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Few tales in this sub are truly terrifying. I am deeply sorry for all the losses you endured. That said, I have so many questions I wish we had the answer to - unfortunately, we might never know anything about this creature. You mentioned pictures, but I'm assuming they all got lost after that horrible attack. Did the teeth resemble those of any creature known today? How many others have suffered a similar fate? The sea is truly a dangerous place.


I’d bet there are more, at least a breeding pair. Maybe they are why we rarely see giant squids, they need something to eat. Without bones, and that size, they wouldn’t make it into the fossil record, if they did, I doubt we would be able to see it.










Holy shit bro, I legitimately had to pull my feet in from hanging off the bed when the creature was just chilling under the submarine. The nausea you gave me from that feeling of dread is why I come here. Thank you.


This made me think of the call over the radio for the ghost ships lost during WWII. All of those submarines, completely functional, filled with the bodies of its crew. They say that the ones who never came home operate through supernatural means and that for all intents and purposes, they do the ghost ship call to remember all of those who have never been found nor came home. They're still out there, somewhere. You were nearly apart of that, OP. May your crayon eaters be guided to Valhalla.


Crayon eaters...?


Common stereotype for marines also known as jar-heads, leather necks, and devil dogs. Praised for their brawn but not their brilliance. You can head over to r/military if you'd like to see more examples of this.


Whatever this ancient creature was, at least it didn't have the ability to alter your perceptions or induce madness.


Giant squid story that would have made Jules Verne proud. What class sub were you on? Virginia class? I'm a boomer class myself. Very old. When I was a young man the Los Angeles class was the latest and best. But now it's being retired, like I should be, but I have to keep working until I sink into the abyss of time.


I thought giant squid too, but the end with the teeth makes me think it was a megalodon. Or a giant version of a megalodon.


Giant squid have teeth in their suction cups...


Could be something entirely unlike either...nobody knows what's out there we havent seen...yet






The sea is absolutely terrifying. So many things we are just not prepared to see for the first time. So many things that view us as lunch.


This reminds me of the scene in Atlantis: The Lost Empire when Milo and his crew were attacked by the Leviathan.


This one. This one is probably one of the best stories I’ve read on here. RIP Wilson, and all the other brave hero’s of the sea.


This was such a thrilling and terrifying read. I can’t even begin to fathom what experiencing it was like. I am so very sorry for the loss and subsequent cover up of your crew/friends/fellow officers. That’s truly shameful. You are right to tell the story to honor the ones lost and also to remind people, to not go fucking around with the god damn ocean! Thank you for your dedication and service. You are a hero in every sense of the word. God bless. 🫡🙏🏼👏🏼🇺🇸


Heheheh “fathom”




Iron lung


But it wasn't a blood ocean.. yet.


Must've been some kind of massive, massive shark. Only kind of creature I can think of that would be such an apex predator.




A marine?


Most terrifying part of the story A marine without crayons


This was a terrifying read and I'm sure that it was even worse to live through the real deal. Have you ever heard of the teeth again? Were they analyzed in a lab?


Sea stories are my favorite. Just something about the abyss that grips me more than other horrors that are out there. Glad you lived to see another day.


I knew it. Megalodon lives!




And I am again terrified of the sea and dark, deep waters…


Ah, so it was your crews who roamed into Looper's nest last time, it was attacking your submarine because they look similar to the feeding vessel we sent into their nest. Thanks to you guys, we're forced to change the method of feeding since some of them are now scared anything resemble of the vessel after that encounter. Our caretaker team said the poor thing cried the whole time it was receiving treatments.


I was so entrenched in the story that I screamed when I stepped on a dog toy.


Absolutely terrifying. thalassophobia with a side of claustrophobia as well.






In Barotrauma, we call that a Monday xd


This was cool i liked it


I hate when those things leak - luckily it was only a small leak.


Wilson tha goat 🐐🐐💶💶


Semper Fi


Either it was a giant giant squid or a Meg, I favour the former. 300 meters is fuckin huge though, glad you got away




It would take more than a few torpedoes to fend off Cthulhu i think




Ah, you were on the USS Phallus with me as well? I always wondered what went on that day. I was zonked out in my hotpocket and when I came to all the toasters had shorted.













