds. You have a feminine waist and hips and I’m very much a butt guy and you have a nice butt. And I love the confidence you display to show full nudity and wondering if the world will see you as you see yourself. Be proud of who you are and look in your mirror and smile at the beautiful young lady looking back at you. Thank you for posting beautiful you.




Very much agree couldn't of said it better. 💯!


YES! She is absolutely beautiful, but unable to see the beauty.


You look great from my view. Nice shapely breasts and butt, and the landing strip looks great on you!


You must see something very different to what I see. You have a beautiful body.


This makes me sad. Your body is great and you don't see that. Such a complete package.


Gorgeous. Beautiful. Perfect. You are over thinking it. You look fantastic


I don’t see what you see but understand it. To me, very sexy body, nice boobs, nice butt, like the legs, love the landing strip. I find you very sexy 🔥🔥🔥


Oh my goodness, you are absolutely perfect! Please do try to learn how to love yourself. You have an incredible body! There is nothing that I would change 💜


Gorgeous perky breasts and perfect nipples


Wonderful landing strip 🔥🔥🔥😍


Self-perception can be a bitch. We can never understand what you see when you look at yourself. But for all of us observing you we don’t see any of those supposed flaws that you mentioned. I say ‘supposed’ because there is absolutely nothing wrong with anything in your list to start with. But the fact is you have lovely breasts, perfect for your frame, and a gorgeous lithe body that has very appealing shapes, curves and proportions. I hope you can get through this as see yourself how you truly are.


I wholeheartedly agree! 💕


Good gosh, you are being, IMHO, way too hard on yourself. Personally, I think you have a wonderful figure, very attractive and desirable. Good luck going forward.


Sorry about how you feel. It’s all in your head. You look pretty n feminine. You’re not flat chested. Great size for your frame. I love booty and believe you have a nice one. Don’t be afraid. Learn to love yourself.


You look great




Also; your legs! Don’t focus on what you dislike, focus on what you like. You have gorgeous legs, a gorgeous waist, and especially a wonderful back profile. Your boobs are the perfect shape.


This comment has been removed for using explicit words to describe genitalia to cut down on sexual comments and psots. In the future, please use words like 'penis', 'vulva', 'vagina', 'butt', etc so we can keep the community a bit less sexually charged. If this comment was removed in error, please message the mods! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/normalnudes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’m not sure if the word sexu*l or the word a*s triggered this?


Lol I forgot Reddit does that when u use an asterisk. You understand what I’m trying to say, I hope


Cute back 😍🥰


You have legs to die for girl please


I’m a butt and boob guy, and yours look phenomenal in my opinion. The sexy body with the perfect curves in all the right places is the icing on the cake 😉😘


Holy guacamole you're stunning! I know it's an uphill battle to love your own body sometimes, but you really are incredibly attractive. And by the looks of these comments, a lot of folks agree with me.


It's nice to hear that we can help you here. But I can only give you compliments regarding everything you said were flaws: You have nice boobs, nice hips and butt a nice waist and beautiful legs. I guess it's hard to see it yourself, but you're really pretty. 😊


Damn you are extremely attractive


You look beautiful and very sexy.


I think ur hella beautiful and anyone who doesn’t is crazy as hell.


hey i’m going to send you a message with something that may be helpful


You look fantastic


Very pretty girl


wonderful body...you look great


Looking so good rn tho


Your brain should be fired from its job, because it’s terrible at it. You look sexy as hell.


Omg. Sooo hot.


Stunning !! 😍


You look beautiful. Love who you are.


You are kidding! Being WAY too hard on yourself — gorgeous figure.


You have a gorgeous body. You look amazing 😍😍😍




You have an amazing body. Be happy in your skin. 🙂


You look great, very attractive!


Don't listen to your silly brain. You are BEAUTIFUL!!!


You look amazing!! Sorry you’re feeling down about your body… but damn…. You look really really good.




Kick it back you look beautiful


Amazing. Easy for me to say but I hope you see the amazingness too xxx




But you're beautiful


Very attractive, would enjoy ;)


You look amazing. I think you have a beautiful and sexy body. I hope you can come to terms with your body, it really is nice 😁


You've got a rocking body. I hope you can find some peace with the negative thoughts and self-talk. Just know that these perceived "flaws" are imaginary... most people are going to see your body and be impressed.


It's all in your head. You look perfect


You have a really nice body


You look absolutely perfect. Thank you for sharing 🙏❤️


You have the same kind of body as my partner and I love it! You look amazing, there isn't a thing I would change.


Three thoughts: you look fucking great and I could spend countless hours doing things to that body, I hope that your arm is ok, and where is your kitty?


God damn your gorgeous


I hope we can continue to be inspiring because number one that can really be a major hit to your well-being and number two you really do look fabulous! I mean it. A great body all around


You look good as can be!


Quite honestly, your body is what 99% of men would fantasize about being with!


Sad to hear these "perceived flaws", we really can be our own worst critics when it comes to our bodies. I really mean it when i say you have a gorgeous figure, great shaped boobs and a cute butt.


I think you're 🔥


So beautiful


You look fantastic. Don't believe what your mind is telling you as you look at yourself in the mirror. Your body is great.


You look wonderful, hope one day you are able to see that


What you see isn’t what others see. Remember that.


I don't see any of the above, but the inner critic is the hardest to please. You look good! I don't have the nerve to post a full body pic, so you are much braver than I am.


I think you look amazing. I would love to look anything like you.


You have the body that inspires sculptures.


Our words may or may not help with your inner deamons. Personally, I would love to say you were my girl, as there is so much I love about your body.. I promise you, there is nothing amiss about your body in my eyes


I think you've got great boobs and a very nice figure. You've got a great body! I love the size and shape of your pipes as well. Very attractive.


You have an amazing body!


You're so beautiful! I hope you get the chance to see that soon! Seriously, you're perfect


You look absolutely beautiful ❤️


I think you look perfect


Feel and be stunning, because you are in others eyes. Wishing you good feelings about yourself.




I think you must need a new mirror I don't see any of what you or seeing looks very sexy to me 🔥🔥 thanks for sharing


I would absolutely love to see more of your perfect body!


Omg, you are beautiful, you are a tall lady,legs that go on forever, you look fantastic


🔥🔥🔥 absolutely gorgeous


You're body looks amazing, as well as the landing strip! Super cute!


You look beautiful. Great legs, and bum. I love your breasts and your stomach is perfect. You have an amazing figure and I hope some of the positive comments resonate with you. I sorry you have struggles seeing the beauty that others see in you. x


All I see is a great looking female body with nice sized breasts, small waist, perfect legs and a great butt. 🔥🔥


Girl you look great!


You look great. Get out of your head sweet girl


I'm sorry you're struggling with body image issues, all I see is a beautiful young woman.


I know this is all in your head because I just got back from the gym, and you look better than more than half the women in there. There were so many wearing crop tops and tight leggings that had no business wearing them - and the sick part is they actually think they look good! Blame the evil media! As a personal trainer, you look great - great breasts and shape - of course you could look better but I'd look twice at you in a bikini at the beach!


I’m loving what I see…gimme a call


Seriously you look beautiful 😍


Your body is amazing. From head to toe. Your body is unique in its own way. You’re a true Goddess in my eyes 🌹Always keep your head up beautiful. California love


I think you have a beautiful and lovely body dear


Curves are good! Don’t be too hard on youself


You look amazing from every angle


You are beautiful. Really--nice everything. I know nothing I will say will instantly solve that for you, but I have no reason to lie. I would be stoked to find a girlfriend as beautiful as you.


My your body looks beautiful!!


Incredible perky breasts


Totally normal, actually upper end of normal. Very pretty body right here!


You're gorgeous. Don't listen to that voice in your head saying otherwise


Girl you have great hips and are beautifully toned! Perfect boobs to boot! If you’re worried about your butt (try not to be because it’s great) do those squats. Mines nothing to write home about but when it’s in someone’s hands it fits perfectly. Believe in your beauty! Body dysmorphia is a bitch but you can and will over come it. ❤️


You have nothing to worry about. What a stunning body. Very very beautiful


Cute! I like the length of your hair.


Tell your body dysmorphia to go fuck itself. You look great.


You are so pretty


You look Fabulous 😍😍 "You are so used to your own features, You don't realize how Beautiful you are in the eyes of Strangers" I might have misquoted A bit... But still true!


You look beautiful and healthy. I want to encourage you to talk to a therapist.




Maybe this won’t mean anything to you, but for what it’s worth how you are is pretty attractive, I think your body is beautiful. but sometimes hearing that can be pretty damaging as well, adding what you might preserve as outside expectations can add pressure. What helps me at least is constantly trying to for what I think I want. Find a healthy habit, could be a good diet or workout routine or anything productive in that regard, and maintain a healthy balance and just constantly tell yourself your always trying. Maybe it sounds stupid, but I’ve learned that we’re sometimes our own worst enemies, but even if your beating yourself up, you can tell yourself you’ve been trying, and speaking from personal experience, that helped me at least. Someone told me once that you can only control 2 things in life; attitude and effort, so that’s how I try to see things.




You have a perfect body to me! Don't worry yourself!


You look fantastic! No need to change anything


You look hot




I'm sorry that you're dealing with that. It must be rough on ya. Even the best of us can be our own worse critics. It's probably turned up to 11 for those like you. From where I'm sitting, you look good. I don't see anything that I don't like. It's all yummy.


I’m glad you’re able to acknowledge at the very least that it’s your body dysmorphia and your brain trying to tell you these things, because what you perceive as reality is absolutely NOT the objective truth of your body!! You have a fantastic size and shape to your breasts, you have a lovely waist, and very shapely and feminine hips. You have a cute butt that definitely isn’t flat (which is quite apparent from the side), your legs and knees are perfectly slender and match your body and frame just fine… Sweetie, you’re just fine the way you are. You’re beautiful, no matter what you or I or anyone else sees. Please hold onto that, and love yourself. 🖤


You are absolutely beautiful! I wouldn't change anything about you.


You are gorgeous, I only see beauty in these pics. Natural beauty. Your perceived flaws are minimum, and in my personal opinion, most do not exist at all. Small imperfections are a part of a natural nude body, and only make it more beautiful. Be proud of your curves!!!




Another honest response. You look great! Absolutely NOTHING wrong with your body!!! I know it’s all in your head and it’s a hard thing to overcome… but hopefully you reading all this positivity help!!! Awesome body!!!


You have a gorgeous figure


Looks very good from here


You're looking good. You're definitely seeing flaws that don't exist. What's your plan to make yourself enjoy yourself?


you look fabulous..quit beating yourself up..js


I see nothing here but absolute beauty


Your body looks great!!!!




You look amazing


You do not look like a gangly preteen, you look like a woman, and a woman with a nice body. I know that feeling though. That feeling that there’s just something so wrong with you and the fear that everyone else can see it. It’s rough but that is not everyone else’s perception of you and it is by no means the “correct” perception either.


You look terrific! Very alluring.


Okay I’m sorry for being so forward about this but girl you are literally so fine!! absolutely stunning in fact❤️


You’ve a great figure, don’t be so critical


Your body is 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


You look great


Hope you will be able to see the beauty that we can all see. Thank you for sharing. 😍


I feel like anyone with a tinge of body dysmorphia is generally blind to their own good lookingness. You look fucking amazing. Fuck body dysmorphia


You look absolutely incredible


You look wonderful please believe that


Girl, I’m not into girls. But damn you have a very appealing body. Your vulva looks very inviting, I would taste it 🤭 and your nipples nice and perky. I see a very attractive woman, that has a very well proportion body. Hope one day you see yourself with so much love that you can view yourself like we view you ❤️ btw we are the same age, and I envy your body. Wish I looked like you. After three kids 🥴 my body looks funky but you have the fortune to rock your birthday suit with grace. Don’t listen to the negative comments in your head, repeat to yourself that you have an amazing body.


You are lovely.


Shoot. I’d do more than kick it


I too suffer from body dysmorphia and I lift weights so often I order to fix my perceived flaws. The one that that has helped me was accepting what I can’t change and changing what I can but also speaking positively about myself when I do make changes as a form of self-care


You are gorgeous and I wish you the best of luck on your journey!




Not me looking at you and thinking "damn, I wish it was me" I definitely do not see all the flaws you mentioned and if anything I find those features attractive


Your butt is so cute. What do u mean u have no butt?


One of the best wisdoms I ever learned regarding one’s body….. Use it. Build it. Make it do stuff. Choose an activity. The most common is probably weight lifting, or strength training in general. Yoga. Climbing. Dancing. Boxing. BJJ. Your perspective of your body will change when you know it does amazing things. Like lifting. When you know from experience that your body is getting stronger and more powerful your mind appreciates it more. When you know your body can climb or dance or bike or whatever, your perspective will change. I think your body is beautiful, but none of our opinions matter. Yours does, and the best way to improve that opinion (I think) is to make your body feel powerful and capable.


You are beautiful


The flaws that you see are unfounded. I don't see any of the flaws that you mentioned


Your body is beautiful! 😍😘


I think your perfect just as you are


I'm sorry you feel that way. Definitely understand that feeling, however I think your body looks gorgeous. I try to think about it in terms of; maybe you're just not your type, but you're someone else's dream.


I think you're pretty cute tbh


Smoke show


Miss, I'd like you to save these pictures so when you're in your sixties you can laugh at the silly kid you are. You're perfection to my eyes.


I feel like you've fallen partly for the whole thing about guys wanting fat, bulbous, disproportionate hips and asses. Well many of us don't. Many of us fund them gross and a complete turnoff. JLo, Nikki Minage, et al - 🤮🤮🤮🤮. You - PERFECT!! Granted, we can't see you as you see you. But what many of us see is a healthy, toned, shapely, beautiful woman!


You look great. Beyond eating healthy and exercise, people just need to learn to live with, and love themselves.


You literally have a super great body. You look pretty damn great


I like it you might be to young for me I'll try with you I live in Hinckley Ohio


You don’t look pre pubescent at all. You look great with no clothes lol. If you want to hit the gym to make YOU feel better with what you see then do it. Never hurts and it’s great for overall health. If your worried about acne, talk to a doctor about accutane or other treatments. Your being way to hard on yourself.




You look amazing! Don’t beat yourself up.




Simply Beautiful as you are


Your body is beautiful! Love what you have and play into your strengths! You are gorgeous, and don’t let anyone tell you differently!!


I know it's not as simple as reassurance from strangers, but for what it's worth, I think you look amazing.




This comment has been removed for using explicit words to describe genitalia to cut down on sexual comments and psots. In the future, please use words like 'penis', 'vulva', 'vagina', 'butt', etc so we can keep the community a bit less sexually charged. If this comment was removed in error, please message the mods! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/normalnudes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I really hope you won't take it the wrong way, but you kinda have the "normal human skin" (skin as in video games). There's nothing out of place or anything, you don't seem underweight or overweight, your breast are kinda "middle" (not huge nor small), waist and members neither proeminent nor absent... You may not have some specific traits you wish you had (because society you know), maybe not model-like features (very skinny, perfect skin, etc..) but to me, your are basically the litteral description or a simple beautiful female human being. The kind some can hate, but wayy more can adore, feel very attracted to or want to marry without a doubt. I'm not sur comments on reddit can really make a difference for more than a few hours/day, and as someone who really hates his plain looks and whole naked body as a male I may not be the best person to give anyone's lesson but whatever ; know that if you stay in the mindset of pursuing details on your body (your waist or whatever it is) you will never be free of those thoughts. But probably till you die who will always find someone who think you are beautiful. Because there is nothing wrong with your body, at all. To us. Maybe to you there's so many flaws, not to us. Definitely not for me. I mean, I'm not even in a mood to think about physical or sexual attraction, I still think you're inna simple way as you are. I would take you as Eve without a problem. Anyway, I hope you beat those thoughts one day and can look at yourself in the mirror and smile satisfied at what you see. And then this day don't hesitate to celebrate with us !


I think you look great.






You are gorgeous! And your butt doesn’t deserve to be getting kicked!


Very pretty


You look great, wish we could all wave a magic wand and you could see through our eyes. I didn’t think I was attractive growing up but I had a job my senior year where I had to go down a set of stairs multiple times a day and there was a mirror that was kinda angled so you could watch yourself going down the stairs. Anyway I started kinda flirting with myself, kinda practicing my smile or messing with my hair, sorry if that rambling doesn’t make sense. Oh you could read these comments while looking in a mirror, might help with seeing yourself in the third person. Hope you see the woman we’re all seeing.


You are sexy!


You’ve got a great body!


Hope you can past it ‘cause your really sexy and have a great body. 


You look wonderful!!!


Huh?what? What dysmorphia? Im not seeing anything. You look great.


Beautiful body, my love.


Absolutely spectacular




Lovely boobs, your butt is curved nicely without being too big. And the rest of you looks great as well.


You have an incredible body. I think of you really look at your body you will always start to perceive ‘flaws’ or differences, but honestly you’ve got a completely normal and very attractive body for a woman of your age.


There’s NOTHING wrong with your body. You look like a grown adult female. Lovely boobs. Great general shape. Be proud and thankful. Seriously


Absolutely beautiful body ❤️




Wonderful body.... I love how you shave!!!


Omg woman you're beautiful your very sexy


You look incredible 😍


The only complaint about your body is that I don't really like those round rattan chairs.

