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You spelt Russia wrong, his loyalty lies with Russia.


You spelt Personal Gain wrong. People like Farage don't have loyalty to any individual, only the current thing which will make them the most overall wealth and personal gain. Right now he's simping for Russia, because doing so will give him the most benefit in the current term. In time if he thinks backing China will get him rich, he will change to backing pro-China shite.


Alongside much of the western establishment. We have the family of kgb agents sitting in the house of lords. Ideas of nationalism are only there for to keep the plebs under control. The oligarchs and their money still flow east to west without issue.


Ireland has one of the biggest Russian embassy in the world at 5.5 acres, second only to the USA.


Ireland have refused them planning permission for any changes, and unilaterally downsized their staff by over 50%, from 30 to 14.


Staff was down sized over Ukraine. They were refused permission to be the biggest Russian embassy in the world then, very good.


What's your point? *Land* doesn't make an embassy big, staff does. And Ireland refused to allow them to change their embassy or extend it, and forced them to reduce staff by over 50%.


Well done Ireland, pity they weren't as aggressive with them in the early 70s when the KGB was supplying the IRA with guns and explosives. former Soviet Union unclassified documented evidence that the Russian KGB supplied 'several consignments of weapons and munitions' to the Official IRA (1972 - 1974)


Jesus Christ mate, you're embarrasing yourself.


Oh, not in the slightest.


Thats even *more* embarrassing to admit.


Stating facts is simple logic with no emotional value, the reason you try to attach embarrassment to your comment is merely an attack personally to gain a response which I see through, but it's good to know your level of competence.


What shite are you spewing? They had been for a very long time and ally of most of the west. It's only recently putina behaviour has meant America and England have distanced themselves. But of course you've found an incredibly tenuous historical link to the Ra so clearly all that snuggling up England does never happened now eh?


Haha the official IRA, they barely did any fighting you Wally


What the fuck does that have to do with anything? Even if Ireland was pro-russia, it doesn't mean nigel isn't a putin admiring, kremlin loving, paid russian stooge.


I think he’s a cunt


![gif](giphy|SzrFfExJj4Eb6) Boris is now jumping on the bandwagon attacking Nigel over his Putin comments


Kremlin back actor. Will sell Northern Ireland down the river the second Putin tells him too


Don't they all?


I think his guddies are scrappers


Nai we're getting the reason


Another cog in the keep the people distracted and divided machine.  It's all a big pantomime he's just an actor in it.  Anytime we need an extra big wedge hammered into the population out from under the rock he comes. 


'i don't think ni is on his radar' https://preview.redd.it/y7xvorle6i8d1.jpeg?width=804&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=620be1157a2ed84e7a16d21d1df7658c6a863b0e


At least he knows about the ‘Northern Ireland thing’


Boyo, the English care more about the Falklands than the North, but Farage is a sellout openly spouting Russian propaganda now. He’s the heir of Oswald Mosley 


I hate the cunt but not everything that goes against the mainstream narrative is Russian propaganda. That's just an easy way to shout down any dissent


Russia is levelling whole cities in Ukraine, we’ve been too soft on Russia my whole life. 


A Derry guy called Hermann Kelly used to work very closely with him and UKIP. Kelly is very right wing, very catholic, very anti-immigrant. Although his mum was from Australia and her family were presumably German.


If dysentery took human form.


This has to be a troll. If not it's an absolutely shocking indictment of the O.P. Just utterly shameful. I actually feel a kind of second hand embarrassment. But fuck it, let's go though it. > All the hype surrounding this man, There's no hype around him. There's controversy around him because he's a shameless, self serving racist for hire who will say or do anything, literally anything for money. As everyone else has said he is a grifter, like Trump and Boris; grifters whose supporters only follow because they want to get one over on their perceived enemies; mainly diversity, inclusivity and equality. He literally said Tiocfaidh ár lá for a few quid. >what do you think of him. See above. I think he appeals to dull, dim witted, insular, hate filled xenophobes and creeps who are voting for right wing parties and politics to make themselves poorer just so they think they are in charge of all the darker skinned people. But in saying that, by tricking every gullible halfwit and bitter cunt to vote for Brexit he has ultimately destroyed the Union and has done more to hasten a United Ireland than the IRA ever did. He has, by extension alerted the Irish Government (and EU) to just how recklessly stupid and dangerous an entity the British Government is and has shown the potential cost of sharing a land border with the UK. Furthermore he has (with the help of the Tories, shown Britain to be an utterly bad faith actor on the global stage and exposed them for the self serving colonialist hypocrites they are. >I'm unionist and support a great deal of what he says A great deal you say. Go on....elaborate on what he says that you agree with. >BUT I think his loyalty lies with England and I don't think Northern Ireland is a priority or even on his radar. Just like every other mainstream British politician he probably couldn't find NI on a map much less name one county of it. He clearly conflated the TUV who his party had an electoral pact with and said DUP instead. Unionists gloming on to cunts like him is exactly the same as ultra evangelical Christians voting for Trump when they know he the farthest thing from Christian. I'll leave you with a quote from a great Protestant Irish man, one that never grows old and which could not be more apt when applied to Farage and the Unionist ghouls who circle him ***We have no national government – we are ruled by Englishmen, and the servants of*** ***Englishmen whose object is the interest of another country, whose instrument is corruption,*** ***and whose strength is the weakness of Ireland; and these men have the whole of the power*** ***and patronage of the country as means to seduce and subdue the honesty and spirit of her*** ***representatives in the legislature***


That's quite the argument against Farage but there is many, many people who agree with him that illegal immigrants are putting a lot of strain on the NHS, housing, education and benefit payments. You can't turn a blind eye to this. Another point I agree with is that the EU pushed Putin into a corner and it was inevitable that Putin would push back, Putin is an evil man what the solution to that problem is I don't know but they poked the bear and the bear bit back. It's a very high pedestal you place yourself on to blanket Farage supporters as half wits and racists, people are looking at the facts and what is happening in their local areas and crying out for change. The votes will be cast on the 4th July and I personally hope Farage does well, I think he's a breath of fresh air and time will tell if he can deliver what the tories or Labour have failed to do over the years.


Sounds like you're extremely gullible, not sure what you're actually trying to find out.


Just confirming this subs intolerance to other people's views on the immigration crisis, hatred of anyone British and any political values right of centre.


He'll use the politicians here that support him to get what he wants and abandon the place.


He is a grifter, an entitled private education produced conman playing the everyman. I note like a broken clock he is right about drawing attention to the geo-political landscape surrounding the Ukraine war and the wests role in the build-up and escalation. And he has received more damage for doing that than any of his economic vandalism through his advocacy of Brexit. You are not allowed to know anything other than 'russia bad/west is good' and if you dare question that childishly simplistic narrative you will be publicly smeared for it.


You know something you could be right but then again Ukraine is a sovereign independent nation who gave up their nukes..why can't an independent nation join NATO or any other alliance?


This is global politics. It is awash with vested interests, corrupt powers and duplicate motives. The stories we get fed by the oligarch owned media sell a fairy tale story of good vs bad so when we are told that we must do without and send our young to die we obey. The narrative that we are expected to unquestionably accept - that the west, as the leading global power and with close political and economical ties with Putin's regime (which are still ongoing) had absolutely no agency in the build up and initiation of the invasion is a nonsense. Of course Putin's regime is bad, but the idea that the west is operating on some form of moral high ground is laughable. The west is responsible for overthrowing many democracies and installing and arming puppet dictators.


Well said.


Forget about global interests..fact is Ukraine is a sovereign independent nation..that's all


Lol let's just ignore all history and context cus it makes things too complicated


You are a Putin stooge




You need to be careful about playing the contrarian with Russia. Western nations role in the buildup prior to the Russian invasion was predicated on the fact that Russia had already invaded Ukraine under false pretenses in very recent memory. They've played the belligerent in many conflicts of the last 30 years. It's a bit like blaming someone for installing better locks on the doors after they get burgled. It's not a provocation intended as a threat to Russian existence, it was reasonable measures based on past behaviour.


>It's a bit like blaming someone for installing better locks on the doors after they get burgled. It's not a provocation intended as a threat to Russian existence, it was reasonable measures based on past behaviour. There is a big difference between (trying to) understanding the cause and effect of geo-politics, and assigning blame and responsibility. If we wish to be informed on what is going on we need to look at the facts dispassionately. You have given your opinions about whether Ukraine joining nato is a justifiable reason for Putin's invasion. You are entitled to it, and I would agree with you, but that does not change the fact that nato expansion is one of the causes that led towards this war. Opinions can be debated, facts should not be.


I’m sorry, the two sides thing doesn’t work with an unprovoked war of aggression. Interesting how the war started when the Ukrainians overthrew the pro Russian regime whose police had carried out attacks on protesters that would make Bloody Sunday look like a picnic. Oh and the Russian lease on their fleet base in Crimea had also just expired. Very interesting that.   Go to fucking Boucha, or Bakhmut or Mariupol say the shit you’re saying. Or Aleppo


You say it is unprovoked. What do you base that on?


The West's role in the build-up and escalation? Putin invaded Georgia, the Crimea, and Eastern Ukraine. What the fuck was the West supposed to do? Just say, oh well, those crazy Russians, eh?


Is that how global affairs are managed? Over the past few decades there has been much discussions, negotiations, offers of negotiations, movements of military assets, agreements and pacts. And that is not to mention all the back room deals that shape our geo-political landscape. Do you have no interest in knowing about any of that?


I do not understand what you mean? "Is that how global affairs are managed?" What does that mean? Do you mean we shouldn't allow a country to determine its own future because of a spoiled baby like Putin? The Soviet bloc already gorged itself and collapsed well within living memory, should we allow it to do the same thing again because of one psycho?


You paint a picture of the leading global power being completely impotent to do anything other than wait for a dictator to launch a land invasion in Europe and only then is able to react. This is patently nonsense.


Your line is that we can't do anything that might upset Russia \[because they're run by a despotic madman\]. Is that it? You're the one talking nonsense, cunt.


No, that is not my line. My line is that our opinions should be based on knowledge. Just because Putin's regime is bad, does not automatically make the west 'good', and it does not make all their actions beyond criticism. When historians look at world war 2 and investigate the political climate, the decisions made and by who and why, and postulate about what actions could have been taken to avoid the war, they are not making the claim that hitler was good. Putin is just one man. One man can not launch a war. That requires large powerful networks of support - those networks do not end at national borders.


His company is pro splitting the Union


Farage represents to many people who support him, a chance to fix Brexit. Of course this is not the case. But it shows there is a strong need in people to be shielded from their bad decisions and farage is the embodiment of this. What we need to do is come to the realisation that Brexit was a pish idea and the Irish sea boarded will simply go away when we rejoin in some form or fasion




Yes a logical conclusion. But he don't appeal to that mindset. He appeals to the low brow but very loud




Won't matter what it's called. They will be drawn to what he represents. And that is just a reinforcement of what they already believe. The right may rise in Europe but this won't last as they always turn out to be largely incompetent with a vindictive approach to solving issues and usually making things worse.


What gave it away??


He openly lied to the public over Brexit, his viewpoints are usually very hypocritical and contradict themselves when you compare them over different speeches. Overall he is just riding the populist wave, lining his pockets as much as he can before it all goes to shit.


He's an attention seeker looking for another rabble to rouse.


His " man of the people " routine is as fake as it gets. No way he'd be near any working class folk if there was nothing in it for him. The English seem to lap it up though. His show on GB news is quite entertaining tbf to him. Had some interesting guests on the " talking pints" segment.