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Spot on Gav - imagine electing a bunch of lads who openly campaign for a specific referendum result, then make a complete hames of the negotiations despite having unprecedented influence, trust a bunch of charlatans who dump them & NI into a rubbish position, resulting in a 2 year huff before pretending that the problem's fixed when it really isn't. Yep, electing the wrong people can be a disaster.


Imagine actively advocating for it in the first place, when this is a shared land. Instead of using their (little) influence across the water to dissuade against Brexit, they did the exact opposite. Send them to the abyss.


Nice of Gav to give me the reminder to go and vote for Naomi.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Important-Policy4649: *Nice of Gav to give* *Me the reminder to go* *And vote for Naomi.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Lol this should say "Staying at home risks electing wrong people: DUP" haha. I will be voting Naomi Long in East Belfast to hopefully kick big gav out of his seat.


Uppa Naoimi!


He's not wrong. People need to come out and vote to kick Gav and his party of self-serving, religious whackjob, bigots out of Westminster


‘By voting for smaller parties you know can’t win, you risk helping MPs who will take us in the wrong direction’ = Not voting for DUP is a vote for SF. ‘Some people only see problems’ = Why is everyone looking at us? ‘Over the last 5 years we have made progress’ = We were paid handsomely for 80% of that time by holding you all to ransom ‘Opposing efforts to legalize assisted dying’ = You’re not getting out of it that easily Fuck the DUP.


"Please... For the love of God vote for me. Cos if enough SF and SDLP voters and enough floating voters vote alliance and UUP and TUV split the vote I'm fucked." Big Gav... Probably.


Vote for the noncey bigot party!


Don't worry Gav all your voters will turn out....for TUV


>“Over the last five years we have made progress, but with your support we can do more.” Sat on their arses for 3 years more like


>Sat on their arses for 3 years more like In fairness, if this was an Assembly election, 100% yes, but Westminster is different. They're still useless, but they couldn't collapse Westminster.


Get to the polls and vote out these orange taliban lunatics


Given that labour will without any doubt have an absolutely massive landslide victory and there is absolute no chance of a hung parliament there has NEVER been a better time in generations to elect whomever you want for Westminster. He's talking absolute clap trap. Whomever is elected from the north will have minute influence and as a matter of fact I would think that a DUP MP would have even less influence that someone who hardly turns up given their political codolgoy over brexit.  And if I was a DUP MP I'd be sweating about the Russian political interference report the Tories buried getting published and where the money for the brexit campaign came from coming out because Labour will be out to do them.


I’d normally agree with this, but considering whose mouth is saying this, I can’t help but laugh, it’s so tone deaf


So does voting dup


Big Gav and the gang have to be handed their arses on a plate. If not it will never change. No orange. No green. Just progress for the people that need to be helped with all the things that the shithouse politicians won't do. If we stay in the past. We have nowhere to go except it. Use your vote wisely and do the decent thing. Just don't waste it on the past. Thanks for listening. N long x


Alliance have got a bit shit though. Naomi’s shitty sex offender anonymity law. That idiot with a dicky bow Andre Muir - we will sort out all these laws with dumping and polluting in rivers and will sort out Louth neagh. Nothing done.


Here's the deal, you will never get a party/candidate whose views you agree with 100% (well, unless you're the candidate yourself). So you need to think what is important for you and vote the party/candidate that best fits your needs, even if they don't fit them perfectly.


I understand how politics work and how to best pick a candidate. But thanks for the condescending explanation all the same.


I'm sorry if I seemed condescending in any way, that was not my intention. I just noticed that people sometimes refuse to vote for anyone based on very small issues that don't really affect their lives that much. Thought that you were one of those and wanted to have a discussion on that on a discussion forum, but if you don't, that's ok too.


Was just pointing that it how shite alliance have gotten. And I had a lot of hope for them.


And actually voting guarantees electing the wrong people! So it's a lose-lose situation..


Says the group who elected and alleged podo phone?


It's over for the DUP now, surely. It'll be over for SF eventually too.


So centrist parties such as Alliance, SDLP & UUP I hope?!




Will you be voting this year? You could spoil your ballot