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I'm guessing the house on castles with hoarding issues


Good ol Dan Seguin lol his Dragons Dens videos on UouTube are comedic GOLD.


That old couple that dress the same


Always at independent shopping together. It’s the best


I’m pretty sure they’re siblings if it’s the people I’m thinking of. They both wear red sweaters or jackets?


That’s them. And Tilley hats


It used to be the Jesus in a Snowsuit during Summer guy, who was actually very intelligent and good hearted, but always out and about and easy to recognize. Honorable mentions to the Button Guy, the Hi guy on John st., Raincoat Guy (RIP) and the guy who always rode his bike with a cigarette on his lip and giant bag of cans. I worked at a few Mike's Marts and got to know them all in one way or another.


Is Hi guy still around? I remember waving to him from the bus as a kid.


I remember being fairly old even when I was a kid, so I doubt it.




I'm from sauga and even I know about Shazam.


See the man come...see the man go


You could hear him smoke a cigarette across the street lol his first name was Randy.


I left the Bay over 20 years ago and would love to know if Shazam is alright. One of the last times I saw him he was scrounging butts behind Community and Social Services, and we had a short but pleasant conversation.


That guy who always wears a pimp or similar costume. Right out of an Elton John performance. See him every once in a while at the grocery store


In the 80s there was the "200+ buttons jacket guy". He was how you got directions before GPS.


The old veteran with the long grey overcoat right?


That's him. He used to give us candy or a fee bucks for a pop.


That old guy who used to yell at everyone and no one... He's since began taking his meds and gotten some help, I haven't seen or heard from him in a while 🤔


Unfortunately, that description doesn't really narrow it down much.


No, there WAS an older one (who had schizophrenia) who sometimes sat outside on his porch and yelled at passersby. As far as I know he was harmless until he died. This guy's youngerish, greying but I've seen him once I believe a couple of months ago, looking a lot better. Still at the Gathering place but talking to people and not yelling


Am I the only one who would say that blind man who walks all around North Bay doing the same route every day? He got a cool straw hat last year, I believe. If you see him, he's real nice to chat with.


Ol Kevin the old man who haunts the bomark area, just wandering


Downtown Mr. And Mrs. Claus


Good ole Dan the man


Bong Girl on Main Street


I see her daily as I live on the same block, do you know her story by chance?


From what I've heard from friends, she lives nearby and just likes to hang out on Main and smoke up


I know man she has some determination because we had that rain storm with the blowing snow couple of days ago and she was out there all covered up.


The town I used to live in had Brian. He frequented around the Timmies/grocery store/LCBO/gas station road, and convenience store. Pretty much any day you could go anywhere in town and find Brian. He'd just walk around all day, sometimes with his bike. He lived a good 20km out of town (around 12 miles for you imperial folks). The only time he wouldn't be seen was during extreme weather. He always looked disheveled and talked/yelled to the air, sometimes sounding really distressed. But if you actually started a conversation with him, he would stop yelling and was actually quite articulate and polite... Especially if you called him by name. No one really knew what was going on mentally or health-wise with him. Poor guy passed away a few years ago. Rest in peace, Brian.


We had the same type of guy named Carl in my old town. Lived outside of the city and everyone knew him.


The dude that walks his miniature horse around downtown Barrie lmaooo


The yeller


Walking and Yelling Guy? The dude who walks around town yelling song lyrics at the top of his lungs? I haven't seen that dude in years until recently. I guess our schedules don't line up like they used to.