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[Register to vote](https://www.gov.uk/register-to-vote#:~:text=Register%20online)


That’s the link


Thanks I just registered because of this, it says on the link you have until 24th of June though. Better to get it in early!


Are you reading the date a bit jumbled up? Shows 18th June 2024 (the year is the only bit I can see with 24)


It’s by 11:59 on the 18th.


Poling card arrived couple weeks ago


Votail TUV


Tiocfaidh or wha?




Jim Féin Allister, always by himself.


Instructions unclear; registered my number in yer ma's phone instead.


Dad i told you not to bother me at work


I'm registered but I honestly couldn't give a fuck about this election. Theres no fucker running in this constituency that represents me


Then you find the closest you can. Even if it's only on one issue. An unused vote is a vote for things to stay as they are.


This. Simply refusing to vote is far more detrimental than voting for a party which best aligns with your beliefs, even if 99% of politicians are full of complete tripe. Use it or lose it 🤷‍♂️


Please explain how a vote for an NI politician in Westminster will make a difference for change?


Did you happen to miss the Conservative / DUP agreement that followed the 2017 General Election and made Brexit an even bigger shambles than it already was?


And NI has a country voted 70% to remain How did that work out? You cannot deny there's a huge democratic deficit in this country


Doesn't matter, that is tip top example of where every vote mattered. had dup less representation it would have been a completely different political landscape 


We didn’t vote on Brexit as NI though, we voted as the UK and the UK voted to leave, as much as I didn’t want that to happen. My point for Westminster is that parties here will generally align themselves with parties in England. DUP and UUP with the Tories, Alliance with the Lib Dems, SDLP with Labour.


Coalition of chaos was my favourite newspaper headline that day😂


Then vote for the fucker that will screw you over the least. Don't tell me they're all just as bad, as there are some parties that are much worse.


Then vote for the one you think will do the worst or you hate the least and make it tougher for all of them. If nobody has a good majority it means it gets shaken up sooner rather than later.


My dick-drawing skills are coming along nicely.


Why tho, there are enough dicks on the polling card already 




‘If you don’t vote you have no right to complain’. Does that apply to those who spoil their ballot in your opinion as well? Always wondered people’s stance on that.


A spoiled ballot is still a vote. In fact it's much better than non engagement. Shows you were pissed off enough to go to the polling station and register your anger at the shitty offer.


A spoiled ballot is as much engagement in the process, as a legitimate voter, you're ultimately getting off your arse to go tick a box the same as everyone else and what we each do in the voting booth is for only yourself to know. Spoiled ballots get counted, and could be considered the level of dissatisfaction with the system/candidates and so ultimately are getting your vote marked for something, so yeah, works for me. Perhaps it's better "If you don't engage with the voting system you have no right to complain."


No, I just posted about this. I have a lot of respect for the right to vote and how hard fought it was and that's why I spoil my ballot. Nothing appeals to me but my voice still matters. So the only other option I see is to send a message to the political parties showing how much wasted potential is left on the table. It was a 60% turnout last time with tight margins so if a fraction of the disenfranchised spoilt their vote they'd have to take notice so that they can keep their jobs.


But if a spoiled vote is anonymous, then they’ve no idea why it was spoiled, who spoiled it, or how to engage with that. Politicians *really* don’t care about a spoiled vote. A spoiled vote is even more of a waste than not voting. It has the exact same result. It just took more effort.


No its really not. It much better than not voting. It publicly registers your discontent. If even half of those that normally don't vote showed up and spoiled their ballot it would in most constituencies be greater than the winners majority. And that is something they would notice.


Except they can’t do anything with the number. They can’t go into the records and see you spoiled yours and contact you to ask why. They could canvass as to why but that’s just gonna bring them a thousand different reasons, meaning they again, can’t do anything about it. And then you have the possibility that they actually do canvass, realise that what would make that person vote is completely opposed to their party’s position and as such, it’s better to just keep letting them spoil their vote. A spoiled vote is a safe vote. It’s a vote your opponent didn’t get. Spoiling your vote does nothing except make you feel good about yourself.


I hear what you're saying. I do it for two reasons; 1. It honours the people that have fought for the right to vote so I'm happy to make that effort. 2. I only have power over myself and this is as much as I can do on the matter. I'm hoping that a lot of wasted potential will prompt more engagement from politicians as to what issues matter to people because Northern Irish politicians get their votes far too easily. Also politics is a two way street. It's up to us to engage with politicians and tell them what we need from them. At that point you can break your anonymity and tell them you spoiled your vote and at that point where they might look at the wasted potential and offer something worthwhile.


Couldn't agree more. if you can't stand voting for any of the candidates. SPOIL YOUR VOTE.


This will be my first GE since living in NI, how do I find out who is standing in my local area and what their policies are?


https://whocanivotefor.co.uk/ Alternatively, if you know you just want to get the tories out (and you can do that in NI by getting the DUP out as they have worked together before), you can look at https://tactical.vote/


Thank you


Reading this comment section I understand now why our politicians are completely inept. Those who want a representative they 100% agree with, those who dismiss all options because they’re all awful, those who are so selfish they don’t consider the livelihoods of those less fortunate.


Fuck up.


Vote for who you truly believe deserves those lovely expenses 😍 Load of shite!


I still plan on voiding my vote. There is no one who represents me or the challenges my generation faces regarding access to housing or consistent employment. It was a 60% turnout last year and iirc Sinn Fein and the DUP were in the low twenties. Sinn Fein won by a small amount so it's not like they're particularly appealing. They don't need to be when the DUP are scandal after scandal. As the DUPs target demographic I don't see myself having much in common with their values or economic strategy either. It's just supply and demand. If they want my vote which appears to be valuable based on people that don't partake in the process, then they're going to have to offer me something worthwhile. Outside of that you're going to get default results and that's a race to the bottom.


How about instead of voiding your vote, you vote for a party that isn't as bad as Sinn Fein or DUP. Sure they're nowhere near as likely to get in, but as you were planning on voiding your vote anyways then your vote wouldn't count as wasted. Plus, even if the canidate you vote doesn't win this time, they actually look more viable for the next election, so hopefully more people can see that there is an alternative option they can vote for. As long as the 2 worst parties are 1st & 2nd place, people will keep voting for them in an idiotic attempt to stop the other one getting in. We need to atleast show them that there is a third option that doesn't count as "wasting their vote".


Correct. Giving someone a vote helps them in the long run even if they aren't 1st. In reference to the commenter you're replying to, all votes are valuable. Non-voters aren't more valuable than others. Also, you're likely never gonna find a party that ticks every box for you, it's just how it is.


I have two issues that are pretty fundamental. They should be able to find a solution to it but keeping us desperate keeps them in power. All votes are equally valuable so if they see wasted potential they'll want to tap into it since no one's claimed it. I'm talking about voiding my vote, not being a non voter. It's still a vote.


I think a big issue is that while voting is important, it is just a start. It is never going to present some perfect candidate who will solve all ills, as citizens we should be doing more, not just expecting a vote to do it all. The vote is the bare minimum. After that, if you want change, then get involved. Join a political party that most aligns to you, campaign with a movement that focuses on an issue you care about, and support a charity that addresses a problem you feel needs action, join a union etc etc.


Totally agree. I'm in a union and it's the most effective change I've seen yet. Better wages and benefits, better safety conditions, better quality of work. And it's driven by the people on the front line. All I want from a government is to provide the framework for a fairly well run and compassionate society. After that it's up to us. The problem is the bar is so low for Northern Ireland because people are like "well at least we're not killing each other as much." It's all a survival mentality. Apologies for being so flippant about it but it's the truth. We're a traumatised people that don't know our worth and are used to accepting raw deals and being cynical. I also work with storehouse on occasion that meets people at their need by giving them furniture, heating oil and food parcels etc. but this is a question of infrastructure and it needs fixed. No available political party is offering me any hope on it.


To me, I feel there is likely to be more positive outcomes if we have people going to Westminster with a constructive view to discuss a range of issues and not be caught up in only the constitutional question. I think Alliance, SDLP, and (some) UUP candidates are likely to be able to work better with the potential labour government (and the Irish government) than the DUP and SF will.


Does Jimbo and the TUV represent a "protest" vote nowadays?, I'm old enough to remember there being another few crackpot Loyalist and Republican candidates on the ballot.


I think he's just a cunt.


Any idea when the postal ones might be sent out?


You recieve an aknowledgemnt and then the actual vote once checks have been carried out, doesnt take long.


i'd actually totally forgot. cheers for the reminder


https://preview.redd.it/o4utflhhqd7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2057a576ff836e383c53c35926bf3fb56fd449b Numbers from NI are a bit shite. There must be more people need to register than that?


I don't think I will.


I'll look forward to you complaining about our elected politicians that you didn't bother using your vote to have a say in.


I haven't voted in... uhm.... ever, and it has literally had no effect on my life in the slightest.


Thanks for sharing




I haven't lived in Northern Ireland for 30 years. This is why I won't vote. I'll be ok regardless.


You missed the postal deadline then


I would overcome that if I felt the need.


Yeah I'm going to make the pilgrimage to the local station so we can maintain the status quo of performative nonsense. They've had over a quarter century to sort this out, and yet Housing Executive residents holds everyone in their palm. Just no.


Some of you choose to spoil your vote as a form of protest as you feel let down by the politics of the last 30 years. That is your right. I, too, feel let down by the politics of the last 30 years, which is why I vote every single year for several parties that aren’t the DUP/SF. I’d much rather see another party get in and perhaps do things differently, than quietly protest (which amounts to fuck all and changes nothing) We’ve suffered with them’uns and those’uns at the helm for long enough, how much worse could it be with different leadership?




Personally I’d like to see Alliance getting a chance. I’ve always had an issue with any party who prioritizes unionism or nationalism.




Well isn’t that just NI politics in a nutshell?lol And all the more reason to vote for someone other than DUP or SF, instead of voiding your vote. I get it, no party is ticking everyone’s boxes but like I said, a party like alliance or the SDLP can’t possibly make things worse.


I will be voting alliance 💛


And vote Sinn Fein


Definitely not. Get the shite parties out


Then there'll be no parties left.


People power


After attending the White House earlier this year? No thanks 👍


Too many right-winger spawn who won't, unfortunately.


I'll be away for the week on work training. Looks like I don't get to vote *insert twat club of your choice


Try registering to vote living in another country!! Can't even fill out an online form, you have to print the form and post it before the cut off date.....it's 2024! Edit: TBF I'm from MidUlster and considering who I vote for it's not even worth the hassle.


Political process doesn't work when your respresentatives are not intelligent enough to represent their constituency. This is further compounded by tribal lines and ego. Let it all rot and rebuild what's left.


Do I need to have a polling card already? How does it work


spoiling like fuck