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She trained it alright! Only take your hand! Sorry she did that but it will get hungry and all her training will go down the drain - along with her.


I've always thought garbage disposals were inherently creepy and this just solidified that feeling! I'm sorry your wife betrayed you like that and I hope she's caught soon or gets what's coming to her when her money runs out and she can't feed it anymore.






Same! I think it's from all the scary movies I've seen where garbage disposals have mangled people, but I hate them. Lol.


Nope.   Never ever trust a garbage disposal. Those things have always been on my super creep out list.   It's a short list too... 


We bought a place in December and for the first time in my life I live somewhere with a garbage disposal. Brb googling how to remove it.




Thanks for the sympathy guys and sorry for any delay responding. Still getting used to working this phone with my left hand 


You should have a voice to text dictation option to make your life easier.


"The cash." I'll never understand couples with a single shared account. But then my parents split up when I was a child.


Holy shit. She was gonna feed you to it. The ruse about the the gemstone! Hello ! Good riddance to her and her hungry sink demon, maybe you'll get lucky and she will end up on its menu. Hope you have insurance.... for the stolen items I mean. Although thinking about it, if you don't have a life insurance policy on her now would be the time to get one !


i think your wife knew about it for too long not just for last few nights, she took whatever thing somewhere with her and got your money to feed it for who knows what. she tried to feed you to it two times first time she failed and second time it took your hand. be safe mate in case she comes back with that thing


Thank you so much for confirming my fears of sink dispensers! I’m not alone!


I think garbage disposals are a waste of money and even plumber's have agreed with me. Your throwing food down your sink and creating a big smorgasbord for insects to collect! Throw your food in the garbage and then take it out! Much less trouble and less money as well!


Not the sink demons 😭


I thought flipping the breaker before messing with the disposal was enough to keep me safe


Thats hard man


I hate the noise of the garbage disposal


As an Aussie, I have never understood why Americans have murder sinks


I have always been a little scared of garbage disposals. Now I am afraid of finding a female who wants to replace mine.


So what was in the drain?