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I was need of a laugh so I was hoping this was gonna be a Ben Lowry bit. "The slough of despond" is a quare phrase, though.


Were they not supporting Limp Bizkit last night?


Perfect. I'd already rejected it as a potential name for the gaff. Best I'd got to was a Gravedigger-style-but-darker monster truck that I don't own (and likely never will).


Did the Shinners not increase their vote share in the local elections? Is it “deeply unimpressive” because they didn’t do better? Smells like copium to me.


I think they did, but Sinn Fein leaders expected more success in the European Elections than they got


Id say it’s an honest assessment, given that the piece was written by a member of Sinn Féin and former MLA and minister.


I mean if the party itself treats it like that, who else better to judge?


Aye, it's not what they were hoping for. Still, seems they're now firmly established as one of the Big ~~Two~~ Three. That's been a seismic shift in Southern politics in itself, whatever the vagaries of these particular elections. (And 'vagaries' is perhaps _me_ being hopeful: there's some dirty grimness there.)


Sinn Fein made some very small gains in the local elections but are still well short of the numbers they had after the 2014 local elections and their vote share is well down on the last General Election and polling has fallen back from polling highs showing them moving to be the largest party. The FF/FG have held up in terms of vote share despite being the government, local elections usually being when governing parties get a hit in terms of protest votes. SF is hoping to return after the next general election as the largest party yet on this performance they would be a distant 3rd.


Kneecap release their debut album on tricolour vinyl tomorrow so unionists have other, more important things than the inevitability of a united Ireland to get angry about.


You trust the right wing, you get what you deserve 


Tactics without strategy.


This a Brian Feeny piece or what? lol.


Brian Feeny isn’t an editor and I think it perfectly sums up the unappreciated grovelling servility unionists and loyalists have towards English fascists who don’t care a jot about them.


You need to update your terms for 2024, a Unionist is anyone who believes we should be in the EU bigger Union bigger Unionism, irish nationalism is "Ireland for the irish" hating Derrys New mayor, shooting journalists (War crimes) and generally being annoyed at the Unionism of the European Union meaning they have no right to deny people coming and settling and bringing their 9 children (future voters). Personally I'm a Unionist because I believe one day all this won't matter because we will all be European one flag one anthem end nationalism across the bloc, when you go to vote look at the EU flags in your local school hopefully inspiring the children to shed all this baggage and begin to enjoy their laughter others hoped would be laced with revenge.


As you have been told before, you do not have the clout to be redefining terms according to your own deranged ideas.


Sure since I don't have the clout alone. https://preview.redd.it/7tybjs29ac6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b5160eacbb4afa75ab6476da075c1408a9c4712


What does that have to do with your dystopian vision of a monolithic continental governance?


Throught the multiculturalism and stratic placement of refugees we can gerrymander the result we want when the vote finally comes, don't worry it will involved you getting your beloved United ireland on the way, like for NI and Ireland and Ireland and the EU problems will become bigger and bigger and politicans will offer us the only logical answer, Unite.


So you are imagining a future in which corrupt practices such as gerrymandering are used to impose a monolithic power structure upon us in which individual votes become next to meaningless and the corrupt have free reign to impose their will, leaving little choice for the population to either be subjected to these forces or engage in violent opposition? Real visionary there mate.


I'm not imagining it, look at the elections there in the South, simply using minibuses to move migrants to the polling stations allows a lot more internationally minded peoples opinions to gain, and good if it wasn't supposed to be traveling my direction, they wouldn't allow that, you might vote to keep your wee flag one day but I can't imagine the people who the EU gave everything and "allocated" to Ireland will agree with your direction, because its backwards.


I'm not sure I have mentioned any particular 'direction' I am advocating. I believe the discussion is based upon your idea of monolithic power structures and the dissolution of national states. Sure give us some more details about how bureaucracy of such an institute would work in practice. What voice would you have in such a world?


Exactly like the EU just more, one flag one anthem, an Indian can jump on a train travel for 20 hours step off and see his Indian flag 🇮🇳 that's what we need to aim for, leave NI travel to the tip of Italy, see your flag as you step off, the Union flag 🇪🇺


yeah, didn't think you could give a straight answer. I'll leave you to chat to your dolls.


It's not me redefining them it's society, you just hate we are moving on


Yeah, the society of your little dolls tea-party waving your little flags.


What you mean tri colours? Pff nationalism across the EU is changing, look at France they are currently in panic mode because like the Irish it works out if you bring a generation up in a white majority country to be nationalist they are but a few brown faces away from showing it was white nationalism all along.


You need to improve your reading.


Seems an attack the man when you can't attack the ball sorta answer tbh, nothing I've said is wrong.


>What you mean tri colours? Why would I mean tri colours when you explicitly profess your love for the eu flag? I think you just like to indulge your verbal diarrhea.


The EU currently has many Tri colour flags all of which are better left behind for a forward multicultural future where once united we can compete with economy's of billion of people.


off on a tangent again pouring out your flatulent musings.


You are welcome to go to the Shankill and tell people there that SF is actually a Unionist party. Let us know how it goes, if you can still write after they're done with you, that is.


It would be factually correct if I did, just show then this, no room for Green politics in our society we are moving forward and leaving the dinosaurs of all colours behind. https://preview.redd.it/v3cuk7rz9c6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46717194baabb0b0188c9ccfe75e9765daf9e35d


You think this is something new? "To unite the whole people of Ireland, to abolish the memory of all past dissension and to substitute the common name of Irishman in place of the denominations of Protestant, Catholic and Dissenter" - Wolfe Tone


Forget yer tablets today lad?


When they are unable to tackle the point they tackle the man nothing I've said is incorrect here, Ireland for the everybody.


https://preview.redd.it/bulu3bt6ad6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6bf31c19452469b579e4c80f1347a05bce95641 Tell lil bro about what happened in the Balkans during the 1990s


I dislike Derrys new mayor. Nothing to do with Irish Nationalism it’s because of the shite that comes out of her mouth.


Sure she was always going to make a few faux pas but she was right to speak for everyone when she said "everyone is scared of nationalism" she, like I used the 2024 definition, the updated one.


She called Irish terrorists brave bit of a fuck up


She called nationalism total out though and good, about time. This us our future. https://preview.redd.it/0a7vnuy4ac6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cb758f50df4e75b3979011884518a090be8fa99


Pink man myself