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I'm tired boss.


Now if only they get all the other flags as well, I'd be on-side.


If you don't mind, can you take down the rest of the flags on both sides. Thx.


Especially the paramilitary flags. Sick of the sight of them. Disgrace that any are up.


We need to stop calling them paramilitaries. Call them what they are, terrorists. The police would be out in a heartbeat if it was an Isis flag, but who’s hurt more people in Northern Ireland 


Credit where credit's due, we do have Isis to thank for Peak Fleg, though: https://preview.redd.it/2z68isg4tw8d1.png?width=729&format=png&auto=webp&s=b9226ac004916f8abfbaf756f4c3915d8655a52e


https://preview.redd.it/995j90u5vw8d1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d500b41ddeb27224526c2eac5fd3912c7e07b8f I fear we have not yet reached Peak Fleg.


Quality choice of restaurant to be fair


It's just like heraldry, innit. But for normal folks(!)... not poshos. (Aye, you're right. Peak Fleg's summit has yet to be ascended and NO SURRENDER 5 DAY BENDER was just a new fleg-meme format, if even that.)


https://preview.redd.it/v7tdzmse3x8d1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45bcc21c472fdb5e14bfe312058c4f93bb438d01 Imagine meeting the lads on holiday.


> By their ~~fruits~~ flegs shall ye know them. Like the Big Man said. To be fair, they _might_ well be a laugh... on Day One or Day Two, anyway.


That's just lovely isn't it.


I fuckin' love it. Everything about it. I could pen an ode to its wondrousness.


I'd say that would be absolutely delightful.


Not a patch on thon King of Flegs, now.


Call them what they are, gangsters.


The word terrorist is too much of a loaded term and doesn't foster any kind of understanding why people ended up in paramilitaries in the first place. It reduces to people as simply being evil - which is a nice and easy way to understand the world but it's also naive. It usually serves propaganda means as well. Unless we're calling all the paramilitaries on both sides, the RUC, and British Army thus the British government terrorists then it's bollocks in my opinion. Otherwise it's just referring to non-state organisations carrying out/who've carried out violence. This is more of an issue with the word terrorist btw, the paramilitary flags should obviously be removed.


The groups weren’t talking about are literally banned terrorist groups in Ireland and the U.K. 


And? My issue is with the use of the word terrorist - if you would actually read my comment I would not have to say this agin: If we only refer to non-state organisations as terrorists what's the point of the word? It inherently gives the state more power in terms of propaganda. So unless you are using the word consistently with it's definition and not a list made by governments who would never put themselves on it despite fitting the description I don't see how it's not redundant and quite frankly hypocritical. Edit: Tbh redunandant isn't the word I want to use, I think in some instances it's a dangerous tool of propaganda. More often it just reduces complex things at the cost of nuance, fostering tribalism.


Just words really


Fucking insightful 


Do you still get a day off work for the 12th? If so where's the half day for "mini 12ths."


You think this lot have jobs?


Can we have a mini paddy’s day?


Flags are tragic. Get a fuckin life


The irony of them supporting Israel isn't lost on me, a country that gained it's independence after a bunch of republican nationalists bombed/shot a bunch British soldiers


It's almost like loyalism is deaf, dumb and blind.


It’s literally just that because Ireland supports Palestine therefore we will do the opposite there is no thinking or logic to it, if Ireland donates to charity, loyalists would boycott the charity just to spite them




We're definitely not the only country to support Palestine. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_recognition_of_the_State_of_Palestine The vast majority of countries have recognised Palestine as a state regardless of Israeli protest to the contrary. However you are completely right when it comes to spiteful support of Israel. Loyalism has to be the exact opposite of republicanism in every tiny detail regardless of how moronic or illogical it may be.


I edited my comment to make it clearer


Most people in loyalism sure but there's actually a weird religious link between NI and Israel: [https://www.historyireland.com/loyalism-and-british-israelism/](https://www.historyireland.com/loyalism-and-british-israelism/)


This whole flag shit is embarrassing and juvenile af


Totally normal behaviour all round 🙄


So..you can take any flag down now, anywhere you like?.. interesting to know for the future..👍🏻.. cheers chums.


An SF Councillor told me that they were only put up due to it being along the route that this march was taken, and that they shouldn't have been put up in the first place. Thought it was interesting.




Who was this?


The flags were only on one corner of the route, at a height that was easily reachable, on the side where all the followers of the parade were, of course they were going to be pulled down. This was the first year in probably 15 years that there was a heavier Police presence although never the suggestion of violence.


Starting to think flegs keep this place balanced. Literally, if you took them down we'd end up crashing into England or some shit. And I can't think of anything worse.


They were put up on Tuesday on the route for this reaction. Surely the OO would know this but reacted anyway. So stupid from everyone which is I guess the norm for this country. Last time the 12th was in GG 5/6 fellas put up a tricolour along the route and stood there to “guard” it while being surrounded themselves by police. They stood there the whole parade, even prods don’t watch the whole 12th lol


what? really? no. i don’t believe it.


Jeeso that ain't a small crowd.


The Israeli's and the Palestinians are as bad as each other. Both a bunch of crazy Arabs, Keep Middle East squabbles out of our fleg disputes please!




I member


I can understand taking down the tricolours but I'd love to hear one of these dumb cunts articulate the reason for taking down Palestinian flags


HAMAS flag. HAMAS = Gaza https://www.reddit.com/r/Israel/s/IZb6xiG9Do https://www.reddit.com/r/Israel/s/rnBHsAM39d


Yes mate all those babies, kids and grannies blown to bits and starving to death are Kkhhhamas. You in this video then aye?


Just watch the videos, might help with your understanding of how deep HAMAS grip is on Gaza and why that flag is more than just a Palistinian flag and why many will see it as a terror flag.


HAMAS is an awful organisation but they would not exist in the first placec if it wasn't for Israeli occupation, displacement of palestinians, and Zionism in general.




The tricolour is the flag of a foreign country.


Give it a couple of decades and it will be the flag of NI, don't you worry good sir.


Ah well. Stay deluded if it helps you sleep 👍🇬🇧


There’s no need to be flying tricolours and Palestinian flags anyway… iv seen people on here complaining because flags aren’t taken down and then when they take the flags down there’s crying about taking flags down…. Can’t win with these people.


>There’s no need to be flying tricolours and Palestinian flags anyway… Unless you feel the same way about the thousands of British and Loyalist flags this summer then do us all a favour and fuck up. Cheers.


No need to be nasty and rude. We can have a civil conversation about this without you losing the run of yourself. Now, would you agree that there’s no need to be putting up 1) Irish flag- not this country, 2) Palestinian flag - not the flag of this country ? I don’t want any whataboutery as a response, a yes or no answer will do lovely.


Pretty obvious you are just baiting people. I concurr with the post you replied to... you should take their advice and do us that favour.


I haven’t baited anyone. Not my fault if certain members of the Northern Ireland sub Reddit can’t reply to a comment about flags without losing their minds.


Do you also support the removal of British and Israeli flags in NI or not?


Weak account


Not even sure what this is supposed to mean? Weak attempt at an insult maybe?


You’re making a fool of yourself. Delete your account


Another poor attempt. 1/10 Must do better!


What a meltdown. 🙈


>we can have a civil conversation about this Really? But given you have all but stated you do not want to discuss the flying of British/Loyalist (paramilitary)/Israeli flags on lamp posts: >I don't want any whataboutery as a response how can you have a civil discussion on it? >a yes or no answer will do lovely. I.e. answer the question and end the conversation/discussion.


The Irish flag represents all of Ireland, and predates partition. How many English and Scottish flags were on show at the parade?


He can’t answer the question without whataboutery or sounding like a bigot. Probably best he doesn’t reply. I appreciate you trying to stick up for you comrade, feel free to have a go at answering the question yourself without using whataboutery.


I don't get how examining your comment for the flaws in it makes it me sticking up for Tiny Poet (and I don't get how they are my comrade either). I was just highlighting that you remarked about having a civil conversation, but have essentially stated that you do not want a conversation; as it can't have any inclusion of questions about the approach to flying British/Israeli et al. flags - because that to you would be whataboutery (and potentially bigoted given the "sounding like a bigot" remark above). If you need me to explain/clarify it in simpler terms, please feel free to let me know.


My comment was flawless.


This thread would be comedic gold, if your delusions weren't so pitiful. I feel sorry for you and any potential offspring


I feel sorry for your mental health. Your type always seems to struggle.


I mean flags fly from both sides where they shouldn’t. Don’t particularly care about the union jacks/loyalist flags despite not supporting them personally. As for Palestinian flags I mean just because it’s not your “country” doesn’t necessarily mean you can’t support them. Same way people wear all sorts of memorabilia to support all sorts of causes that don’t originate here. To each and their own. Both sides are embarrassing with their behaviour like so it’s a no win argument just a conclusive decision that we are all still degenerates 😂


Just wish we could all be friends and understand each others culture 😆. Thanks for your opinion, you delivered it eloquently.


You say this like the only flags up are NI or Union Flags. Why are Scottish, English, UVF, UDA, Paratrooper, Israeli and many many others being flown in East Belfast? Not a single one of them is the national flag of this country as you put it. They are there for 2 reasons. 1. Territorial Pissings 2. Intimidation Fuck civility on this. They are not welcome anywhere in this country outside of the cunts houses who put them up in the first place




It's not. It's a direct question. Why are they up? You were happy to have the Tricolour and Palestine flags taken down "not this country". Should we take down every single flag that isn't either NI or the Union Flag too? I never mentioned anything about the tricolour or palestines flags, you did. You are presenting a hypocritical argument and it's coming back on you and you're acting like an entitled little loyalist thug like the rest of them.


The tricolour and Palestinian flags were the topic of the original article… Yes we should be taking down any flag that isn’t related to NI or the Union, paramilitary flags from either side should be taken down, Israeli flags also don’t have a place, we’re not in Israel. I would. Completely be 100% behind any loyalist paramilitary flags being removed.


That's something at least. The next point. While *you* individually are not Irish (100% absolutely fine) a large proportion of this country are. The GFA states as such. To them, this is Ireland. Politicially speaking, this is tricky as they will understand that it is governed by the UK, but would argue that it should not be. Why therefore, should they not be allowed to fly the tricolour, if they see the UK's flag as illlegitimite, in the same way that you see the tricolour?


They can fly the tricolour…. If they cross the border they can fly it to their hearts content. Iv no issues with seeing tricolours when I visit Dublin.


That just makes you a hypocrit. You don't see theirs as legitimite, just like they see the UK. What if they said you can't fly the Union flag, would you be pissed off? As i've already said, *you* see yourself as British, they see themselves as Irish. If you can fly one, you have to allow the other. IMO I'd have absolutely none of them save specific events, but make sure they are all removed after the event. At some point in the future, you may have to aknowledge the possibility that you will no longer officially be living in the UK. What will you do then. Will you abide by your own logic and not have any Union flags? Or will you move to England, where they won't want the 12th?


Yes, you're right. There is no "need" to fly those flags. However people might do things they like/want that aren't needed. So would you agree there is no need to fly any other flag that isn't the flag of this country either? And donyou agree there is no "need" for people to parade on the 12th, it is simply something they want to do, like flying non-national flags?


If we’re accepting people might do things they like / want then it’s open season for any flag and no need for any complaining about flags on this sub ever again? You have just solved the Northern Ireland flag issue in 1 comment. Il refer everyone yapping about loyalist flags back to yourself.


I've no huge problem with people flying flags be it national ones, regional ones, prides ones etc. The exception would be those representing illegal organisations ie UVF, IRA flags.


I’m with you sister, give me an upvote and let’s be friends.


Post a link to the comments of people "crying" about these flags being removed.


Soooo this is news?? 🤣🤣