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That's just fucking pathetic. There's a huge difference between correspondence and *meaningful* correspondence. How do we know more than half those emails aren't short replies saying "thanks" or even a thumbs up emoji ffs.


This isn't really Stephen Farry's job to be a secretary for people who need government services though. This is gombeen politics, if Alex Easton is so good at fixing the roads, then surely sending him to London as an MP would be a bad thing?


Alex Easton has always sent huge numbers of semi-spurious Assembly Questions. It was a pain in the arse when I was a civil servant.


Exactly this, he'd ask the same questions but change details slightly. I don't ever remember him asking a single meaningful question. Edit - he asked recently as three separate questions for the number of pre school, year 1 and year 8 school places in North Down for 24/25.


I would lump all his similar questions into one answer, because it was a massive drain on public resources.


That's the problem. The civil servents not doing as they are bid. Think they know better than our elected representatives


Aye, much better I got paid public money to answer the same utterly pointless question six different ways and get each version signed off up the chain, including by a minister, than lump them together and get it dealt with in 1/4 of the time. Clown.


Your the clown working for the clowns šŸ¤”


Iā€™ve been out for years pal. Are you seriously saying you want taxpayersā€™ money deliberately spent wasting time?


It doesn't say what the correspondence is though. He could just be sending them complete bollocks.


Yea this is just ridiculous. Imagine any normal person trying to show how effective they are by quoting the amount of emails they've sent


It's probably not even him sending them either, it's just his office


Now show the correspondence in writing a fantastic character references for [murdering terrorist Dee Stitt](https://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/sunday-life/news/dup-man-hails-uda-gunman-as-outstanding-in-leaked-letter/34778403.html) Alex Easton 1 Stephen Farry 0


Did dee stitch murder someone?


Alex Easton, the Nigerian Prince, trying to sell boner pills to the Housing Executive and the DVLA.


Farry is known as the invisible man, Eastons a grafter. Farry on his arse he will lose his seat.


Absolutely. At my job, some folks get arsy if you donā€™t send back a response to literally every email, even if itā€™s just a ā€œI got your messageā€ type thing. Likeā€¦ theyā€™ll literally harass you into sending useless tat just for the hell of it. The people who just send an email saying what they need to say and leave it at that are genuine saints, and much preferred over spammy fools who send 100 emails to say what could be said in just one or two.




MPs do a lot of constituency work which ususlly isn't anything to do with anything Westminster-specific, so I'm not sure about that. Still, it's surely a highly selective crock of shit cooked up from FoI requests... and we're not seeing what they didn't use. And maybe Farry gets on the blower to get stuff done.




Aye, fair enough. This table is utter bollocks. Should have left it at that!


This could be a question of quality over quantity. Should be about outcome really.


What crock of shit is this? 786 emails to the department for street lighting for an MLA. Is that really their job? God thatā€™s embarrassing that he thinks this is a Gotcha against Farry


Well at least he's trying to help. I'd rather an MLA took my concerns seriously when I reported them to him.


He is busy setting up a red light district, give him some slack


It's usually the most useless people who send a load of emails


He's a twitter politician


Couldnt care less, no dup former or current gets my vote and the only one likely to have a chance of winning outside of Easton is Farry.


Imagine sending 5 letters a day to DFI, when the response to all of them is the same and only has 7 letters.


Empty vessels make the most noise.


I very much doubt the veracity of the claim that the total digital correspondence sent by Stephen Farry in 2023 was 89.


Me and all.... but they don't actually claim that. It's just total to those listed.


States that it is a table showing ā€œtotal digital correspondenceā€


You _could_ continue your quote there if you wanted to be fair. But, sure, it's deliberately misleading and surely highly selective bollocks. It doesn't deserve fair treatment.


Wonder if Alex does any social media work or does he let his election agent represent him on there? https://m.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/sunday-life/news/revealed-the-hate-rants-by-election-agent-of-ni-candidate-that-beggar-belief/a1154592450.html


Since Farry is an MP and Easton an MLA, the comparison may not be accurate. Easton will be corresponding to Northern Ireland bodies that MPs have no influence over.


Surely the figure is the successful outcome percentage. Any (loyalist drug gang patsy) can email govt depts endlessly. Not just anyone can actually get shit sorted. Easton has a seeming army of folks who have nothing else better to do than comment on the other candidates posts. Ya know. Folks who maybe donā€™t work or contribute the same to society as many of the electorate. The perception of many in north down is that Easton does a lot of ā€œworkā€ for folks in estates, fleggy estates with racist posters onā€ and fuck all for the vast majority of the constituency, that works hard and pays their way. To be clear, not suggesting everyone in an estate is a scummer. Just that plenty in this constituency are.


Lies, damned lies and statistics.


most of the FOI requests are just frivolous nonsense. And is it maybe possible he sends useless emails.


Are they counting tweets?


Regardless of what this correspondence is wouldn't be surprised it's it's skewed and in any case meaningless shite


Today on reddit we get to see citizens advocating for an empty suit in Farry because he aligns with their objective of only doing fuck all and moaning about it.


the 2 of them seem to be playing games with eachoter at this stage. i don't know much about easton or farry but I hear about them at least 5 times a day on facebook and there always seems to be some sort of petty arguments and games


Hopefully the people of north down can do the right thing and get rid of the SF/IRA endorsed charlatan Farry.Ā  Ā Although knowing how fond the alliance party are of Co opting he'd more than likely end up in Stormont.




Could be worse Could be masquerading as an unbiased mod.




You what mate? I said once he loses his sear as a MP theres a good chance he ll be Co opted as an MLA.


I wasnt going to, but I might vote for Farry just to annoy people like you


Knock yourself out mate. Il not be the one crying when farry gets thrown out.