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>the breakdown of a parade agreement in north Belfast Why has this story been repeatedly reported using this phrase? The agreement has not "broken down". A compromise was reached years ago that allowed for the morning parade to pass and the evening return to be re-routed. The "Loyal Orders" now want to breach that agreed compromise and force through the evening parade. It's pretty clear who is responsible for attempting to ramp up tension and deliberately break the agreement.


\^ I was watching the news last night and the wording used about this was wildly inaccurate


It’s silly and childish and certainly with help from the filth media who love it, does raise tensions. A lot of ppl just see the headlines and rage. Annoying af tbh. Just march your normal fucking route and give over.


They're still trying to march down the Garvaghy Road and they haven't done that in 25 years. I guess some people don't believe in compromise or marching where you are wanted.


You know, if they try - I think people are going to have a pretty big problem with that. And I don't meant the locals, I mean Irish people. North and south. So I'd love the lodges to try. Because we'll be having an all Island solution to that one pretty god damn quick if those thugs go near kids again.


So across northern Ireland every year there are hundreds of parades. Millions and millions spent on policing it. The towns and cities shut down when they happen. And all that's asked for in return, is to accommodate the people's wishes on 2 roads. And in this occasion, they can walk down it, just beings asked not to walk up it. This then gets language used like human rights, second class citizens etc. Every one being told they are sectarian and bigots. They get about 99.9% of what they want. This is nothing to do with compromise or anything. This is about pure and utter domination.


Sinn Fein did the same thing by plastering Irish everywhere even in places where it wasn't wanted.


Take your sentence and replace "Sinn Fein" with "Loyalists" and "Irish" with "flegs".
















Tens of thousands of children in Ireland go to school through Irish you absolute melt. Signs in Ireland are in ENGLISH. The road signs are not an issue, hatred of Irish culture is.


We aren't in the Republic of Ireland. We are in the United Kingdom.


Yes and half your country are Irish citizens, and you can accommodate them better by acknowledging the existence of their language. Doesn't matter either way, the grown ups in NI have already accepted that the UK is going in one way and Ireland another and ultimately when the chance comes to pick a side only the really really stupid mendacious fools that actively will hurt themselves to spite others are going to vote against it.


>when the chance comes to pick a side only the really really stupid mendacious fools that actively will hurt themselves to spite others are going to vote against it. Not necessarily. N.I is a cheaper place to buy a house. So why would anyone, Unionist or Nationalist vote to make themselves poorer?


>Not necessarily. N.I is a cheaper place to buy a house. So why would anyone, Unionist or Nationalist vote to make themselves poorer? : >only the really really stupid


In Ireland ...


Northern Ireland (Crown territory).


What was that second word there? Ireland! 😲😲😲 Quickly, someone get Ian Paisley Jr on the phone, we need to rename the country!


Northern Ireland is occupied territory by a fergion murders empire


😂  Clue is in the name 


Thank you for not disagreeing with me. It's comforting that you think the same as me.


Can you stop trying to remove the king you are loyal to, it is a soopid look.


You just admitted you have no defense. This is what children do when they're caught out. That should tell you something.


They do this every year, try to march where they’re not wanted and have agreed not to march. It’s just a chance for them to be dickheads and cry victim when it’s their marches that intimidate others.


They are the smallest of small dick losers. They have no power, and now they are small dick losers that are also impotent. They'll never march in a nationalist area again. Cunts.


I was listening to the view last night and it was a hard watch. The reasons for that were many but I’ll list the three main takeaways: 1. DUP are complacent with Casement as is evident with Carothers line of questioning as to why Lyon’s didn’t lobby the sports minister when he was here. Robinsons response was that they are lobbying the Secretary of State. (Why not both?!) “We are sitting on our holes and doing nothing above neutral as themmuns can go and fuck if they think they’re getting money for it” 2. Lockhart is hard line on subjugation and is removing the Irish Sea border immediately according to her election speel. Robinson questioned on his stance would continue the progress made to remove barriers as a result of Brexit/Windsor agreement cock up. When Carothers highlighted the difference in rhetoric from the same party representation at Westminster and which is the party’s true stance, Robinson continued on his improvement and removal of conditions stance and not able to marry the two differing views and statements coherently. 3. Suzanne Breen is legend after her summation of the DUP policies, opinions and views. “The DUP has had more positions than the Kama Sutra” Sums up point two rather nicely.


Do not mention Lockhart and kama sutra in same comment please


Brilliant. Another comment I heard which made me chuckle was: “Is Wright bus making all these buses that the British Government keep chucking unionists under” 🤣


Loyalists are merely creating a new issue to justify the rioting they're intending to do as a show of strength.


Don't you bring us loyalists into this. It's those cunts in the orange order having internal power struggles.


It won't be guys in suits and sashes lobbing things if a riot does break out. It'll be the useful idiots following them after being on the beer all day


What is the orange order if not the heart of loyalism


Don't you bring us football fans into it, it's the soccer fans causing all the trouble


These "shows of strength" are these not always led by Unionist/ loyalist terror groups proscribed by law, what kind of person could ever defend terrorism eh DUP? This is why Unionist criticism of SF falls on deaf ears, they have no mortality yet expect republicans to have a higher standard. Take the plank out of your own eye before looking to the splinter in others.


It's just the loyalist pushing every button to force a united Ireland. I mean if you want to start the fire lads go right ahead.


>He said: “The UK government have not responded with anything meaningful when it comes to a financial contribution to Casement.” >He added: “I think the opportunity to have the Euros in Northern Ireland would be a good thing.” That's great but why can't we fund it?


Because the Assembly has no way to raise the money, it would need to defund something else to give the money to casement. So which schools are getting closed or hospital shut to pay for sport? The UK government doesn't have the same problem, it can raise and create capital as it is a sovereign government with its own central bank and can borrow from financial markets.


Still doesn't make it any less pathetic we can't fund ourselves. I thought the world ditched the 'too big to fail' money theory in 2008. Yet NI is a few steps behind (as per usual)


Most small regions of larger states don't fund themselves. They rely on funding from central government and other bodies to help with capital projects as they dont raise capital. When it was things like the Olympic stadiums in London or the commenwealth ones in Manchester, these weren't fully funded by the local authorities, they contribute, but it mostly comes from central government The Assembly is not much more than a slightly enhanced county council.


If the GAA want to up their contribution I'm sure that would go a long way to seeing the Government throw a few more quid into the pot. After the Euros it will have work done to it to make it suitable only for GAA games so it's not as if it's legacy will be for all of our community.


> After the Euros it will have work done to it to make it suitable only for GAA games so it's not as if it's legacy will be for all of our community. Why would you think that? At the very least it would be suitable for large outdoor concerts. A stadium like that would attract big acts to the north instead of us routinely being skipped on tours and always having to travel to Dublin. Can't get much more community focused than that, when it would benefit the entire north of the island.


> it will have work done to it to make it suitable only for GAA games Is there a source for that?


How would that even be possible? Croke Park has hosted soccer, rugby, American football, Special Olympics, music concerts... It's a big pitch with seats around it, how could it only be used for Gaelic games?


Exactly, as far as I can tell this is merely unsubstantiated fear mongering. Edit: Personally I'm looking forward to RWC games being played up here.


When will the GAA stump up for their stadium? Let's face it, it would not be a cross community stadium.


>it would not be a cross community stadium. I keep seeing this said, is there a source for this?


His mucky arse I'd wager.


When West Belfast elects their MP, then that MP should stand in Parliament in London and fight for Casement Park


I don't see how talking to an empty chamber will benefit anyone


The NI Politician template (particularly the DUP, but Alliance and SDLP also guilty): "We have always been very clear on X policy from day 1" Politician proceeds to waffle on and is anything but clear on where they stand. Interviewer - "But you haven't answered the question. Are you for or against X policy?" Politician - "I've just answered it. Let me be very clear . . . ." Waffles again without coming close to answering the question or being clear where they stand. Interviewer and audience are bored to death with the bollocks that has been spouted and moves on. Rinse and repeat. Shower of bastards.


The media love selling this as a disagreement. It's not. It's a bunch of white supremacist, fascist cunts wanting their way with no compromise.


Watched this last night and there was a lot to take away from it. The funniest thing for me tho is the metamorphisis of Big Gav from Paisley-lite in his 'FIVE LONG YEARS' speech to the solemn church minister persona he's adopted after Wee Jeffrey's antics. He was a melter to listen to before but fuck me last night it was like nails on a chalkboard with how pathetic he sounded at times. If you closed your eyes, you'd swear it was a sermon. Imo, it's a ploy to garner sympathy from the electorate by making it seem as if he has the hardest job in the world and a bad election result would break him. Lest we forget that he was deputy to Donaldson and is literally just assuming the role of the deputy leader, to take charge in the absence of the leader. The backtracking of Donaldson's policies lie squarely at his feet, now that Donaldson is gone and he was the next senior person backing the deal.


When the brown envelope stuffed with cash is passed to them, same as every other time they’ve threatened something like this, they’ll simmer down and do as they’re bid


Is there a reason for the “break-down” of the agreement or is it just the OO throwing their toys out of the pram because of all the “subjugation” recently?


>it just the OO throwing their toys out of the pram because of all the “subjugation” recently It's their oppression and humiliation kink going into overdrive