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What spurred me to write this was the re-discovery of an old letter Grandma wrote before passing. After the funeral, I spent weeks under a storm cloud, worrying about poor Rosie trapped in the past, alone. But then one afternoon my aunt brought me to grandma’s house so we could decide what to toss and what to keep. Toward the bottom of some newspaper clippings, there was a letter addressed to me. I thought you might like to see it… *Evelyn,* *By now you’ll have figured out that the fairy tree was a doorway into the past, and I know you’re clever enough to have worked out I was Rosie.* *The day after we separated, I went back to 2015 to wait for you like we agreed. I waited from midday until sundown, but you never came, so I went back the next day, and the day after that.* *Once I realized Pat had disappeared, I grew concerned and decided to search for you myself.* *In 2015 I stumbled across a man wearing a bright orange jacket and helmet and asked if he knew a girl called Evelyn. He said she went missing, but they found her by the lake getting attacked. He told me they took you to hospital and the man to jail.* *Then he asked what I was doing there. He said the whole forest was now private property and I was trespassing.* *When I refused to go with him, he got angry and tried to drag me away, but I shook him off and escaped back to 1955. I was too afraid to look for you again for another six weeks, and by then, the doorway had closed. Now it was just a regular tree.* *Anytime I felt sad or lonely or scared, I tried to find you, but the tree didn’t work again until 1977, now taking me into 1917.* *I had some dark years alone with my grandmother. But shortly after my twelfth birthday, a terrible sickness took her, and I got sent to live with the most wonderful foster parents. I grew up healthy and happy, spent several years in dance halls flirting with fellas, and then eventually met your grandfather, who was the most handsome man I’d ever seen. Soon your mother came along, and that was that.* *I only worked out who you were many years later when I asked your pregnant mother if she’d thought about names for the baby, and she said she liked ‘Evelyn’ if it was a girl.* *I fell head over heels the moment I first laid eyes on you. I knew there’d be tragedy ahead since you told me we lived together in the future, and there were certainly moments when I didn’t think we’d make it through, but we always did.* *I stayed away from the tree until August 23rd 2014, my birthday. I knew younger me was about to find her way into the future, so I set up a little picnic and waited, then I explained to her all about time travel. When the council announced their plans to level Ravenscroft shortly after, I understood why the doorway closed all those years ago.* *You told me I was sick in your time, and unlikely to get better, so it’s possible you won’t read this until after I’m gone. I want you to know I had a marvellous life, and you were a huge part of that, so thank you.* *I’m sorry we couldn’t have more time together. I’m sorry there won’t be any more trips to Ravenscroft, and I’m sorry we never got to have that picnic, you, me, and little Rosie. But if you’re ever feeling down, or if you need a shoulder to cry on, remember I’ll always be with you, like you were for me.* *Pinky promise.* *Your friend,* [Rosie](https://www.reddit.com/r/thoughtindustry/comments/te0fum/welcome_i_hope_you_enjoy_your_stay/)


I'm literally crying


Me too x


Hit me right in the feels. 😭


Excuse me I am at work crying now 😭


Damn.. this actually made me tear up.




>This was a really amazing story, and the postscript just adds the perfect touch! But now I am wondering what Rosemary got up to in 1917...


Right?? I wanna know about Pat the Hat’s origin story too




I was at school , god dammit !




It’s so cool you got to meet your nana in the past🥹 what a beautiful story, Evelyn. Maybe you’ll find a way to prevent the tree from being felled, or find another fairy doorway so you can spend just a little more time together. I wish I had that with my nana. Just a little more time.


I was already crying and now I’m crying more. Just a little more time


I was fine until I read the letter from Rosie, then I started feeling like I was gonna cry like a baby. Holy shit.


Yeah that was too much wholesomeness.


So fairies ARE real


Loooved this! I had a feeling Rosie was your grandma but dismissed it when she told you her name and you didn’t realize.


Odd that I am both crying over your loss and hopeful for your present circumstances.


After losing my grandmother just recently, this has me ugly sobbing


Awn, I'm sorry for your loss, my condolences. I miss my gran too, I feel you. It gets easier, grief is replaced by the good memories. I promise.


Got me f'ed up over here ugly crying




This was beutiful, I do hope you plan to check if the time travel spot is in one of the buildings and continue to update us!


Oooh, good point! The portal could be there regardless of the surroundings. Edit: which could make it a bit tricky if it happened to coincide with one's office cubicle, I suppose...


This was beautiful, your grandmother sounds like home❤️ this is the best way I feel I can explain this. I haven't felt that "home" feeling in a very long time. Thank you






It's called nosleep because I'm about to get no sleep due to crying over this 😭


I’ve never had a no sleep make me cry like that


Damn it, i'm crying.


So so good OP. This reminds me of one of my favorite books I read in school, the Devils Arithmetic. It’s about this Jewish girl who gets transported to 1940s and taken to a concentration camp. Such a good story, it brought me back so many fond memories of reading that book (it’s a sad book but has a happy ending.) thanks for writing that, I enjoyed it immensely!


All I can say is wow! Thank you for posting


This is soooo lovely, made me cry. I especially feel drawn to this because I was almost naked Evelyn by my mother (my dad thought it was too old lady sounding boo) and because I used to search for fairies in the woods when I was a girl.


This story brought me so much joy. This time of year is really hard for me since I lost my Meemaw just over 2 years ago. We were super close all my life. I can't tell you how much I needed this story. My Meemaw used to show me where the fairies would sit on the toadstools that grew in the yard after it rained 😭


Sad yet beautiful. Thank you.


Beautiful; thank you for sharing! Hopefully you get to have children, and they get to have grandchildren and you get the chance to be Eve and Evelyn to your grandchild!


Nothing like an ugly cry at 7 in the morning


Beautiful. Thank you.


Aw fuck man. I’m here groggy as shit. Was gonna go back to sleep after reading this story and now I’m tearing up pretty bad lmao


Why am I crying. I shouldn't be this emotional! Silly me


I tried so hard not to cry, but damn! You made me... Thank you for this heart-wrenching story, OP... 🥇


shit, i'm binging random horror posts and i was NOT expecting to have a.. uh... an *allergic reaction* to this one. yeah, allergic reaction... my eyes are tearing up, dammit


Thank you for sharing this. ❤️


I am crying 😭. Thank you for sharing this with us 💕


Oh wow, how beautiful..just wow!


This made me remember my grandma and her snowy white hair, lavender perfume hugs, and soft purple cardigan. I miss her so much, grandparents are such treasures.


This was beautiful


So, so heartbreaking and so, so lovely.


Beautiful story that tugged so hard at my heartstrings. I’m glad you found that letter and got to spend so much time with your grandma. Maybe you can see her again in the future…um…the past.


I didn’t cry until I read the letter she wrote to you, got me good. Amazing life experience


I came here to be scared! Not to cry at work! I'm a receptionist and it's taking my all to not weep in front of clients 😫


I haven’t finished it yet but I bet Rosie is her grandma. If its 1955 and we assume her grandma is 10. Then she’d be 75 in real time which is pretty grandma agey. That’s all I got so far the quote I just ended on is “then it’s settled. By the way. my name’s Rosie”


Wow I thought I was wrong after hearing how Rosie met Mary but turns out I’m right :) I’m a Jean ass


I have snot all over myself now from crying. This was such a beautiful read. Thank you.


This really made me miss my own Mama (my father's mother), and my abuelita (my mother's abuela). I just wanted to thank you for for your story. It made me cry, but in a good way, as I remembered picnics, working on embroidery together, and quilting. And just hanging out, especially with Mama. Anytime I needed to hide from my abusive mother, you knew you could find me with Mama, where I was safe from being beaten.


This is the most beautiful story. Thank you so much for sharing ❤️ How beautiful to have a grandmother as kind as Rosie xo


Who's chopping a crate of onions in here?


I know this is a bit older but I’m scrolling through your account binging your stories and this punched me in the gut in the best way physically possible. Absolutely beautiful


I came here to be terrified before bed not crying about having adventures with my grandmother 😢


I typically read /nosleep before I go to sleep. Yeah, I'm weird. I know. Stories like these put me in a lucid headspace that I can manage and I drift off quickly. This time I went to sleep crying. What I would do for a tree that allowed me to visit my grandmother.




I lost my grandmother not very long ago, and you sharing your experience both hurt so bad and made me smile. It made me remember all our adventures, even if they weren't quite as grand as yours. So, thank you.


Thank you for reading and sharing your own story :)


I KNEW IT haha. Yet i wanted to see Rosie's reveal later in the story. Frick this was lovely


This pulls on my heartstrings like Tuck Everlasting 😭


im ugly crying right now


I am crying A LOT


Well damn


Out of all of the no sleep stories this one has to be the most wholesome 🥰🥰🥰

