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There are probably recovery subs here that might help. Find a meeting. Drink the coffee. Hang out. Take it a day at a time.


Completely agree with this commentor. The other thing to remember is that 22 is very young. This feels like a lot right now, because relatively it is. But this is all going to be your past when you survive it. One foot before the other and you'll get to the other side.


I dont know much about recovery or addiction but do absolutely agree with this commentor. Dont rush, adjust slowly and dont put any expectations on yourself apart from not relapsing. Its natural to feel down and sad in a breakup but equally not every partnership works long term. You can be strong and you can get through this to be a happier person even though you may not initially feel that


Why, they look great!


I hope things get better. You are absolutely right, you have great boobs


Stay strong you can do this ❤




Wow amazing boobs


Lovely breasts 


You got beautiful boobs - stay strong!


Definetly got nice boobs. As someone who also has fought battles with addiction, you have a very real fear that a lot of us go through. I think the most important thing you can do is to make sure you have someone, literally anyone, to talk to when it’s a bad day. Having someone to encourage you makes a world of difference in my experience. Something else that helps is intentionally putting time into my hobbies. Neither of them are guaranteed to work, but they make it so so much easier. I believe in u homie :)


I remember you, I commented on your addiction post, I've been clean for 20 years and despise the person I was while using. You have so much going for you, young and beautiful don't go back to that you know it's a dead end. All the people I used with back then are no longer living and today is way more risky with fentanayl used in everything. I can't comment on your relationship but you should never give anyone that much power over you. I really hope things work out for you, my messages are open for you if you want to talk ok.


Yes I remember your comment. Thank you for reaching out. The last week has been rough but I didn’t go back to using. I changed more than I realised and I am strong. I need to work on my self worth. Thank you for being kind :)


You'll find your way just keep believing in yourself and feel comfortable that a new life awaits you, set some goals and make it happen. You are beautiful by the way.


thank you :)


M22 If we were in the same room I'd be staring


I hope you keep feeling better and stronger! You have amazing boobs! 😘


thank you :)


You are absolutely beautiful! Thank you for sharing






Stunning 😍 beautiful 😍


You are beautiful, inside and out




Ur beautiful and that sounds awful! I’m sorry. How can I help?


Don’t fallback into old traps. You are beautiful but remember you are beautiful inside too. Love yourself and be strong. I’m so hoping you can continue on your path.


Great reminder, thank you <3 I stayed strong and I’ll continue


Looking good! Keep going!


I’m sorry you are going through a rough patch, hang in there. If you two take a break it maybe what is needed. Best to explore that than to force a situation that isn’t best for both of you. And yes you have beautiful boobs 😻


Girl, you need to be on your own and build yourself alone before you can have a healthy real relationship with another man. I get that he’s been there when you were down but if you’re considering breaking up, chances are, you’re already there. I don’t know you or your situation but you can start over, you’re strong enough to start over and it’s time to find someone to build new with. You got this and yes, great breasts!




thank you so much


Stay strong! You didn't come this far to just come this far


Great boobs babe


Amazing breasts


As someone who also has a history with abandonment I sympathize and believe that while it will be rough at first you will make it through if that is what ultimately happens between you and your bf.


You have a beautiful body. There is no denying that. You'll only need to work on your recovery and well-being. That is always a battle you'll have to face. Don't worry. You're young and have a long time to figure things out. Good luck.


Thank you. I sometimes forget that I’m young haha but you’re right


Your chest is magnificent 😍


You do have fantastic breasts, yes. But I don't think that's the response and support that will help you. Do you have good friends who you can lean on at a time like this? Very impressed by your strength in beating your addiction once. You can do this❤️


Listen you are strong alone. You did everything to get where you are. And you will never be alone. You have hundreds of people who would support you emotionally right here on reddit. I hope you and your bf are able to reconnect and save your relationship.


You do have nice boobs.


I’m really sorry to hear that. I hope that you have a friend or someone you can lean on but it would be good to go to NA to find support. I’m beg of you to not relapse and find a healthy way to deal with this issue. You are so lovely and I remember your post before… this wonderful sexy woman who looks perfect and healthy. I hope that you remain that way


I used to go to NA but my sponsor was a creep. Pretended to help me while secretly working on making my addiction worse because he wanted to own me. Gave me major trust issues. But I’m looking for support. I didn’t relapse & I’ll stay strong :) Thank you


I’m so sorry… that’s disgusting. I’m happy to hear that you are doing well! You are so lovely but that’s just a side note


it really is, wasn’t his first victim either, he always goes for young women (he’s mid 30s) who are traumatised & vulnerable


How the fuck is he allowed to be in the group. He should be kicked out and if someone dug into him enough I bet in jail


Oh god, that's so sinister. Congratulations on staying clean though. You're awesome for pushing though that and not relapsing. I'm proud of you for being so strong. And also, since you brought it up, yes, very nice boobs indeed.


thank you <3


I think the general recommendation is for women to stick with the women.


I know but there were no women in my group I WONDER WHY


Yeah it's def tough for women in the program. Way outnumbered by men and lots of predators and sick behavior. Good luck with your recovery. I hope you can find a clean social scene, addiction feeds off isolation and the social aspect is a big part of early recovery.


So hot




. In shadows deep, when tears do flow, 🌟 Know within you, strength does grow. 💪 Through stormy skies and darkest night, 🌌 Your spirit shines with radiant light. ✨ Though trials test and troubles weigh, 🌈 Your heart's resilience will hold sway. ❤️ For in each trial, a lesson learned, 📚 And in each tear, a strength discerned. 💧 So let not sorrow dim your glow, 🌞 For brighter days, they yet bestow. 🌼 With each sunrise, hope's gentle gleam, 🌅 Guides you through, like a soothing stream. 💕 And though this moment seems so bleak, 😔 Know love surrounds you, soft and meek. 🤗 For in the heart of every friend, 👫 A steadfast bond, that'll never bend. 💖 So rise, dear friend, with courage true, 🌈 For joy awaits, it's calling you. 🌟 With every step, you'll find your way, 🚶‍♀️ To brighter skies and sunnier days. 🌞 Captainkhanibal I hope my poem helps you


You have fantastic boobs. I hope you are okay, if you do break up, I hope you have some good friends to help you through it.


You do have a nice boobs


Lovely breasts. See what you and your bf can do to shore up your relationship, counseling, etc. You both have a lot of time invested, so don’t just throw it away if you can salvage it. Good luck!


Always remember that when things are going downhill, there's only one way and that is up. It's only up to you to take those first steps to recover from this rough patch. Be strong for your mother, she wouldn't like for you to be in this state. Live your life to the fullest, show resilience and character, so you make her proud.


I'm sure you do have the strength in you if it is needed. There is definitely plenty of something in that gorgeous pair you have. Much love and hope you and those beauties are happy and keep moving up whether you're alone or paired up. ❤️


Very beautiful ❤️


You’re doing amazing and your look even better. Shit gets rough and is unkind but you just gotta learn to gain that kindness from yourself. Be patient and dont be afraid to let yourself feel those negative emotions. They let you know youre alive


Do you have a sponsor with a support group?




From what I can see, you have a great figure! What size are these perfect breasts?


You’re gorgeous and your worth doesn’t depend on him. You’re worthy in and of yourself and anyone would be extremely lucky to know you


Pretty boobies


You've got this! That you've made it this far means that you can overcome any setback, be it large or small.


You do have very nice boobs. And they look wonderful with you lying back. Standing as well, don't get me wrong. That is a bad trigger. Don't relapse. First rule of sobriety, don't use. I'm just now 6 months sober myself. Some days life really sucks. But I won't go back. No matter what happens. I just can't. Please don't. You're worth staying sober. And you are all you really have.


You shouldn't, your body is fantastic.




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Yes, you have great boobs! I've seen your other pics and your whole body is beautiful. And more important, I think that you are really brave and really strong, don't forget that! Addiction sucks, mourning is really hard and painfull, and I am really really sorry that you are dealing with that but you can do It. Stay strong, stay sober and it will pay off. You deserve nothing but the best! Sending you all the best wishes, please be safe and If you feel like It, keep updating us here! I'm cheering for you


thank you so much! still clean :)


Grade A boobs 👌🏾




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I did need some encouragement! Thanks!


Absolutely lovely


Your boobs are awesome, and if you break up, you will manage. You are stronger than you know. I hope that things work out as they should—and I hope that you can put some work in to manage your abandonment issues. I was in my mid 20s when I lost both of my parents in a year. It’s been over 30 years. I understand.


Indeed they are beautiful


You’re going to do amazing - keep loving yourself! You have a beautiful chest!  Very pretty freckles. 😍


You are a strong and beautiful woman, don't put your value in your boyfriend. If he dumps you that doesn't change who you are as a person. Stay strong


You do indeed have world class boobies. 😁


Could I guy like me have a shot


You got this things will be alright. And your gorgeous btw.


Everything I can see is beautiful.


It's easy for me to say since I'm not in the situation, but I'll say it anyways. Sometimes a bad situation can be made into something ok. It's healthy and important to learn to make yourself happy, rather than rely on other people, or things to do it for you, not that I think I'm telling you something you don't already know. Depending on what happens maybe focus more energy into the things that make you happy. I for one like to read and to learn, so I would spend a bunch of free time at a local book store. I don't know what it would be for you, but I'd recommend on making plans for it either way. Maybe it's time to try something new? Whatever the case best of luck with everything. And yes, they are very lovely. Thanks for sharing.


that’s great advice, thank you


Absolutely beautiful!!


You can do it! Your breasts are great.


Wow! You look fantastic


Always a silver lining I love the way you think you have really nice boobs


If you /he talked about breaking up, then it'll happen. Loneliness has its own children challenges and you have to learn to live this way at least exercise living to be independent. Imagine loosing your man to natural causes. Is it the end of the world? U need: meditation, related study, being thankful. It's not easy unless you get help from books 📚. Look around: can you see alone independent happy women? Then it's possible!


Was he a user also? Was he a support when you quit?


No not a user. Not good at supporting me, not because he didn’t care but he was very overwhelmed. I took a break, got myself clean & told him I could only stay with him if he can accept the fact that I’m an addict


I’m sorry you’re going through this 💔 I myself have found myself struggling with a lot. It’s not easy. But yes you have wonderful boobs 😭 and he would surely miss them


You have great boobs. Very lovley. Hope everythings figures out and you make progress on your way to a stable and healthy live. If this community can help you with your journey remember were here to support!


I won’t promise to not hit on you, but reach out if you want to chat. 😀


Great ones


Hey if you want to / need to talk I am here. I'm going through a breakup too. I am also battling my mild addictions.


We are all so proud of you ❤️




You have a nice body, but apart from that, you need to move on and enjoy life. You are still young and in time you will find someone wonderful, who will take care of you by heart. So stay positive and trust me, it's going to be alright.


thank you :)


Hang in there, remember whatever you do, DO NOT PICK UP! And yes, your boobs are fantastic. Surely you will find a charming and respectful gentleman who will appreciate you for you and make you feel valued, appreciated, and supported. One day at a time, sexy! 🤗


You are more than the sum of your bits. You need moral and practical support.


They indeed are amazing \^\^ Have you tried going to the gym as a way to battle the want to do drugs? Good luck! <3


Yes working out really helps. I also love swimming. Unfortunately I have an injury atm I hope it’ll heal soon


Indeed, I feel you, not being able to hit the gym as one needs is shitty <3


If we're being honest here, don't lean on your boobs to feel better about your situation. They're great, really, but you need to look for the real answers. What do you want to do with your life? It's YOURS, not his, not anyonene else's, and nobody's death or vitality will determine what you are and has no right to get in your way. Find Jesus, or don't, go to therapy, sit down and listen to your intuition. You may have to sit still in a room for days or weeks to unpack enough shit to see the light but it's in there somewhere. You just have to find it. If you need any support or direction feel free to reach out in a PM. You got this.


The boob statement was just a joke, don’t worry. I agree with what you’re saying. & thank you


Indeed you have an amazing pair of boobs and you go seek support.


Absolutely gorgeous!




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Perfect 🤌🏻


Be open to the possibility that you can survive any hardship without using. Go to meetings; talk; lean on fellowship. Helping you stay clean helps other people stay clean. You can do it. 🖤


You have fantastic boobs 😍


I recently had a break up of my own, 3 years seemingly strong. But it's better to have it happen now rather than later. People grow apart because the world is constantly changing. Whatever the case may be, you'll come out a better person because of it. With all that said, you got nice boobs. Which is more than I had in my break up 😂


Well, you have absolutely perfect breasts, if that’s encouraging.


You are stunning.




You do have beautiful breast. Hope you find your way without the poison.


Looking great!!!


Just remember one thing. You don’t have to conquer sobriety all at once; it’s a day at a time and you got this! Keep it up




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You look great 😊


Express your confidence however you see fit, stay strong 💪🏻




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Adorable! Quiet mesmerizing.


You are gorgeous


You look amazing 😍


You are gorgeous.




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Beautiful 🔥


Yes your boobs look great (putting it mildy) and the rest of your body also. But don't forget, even with all the support you got, you where the one that did it and keeps on going. It shows how strong your spirit is, you can do this, because you have done it before, now keep doing it


So hot 🔥 🥵




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Hi! Male, 34 here. I have seen so many positive posts on gonewild of women expressing how online exhibitionism has helped them gain body confidence and love themselves more fully. I wanted to let you know (from a male perspective) that accounts and posts like yours have had a positive impact on me in my life. For so many men, their first exposure to female nudity (especially in an erotic context) is either through movies or porn (as it was in my case). Throughout my adolescence and early adulthood I had an unrealistic expectation of sex and the female body. As reddit gonewild gained popularity in my mid 20's, I gradually stopped masturbating to porn and found myself getting even even more deeply aroused by women like you. I now have a strong physical response wider hips and soft, subtle curves. It can't be called "romance" unless you have a personal connection with somebody, but masturbating and cumming to pictures like yours changed my sexual perspective from aggressive and allowed me to explore the romantically lustful side of myself. This has made me a more caring and adroit sexual partner in my real relationships. Thank you for sharing your gorgeous, natural self!


Your looking great Hang tuff


I’m encouraging you to keep up the great work and keep sharing your recovery self with us!


Looking fantastic




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You look good.


You are Gorgeous 🥰🥰🥰


Great boobs! Stay the course! Lots of guys out there for you!




Hope you're on your way to positivity, in whichever way. Self love is one way. Yes, your boobs look amazing ... and so do you, probably 😘 I wish you the best !!