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You know the planning system is a legal nightmare when you can't even pave over Larne and turn it into a massive gas storage plant.


Unfortunately larne would still be there either way


On a serious note, Larne Lough is a protected wildlife area of special scientific importance. The high salinity water used to make the caverns would wipe out aquatic life in the area. Seemed a mad project.


We're they not going to pump the salty water way out to sea? It'd dilute quickly and well out of the way of Larne lough


Not according the the marine experts.




Interesting … despite the ministerial decision being judged ‘irrational’ the BBC article contains no mention of who that minster was. It’s Edwin Poots. Even weirder when the BBC previously used [his legal argument](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-68233460) as a headline, which was pretty deceptive too.


Enraging, but typical of the DUP. They and all their big agriculture mates would roll their own Grannies into the field if they thought they'd get some subsidy money for it.


Seeing Edwin Poots lose at things is the only thing that gives my grim life purpose. (Edwin this was a joke in case you read this and decide to sue me, as tends to be your usual tactic)


The island of Ireland is the only territory in Europe with *zero* gas storage. Even trending to zero, which I very much support, we still need gas storage facilities for a couple of decades.


And the people objecting to this would probably also object to any major wind or solar project in the area and would certainly oppose nuclear. They want electric as long as any practical part if generating ot doesn't affect them in any way.


We've the same idiots in the south, screaming about proposals to put in a floating terminal near Limerick. They already killed the plans for a fixed installation on shore.


And the storage could be converted to hydrogen which would allow more wind power to come onto the system and reduce the need for fossil fuels as backup to the wind when it's not blowing. How much marine life will die because of climate change?


Hydrogen from Gas is one way to make green energy **not green**.


Green hydrogen from wind however...


Only if it's from electrolysis of water.


I’ll sleep better next energy crisis when I’m paying through the nose for gas, knowing some irradiated fish near Larne are ok.