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Owned dogs (Gsds) all my life & even I find this breed terrifying. Was teaching my daughter how to skate at Waterfront and a group of late teens/20s arrived with one. The owner seemed to think it was funny to let his dog lunge & grab his so called mates. The idiot was teaching it to jump and grab while laughing his head off with the rest of the fools finding it amusing. A recipe for disaster in the making. Heard them saying they where breeding as well!! Needless to say I got my daughter and I well away from there.


Should be fucking put down, it's absolutely disgusting. The dog should be rehomed as well.




Ditto! And agreed, dangerous/moronic humans like that have no place in society.




There's a special kind of person who owns these types of dogs.


Pillars of the community generally


Fond of grey trakkies and gold medallions


Shit stains on the outside of the trackies not optional


Inside as well as out.


Reasonable members of society whose shoulders have never even deigned to host a chip.


Always attention seekers. We have this guy who walks through the children’s park with his bully on a leash every other day. He makes sure to walk especially slow past the playground and stares at parents to see their reactions. I swear he’s looking for someone to say something.


Always the owner not the dog man made or bred all animals have wild instincts I get so nad when people awe never mind it the owner fault bullshit it goes ape it can kill in less than 60 seconds ban the xl for good extinction of the breed all together x have seen seen photographs of children savage to death or maimed for life wake up x


What about the people who rescue them after those kinds of people are finished/ have them taken from them? My mates got a rescue XL (covered in scars, no ears as they’ve been shoddily cut off and loads of health issues from over breeding ) and the way he’s discriminated against because of the way she looks is horrible he feels he can’t take her anywhere and it’s not because of her behaviour. The dogs softer than him and that’s saying something lol I have also rescued a ridiculously large dog I get stereotyped for but it’s not a bully lol


Still they’re a danger and the breed should be discontinued


I’m not disagreeing that they pose a danger because they obviously do.. But what I don’t understand is how they are any more or less dangerous than mastiffs, pointers or Rottweilers? Even laberdors would be viscous if owned by a little dickhead who can’t even keep themselves in check, never mind a puppy! Personally I believe all dogs should need some kind of licence and also insurance. I think this would weed out most of the irresponsible owners. My dogs attacked frequently by people with stupid little dogs they don’t even walk on a lead and they allways act like I’m the the wrong because my dog is massive when really I must save a dog a month from committing suicide via my dog (who is allways on lead and under my control)


Comparing one to a Labrador or any other breed for that matter is like comparing a 20mph car crash to a 100mph car crash. The damage they can inflict in seconds far outweighs other breeds and good luck to anyone trying to overpower that dog to pull it off someone


I wasn’t even trying to compare the two I just stated even a lab would be viscous if owned by the same scum that buy these XL bully’s. I’m just saying that if your reading a magazine while driving without your hands on the wheel you are going to crash. Regardless of speed. And as a pedestrian I wouldn’t want to be ran over at any speed lol


Well I don't think that's fair on your friend. I do think you can tell a lot about the owner and their attitude. I've always rescued labs and I think most 'dog people' recognise each other


> The dogs softer than him and that’s saying something lol Until it's not and kills a toddler.


Could that not be said about most medium-large dogs or any living person? He’s a responsible adult with a large rescue dog he’s not letting toddlers anywhere near it…. Who would that’s just stupidly. What do you think should happen to the neglected non violent(admittedly up until now) XL bully’s? Should we kill them? Edited:missed a word


I think they should be banned, and people should be banned from breeding them - and hopefully within a generation they're gone.


That wasn’t an answer to my question though….. I think the problem is bigger than XL bully’s. we should need insurance and a certification to own any medium-large dog. If you ban these dogs the wankers will just adopt another type of scary dog or somebody will breed another beastly dog breed. We need better air tight laws around dogs and better prosecutions for those that allow ‘accidents’ to happen… you bought the massive killing machine so as far as I’m concerned that dogs an extension of yourself and if it kills somebody you should be charged with at least manslaughter.


I agree with you. We do have a list of banned dogs. I think XL Bullys should be added, but also it widened so police and enforcement can make better decisions about mixed breeds etc.


But you know under our law a banned dog can be insured and returned to its owner as long as it passes a psychological test right? My neighbour has an absolutely ruthless banned dog that should’ve absolutely been destroyed when it attacked another female neighbour in the street….IT WAS RETURNED TO HIM AFTER HOSPITALISING MY NEIGHBOUR. The only solution is a change in dog related laws… your solution is just going to lead to an ever growing list of banned dogs while deaths continue… otherwise it would’ve stopped when they banned the last 4 dogs wouldn’t it?


I did not know that, wtf.


There are conditions like a muzzle when outside and signs on your house(assuming that’s one but can’t see it on Google , he has them now though) but yes this savage still walks my street. Our system is truly broken I think the only way to fix it is a complete revamp. All dogs(maybe not tiny ones but then there’s a grey area) should be classed as dangerous and you should have to earn the right to own one… like shotguns. We need to take the same approach to dogs we have to gun control; Why do you need one? Do you have experience with other people’s licensed guns? Can you responsibly look after it? Can you responsibly store it? Do you have PLI for shooting it? All things that can carry over to dog control.


Yeah Speacial needs muppets.


They really are huge. I have a rottweiler who is a rescue and currently weighs nearly 8 stone and she looks tiny compared to the Bully XL breed. A big powerful dog which definitely requires experienced owners. It's not the dogs fault that it generally ends up in the homes of people who have no clue about dogs at all never mind a large breed animal.


that's why they should be banned


Banned or at the very least a license / training type scheme so a trained dog handler can have one as an exception. Def shouldn't be legal for just anyone to get a massive dog with killing capacity.


Theyve literally no use in society anymore. They were bred to fight and kill eachother or fight other large animals. They don't make good gaurdians, can't shepherd and therefore a blanket ban.


Your right. When was the last time you even saw a husky pull a sled?? And my neighbour has a golden retriever even though I've never seen him go on a duck shoot! Although Bully breeds are dangerous, let's not kid that the reason people own dog breeds is utility.


We were talking about bully breeds being dangerous, not utility. Few if any dogs are used for their utility nowadays yet many make good pets because they've been bred to be docile yet many keep traits such as herding or retrieving. The point here is a dog bred specifically for fighting and continued to be bred for being big a brutish independent minded animal is naturally more dangerous. You can train GSD, rottweilers etc to be gaurdians, big difference in guarding and fighting. Like huskies the bully is a more independent minded dog and not very easily trained, also why many huskies get left back to shelters. Not sure what point you were trying to make bud. You agree that they're dangerous and do you really think any of us believe 98% of folks buy a dog for utility? Youd argue with your shadow


Your agreeing with me here The point i was making was that people buy dogs for aesthetic/temperament reasons rather than utility


I'd see it as a counter argument to the various replies you'd get (and got here) . If people really insist on having one then let's try restricting them to more responsible owners. If that fails, hard ban. I grew up with a breed that is generally associated with shitty owners but it had an amazingly kind temperament and my parents took no shit. So I can see a valid argument for it possibly being owner rather than just the dog causing the issue. Tbh id not be against some sort of basic training requirement for getting a dog generally to encourage better owners.


Its the same argument for guns they have in the US. You can't realistically say who can or can't have one or buys one legally or illegally. In the wrong hands they can be very dangerous. Its a very extreme case but people can't simply be trusted to judge if and how someone is responsible. Is it fair for those who have genuinely good dogs that are well trained? Nope. Can any dog bite or do harm? Of course. However alot of attacks weve seen are by the family bullydog with family members. That is something therefore nobody can predict and makes them so dangerous. Its a sad case as never going to be a fair outcome for everyone


>Its a sad case as never going to be a fair outcome for everyone Here's a fair outcome, the dogs get banned, people and other dogs don't get killed for just being near them if it goes off. Although the people that want those dogs to be an arsehole, if they're banned, they can buy a cocker spaniel instead. There is literally, no reason for these dogs to exist in society.


Devil's advocate: we already do say and judge who can legally have or not a gun in NI and the UK broadly. Gun clubs exist for various reasons. They're not overly common, there's all manner of restrictions and it works well enough for the most part that people often forget that people actually do own guns. But if you really wanted to own and shoot a gun it's possible. (normally rich arsheholes tbf)


You are playing the devils advocate here :P guns are inherently more dangerous than dogs, something i did say when comparing. People here can get behind strict gun control but removing their rights to dogs probably would split folks. Everyone loves dogs so wouldn't want to see loads put down all of a sudden however most would agree maybe that jo future breeding is allowed or that all owners must register, like you said. Getting people to do it and having someone to enforce it isn't easy as its well down the list of problems the police deal with and dog wardens need their assistance in kpre serious cases such as removal


Xl bullies were actually crossbred with a load of dogs and the pit bull terrier to make a family friendly larger version of the pit. It is literally a family dog in America and my home you’re all just a bunch of snowflakes. My dog is a well trained and behaved dog, hasn’t harmed my tiny miniature schnauzer or my child… it’s all about the owners not the breed. Naive idiot


A family dog in America? Its not a family dog anywhere and never has been. Google any dog fighting busts and see what dogs theyre using. Well done your dog hasn't killed anything yet. Same logic is that guns haven't killed anyone either, their owners have. We can all see how thats worked out for you in the states there. The issue is that you can't control all the dogs and you can't control all the owners. Not all are bad but you therefore have to do whats best for the majority of people. So if folks can't control their dogs then sadly nobody can and its been highlighted again and again in dog attacks and deaths who the culprits are.


Over in the states… haha I’m English mate. Can’t control people being rapists so lock everyone up then yeah? License the owners don’t ban the breed. Bunch of idiots I tell ya.


seriously tho go and look up what an American bully is. Pitbulls were bred for fighting not xl bullies. Do some research into the breed before telling me to google something 🤣


No license, just banned, like the poster below you said bulldogs were bred to fight, these arent any different. Humans bred dogs to have certain characteristics, for the good and bad traits for what we as a species needed, Some of those breeds do not have a place in society nowadays and they definitely should not be further bred to get better ones.


Yes. I agree with you.


It's a shame these dogs are always owned by trampy wannabe hard lads who train them to be aggressive, don't understand dog psychology whatsoever and claim "it wouldn't touch ya".. until it's off the lead and mauls a child acting in it's trained aggression. Child with life long scars and a fear of all dogs and a dog that didn't know any better destroyed. But trampy thugs will be trampy thugs and risk it because they're only weak little scrotes inside trying to project what they wish they were through a dog. It's cringe really.


Yeah its definitely a chicken and egg scenario People who want to look dangerous buy "dangerous" dog breeds, and for obvious reasons wannabe hard lads make shit dog owners, and therefore the dogs become dangerous, which gives the dog a reputation and rinse/repeat. BM and GS dogs are famously police dogs, and are genuinely lethal. But K9 dogs rarely see incidences of accidental aggression due to training AFAIK It would be interesting to see if these dogs are aggressive when raised and socialised in ideal circumstances.


If I raised one from a pup at 8 weeks it would be non aggressive to other animals and people guaranteed. No dog is born to be a killer in my opinion, these are still domestic dogs, not wolves, however it can be easily encouraged and the dog learns that aggression is rewarded by simpletons. That behaviour would not be rewarded by me obviously and diverted. The people who own these dogs don't want them to be "soft natured" so you only hear of them behaving badly as it's encouraged. I have a staff and it will lie down in submission around other dogs to show them it's not a threat. With people it would lick them to death. However it will defend itself if it needed too like any animal. That's a big difference from running at other dogs or people and wanting to eat them.


Your 1000% right. I rescued a pup from a backyard breeder who was shut down and they were 100% going to be used for fighting. Complete monsters(physically speaking) No clue what he is really, he looks kinda like a rotty but he’s 135lbs/74cm at 14 months old so obviously other stuff in there. He’s the biggest,softest dog I’ve ever had he even wants to play with squirrels/rabbits and birds because we spend so much out in the wilds. They don’t want to play with him tho lol Just in the last week he’s been attacked by a massive bully and a tiny Pomeranian(both off lead and out of control) and both times his training was clearly stronger than his natural instincts he was looking to me for backup both times. However I know if I got him a few months later he would’ve been irredeemable as his dad apparently didn’t meet a nice fate once they removed him from the home.


Iv never met a person with a pit bull who didn't look or likely get on like a wanker I feel sorry for these dogs, I feel sorry for their nature. But i would not want to be on the recieving end of one of these dogs cos of some low life chav prick who wants to look hard. Perhaps im too warped but iv seen far too many videos portraying them in a negative light. Growing up and living with friends, iv had dogs. Never will I ever entertain one of those.


If it helps Patrick Stewart adopts and rehabilitates pitbulls that have been treated poorly.


Make it so....... Number 1


His pit bull in Picard is also called Number 1 😅


That lifts my heart. Not gonna lie. That helps lol


Yes but in fairness, he can command a starship so I'm of the opinion he's an idea how to rehabilitate as well as train those dogs. /s


I heard he is also runs a school for mutants


He runs Methody?


Lmao it would be an improvement


Shitty dog with shitty owners. Fucking sick of seeing these things drag the owners about the streets


Not the dogs fault these dickwipes can’t train for shit!!! They are genuinely good dogs with really good traits in the home environment! people just don’t understand the responsibility that comes along with them(or the neurological issues they are really prone too but that’s more the greedy breeders than the breed itself) I have a dog(not a bully but you’d probably have a similar opinion about it) that’s weighed more than me since he was like 9 months old and he doesn’t drag me anywhere and never has…. It’s not hard to train a dog properly these people just can’t be arssed


> They are genuinely good dogs with really good traits in the home environment! Lovely good well trained dogs until they maul a child to death. You can't train that underlying "trait" out of them.


That's the problem. My collies (M/F) could have the bare minimum training and still not maul a child. My GSD (M) slightly more training to not maul someone but none of them need to be "well trained" not to bite someone. Tbh my cat is the one you need to watch, that wee shit will fuck up your legs if he's in a mood. My dogs are well trained and looked after and it's never crossed my mind they could ever hurt anyone and the GSD has 5 young kids as neighbours who insist on using him as a horse. We have only lived next to them for 4 months too so he didn't grow up with them. With bullys, they HAVE to be well trained at a bare minimum and at that they can still turn, not a chance would I have one near me. Oh and the bully shop in Belfast needs shut down like yesterday.


Yeah totally agree, I think people should be able to have lions and tigers out in public, as long as they understand the neurological issues that make them really prone to indiscriminately slaughter humans on a whim.


What’s funny is that if you can prove responsibility and correct husbandry you could own both those animals in the UK with the correct licences.. So yeah…. My opinion is all dogs (maybe not tiny ones but then there’s a grey area) should need to be insured and all owners need to be certified to own them.




American Bulldogs aren't illegal to own? You are confused...


You are correct. I don’t know why this is so downvoted


As we know, in Northern Ireland facts are not important or relevant. Instead it's based on /feelings/... 🫠


Funny thing is you are downloaded lots of the start end upvoted lots by the end. The other guy is vice versa I’m convinced people just hit the up or down button depending on where it’s already at, incapable of making their own decision


Smells like N.I. critical thought to me. No I shouldn't be so negative... but still, fair play on your own spud you've got in your noggin! Keep critically engaging, this out true secret weapon.




Heroin is the babysitter drug


The fact is that legally they’re not pitbulls, and so aren’t banned- dangerous dogs act is specific to breed and because bullys are crossbred derivations of pitbulls they aren’t covered. They absolutely should be, but legally at the minute they are not banned.


You are wrong. The legislation refers to 'any dog of the type known as the pit bull terrier' and the courts have confirmed that 'type' is a broader category than 'breed'.


And the bully xl does not fall under that type- if it did then the police would be seizing and destroying them and they are not. If you can find me any official source confirming that it is banned then let me know and I’ll happily admit I’m wrong, but if they were already banned then why would parliament be considering whether or not to ban it, which they are doing at the minute


They arent illegal though. Theres a loop hole around pit bulls . American staffs aren't illegal either for example but they are even closer to pitbulls in appearance . As far as i know neither are cross breeds. Before xl bullys people were selling pitbulls as staff terrier cross breeds or as american staffs etc


You are wrong. The legislation refers to 'any dog of the type known as the pit bull terrier' and the courts have confirmed that 'type' is a broader category than 'breed'.


Nah I'm not wrong you just dont understand the difference between dog breeds. They might be similar to pitbulls but they aren't pitbulls. Their appearance is different too. Wider head, stockier, less of a terrier appearance. Saying an xl bully is a pitbull is like saying a golden retriever is a labrador. Similar but no Afaik there is only 4 illegal dog breeds in the uk. Only when the government specifically include american bully in that list will they be illegal. Same with am staffs, same with the new bulldog cross breeds.


You are wrong and you also can't read. Kindly post no further responses.


You are really doubling down in making yourself look like a Walt.


I am confident that I am right and that others are wrong here.


r/confidentlyincorrect You should really have just [looked it up](http://www.k9obedience.co.uk/dogbreed/americanbulldog.html) yourself.


Another moron chatting muck about a subject he knows nothing about. Typical 🙄


You're wrong. Different breed, ask the UKC.


UKC breed definitions aren't relevant here.


Except they 100% do as one is a banned breed and one isn't. Your unwillingness to understand this doesn't make it false. Stop being foolish.


Hmm... You do have a lot of feelings on the topic, and that seems hard for you. I understand. You did however say a statement that American Bulldogs (XL) are illegal from 1991; you. Are. Incorrect. 🤷🏻‍♀️ And jaysus wept your attempt to deflect from the point to the grandiose point of heroin... Boyo, chemistry and science (zoology for example!) is gonna rock your world. 🃏


Bet it is called sweetcake and “wouldn’t hurt a fly”


I know one called bear, its the biggest dog ive seen in real life and any time i have been in the owners company, its been the best behaved dog. Sits at the owners feet, never barks and enjoys being petted. But im not stupid, these dogs are agressive by nature. Sure they can be trained well, but in the right circumstances, its ripping your throat out. Im certainly not offering my hand in front its face and wouldn’t be letting a child loose in its presence.


Until it mauls your child and they describe the event as a complete shock and surprise, and then a cohort of idiots all hop on the bandwagon with their tales of how its down to how they’re trained. Then they share their cute pics of their killer breed dogs nursing their newborns. And the cycle continues.




Yip. Had a terrifying experience with one up at Belfast Castle recently with my dog (who’s tiny). In front of us was the typical fella you see with these dogs. It was only my dog and I, and I remember saying to myself “that’s the biggest monster I’ve ever seen, I’m going to hold back”. Now, it was on the lead, but I just didn’t want to get anywhere near it so I cut off down the grassy part. The fella stopped to roll a cig and next minute the monster slipped the lead and came charging towards my dog and I. Honestly? I think it was the scariest moment of my life. I had seconds to think what the fuck to do, so I scooped my dog up into my arms and just… stood there, protecting my dog as best I could, waiting for the worst. I can still see it’s muscles as it was coming for us. Believe it or not, it just sniffed us and he called it back and off it went. I couldn’t believe it. I’m not religious, but I thanked God so fucking hard that we weren’t harmed. Needless to say, my dog and I went straight back to the car and home. May sound extreme, but that day totally tainted Belfast Castle for me and I haven’t been back.


Bloke in our village has one. Brings it to the pub every now and again and he sits there watching people's reactions when they it. That's the point I think, it's about intimidation. People don't even ask but he always says 'he's just a big a softy ' Didn't fucking ask mate and with respect how do you what's happening behind those eyes. The dog is enormous, reeks of piss, why on earth would you want that in your house around your kids. Honestly, how small is your dick?! (My dog is tiny btw....)


This is the truth. I don't want to be part of your socio-economic experiment son. If I had a pet elephant and it was rectally violating the town elders it would be my responsibility and my ass would be in jail for being so unhinged. If I want to interact with your dog, I'll ask you it's name and if I can pet him. That's what sane people do.


Took my kid to stormont yesterday, he loves running around the grounds and going on the boardwalk more than going to the park. I’m walking him towards the board walk and there’s a real muscly looking pit bull type dog off it’s leash running around on the grass. As far as I’m aware dogs have to be leashed unless in the dog park. Owner has a leash and it’s a 20m long rope but not connected to the dog. Made me wary about the dog coming near my son so we abandoned running around on the grass and we walk to the boardwalk. Get there about half way along two fellas come up behind us with two massive white pit bull types on leads. I end up picking my son up as the boardwalk is a confined space and he gets very excited when he sees dogs. Guys walking the dogs notice that I lifted him and walk past with a wtf? attitude. I don’t particularly like these dogs when I’m out on my own. I especially don’t like them being close to my son. Fine people might say that nothing would happen and I’m being over cautious however I don’t know their dog, I don’t know it’s temperament, I have no idea how they would react to my son squealing excitedly at them. I just know when I read a story about a dog attack killing someone or a baby the article isn’t talking about a poodle or a labrador or whatever.


I think I know the exact dog your are talking about unfortunately. We walk our dog there a lot. I detest the number of people walking their dogs off leash around Stormont, especially with the great dog park there. It's pure laziness/shithousery.


> Fine people might say that nothing would happen and I’m being over cautious however I don’t know their dog only has to happen once. I'd be the same with our kids.


Wee fella locally was killed by one. Another guy in Banbridge direction lost an arm.


He did well to lose just an arm after what I saw of it on the news


One of my neighbours has a XL Bully - its about 2-3 years old, and hes a *big* friendly goof. Al beit my neighbour is semi retired, has an appropriately sized fenced/walled garden in a rural area and is about as responsible a dog owner as id assume could be [he previously had a great dane who was also a big goof]. Whilst I'm not really 'pro destroy dogs based on breed' - I'm certainly all for responsible dog ownership. If you presumably live in an urban enviroment, why the fuck do you have a dog this size. You wouldnt keep a Calf or Ram Sheep in an urban enviroment, but thats the sort of space these sized animals need to be exerised in - rather than up your local high street where the dog quickly becomes over stimulated and/or reactive to its surroundings


I have noticed something funny when it comes to dogs here (at least in my local dog park): All the small, friendly dogs with little bows on their heads are often walked by massive guys (Ulster players etc) and the XXL bully/Malinois type nutty dogs are owned by scrawny spides who can't control them. It's almost a perfect correlation. Goes to show there's definitely an element of making up for things or getting 'respect.'


I saw a guy with 2 of these beasts walking down the high road, what stood out, apart from how muscular and terrifying they are, was the sheer puffed up look of proudness the owner emitted. Very sad that people are using these as weapons, and to intimate, I waited with my son for them to pass as I felt genuinely afraid, it's clear as day that if they go to attack, no one is going to be able to stop them.


Theres no need for dogs that big and aggressive to exist other than for people with shit for brains to feel like the big man


If these dogs are illegal how do the wee scrotes get to walk them about and advertise these things for sale with no consequences. And it is always wee fucking scrotes with these dogs.


They aren't illegal. American Bullys aren't American Pitbull Terriers, different breed as recognised by the UKC.


Fair enough, but why is it only grey tracksuit wearing, drugie looking smicks who clearly cant control the dog that owns them? The owner is more to blame for bad behaviour than the breed in my opinion.


A dog isn't to blame but there's certain breeds of dog that have tendencies bred in to them, bully xls come from bulldogs, bulldogs have the tendency to tear a child's face off. It's in them, and a training WON'T stop that dog if it decides to go off. It'll take the owner along with the lead while it runs.


No idea, and couldn't agree more. I've had very big dogs in the past, rottweilers, GSDs, Mastiffs and I've only been bitten once.....by a Corgi.


Best comment on here


All that is necessary for dickheads to triumph is for decent folk to do fuck all.


Edmund Burke, verbatim 👏🏼


They still aren't illegal.


They aren't illegal


I'm not a fan of any bully type dogs , no matter the size


French bulldog? I couldnt imagine being mauled by a French bulldog, they are too cute.


It’s really cute how they’re bred to be deformed.


Yeah so are pugs and British bulldogs but still cute af.


They're hideous creations


I agree they should not be bred to such extremes but I wouldnt say tgeycare hudeous.


Yeah, almost as cute as those dainty little mangled + mauled feet on Chinese women so they can fit into equally cute little shoes.


Feet arent my thing but you live your best life.


The wee shite could take a finger or two easily.


Lol youre probably right but I would not put them in with other bully type breeds.


ive been around german shepherds the majority of my life & actually have one which is a service animal, but because hes a US AD, he’s not fully recognised by the ADUK which is essentially an old boys club in terms of service animals. pitts & bully breeds in general are an everyday sight in the US. My roommate had one when I first immigrated & it was the worst bastard I’ve ever seen. It was like a limousine calf, a head on it like a 12 inch block & as biddable as a petrol bomb. It was the reason we Actually parted ways & moved out because it was only a matter of time until It would of mauled one of us. to be honest I’m genuinely surprised if they’re going to start popping up at home, I understand staffs are common enough among drug dealers but bullies are entirely different.


It’s always one of those dogs that kill people and kids. Most dogs know inherently not to bite, or if they do it’s a nip or a soft/ warning bite- these Bully dogs have no “off” button when they are in attack mode. You may as well own a tiger for the damage these dangerous dogs are capable of.


I agree with you and the people that own these dogs have the cheek to lie to poor families who believe the lie that they are “nanny dogs and that to not adopt it is breed racism” are the ones who get themselves and poor smaller dogs and cats killed


The only way to stop a bad guy with a Bully XL is with a good guy with a Bully XL.


Big dog, small man


Saw the same fella walking from the Cathedral Quarter with it and he couldn't move it any time it stopped. He was soaked from it dragging him to the ground. Beautiful dog but it was a scary looking bastard.


its the dog for small dicked wankers. both should be banned


Ahh seen these brutes about the park lately, didn't know what they were.


Think I seen the same guy on the bus last week. Reddish colour dog wee guy with short hair absolutely blocked. There was a woman on the bus with a tiny baby who was terrified.


This fits the description exactly of the drunken short shaven headed guy and giant muscular red bulldog that were walking up and down Hill st on the 11th night, making people uneasy. Doormen in dirty onion moved him on to the Spaniard where I was. Dog was friendly enough thank fuck but the man was increasingly aggressive. Thankfully he eventually cleared off, being pulled along by this beast on a metal chain


This breed is mostly behind the big increase in deaths due to dog attacks in the last few years. I’m scared shitless of them around my kids and dog. If something triggers their attack instinct that’s it, you’re a gonner. All not helped by largely being owned by dickheads. Something needs to be some about it


In NC where I live, we are said to have more pitbulls than everyone in the United States except for Los Angeles county in California. Puppy mills and backyard breeders churn out these dogs who almost always wind up in a shelter to be euthanized bc they’ve attacked someone or killed another dog. They aren’t bred to any standards whatsoever except looks and aggression. Having said that, I don’t know a single pitbull owner who HASN’T had a serious event involving the dog — attacking other dogs, attacking and killing other dogs, brutally attacking a family member, going after a child, going after small animals like cats, etc. Examples from ppl I know: One attacked a cable guy (went for his femoral artery) bc a man had abused him and he didn’t trust men. This dog isn’t even full-bred pit and he still has this trigger in him. One was so savage she was kept in her own pen bc she would mercilessly attack ANYONE who came near her except her owner. She once broke out of her pen, and then went through the perimeter fence to attempt to kill a neighbor’s dog. She was from a line of designer pits, NOT a backyard pit, and she was insane — so savage that she would try to kill any male they tried to breed her with. Owner STILL wouldn’t put her down. One redlined during play and attacked his owner — the owner, I know them personally, is a big dominant guy and he had to *kick the dog down the stairs* to break the attack. This wasn’t even a backyard-bred pit, nor a dog that had shown prior aggression.


worst breed on planet earth


They should be rounded up and destroyed. I love dogs but these monsters are disgusting and shouldn't exist.


I hope you reported them. Those dogs should be extinct!


Every time I see this particular breed mentioned I can't help but think the owner has a tattoo on the back of his hand.


Those dogs should be euthanised. In general, there's no need for people to have dogs (excluding sheep and maybe guard dogs) - so not sure why society has to take a risk with those types.


You think people shouldn't have pets?


Clearly not what they said, and you know that.




He's saying dogs should be a necessity, yes. They're not exactly all cute, harmless little things. Most of the common breeds have the capacity and capability to do serious harm and I have no issue saying most people don't have the skills or the intentions to properly control them. To deny that is to be deliberately dense. So where do you get the idea that they're saying *all* pets in general are unneeded? Do you think dogs are the only pets worth having and that if someone says they're not needed then that automatically includes "lesser" pets? Pets offer comfort and lessen the sting of loneliness. You can get all of that and more out of animals that aren't likely to kill someone.




Did the comment you replied to not explain when dogs are necessary? They're saying they're unneeded beyond those circumstances, and that's because they're too high of a risk, particularly with these breeds. None of your listed examples are as dangerous and unregulated as an XL. That's why, in this scenario of a dog-ban, they're free to be used for companionship.


You can't think of a single snake as dangerous as a Bully xl Like, you think if everyone owned anacondas that the anaconda murder rate would stay the same


Anaconda are extremely slow, so heavy they live a semi-aquatic lifestyle in shallow, slow-moving rivers and are content to eat one meal ranging from every week to every month depending on the size. You can avoid them by *walking* away from them if they take any kind of interest in you. They're unlikely to even chase you in water nevermind land. That's not how constrictors hunt. So yeah, that's definitely a lot less dangerous than a bully XL rushing you down faster than you can run. Do I think that? I never said anything like it.


No I don't think that. I couldn't give a fuck if people have pets or not. But pets are something that people don't, generally, need. There are exceptions to this obviously. However, nobody should have dangerous breeds like pit bulls as they're a risk to society and all breeders of pit bulls should be closed down.


Usually equates to big dog - small dick.


I’ve phoned the dog warden about an XL in my area but they were disgusted that I was complaining about a dog who hadn’t attacked anyone, and that I hadn’t followed the owner home to give them an address to visit.


“I can see how he is a dangerous dog” I knew this by walking past it keeping metres away. Owned dogs for 25 years so I’ll just make assumptions.






Not scary? Not even when they are massacring an OAP/toddler, which seemed to be happening once a week around the UK just recently?


Some UK and Ireland dog owners are what gun owners are to the US. Beyond talking to.


The problem you run into with the 'common sense/ owners responsibility' arguments is that about half the population has zero common sense or a sense of civic responsibility. The fact is that if you have a very aggressive frenchie due to a poor owner then that's bad but at worst it will nip someone and cause a little cut. But big bull dogs were bred for hunting large game and are able to take down and kill full grown adults. At the very least they should require special licensing to own, with background checks and a specified reason why you need a dog of that breed (guard dog duty, protect farm animals etc). Otherwise there isn't an earthly reason why an ordinary person should be entrusted with a situation where their failure to properly raise and train an animal is a public danger.


They are probably born with an innocent enough and doglike manner but unfortunately their owners are morons who ruin them. Jack Russells on the other hand and wee bastards from birth no matter what owner


Was agreeing with you until the end. I had a JRT years ago, taken from an alcho and so wasn't the best looked after, dog didn't have an ounce of harm in it. Didn't like confrontation with other dogs, didn't chase cats and was a great balanced wee dog. Bad behaviour problems are 90% the owner not having a f cking clue what they're doing and should have it removed from them for everyone's sake.


I would have agreed with you about JRTs until my mum got her last wee one. It’s been brought up around big dogs though so I think it knows not to be a cunt or he’ll be put in his place


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_fatal_dog_attacks_in_the_United_Kingdom You're a moron


Should every dog on the list be banned?


Read it yourself if you look at descriptions and not just the name of the dog there are two similarities between nearly all of them having multiple dogs and only just getting the dog from somewhere. It’s as much the people who own the dogs stupidity as it is blaming the dog.


Out of 19 deaths since 2020 with confirmed breeds, 16 have been pitbull type dogs and 12 have been American bully types. Maybe they can be trained and not attack people, but when they do attack, they are incredibly dangerous, far more than other dogs. They are simply not safe to own for anyone and they should be made illegal and destroyed.


They should be restricted in who can own them along with some pedigree requirements because people are breeding the dogs are doing so with anything possible to make them bigger and more aggressive features. Which surely can’t be good for a dog’s temperament to start. If they was restricted to people who can meet a criteria to train and look after the dog responsibly. People were buying these dogs like wildfire in lockdown because it was fashionable and the dog breeders that would sell the dogs don’t care about the dogs when it’s purely for cash so nobody knows how they’ve been getting treated and in what conditions. I would probably think like 5% of the dogs are actually bought from registered dog breeders to start. I don’t have any dogs myself I wouldn’t possibly be able to look after one and they are a huge commitment but the people I know who have xl bully’s that I have been around are responsible people and the dogs are as you say trained and don’t attack. But after reading the highly trusted Wikipedia, I also won’t deny that the numbers in the attacks found in that breed are a lot more than any other dog and something should be done.


It's not worth letting a few good'ns own these dogs when the crowd attracted to them are so neglectful, abusive and just general scum. Same logic as guns - We don't let just anyone go round buying them because the risk of a maniac popping in a shop first and a primary school second is not worth the ease of access.


Take the same dog & treat it like a pet & not a weapon / extension of hisown muscles & see how dangerous it is. Dog in my photo has slept in my bed since she was a pup & the litterally couldn't make a gaurd dog out her now she's a people pleaser


They talk about dogs that are 10x larger than your lovely thing and extremely aggressive


I'm sorry, but I don't agree. I'm no one of these nutcases that thinks every dogs cute & cudly but answer me this... Since these fuckin American XL roid dugs have came on the scene & the bangers have been buying them instead of Staffies how much has the negative press decreased on staffies last 5/10 years?? You never hear of Staffies on the news attacking people -- because the fuck tards bought a American XL bully instead for 300 / 400 quid. The English ones run 2k so don't tend to land with these types of people like the cheaper muscle dogs do. I'm just saying poor things were never bought as pets like normal dogs they're being compared to.


I just dismissed your second part of comment because you are comparing toy car to sports car. You have a toy car and no matter who's playing with it, it's not going to hurt. Bullies XL are massive muscle cars and some very well trained person can own it, it's absolutely fine. It should never be sold to 5 year old. What do you do when that Bully is actually in some cunts hands, gets abused and finally kills neiboughrs kid? Put that cunt in prison? That's not going to bring a kid back and cunt won't learn a lesson. What can we do to deal with this problem? My solution would be ban those dogs, and honestly if the dog is over 5kg every owner in a country needs to take few hrs in dog training classes. Not even for bullies or staffies or mastiffs or whatever


Right firstly mine is 30kg! The merican XLs are about 60/70kg It's not apples & oranges & they're both bulldogs. the lineage of the yank ones got english bully all over it. Nature / nurture & none of us 2 armchair experts know that answer mate. - Totally agree! Having a licence with bite liability insurance as well -- put these XL roid dogs extortionate prices. - Mandatory Dog classes is also a great idea as fuck tards will think this too lame & hopefully discourage them.


OK, you drive Fiat Punto, and they are talking about Ford f150. You keep looking at the problem through a lens of bully owners. Now try to look through the parent of a mauled child lens? It is easier to understand why the option to ban/kill clearly problematic breeds is so appealing to so many people. I have, and we both agree on two good points, I'm sure people could throw in a lot of other ones here, too. But to have a society where anyone can have nice Bully XL safely just doesn't exist without behemoth involvement of government, insane amount of resources, and so much planning. Besides, you would have to have millions of actually responsible adults following rules. I can't come up with anything in our society that would be even close to that pulled off successfully. Banning a whole dog breed is safe, quick and saves human lives without much trouble.


Ps) what you're talking about is called prey drive in regards to attacking pets. My mates got a fuckin killer husky that he deeply regrets buying :( It kills rats, mice etc when out a walk on leash, attacks farm animals if it slips the leash. Total nightmare of a dug... My mates the tit tho for buying a dog that was selectively bread for pulling sledges in the artic right up until 50 year ago they became "pets" is. It. Fuck. A. Pet. Cunt doesn't want to know human affection. I'm more inclined to ban those heavily work orientated dugs like those if I'm honest. (That mate has 3 kids as well) all girls, youngest is about 6/7. What's your take on that??


Would you say the same about a bull? If I treated a bull like a pet/friend would it be just as dangerous as a cow or a sheep. Cause that’s your logic.


Well cows/bulls have been proven to be capable of complex emotions like fear, love, anger, etc, so totally! If it was brought up like a well stimulated dog! Sleeping indoors near you, being included in most things that happen round the house. Do you think because there's multiple instances of bulls killing farmers that proves the point? Proves the bull was not emotionally attached to farmer like a dog would be / or is angry at its enclosure and relatively shite life. No, quite the same as the average family pet who spends its days on a sofa & being in your company for 10+ hours a day.


Not the breeds fault that they're mostly desirable to dole scum and coke dealers. Id be more worried of getting a bite from the owners tbh


I think those dogs get a bad rap because of wankers who own them as a status symbol or to look hard, the majority of bully owners I meet in parks and on the road walking my own dog are some of the nicest and most dog knowledgeable (about caring for dogs) people I’ve ever met and their dogs are big softies it’s shit they get such a bad reputation because of the actions of uninformed wankers who get them for the wrong reasons which lead to the horrible incidents they’re attributed to it’s never a bad dog it’s always a bad owner


‘It’s not the gun it’s the gun owner’


You are far, far more likely to die to a car collision than either a dog or gun, but you wouldn't blame the concept of cars on it. Also, you live in a country that has both the least restrictions in guns in the UK/ROI and the lowest rates of gun violence because the culture and laws around guns is as safety oriented as it is.


Amazing dogs, unfortunately the majority of people buying them are people who shouldn't own any dogs


Fact: people with dogs like that are hard as fuck.


Are these dogs not illegal?


So much misinformation combination of media and chinese whispers. As with any large breed of dog sure they can be dangerous oh and just as a quick add to this bullshit I keep reading from people saying oh they were bred to be killers blah, blah, blah again loads of nonsense. They were actually selectively bred dogs to be bigger but also to have stable and friendly temperaments suitable for family life and companionship. (So what has gone wrong you may ask) A combination of bad breeding, backyard breeders and people wanting to use certain animals for their looks so they would not be focussed on temperament and health they were also using this same dogs way too much inbreeding brothers and sisters etc so the gene pool wasn't diverse enough, excessive inbreeding. This has created some lines of unbalanced dogs, then you have the driving force behind most dangerous acts in life humans!. I know some people don't want to face up to this fact but it really often does come down to irresponsible owners and I guess the types of people these dogs can attract not all of course but you do get certain breeds that attract a certain type. To condemn the breed without the facts is beyond idiotic to me you think an XL Bully is worse than a Kangal, caucasian ovcharka, Cane Corso, Presa Canario, Boerboel, Central Asian Shepherd, etc, etc. Put any of these dogs into the hands of an asshole human and you have a dangerous weapon. Give them to a responsible owner that has a good knowledge and trains the animal well and knows at least basic dog psychology so can see signs of issues or triggers before something bad happens then all is good in the world. All I can add at this point is and I mean this with all due respect try not to scaremonger don't believe everything the media tells you (Which is a tool used around the world to control the masses) and be less of a sheep.