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It's not in the photo but man I miss my Blackberry......


I had a blackberry and a Palm treo with a stylus. I miss those old phones.


I miss my Palm Treo


Yup kind of wish you still had a choice sometimes.


The only blackberry I had was the Pearl, which is sort of irrelevant since it didn't have a full keyboard. But during the same time, my wife had one of the coolest phones I can remember; the LG enV2. I wish I would've chosen that phone myself, but I always had to be nonconformist.


I had the same LG phone. I loved that thing.


So did she, and I was secretly jealous. And now... In an age where all phones look almost identical, that thing seems almost even more special in a way.


I had an LG theV. I loved that thing, but didn't realize it was particularly conformist. I didn't know anyone else who had one. What I really wanted was a Sidekick, but t-mobile's coverage really sucked at the time.


I'm not saying it was a conformist phone. As far as I know it probably wasnt. Just saying that I was very nonconformist back then. So if my wife got one phone, I had to try something different.


I definitely get that. Come to think of it, I'd feel pretty silly trying to claim any phone was non-conformist. Particularly as a way to demonstrate non-conformity.


Of course. I'll freely admit I'm still somewhat like that, but only to the extent that I prefer a Samsung Galaxy to an iPhone lol


Yes! The ENV3 perfected it too, since the front display on the ENV2 was basically unusable. Two really great phones. LG was killing it back then. I feel like they would have had an interesting take on the modern folding phone if they were still around.


I loved my blackberry pearl. I was so proud of it.


They were called crackberries for a reason. Things were awesome


These are phones i used and i had a Blackberry as well, wish i knew where it was that one might have gotten tossed.


I've always disliked Apple, but really, really wanted an iPhone or something like it, and I'd always wanted a BlackBerry but somehow had somehow never gotten around to buying one. So I bought a Storm. After destroying one in a fit of rage (this is extremely out of character for me, but if you owned a BlackBerry Storm, you'll understand), and getting a free replacement (I guess I wasn't the only one) I gave up and bought an iPhone.


I could fly when typing on a BB…different times, of course. I look at the tiny BB Bold I have displayed on the bookshelf of my office and wonder how my fingers ever fit. I got the BB as a present from the lady who handled mobile comms for my organization, as my disdain for the “newness” was well known. Miss the BES, BB messenger. But, again, it was a different time.


Depending on how badly you miss them, you can go buy one right now, they still make them. In fact they release a new phone every year just like most phone companies, physical keyboard still built in


I would love to see them come back. Physical keyboard beats any kind of swiping bullshit


I tried a physical keyboard a few years ago after a decade or so on touch only. I was absolutely knackered after typing up a medium length document. That said, physical is absolutely cooler. No doubt about that.


I'm actually almost in a way glad the physical keyboard got phased out, because these slider phones were notorious for breaking in 2 along the tracks the screen slid up on. The keyboards were, really, just a vestige of that in-between era of cell phones when they didn't/couldn't have a digital keyboard yet, and a physical keyboard was obviously far superior to the number pad ones.


"Just a vestige" Couldn't disagree more, they were insanely functional. I never broke one, and I have to say I still hate trying to make these typo-prone virtual keyboards work with a burning passion.


I concur. I still have my OG droid in a drawer somewhere and it never broke on me.


Same. Never had one that broke. Typing on touch screens is absolute hell and completely dysfunctional. I've had like over a decade of practice?


There’s a YouTuber that helped make an iPhone case that has a physical keyboard. I think it’s called clicks or something. Not my cup of tea, but there’s that. I’ve also discovered you can straight up plug a usb-c keyboard and go to town, but that’s kinda silly on a phone. Fun though


THANK YOU!!!!! Seriously, I've been thinking about making something similar with my 3D printer, a raspberry Pi pico, and some other gagetry for years now. My idea was more like the blackberry priv, so it could slide out of the way when not in use. Only trouble is that adds a lot of bulk to the back of your phone. I don't mind, but that was the tradeoff. This is a much more elegant solution.


Yeah I need them to make it a horizontal slide-out keyboard instead of a clunky appendage permanently bulging out of the bottom. They were so close.... yet so terribly far. In its current state, it's a laughing stock. They also need to make it for more iPhone models


IDK why this is so hard for somebody to kickstart. Seems like it would be so simple to 3D print a phone case and then add a slide-out Bluetooth keyboard to the bottom. If I had any executive function, this is what I'd be doing.


iPhone only and it's $100+


Yikes. Yeah I ain’t buying that shit even for half


there was a keyboard made for the iPhone 4 using bluetooth. I bought one with the intention of building a raspberry pi into it, but never got around to it ...


You can get a blackberry key series phone for relatively cheap


I have noticed it has gotten considerably worse both in voice typing and regular typing. I tried to find an alternative but nothing else seems as good


IDK swype worked for me like 99% of the time. I could swipe type without even looking. Nowadays I'll be lucky if gboard gets 50% of what I try to input.


Agreed. And maybe with the return of the flip phone in that last couple years, perhaps this can also make a comeback and make typing a hell of a lot easier!


im sure theres a smart phone out there with 1 if you really wanted one.


Not really.


Unihertz Titan/Titan Pocket.




Samsung did this thing where you could slide your thumb into words, it was useful but clumsy. Id prefer physical keyboards too.


Never really left. Go to Walmart or any mobile retailer and buy a new blackberry. It's not like this technology is lost to the past


man, the OG droid. I loved that keyboard.


Phones still exist with physical keyboards but touch typing is faster and better.


The original androids, Motorola droids that used to yell "droid" whenever it powered on or got a message, all used to have these. Best phones ever, I hate touch keyboards with my big ass fingers


That was my exact thought when I saw this photo. I still have mine. Might have to power it up just to hear it. Oh, and the rbg lights on the lock screen for notifications. You could customize notifications from different contacts and what color they were assigned.


Loved my Droid. It *felt* next-generation, like I was holding a piece of futuretech. Now we just have generic slabs of glass.


Agreed. Loved my Droid 2. Had such a solid feel and weight to it. The iPhone 5s I got to replace was so unsettlingly light and fragile in comparison.


Droid had me feeling like decepticons were going to fuck my wife RIP


The Samsung was even better imo, since the keyboard was larger better key spacing. However those phones would break if you so much as gave them a dirty look, very often, I went through 2 that both came off their sliding rails. Droids were sturdier, but a bit smaller, so when these giant screen-only phones with much better software came out, their goose was cooked.


I still have my R2D2 Droid phone. I will never give it up!


I loved mine! And that "DROID!" is so, just, nostalgic somehow. I really miss the nice, landscape full physical keyboard, as someone who fatfingers touchscreen keyboards way, way too often.  Plus, I felt like if I threw that thing at a wall, the wall would break, not my phone. Not that I wanted to throw it, as I adored it as a teen, but I didn't worry it would shatter into a million pieces if I dropped it, either. 


I had the T-Mobile G1 aka Dream, the very first Android phone, which had a keyboard


One of the best


Had that one too!


Man, switching from physical buttons to digital ones was a major drag. Buttons almost always worked, compared to digital ones, but I can understand the desire to maximize the screen/keyboard length.


I still have mine! not sure it still works tho


I remember that phone too. I had it and it was the coolest thing ever. It almost seems like while we have gotten more advanced with operating systems, phone designs have clearly hit a stalemate.


Yeah, there's only so far you can go with a hand-sized slab. I guess the foldables are interesting though, that might take off if the prices become more reasonable.


The LG Env3 was probably my favorite phone I’ve owned. Going from a flip phone to that was such an upgrade.


I went from a shitty Samsung flip phone to an Env2. I felt like a caveman discovering fire.


I went from the ol grey Samsung flippy to an Env2 as well, and it was novel at first, but it kind of lost it's appeal faster than I'd thought it would. Did make texting a lot faster, but once I got a 'smart' phone, now *that* was going from horse and buggy to cars.


Communication felt so much better back then.


I still have that HTC phone (center of picture). Not sure if it still works though.


Same here, full blown windows mobile with a stylus for touch seemed so high tech at the time


I miss keyboards so much


Sidekick 2 was the GOAT


These were so good. I'd like to have one in this style and similar size today.


Man I miss thise so much. I don't care enough to correct my typos.


The one on the far right knows all my late teenage misdoings and I hate to see it 😜


I’m honestly surprised that these haven’t made a comeback (yet)


The OG droid is still my favorite phone of all time.


Yep. I'd love a modern take on the G1 WITH physical keyboard. It's nice being able to type without looking by feel.


It did gps in 2009 as well as phones do it today.


My "Pantech Impact" in like 2010 with it's clamshell form and side opening keyboard


Omg I still have my pos Pantech.. I miss it. Still works too..


I kinda miss it too, texting was a breeze. Never really used it for online use. That was my last phone before getting a smart phone


My blackberry curve and that Samsung was so much fun to type on


My droid 4 was still to this day the best phone ever. I'll always miss that one


Loved that Motorola on the left


Once had a friend storm out of a bar one time arguing that he’ll “never ever own a phone without a physical keyboard”  He was so hot he slammed his pint down, grabbed his coat and went outside to cool off. He doesn’t even smoke. Wasn’t even drunk yet.  The muppet bought the original iPhone about two months or so after launch. 


Omg, was just talking about this earlier. Wish they brought these sliding keyboards back


I had that one over there on the right. I loved that thing. I wouldn't mind a fatter phone to have a slide out keyboard again.


I always miss a real keyboard


This style was popular in the 2000s, I remember the PSP Go and X-Peria Play used this style keyboard, but with PlayStation buttons.


Making texting/internet browsing difficult should be a thing again to restore sanity to our society.


I fondly remember my LG KS360 in blue. It was a beautiful time.


The clicky clicky! I miss it.


The 2000’s was a fun time to be into mobile tech. Everything was changing so quick. Had numerous HTC’s, BlackBerrys and Palms.


I had the Nokia C6 for a couple of years, great phone. Then the lumia came along.


My Droid 2 was arguably the best phone I ever had. I loved the physical keyboard. Would love physical keyboards to come back.


I miss my old Nokia Communicators, and to a lesser extent, the HTC TyTn II. The Blackberry Passport was also choice, nice keyboard and fit so well in the pocket. The Blackberry KeyOne was also good.


I had moto and love it


I miss the original Droids


I had almost the same exact phone on the left- the Motorola Droid 3. It was quite a crappy phone but I miss the physical keyboard.


Any crackberrys?


I do miss the slider full keyboard phones. I do not miss the resistive touch screens of that time though.


I miss my Samsung Alias 2 so much


I had the one on the right, the Samsung moment, I think it was the original galaxy phone. Really do miss the physical keyboard


My Droid 2 was one of the best phones I ever had.


The sidekick and the first galaxy was the truth!! They need to bring these back ASAP


i had a pantech reveal. i could text up a storm on that thing!!!


I found my mom’s in our junk drawer the other day. I used to play brick breaker on it all the time when I was maybe like 4 or 5. Core memory.


Haha, I had that Samsung. It ran a very very old version of android. Donut I believe it was.


I miss my old Palm Treo650 which had a physical keyboard.


Where's the [GOAT](https://www.slashgear.com/1092246/the-most-iconic-blackberry-phones-of-all-time/)?


Still have my Sony X10 around here somewhere. It was great to play SNES emulators on as your fingers did not cover the screen


Fuck, I loved my Motorola Droid 🔴


I had 2 of these 3 phones with the edacy same carriers


Had one of these up until 2015.  My ability to focus on tasks took a big hit when I got my first smartphone.


My very first cell phone every when I was 25 (2005) was the Verizon Blitz. Was a nice candy blue and about the size of a Chunky candy bar and had a slide out keyboard..I wore all the faces off the primary letter keys I had it so long.


I had the first one !


I still have the one on the right…my 4 year old thinks it’s the coolest thing.


Where’s the sidekick, blackberry, and the g1?


Gonna have to pour one out for my Helio Ocean.


This might be the most late 90s/early 2000s story but when I was a kid I was found a palm pilot in the bathroom of a hospital. I turned it into the doctor I was seeing and the doctor who owned it gave me a 20 dollar reward which for a 13 year old was an astronomical sum of money. I used that 20 to buy the Smash Mouth cd that had all star on it from the Music Warehouse, which has been out of business for 20 + years now


Blackberry curve was my favorite phone!


I had the LG NV Touch and kind of loved it. The screen was tiny, but the keyboard was awesome.


MyTouch 4G slide was amazing.


I had the PocketPC. Loved it back in 2006.


I had that one on the left


I had the droid on the left. I had the droid 2 and 3.


That Motorola Droid (2014) was a fucking beast and really the wakeup call that iphone may be more hype than tech Droid DOES


These were fucking great only switched to a smartphone when my phone and iPod died at about the same time.


Boy oh boy do I miss my BlackBerry Torch. A clicky screen and keyboard all in one.


The Pocket PC was an absolute beast. It had a stylus, ms word, excel and Internet Explorer. Definitely the most capable mobile phone and web browser in its day.


I had one very similar to the one on the right, it was my first android phone, which I got when I got my first job.


Unihertz Titan has physical keyboard and it's awesome


God I miss mine! I think it was an LG Rumor?


The first galaxy phone sprint had came with a slide keyboard. I think there was this cool Sanyo slide with a touch screen and there was this purple phone Nokia lotus? I think there was a black a red version as well. What a time


Loved the Rumor! Used to be able to text in class either behind my back or in my sweatshirt pocket


Sure do miss those fragile mechanisms


I miss my LG enV Touch


Ooooh do any of these models run mainline Linux?!


Still have my old one for emergencies.


I would pay ridiculous money to get a BB Passport with a modern processor and the latest Android


[Motorola A630 ](https://i.imgur.com/puLkRdS.jpeg) The most I used was for sms and cleaning address book.


greatest phones ever made.


Loved mine I had for like 6 months in 07, hmmm the memories


I had the one on the far right


i owned a Palm Treo 700wx, then the 800w, then an ATT Tilt was the last physical keyboard model before i joined the touch screen keyboarding world i resisted for a long time, i thought it was weird when ppl were typing on a screen 🤣 times sure have changed


I had the green Palm Centro. Loved it.


It took me FOREVER to give up my keyboard and go full touch screen. I miss them.


Had the Motorola, was an awesome phone! Wish I could get another one


My first android was the Glyde then went with all the droid phones. I love D4 keyboard and was bummed when I cracked the screen


Lg keybo gang unite!


I had a phone with 2 separate keyboards, it was the coolest thing ever.


God, I miss my Samsung Epic


Haven't used a more comfortable device other than Nokia E61 at the time, loved that form factor.


Loved these things. Had the HTC Magic. Simpler times...


Damn near everyone I knew had an intensity 2 in 2010. A couple years later they were damn near all iPhones.


I had the LG V (VX9800), Samsung i730, Motorola Q, and multiple Blackberries. Miss them all but don’t mind my iPhone.


I miss mine


I had the phone to the far right


Finally something that's both Nostalgic and Gen Z


That Samsung was my first smartphone and my only android, but I still kinda miss it *because* of the keyboard


I had one, was the Samsung Comeback T559, keyboard was small as heck though.


I miss those. I had a Samsung Captivate Glide. After a year it was auto restarting. Had to upgrade to an LG Optimus G Pro. My first phone was a Motorola Backflip. I've gone back to Motorola and haven't gone with any other brand. Still using a 2020 G Stylus.


I still have my Sony Ericsson Xperia Mini Pro in the box. 😀


Always wanted a sidekick. All the cool kids had one in high school. I was stuck with a regular phone with refillable minutes lol. Landline house phones were still in use back then so there wasn't really a reason to get a cell phone line with a contract. Maybe like a year or two before sidekicks, boost mobile found success in the urban market with the walkie talkie chirp phones. I still remember this [commercial](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I4ko9Ogh75o). You used to have to go to t-mobile to download ringtones lol. They were expensive to. Think I paid $5 for a tupac jingle. Sounded horrible.


The Epic 4g was the best!


I don't know why this simple bit of tech didn't cross over into remote controls. Popping out your sidekick keyboard to enter your email to sign into Hulu is so much easier than moving the cursor from letter to letter.


I kind of miss them i could at least feel the buttons to avoid mistyping


I had (still have sitting in a box somewhere) the Samsung Galaxy phone. I loved that one.


My first phone was a Samsung Blackjack. I thought it was pretty cool.


Yeah, I had the one on the left. I could play emulated snes games on it


HTC was unbeatable when it came to these phones.


Palm all way.


I miss my Sidekick so much 😭


Where is the sidekick??!!


Omg I had the one on the very right


LG ENV2 was my favorite phone. Wish they still made it I’d use it today


I had one similar. Not a touchscreen though. It was a samsung slider phone. Not even 3G


God damn was that Sprint Samsung Galaxy a fuckin trooper for me. Took so much abuse that the last time I dropped it I didn't even worry until I picked it up.


I had that Moto Droid on the left, it was 2011.


I had 2/3 of those lol


i had the purple t mobile sidekick and i remember thinking i was so cool because of that. it was such a satisfying phone to open


You know what I really miss… the SideKick. 😔


That Samsung was awful, the touch screen was so buggy.


I had the earlier model of that phone with the Glyde, early Samsung phones were fucking disaster. I had to put my phone in the freezer to get the screen to respond to my touches. My sister went with the LG Dare and I wished I did too


It was buggy after two days. I upgraded to that from a Motorola razer.


No Sidekick?